Bismillah ar-Rahman ar- Rahim. "Em nome de Allah, o Clementíssimo,o Misericordiosíssimo"
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
acts between
To deal with the persons of a good way Allah ccsays to us several times in the Koran to observe the good customs in our relations with others. Don't enganate others brothers/sisters for to have some benefit. It is haram. Remember: Your father , mother, son, daughter , uncle, wife, husband, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, cousin.. EVERYTBODY ARE YOUR SISTER /BROTHER. WE ARE UMMAH. WE ARE ALL SISTERS AND BROTHERS, MUSLIMS, ELHAMDULILLAH.
What separate or do the difference is : the badness or goodnees in the heart, soul.
To enganate is Sheitan ( May Allah cc to refuge us from it) acts.
So, be direct. show the right way. Talk clear. Teach clear.
Don't pre-judge . Ask and help.
Help with what sister/brother need.. not with you wish.
Remember always "From Allah(c) we came , to Allah cc we will return, inshAllah.
And don't forget: we don't know when will be our last act , here , in this world. but, we know
that our Owner Allah cc will to ask about what we did/made, here, in our life, all acts done.
He says: " There should be maintained the pardon (Oh Muhammad), and they recommend the kindness and the back to that which they are ignorant ".... [Surah Al-raf `A: 199]
Allah cc says: " Hardly eo they hardly can be the same. Repel (evil) with which it is better. Then he, between which, and you had not been a hatred will be how if she was his friendly darling " [Surah Fussilat: 34].
The Prophet (peace is with him) is the perfect example of which it means to have good customs. Allah cc
says, describing it: " In fact you are of a great moral character. " [Surah Al-Qalam: 4]
The Prophet (peace is with him) emphasized which good manners are of abridgement importance for the Islam, when he said: ". I was not sent snag in order that [Musnad Ahmad (8952)] perfected the good manners " In fact, he tells us that good manners are leaves from the faith.
He said: ". The believers with the faith more complete are that what have the best manners " [Sunan al-Tirmidhi (1162) and Sunan Abi Daud (4682)]
Between the good manners that we should have cultivated is of being sensible in our relations with others and not to react quickly when they do what displeases us.
The Prophet (peace should be with him) said Ashajj `Abd Qays: " You have inside you two qualities which Allah cc loves: discernment and patience. " [Sahih Muslim (17)]
Monday, November 29, 2010
for ...
Never forget
More important than the appearance or age of the shell ... is the pearl that there lives ... because, only, the pearl has real value..
how much value your soul?
- By day I praised you and never knew it. By night I stayed with you and never knew it. I always thought that I was me... but no, I was you and never knew it.
Don't hide your heart but reveal it so that might know other too and learn what is capable for.
The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was . Lovers don't finally meet somewhere- they are in each other hearts by Allah cc the piety all along.
Oh Beloved, take me. Liberate my soul. Fill me with your love and release me from the two worlds. If I set my heart on anything but you let fire burn me from inside.
Be grateful for whatever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
>>> Please, don't broke my heart... you live there!
for ...
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
My dear hart never think you are better than others. Listen to their sorrows with compassion. If you want peace, don't harbor bad thoughts do not gossip and don't teach what you do not know..
We are pain and what cures pain, both. We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours. I want to hold you close like a lute, so that we can cry out with loving. Would you rather throw stones at a mirror? I am your mirror and here are the stones.
“The love that depends on colors and shapes of this world is by no means a true love; it finally ends up in disgrace”
true love don't mean budy or goods... true love are true love....from Allah'im
Sunday, November 28, 2010
our Allah please
Our Allah swt , today a special ask...Ya Rabby.. today my forgive. today my thankyou. Today i say help me. Today , more on day Allah'in.
please, our Owner.. care us about our needs, please. Only you see , only you hear, only you know .... Al Hadi Al Jabbar Al Rahim Al Fatatah Al Sami Al Basir Al ghafur al Muqit Al Mujib...
Al Nafi more one Dua, waitting only from You our sir Allah(swt) Al Nur in our life... more one time... give to us Your blessing... Al Muqaddin... forgive us about our mistakes... Help us to stay in the right way.. Please give to us authority from You for to care about we dont know... give to us Yours Angels and Saints for to show the right ways , to care about our acts. help families to be together, helpig each other, speaking always about everything, in good dialogue, for we mantain devil tools far from us... protecting us for those dont understand the importance of families , and from those who use ours weak to separate us, family by You , hearts...
Allah'in... you know ... Only you know.. so, i plead you for Allah (cc) .. a Glance from you to us.. and health, power, food , Victorious blessed and halal bussiness, and many blessings, victory to who is my blessed family from You to my life... Give protection on who is dears ones what are together in this mission by Yours Wills , their family, too, Allah (cc) our Sir of universe. Many thanks because we a muslim our Allah cc Amin
Allah'in... you know ... Only you know.. so, i plead you for Allah (cc) .. a Glance from you to us.. and health, power, food , Victorious blessed and halal bussiness, and many blessings, victory to who is my blessed family from You to my life... Give protection on who is dears ones what are together in this mission by Yours Wills , their family, too, Allah (cc) our Sir of universe. Many thanks because we a muslim our Allah cc Amin
Mistake and true
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatu'LLAH wa Baraketuhu.
The board is a must
All muslim should be a counselor for people with his/she own thoughts, if do so, he/she will give to other some advise, of course, when the other are looking for advise, and needing. Then, he will treat people in a way that helps them solve their problems.
As a result, the man turns into a person full of kindness to other people ( of course : who have merity or ...), being out of his/her selfishness, in the sense that he no longer think only of their own desires and needs, but also what he thinks of the people (as if into his/herself) in order to live a proper social life.
Therefore, she/he will no longer be an individual, but will be integrated into society, making it, safer for him/her and also directly to the people. But, this will be so, IF, and only IF, who are helping, do this without imposing on people, without to humility, it is, without make, who are needing , to feel like she/he was a nothing completely and who are helping are the best one.
Important to remember, always, that, to help is "never to leave'. Except, when it comes to the realization, of their interests and desires, whether in his/her individual life, or in their family life.
Was reported in certain traditions that the difference between the believer and the hypocrite is as follows: 'The believer does everything in accordance with Allah (swt) law, Sunna, Hadith, to his his family and/or mission ; while the hypocrite does in according with his own desire.'
The man must think of others as he thinks about himself and even more, Imam Al-Hassan Ibn Ali (ra) narrated to his mother, pure and infallible, the Lady of the World's Women, Sayyeda Fatima Az-Zahra (as) ,(MY BELOVED) , when seen at night praying for all men and women believers, not for herself, even if she were in a dire need, then he asked: 'Why do not you pray for yourself?' She said 'My son, the neighbors come before family members.'
All muslim should be a counselor for people with his/she own thoughts, if do so, he/she will give to other some advise, of course, when the other are looking for advise, and needing. Then, he will treat people in a way that helps them solve their problems.
As a result, the man turns into a person full of kindness to other people ( of course : who have merity or ...), being out of his/her selfishness, in the sense that he no longer think only of their own desires and needs, but also what he thinks of the people (as if into his/herself) in order to live a proper social life.
Therefore, she/he will no longer be an individual, but will be integrated into society, making it, safer for him/her and also directly to the people. But, this will be so, IF, and only IF, who are helping, do this without imposing on people, without to humility, it is, without make, who are needing , to feel like she/he was a nothing completely and who are helping are the best one.
Important to remember, always, that, to help is "never to leave'. Except, when it comes to the realization, of their interests and desires, whether in his/her individual life, or in their family life.
Was reported in certain traditions that the difference between the believer and the hypocrite is as follows: 'The believer does everything in accordance with Allah (swt) law, Sunna, Hadith, to his his family and/or mission ; while the hypocrite does in according with his own desire.'
The man must think of others as he thinks about himself and even more, Imam Al-Hassan Ibn Ali (ra) narrated to his mother, pure and infallible, the Lady of the World's Women, Sayyeda Fatima Az-Zahra (as) ,(MY BELOVED) , when seen at night praying for all men and women believers, not for herself, even if she were in a dire need, then he asked: 'Why do not you pray for yourself?' She said 'My son, the neighbors come before family members.'
Therefore, Islamic teachings have confirmed the concept of providing advice to people in all their subjects, as stated in a tradition: "Give advice to the creation of Allah (swt), for with Allah (swt) is better than this action" because of advice that you expressed widened his/her humanity, to all people, instead of attaching itself within itself. It was narrated in another tradition: "He who is the brother asks for advice, but he refuses to provide that advice, Allah (swt)will deprive him of his belief" in the sense that Allah (swt) will punish him in this world taking your opinion .
Simultaneously, the advisory is not the act of infidelity on the one hand, the person who advises people to get up and get closer to Allah cc and Allah cc will love it, on the other hand, Allah cc hates the person who deceives others and therefore will not be considered part of Islam's social, moral and spiritual sense. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "He/sh who deceives a Muslim, or prejudice, is not one of us." He (saas) also said: "He who cause fraud in the purchase and sale transactions to a Muslim is not a and we will be reunited on Judgment Day with the Jews because they are the ones who cheat the majority of Muslims. " He (saw) also said: "He who deceives his brother Muslim, Allah cc will not bless their livelihood, and he will ruin your life and leave him alone."
Hz Ali (ra), (beloved) reported: "Whoever deceives people into their religion - including teaching" the religion, that is not the right one - is contrary to Allah cc and His Messenger (saw). He (as) also said:" The greatest treason is betraying the nation and the most heinous fraud is to deceive the nation. "
AND THIS, IS SATAN ( DEVIL) WORK ( may Allah cc to refuge us from it).
But if is pleasure be Sheythan tools then:
Then be sheythan tools : Cheating person who Allah CC sent to you cae, be between a couple promoting separation, use Ayas or hadith for to promote badness to persons, teach that separation can be by emais or sms, do not care about partnership, use a persons as much you can ; left persons whe they need, do everything for to change ideas when see other that make yours eyes have pleasure from world., Do profanity, Being Arrogant, Being Careless, Not having Patience, Acting Superiority, not Dialogue, using false identity, Not Caring than AllahCC have sent for care; Do not respond with education and politeness, Blackmail, Not seeking understanding; and any characteristic of "MORAL AGGRESSION aND / OR pSYCHOLOGICAL, termed as bullying, healthy Crimes (haram) without forgiveness, because attitudes are lying, and lying is a sin without pardon.
We need have a big SHAME, when do mistakes.. and to have STRONG fear About Allah cc, when we do wrong acts from us to others. Don't forgetting, never, that our Allah(swt) look, hear , all about us. Starting, Including in our heart. our thoughts
Our Allah(cc) made, wrote all our life. So, each situation, each choice to us, are a big text, from Allah (swt ) to us.
Take care with the choice , all the time, living more near possible, like teach Sunna, , Kuran and Hadith.
Not to plan for persons, what you want.
Many people, advise others " they follow by a way ", but it is to protect ' others ", or when his/her own are defending selfish interests.
So, they make other persons wander, and manyyyy !!!!!!!!
they say:
And i am sure, to say : "..ohhh i am human, i can do mistakes..."
Of course this is true, but ...................................... DEPEND!!!
It is not sentence to who have fear about Allah cc, respect Allah cc, and recognize our owner Only One OWNER, CREATOR , ALLAH (SWT)
to say sentences like that, or to say " ohhh i can to modify my idea"... : Ya, everybody can d it, but............................DEPEND....
are not good to live inside of this thype of sentences/values , and big mistake, also maybe,this is work in your mind from the Devil ( May Allah swt to refuge us from it) , for to do / make you to be far from the right way.
Which heart have you? are not a stone. all hearts need be to Allah CC
Then Of course not so simple. so, to deceive others is to deceive your owner self, your soul.
And we know..... Devil work for muslims do mistakes when we are in the right way.
As i learnet with him, my beloved family: Never broke hearts and care your heart. ( he are wonderfull heart, also, elhamdulillah my family. i ask to Allah CC refuge us from Devil Soldiers, Evious one, inshAllah amin amin amin)
so, please, take care, many of the hearts, minds , eyes, ears.... and acts
Deception in the sale of meat.
In light of this, when we study the situation in which we live, we must realize that there are various types of fraud in the operations and acts of buying and selling. In front, there are people who say that the meat import may not be slaughtered according to Islamic Sharia, as it would be imported from countries that do not believe what Allah cc has commanded.
So these people tend to mix these animals killed illegally with Halal, and sell the end product as purely Halal. Even in Ad-Dahi (suburb south of Beirut), there are people who import meat from sources that are not reliable on its legality and its form of slaughter, and mix with halal meat, and can even mix them to all and sell them to customers as being pure. We tell these people that are condemned, as reported in the saying of the Prophet (SAW) and Imams, and remember a tradition that the Prophet said: "He who deceives us is not one of us." In this sense, we issued a fatwa legal says: "When you know that someone is deceiving people and selling unclean meat such as beef pure, then you are forced to boycott such a person, not just buy her meat that is said pure but but because she is actually deceiving Muslims and acting against the Islamic Sharia.
In a tradition of Imam Al-Baqir (as), which tells of the experiences of the Prophet (SAW) says: "He (saas) encountered a man who seemed to sell delicious food, then he praised the food. But he (saas) was inspired by Allah cc to put his hand inside the food and found that the food was rotten inside. So the Messenger of Allah said: "What you put there is nothing more than a sham and a betrayal of the Muslims." "He dismissed him as a traitor and a fraud for the Muslims, as the case of someone selling spoiled food there are cases of people who sell certain defective items suggesting that they are free from any defect, whether as a sale of an apartment, or any other item. This is considered an act of fraud, because a Muslim should not sell anything to anyone, except after recalling its faults and its good features, but if the seller does not point defects, the buyer has the right to cancel the entire operation and recover your money.
Another type of fraud can be practiced at weddings, for example, when someone asks your advice about a woman you know, and he wants to marry, or the groom is someone close to you and sought your advice about , then you cannot to hide the true, you cannot to say what you don't know, too, and you should not cover the defects and bad traits of any one of them because this will be considered an act of infidelity, and you will be liable for such act.
Another type of fraud can be committed during the elections, whether municipal, parliamentary, or in employment, and to be represented by someone who praises a particular candidate and lays them out on special features non-existent, and attempts to hide their failures. This type of cheating is out of line of the Islamic faith. Furthermore, during exams deception is forbidden, so nobody is allowed to cheat by giving an answer to the students, even if your colleague or your teacher, because it is a kind of cheating that angers Allah cc.
Morality in Islam
The Prophet (SAW) said: "I was sent to complete the moral sublime." If man thinks of resorting to fraud in order to earn more, he should keep in mind that Allah cc will never bless their livelihood. Islam is not only an act of prayer and fasting, but it is an act of honesty, integrity, and providing advice to the creations of Allah cc, and we have to take into account other life, as we do this: "The day the property does not serve, or children, except that which comes from Allah ccwith a heart free (from evil). "(26:88-89).
The reality of U.S. President
Perhaps the most dangerous result that came out of this summit is that it showed the enemy the U.S. presidential recognition of Jewish identity, giving Israel the opportunity to salute this achievement, and not giving anything to the Arabs than they demanded. As a result, American presidency has regained its real image, freeing the hands of the enemy in the construction and expansion of settlements, but they speak Arabic in the arenas of peace among all emerging at the expense of historical facts and future horizons. We believe that Obama has failed, as his predecessors when he tried to achieve personal goals to be registered as historic achievements, only to discover he can not confront the Zionist occupation in all its tenacity and brutality. So he decided that the easiest way is the pressure on the Arabs in order to "take concrete measures."
Perhaps the most dangerous result that came out of this summit is that it showed the enemy the U.S. presidential recognition of Jewish identity, giving Israel the opportunity to salute this achievement, and not giving anything to the Arabs than they demanded. As a result, American presidency has regained its real image, freeing the hands of the enemy in the construction and expansion of settlements, but they speak Arabic in the arenas of peace among all emerging at the expense of historical facts and future horizons. We believe that Obama has failed, as his predecessors when he tried to achieve personal goals to be registered as historic achievements, only to discover he can not confront the Zionist occupation in all its tenacity and brutality. So he decided that the easiest way is the pressure on the Arabs in order to "take concrete measures."
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. Thank HIM, HIM HE ask for help and ask for guidance. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, the One without associates. I pray to Him to save this testimony for the day when neither the money nor the children have no value.
Allah says in surat At The HIGHEST Taubah 119: "Believers, fear Allah and be with the truthful!" And testimony that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and messenger, the chosen among His creatures, made public the message, cared for what entrusted to him, advised the people to abolish injustice and tried his best for Allah 's(swt) sake.
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal The reported he had heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The believer can make any quality except treachery and lying." Dear brothers and dear to the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) know that it was true that by Allah, blessed be Allah cc created the heavens and the earth. AND Allah cc, praise, demanded that all people build their lives in absolute truth. If you say something, speak only the truth and act, act according to truth and good character.
Humanity is in a situation of chaos and uncertainty due to the abandonment of the principles of truth due to the field because of the illusions and the dissemination of lies thus removing it from the straight path.
Therefore it is necessary that the Muslim build your life on the foundations of truth, it is necessary that the truth is present in all aspects of your life to become the main feature of the Islamic nation. In Islam there is no room for illusions and assumptions and the Koran mocks those who follow their own conjectures.
Allah cc says in surat ANNAJIM: "Such (deities) are nothing more than names, with the
named, ye and your fathers, about what God has given you no authority whatsoever. They follow nothing but their own conjectures and the lusts of their souls, despite having come to them Guidance from their Lord! Nay, shall man have what he aspires to? Know that belongs only to Allah cc and this other life. "
Islam fought the lying and, in any shape or form, since those who practice it stain, cause harm to others and becomes a source of threat to society; about that A'isha (ra) reported that there was something more abhorrent to the Prophet Muhammad than the lie.
Islam taught the truth in trade relations. The Prophet said to that respect: "It is not permissible to sell a product without leaving everything very clear about it, nor is it permissible for someone who knows this product defects, omitted to mention them."
Therefore, tamper with weights and measures, saying that a product has some features in order to facilitate the business transaction, changing the origin of products for to enhance their commercial value, take advantage of the ignorance of others for profit, defame people, products and defraud documents that can put others,and theirself, soul, in dangerows, among other forms of lies are condemned by Islam ...
Dear brothers, lying, no matter how small, or even if it is applied as a joke is considered abominable. Please NEVER ENGANATE A BROTHER OR SISTER. THIS S COMMAND FROM OUR ALLAH(CC). DON'T DO/MAKE CONFUSION IN THE MIND OF THE SISTERS AND BROTHERS. AND, DON'T BE BETWEEN A COUPLE, DESTROYING A FAMILY AS A HAND FROM DEVIL IN A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Prophet said: "The believer will not achieve the highest degree of faith to abandon completely the same lie that is a joke, and in discussions even if the reason in its favor."
When the lie seeps into society the consequences can reach large dimensions causing injustice, moral and material losses, troubles and discord between individuals.
One day he was asked the Prophet (pbuh): "Verily, the believer can be a coward? He replied: Yes! Verily, the believer can be stingy? He replied: Yes! Verily, the believer can be a liar? He replied: No!
The coward can be in some situation, when a human cab be pressed, temporary. Stingy, some situation can make the human be so, temporary . But "LIE"... have not a motive that can to justify a lie.
Take care:
The person who lies to the other, is taking the other for the mistake, (things of the devil). So the other creature "will be lost from the right path."
Who lies, is "mistaken," are living a lie. fleeing from the path of Allah (swt)
The higher the damages that the lie is the cause, the greater the sin, therefore the greater the punishment and the punishment of Allah. So who convey a false and defamatory news and infuse it into society in order to take gigantic proportions, he is an ordinary member, agent, minister or even president in order to promote themselves be committing a sin equal proportion to the damage that your lie has caused.
"In this regard said the Prophet (pbuh):" he saw in the night that lit the skies a person put his fingers in his mouth and tear her cheeks repeatedly without stopping for the lie that he had done spread to reach the skyline. In another narration, the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Three types of people can not enter Heaven;
The adulterer, liar and poor leader proud. "
Dear brothers! The worst of the lies and slander that is committed against the religion of Allah and His Messenger against. He said Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "Lying about me is not like lie about anyone else, for those who lie about me has secured his seat in hell."
Dear brothers, Islam recommends that we be truthful with the children. In a narrative of Abd Allah Bin Amir (RAA) relates that his mother had called him when the Prophet was in his house. She said: Come here to give you something.
Then the Prophet (pbuh) asked him what this him? She replied: I gave him a date. He then said: Do not know who had given him something, he would have been computed as a lie? Look to the concern of the Prophet to tell the truth to children in household relations.
Dear brothers in conclusion just remember the following saying of the Prophet: "The truth leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise, to some that if a man tells the truth constantly, Allah will enter as the really truthful. Lying leads to fire, so if a man says always lies, Allah will enter as the hopelessly liar. "Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Ashraful Mursaleen
Allahumma Sali Ala Muhammad Aali Muhammad ua
We be to Allah (SW), help us, give us a good guideline for the benefit of Islam and Muslims, correcting our work, our intentions and our actions.
Thanks to ALLAH (SW) which is the only Allah (SW) of the universe.
That Allah (SW), accepted this job, giving us a good reward in this life and the Hereafter. Especially to people who preceded us in this work and served as mentors! Subhanna Allah! (Praise be to Allah (SW).
"O believers, respond to Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to salvation. And know that Allah between a man and his heart, and you shall be gathered before Him "8:24
Allah says in surat At The HIGHEST Taubah 119: "Believers, fear Allah and be with the truthful!" And testimony that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and messenger, the chosen among His creatures, made public the message, cared for what entrusted to him, advised the people to abolish injustice and tried his best for Allah 's(swt) sake.
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal The reported he had heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The believer can make any quality except treachery and lying." Dear brothers and dear to the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) know that it was true that by Allah, blessed be Allah cc created the heavens and the earth. AND Allah cc, praise, demanded that all people build their lives in absolute truth. If you say something, speak only the truth and act, act according to truth and good character.
Humanity is in a situation of chaos and uncertainty due to the abandonment of the principles of truth due to the field because of the illusions and the dissemination of lies thus removing it from the straight path.
Therefore it is necessary that the Muslim build your life on the foundations of truth, it is necessary that the truth is present in all aspects of your life to become the main feature of the Islamic nation. In Islam there is no room for illusions and assumptions and the Koran mocks those who follow their own conjectures.
Allah cc says in surat ANNAJIM: "Such (deities) are nothing more than names, with the
named, ye and your fathers, about what God has given you no authority whatsoever. They follow nothing but their own conjectures and the lusts of their souls, despite having come to them Guidance from their Lord! Nay, shall man have what he aspires to? Know that belongs only to Allah cc and this other life. "
Islam fought the lying and, in any shape or form, since those who practice it stain, cause harm to others and becomes a source of threat to society; about that A'isha (ra) reported that there was something more abhorrent to the Prophet Muhammad than the lie.
Islam taught the truth in trade relations. The Prophet said to that respect: "It is not permissible to sell a product without leaving everything very clear about it, nor is it permissible for someone who knows this product defects, omitted to mention them."
Therefore, tamper with weights and measures, saying that a product has some features in order to facilitate the business transaction, changing the origin of products for to enhance their commercial value, take advantage of the ignorance of others for profit, defame people, products and defraud documents that can put others,and theirself, soul, in dangerows, among other forms of lies are condemned by Islam ...
Dear brothers, lying, no matter how small, or even if it is applied as a joke is considered abominable. Please NEVER ENGANATE A BROTHER OR SISTER. THIS S COMMAND FROM OUR ALLAH(CC). DON'T DO/MAKE CONFUSION IN THE MIND OF THE SISTERS AND BROTHERS. AND, DON'T BE BETWEEN A COUPLE, DESTROYING A FAMILY AS A HAND FROM DEVIL IN A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Prophet said: "The believer will not achieve the highest degree of faith to abandon completely the same lie that is a joke, and in discussions even if the reason in its favor."
When the lie seeps into society the consequences can reach large dimensions causing injustice, moral and material losses, troubles and discord between individuals.
One day he was asked the Prophet (pbuh): "Verily, the believer can be a coward? He replied: Yes! Verily, the believer can be stingy? He replied: Yes! Verily, the believer can be a liar? He replied: No!
The coward can be in some situation, when a human cab be pressed, temporary. Stingy, some situation can make the human be so, temporary . But "LIE"... have not a motive that can to justify a lie.
Take care:
The person who lies to the other, is taking the other for the mistake, (things of the devil). So the other creature "will be lost from the right path."
Who lies, is "mistaken," are living a lie. fleeing from the path of Allah (swt)
The higher the damages that the lie is the cause, the greater the sin, therefore the greater the punishment and the punishment of Allah. So who convey a false and defamatory news and infuse it into society in order to take gigantic proportions, he is an ordinary member, agent, minister or even president in order to promote themselves be committing a sin equal proportion to the damage that your lie has caused.
"In this regard said the Prophet (pbuh):" he saw in the night that lit the skies a person put his fingers in his mouth and tear her cheeks repeatedly without stopping for the lie that he had done spread to reach the skyline. In another narration, the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Three types of people can not enter Heaven;
The adulterer, liar and poor leader proud. "
Dear brothers! The worst of the lies and slander that is committed against the religion of Allah and His Messenger against. He said Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "Lying about me is not like lie about anyone else, for those who lie about me has secured his seat in hell."
Dear brothers, Islam recommends that we be truthful with the children. In a narrative of Abd Allah Bin Amir (RAA) relates that his mother had called him when the Prophet was in his house. She said: Come here to give you something.
Then the Prophet (pbuh) asked him what this him? She replied: I gave him a date. He then said: Do not know who had given him something, he would have been computed as a lie? Look to the concern of the Prophet to tell the truth to children in household relations.
Dear brothers in conclusion just remember the following saying of the Prophet: "The truth leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise, to some that if a man tells the truth constantly, Allah will enter as the really truthful. Lying leads to fire, so if a man says always lies, Allah will enter as the hopelessly liar. "Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Ashraful Mursaleen
Allahumma Sali Ala Muhammad Aali Muhammad ua
We be to Allah (SW), help us, give us a good guideline for the benefit of Islam and Muslims, correcting our work, our intentions and our actions.
Thanks to ALLAH (SW) which is the only Allah (SW) of the universe.
That Allah (SW), accepted this job, giving us a good reward in this life and the Hereafter. Especially to people who preceded us in this work and served as mentors! Subhanna Allah! (Praise be to Allah (SW).
"O believers, respond to Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to salvation. And know that Allah between a man and his heart, and you shall be gathered before Him "8:24
The Big badness done from a Big Lie from the unbelievers, as sample on the world:
Therefore, due to what is happening in occupied Palestine from the many murders of Palestinians, its unfair trials, and the loss of their homes and lands, especially in Jerusalem, and also due to new expansions to accelerate the excavations around Jerusalem to build new settlements, plus new Zionist government approvals to build four or five housing units in settlements in the light of all these events, we believe that the issue is no more than a conspiracy in which Americans and Israelis play roles. This would eventually lead to death of the Palestinian cause in the hearts of politicians and details the steps in which the lamb is not allowed to leave the wolf's neck, right in the moment that the forfeiture of the entire case is declared.
The Big badness done from a Big Lie from the unbelievers, as sample on the world:
Therefore, due to what is happening in occupied Palestine from the many murders of Palestinians, its unfair trials, and the loss of their homes and lands, especially in Jerusalem, and also due to new expansions to accelerate the excavations around Jerusalem to build new settlements, plus new Zionist government approvals to build four or five housing units in settlements in the light of all these events, we believe that the issue is no more than a conspiracy in which Americans and Israelis play roles. This would eventually lead to death of the Palestinian cause in the hearts of politicians and details the steps in which the lamb is not allowed to leave the wolf's neck, right in the moment that the forfeiture of the entire case is declared.
If Clinging to the Resistance
We see the Palestinians that were abandoned and left alone to face their own fate, there are so many years, and, by since the Arab League are not taking any responsibility, and the Commission of Jerusalem is absent, doing all badness from Zionist minds , even at the level of issuing statements reporting to that there is no money, dedicated, to Arabic protect to the Palestinians ( our brothers and sisters) from Jerusalem badness ....
At a time, when billions of Arab finances, going to Western companies, to protect them from bankruptcy , leaving alone our Ummah , living in Palestine ...
We say to the oppressed and persecuted of the besieged Palestinian people, that are in hands of who are arrogant, and are in the axles by the occupying forces, you should maintain their efforts and strive to learn about their country and insist on embracing the cause and prevent the enemy from occupying their memories, mind, as well. You should know that all the people honored and dedicated on this side of the nation is with you and against oppression.
We see the Palestinians that were abandoned and left alone to face their own fate, there are so many years, and, by since the Arab League are not taking any responsibility, and the Commission of Jerusalem is absent, doing all badness from Zionist minds , even at the level of issuing statements reporting to that there is no money, dedicated, to Arabic protect to the Palestinians ( our brothers and sisters) from Jerusalem badness ....
At a time, when billions of Arab finances, going to Western companies, to protect them from bankruptcy , leaving alone our Ummah , living in Palestine ...
We say to the oppressed and persecuted of the besieged Palestinian people, that are in hands of who are arrogant, and are in the axles by the occupying forces, you should maintain their efforts and strive to learn about their country and insist on embracing the cause and prevent the enemy from occupying their memories, mind, as well. You should know that all the people honored and dedicated on this side of the nation is with you and against oppression.
But what we are doing for help then?
Justice from Allah cc will come soon. inshAllah, amin.
We must never forget this true:
"5:54] Oh believers, if you revert from your religion, then Allah will substitute in your place people whom Allah loves and who love Allah . They will be kind with the believers, stern with the disbelievers, and will strive in the cause of Allah without fear of any blame. Such is Allah 's blessing; Allah bestows it upon whomever Allah wills. Allah is Bounteous, Omniscient."
Mistakes all we do, and can be normal, if we , really don't know the true. But , to do some mistake, and prejudice other creature from Allah cc, because of our NEFS/DEVEL ( May our Allah CC to protect us from it) ... this is same to buy a ticket for go to Hell, in firstly class, in quick airplane .
So: Live with the true, because from the true, become the reality
“ The reality. What is the reality? And what will make you understand what it means the reality? ” (69:1-3)
Want answer? have no this register in your soul, in your heart?
so, please, read
"AL HÁCA" (The Reality) from 1 to 52 |
then , we must take care about our acts, ( being carefully if are broking hearts. making others suffer what we dont want that others do to us or to our childrem in the future . inshAllah amin)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
It was a morning of hot sun and blue sky when the humble coffin containing a body without life was lowered to the grave.
Whom does it the question be? Almost nobody knows.
Many people accompanying the coffin?
No. You punish a few persons.
Nobody cries.
Nobody will miss her.
Nobody to say goodbye or even soon.
Shortly afterwards that the body vacated the simple room of the asylum, where that woman had passed good part of his life, the girl responsible for the cleaning thought in a drawer beside the bed, some annotations.
They were annotations on the pain...
On the pain that someone felt because of having being left .... because of his choices, because of his long-suffering life .. for causes of...
Perhaps the suffering was much bigger, without the choices.
Oh! If they could how it is sad feel the pain of the desertion...
But I chose " Allah (cc)...
With this choice, Allah (cc) ordered the biggest present what someone can have: The TRUE FAMILY...
For short moment, I knew the " happiness ' "..
I thank Allah (cc) every day...
However, there is strength what we do not know..
They exist, mouths what they speak what they do not understand...
And I, here...
The days go by...
They want that I smile....
they are not here... dont know nothing...
they only believe in what they think or understand
.. but not here...
yes, the smile is a prayer...
but , my Allah(cc) , how can i being a hypocrite?
the hypocrisy is a sin...
then, I pray... Allah (cc) protects my family, from
all the hypocrites and cruelty... Bless my family
with your protection, please...
Help me helping them...
The hope feeds me, or I to food the hope, I do not know...
But I know: Allah (cc) says inside my heart...
However, here, the whole prejudice, for no reason of being ... I disregard..
For whom it is, together with the family, it is easy to criticize, to speak ... to express one's opinion ... and and to maintain far...
Nevertheless, Allah (cc) speaks in our hearts, and, the one who knows, one day, will speak in heart, of whom it does not understand ... and inshAllah, these persons, will be able to listen...
The important thing is my family, present of Allah (cc) .. for the one who chooses Allah (cc)... I thank my Allah (cc) and pray for my family, to have the protection ... and to be able to be with his family ... to be loved, taken care, respected..
But, now ... I here ... far...
How it will swallow this knot that insists in being in my throat, day after day?
All the tears what I cried were not sufficient to undo it.
I feel what the twilight of this existence brings near...
Sometimes, in my dreams, I see a lovely garden...
It is a different garden, which transcends the walls and which opens in ways in flower that take another reality, where affectionate arms wait for me with love and joy...
And in the way .. there my family is, side by side...
In the dream I can be nearby .. as well as in my hope..
But, when I wake up, it is my reality what I see...
what I survive ... what I feel...
How it will swallow this knot, which insists in being in my throat, day after day?
thankyou very much Allah(cc) my Sir... but, please, lets me to be near my family....
more one time...
And, please, give all protection to him...
and understandng enought for who say what dont know.. because they are not
You Allah(cc)
Thankyou for my life, the garden, dreams ... and family. amin
Reflexion : misunderstanding and prejudice..
Allah cc my owner, please, help us to have more understanding between us, your slaves, inside of our family, to help each to other be strong in our faith, showing , always the right way. Allah cc , Al Ali Al Hadi Al Jabbar, please, help us in this journey to have more care with who are by side us.
Please protect us from what doesn't recognized You, our Sir, Protect , please our ear, thoughts, words, eyes,"to look" and heart. Allah cc Sir of the all things , of the universe, please, give understanding , dialog , faith strong, peace , vitories to my family, from you. And help me,please in particular to stay, always on the right way, and be good muslimimam, amin.
Thakyou my Lord Allah CC Al Hadi bcs my family. forgive us, about all mistakes done, protect us from the ENVIES AND ENVIOUS, from the FITNA, please, from those who have, in their hearts, the vengeance, because ,Our Allah cc , they don't know You. Allah cc please protect the heart of my family...and please, that their family regnize his effort and help him to have peace for to care all us, who are needing him so much
Ya Raybby, please , give to Ummah the true love inside of our heart. inshAllah Allah cc amin
There are many persons who love the power, and rare others what has the power to love
There was a blind girl who hated herself because of being blind.
She hated everyone except her boyfriend!
One day she said she could see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. On a lucky day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her! Then her boyfriend asked her, "Now you can see, you marry me?
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind! She said: I'm sorry, but I can not marry you because you're blind! The boyfriend away from her in tears said: Please, just take good care of my eyes, they were very important to me ...
Never look down on those who love you! Sometimes people make certain sacrifices and we don't turn, don't know, don't care about.
In the same sense, daily pay to judge very often can be fatal, since while learning about this fact, the wrapped will be able to break definitely the knots of affection, so much as regards his/her personal life how much forever, bringing damages very often irreparable.
A woodsman woke up every morning at 6 am and worked all day cutting wood, only stopping late at night. He had a beautiful son a few months and a fox, her friend, treated like pet pussy and his complete confidence. Every day, the woodcutter - Who was a widower - was going to work and left the fox looking after the baby. By evening, Fox was happy with his arrival.Don't look the facts with the eyes or with words by others........... we are not Allah(cc). The persons
Systematically, the neighbors, friends and family, woodcutter's warned that the fox was a wild animal, and therefore was not reliable. When you feel hungry eat the child. The woodcutter said that was a big nonsense, since the fox was his friend and would never do that. Neighbors insisted: Woodman, open your eyes! The fox will eat your child. When she goes hungry devour her child!
One day, the woodcutter, exhausted from work and tired of these comments came the house and saw the fox smiling as always, with totally bloody mouth. The woodcutter sweat cold, and without thinking twice, gave a blow to head Fox. The fox was killed instantly.
Desperate, he ran in the room. He found his son in the crib, sleeping quietly, and, beside the cradle, a huge dead snake.
are not what our eyes can to see. think about.
Pre-trial: a sin!
The pre-trial is one of the most pernicious attitudes that humans can possibly have, therefore anticipate a truly making a pre-trial may be harmful, and very often has consequences and "sequels" irreversible.
In the same vein, pre-judging can often be fatal, because upon learning this fact, the involved could finally break the bonds of affection, both in terms of their personal and professional life, causing often irreparable damage.
Is very important to become aware and always think that the life needs and values people with typical characteristics such as transparency, ethics, honesty. Are also welcome people who can collaborate, share, relate and work in teams, people who donate to actually work towards in fact, not wasting time with ugly acts. A thoughtless dismissal based solely on prior judgments, the act is so damaging as the actual pre-trial. Such attitudes serve to tarnish the image , which will compromise with the life, so those who crave stability in the life should be aware of your attitudes and behaviors, because these are the two pillars that sustain and / or dismiss and even exclude the same.
The theme, however, raises the importance of remembering that any pre-trial, as the name implies, is a precondition, held prior to the finding of truth-telling of the facts. Thus, it is pure speculation, not, only, from mere hasty deductions, which may contain numerous failures due to no real knowledge of experienced fact, quite away from the truth.
It is worth noting that many times the obstacles and all the existential confusion about the pre-trial, there are only the head of the pre-judging, not from 'storms into cups of water, "which allows the pre-judging only suffer in advance and make decisions "wrong."
This time, it is indisputable that the person is being prejudged, while aware of the pre-trial should have much wisdom and emotional balance to make a reflection on the event and people involved also, the condition. You should check this fact calmly, having emotional control over what they think and verbalize, thereby avoiding making new pre-judgments. Also, must score what value the pre-judging it to you, as well as for your company, and the wisdom and greatness of overlook this fact in view of the benefits arising from that employee at any given time prior to this fact.
Anyway, the best way for don't do the pre-trial is to always maintain a transparent behavior, which together with humility, empathy, respect for others, always have with others around an open and frank dialogue, in this way, all to clarify the facts, everything is solved, because it recognizes the possible mistakes and successes, and then return to a harmonious atmosphere, preventing future wear and tear, such attitudes contribute to the improvement of productivity, because only Allah(cc) know everything , the real motives.
It is crucial to realize that pointing fingers at others is too easy, difficult is putting yourself in the other, trying to find out the reasons and motives that led him to pursue such actions. So before making a pre-trial and / or condemn someone, we have to think and rethink a lot, besides maintaining a transparent dialogue with the stakeholder.
It is indisputable fact that pre-trial, and did not receive any of the parties - the accused and accuser - is always harmful, and mostly unfair, due to the fact that we still do not have the knowledge to light the truth of facts and based only on assumptions and prior judgments.
To be struck, however, the fact is that people ignore the fact that, whoever, is with her/his feet on the ground is subject to all. Every persons must look elsewhere. If today you pre-judge someone in the life, this person maybe tomorrow important to your life at another time, so many turns to give life, because Allah(cc) wrote all way, and again, need to say: we are not Allah(cc) , so that, we don't know our "tomorrow". Thus, every care is scarce. Thus proceeding, we must monitor our behaviors, attitudes, and especially our speech, to prevent further disturbances in our personal, also, professonal life.
It's a big mistake to think that we will be in the "podium" forever. Worse is to have the illusion to imagine that just by being in the "podium", we have the right to pre-judge someone. Ironic mistake.
* tells the truth, even that is against you. (Koran) Before beginning to criticize the defects of others, it enumerates at least ten of yours.
* * you Must appreciate the affection of the truthful who loves you with the truth, which takes the risk of provoking yours hatred while attracting your attention for your weaknesses and lacks; so we are all so frivolous that we only realize qualities in us ourselves and only we like hearing praises. So our imperfections seen by all, are for us ignored and they accompany us up to the end of the life. And nine in ten, we hate the one who in - las reveals, even with the intention of benefiting us.
to think:
Censor the person in individual and praises them in public.
The number of persons that can benefit us is very small. But almost any one can damage us. Then, give values to the one who " takes risks " for ... to be with you.
Try to be a valuable person instead of trying to be a person of success. The success, reality, will happen when you to have value.
If you cannot be the Sun, be a planet, but never stop radiating the light that lives in his heart.
It gathers the roses while they are alive; tomorrow they will not be like today.
Allah cc my owner, please, help us to have more understanding between us, your slaves, inside of our family, to help each to other be strong in our faith, showing , always the right way. Allah cc , Al Ali Al Hadi Al Jabbar, please, help us in this journey to have more care with who are by side us.
Please protect us from what doesn't recognized You, our Sir, Protect , please our ear, thoughts, words, eyes,"to look" and heart. Allah cc Sir of the all things , of the universe, please, give understanding , dialog , faith strong, peace , vitories to my family, from you. And help me,please in particular to stay, always on the right way, and be good muslimimam, amin. Thakyou my Lord Allah CC Al Hadi bcs my family. forgive us, about all mistakes done, protect us from the ENVIES AND ENVIOUS, from the FITNA, please, from those who have, in their hearts, the vengeance, because ,Our Allah cc , they don't know You. Allah cc please protect the heart of my family...and please, that their family regnize his effort and help him to have peace for to care all us, who are needing him so much
Ya Raybby, please , give to Ummah the true love inside of our heart. inshAllah Allah cc amin
it is to brothers, who got wife from Allah (swt) and because the eyes and Devil work, wished, leave she alone.
when the difficult install between a couple, keep in Allah (swt), claim the Piety.
A man was visiting a wise counselor and told him I was going through many difficulties in their marriage. He told her that they no longer loved his wife and he thought of separation ...The sage listened to him, looked him in the eye and said: Love it! But I feel nothing for her! Replied the man. Love it! I told him again the wise.
Given the confusion of man, after a brief silence, the wise man said: "love is a decision, it is dedication and commitment, action is ...
Therefore, to love one must only make a decision.
When you decide to grow a garden, you know that it is necessary to prepare the ground, sowing seeds, watering, wait for the germination and flowering. Also, the flowers are wonderfull and necessary, and we dont look age or type, we just need to look which flower Allah cc sent to us to care, understanding that, in this world have and will have a lot of others type flowers, some more beautifull for our eyes and not for anothers eyes. but, for who respect Allah cc will understand that Allah cc always will sent to us what WE NEED, and not what we wish for care our NEFS. Also, it need you, share same faith, believer, and need you for to grown near with you care. It recognize Allah cc, because of your help , because of Allah cc made so, because it need to care you , her duty . So, care it! Make your garden be wonderfull and send value to your flower, because are special, Allah cc made for you, for to care about yours needs in this world.
You know there will be pests, weeds, times of drought or excessive rain, but if you're intent on having a beautiful garden, never give up, even with major difficulties.
So too at Love Field. It takes dedication, care, wait.
So if you want to cultivate the flowers of affection, devote yourself for this. Change you, inside you. And, Love , take it, treasure it, respect it, give affection and love, admire it and understand it ...
Animals have no this choice, but Allah'(cc) make us with enough capacity for understanding that: this life is to us to do everything for to live in the right way, and to be far from Nefs. This mean , too, decision, choice, need be in right way, because this for many persons, who don't are not easy, because don't want to have work with what is right . But, think.. Plant your garden, here, for to have flowers in your way to another life.
here we can remember that a brother can have more than one sister have only one Who Allah CC gave to she .. of course have some wrongs when the choise are bcs of , only beautifull or pleasure of the world.. are not a engajament bcs of the piety together.. and have sisters that have fully family for care she, but , be back of married brothers or for pleasures, only .
...but, need remember, always:
Allah(cc) don't will ask about buddy , wishes, but, about your acts: To love is a decision.
That is all ...
Just love!
Love (piety) is the law of life. If there was no love nothing would make sense.
Seek then meditate on what we have and what we have on who we are and who we are not, about what we do and we do not do, keeping the conviction that without the presence of love in what we have, in and what we do, we are immensely poor, deeply poor, devitalized.
Intelligence without love makes us wicked.
Justice without love makes us insensitive and vindictive.
Diplomacy without love makes us hypocrites.
Success without love makes us arrogant.
Wealth without love makes us greedy.
Poverty without love makes us proud.
Beauty without love makes us look ridiculous.
The authority without love makes us tyrants.
Work without love makes us slaves.
Simplicity without love in depreciates.
Prayer without love makes us calculating.
Law without love, enslaves us.
Politics without love makes us selfish.
Faith without love makes us fanatics.
The life without love becomes torture.
Life without love ... Well, no love life has no meaning ...
The flowers spread aroma in the beds are messengers of love of Allah speaking in the gardens ...
The birds that chirp in the meadows and singing in the branches are the presence of the love of Allah showing up in the nest ...
The giant waves which burst on the beaches, show Allah's love aggrandizing themselves at sea as far as the trickle of clear water singing, kissing the face of the rock, decant the love of Allah, flowing smoothly through the slot simple.
The beast that roars in the jungle, as the stars that revolve in the amplitude, praise the divine love, while speaking of the chain that unites the people and things from the house of Allah.
The child smiled happily as the one who cries in the mother's breast or in a hospital bed, also reflect the love distending hope, giving opportunities to the spirits, as Allah's gifts.
The wise man, by the knowledge that her mighty brain, and one that ennobles the work of the good, the light that emanates from the depths, show the love of Allah, to lift his/her life.
These and other facets of love, is that make a meaningful life.
And, please, don't be a hand of the devil, separating couples; respect the love .. help the love. Be a soldier from Allah CC ... helping any form of love, to prosper, but before, do this inside of you. Remembering that the love is 'only one"... we know it with the name : " piety ".
SO, BE SURE : TO LOVE, with the true love, from Allah cc, WHO LOVE YOU IS THE BEST DECISION. ALSO, A SIMPLE DECISION (this is to the brothers who got from Allah CC a partner for the life, and never leave a wive if will get another, be honesttly, respect , fear Allah CC .... Allah CC knows our tomorrow.... we know nothing; Allah CC knows the best . And sisters , must dont be adevil hand between a couple... if he are or was married.. help this family be joined...
and , all sisters, sincere muslim know what we say here: chose the single brother for your live...dont do to the other what yyou dont want for your live or for the live of your relatives dears )
Ya Rabby, please Al Hadi, protect my family, help to reach, to hold.. protect us from those dont know what is true love from you..
please Al Nur, protect us from those do badness trying to separate this family... Only you know Allah CC.. bcs this family is from you a blessing to a orphan in this dunya... i love you so much Allah cc... many thanks bcs of my family...are who are, elhamdulillah. inshAllah amin
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
sorrow and gratitude
I sit this land without collor bcs of you are not near.. the rain go out from my eyes in biggest tears... missing you.. needing have some rest in your arms..see your eyes and to thanks with smiles..and the peace from your soul , the faith from your heart, back to my life... this life where the shawders without the light of Your eyes on me...make too many fears... and world withou you do not give peace ...
i fight every day..for to bcs of You , with this world ... and duas are all about You ... be protected... AllahCC Al Wali Al Jabbar be continuous with You... Dreams that is reality...i need see , be with you, family by Allah CC... to this orphan who the world had not piety..but AllahCC had and made You... the cowrage the hero...the light..
looking at the sky ... this vastness, present of Allah (cc) end of the afternoon, one more day ends ... pain ... you were not there..
where are the moon, which you showed to me, the sky what were presented to me..
your words what teaches me about life (?)...
I thank Allah (cc) because of maintaining knots, living creatures .. there is the hope, of seeing the glance ... to hear your voice...
I see the clouds ... you star, what appear..
The sun is going...
oh .. since I wanted to be there.. Allah (cc) will be able to see The sun you...
To illuminate your eyes, your face .. to see your smile .. a blessing from Allah cc to all who can to see, to hear, to divide...
Then I pray for Allah (cc), what grants to you the prettiest smile, the most cheerful day, every day..
illuminating the life, of all, what it has this blessing from Allah (cc): they can see you, hear his voice .. to have his fondness...
I ask for Allah (cc), one more day...
one more day, so that I can reach, finally, your eyes looking to mine... teaching the life for truste way
mine ear hearing your voice...
And, joined, to pray, in our Sallah, thanking Allah (cc) because of being, you, my family...
And i ask to Allah cc give to you all blessing over you , as a rain on the garden... for we can to see your smile from the victories ... same the flowers growing in a strong tree..
Allah cc please, lets to see the moon from the same space... and to do the sallah together showing our gratitude bcs of 'more one day"...
Thank you Allah (cc) ... for one more day...
excuse me for the sadness... But, only ..our Sir knows .. our feelings and necessities...
And also what have ... Allah'in, thanks.. for more one day..
"Give me your hand for to hold me in foot, with honor and I do not mind the distance to be traveled. "
"Give me your hand for to hold me in foot, with honor and I do not mind the distance to be traveled. "
I'm tired, Rabby!
Neither knew what to say.
My day is almost ended!
I did my best, but still left some unfulfilled dreams and unfinished projects.
Neither knew what to ask for tomorrow.
Maybe longer, so a little more time,
to accomplish all that I still want
everything still dream, everything was getting on time
The truth is that I want to sleep by side, I want silence, peace and dreams become true!
I want a night of stars and dotted the eyes of the soul
wide open to see Thy divine mystery...
I would also at least one angel to sing .. and delight!
My dreams are those who dream awake
and that already don't even know the difference between dreams and reality.
same one year ago, my Allah...
Realize them by force of its power Oh Allah , please
Today , and every day, ony you know what we hide, inside us..
tears , fears, sadden, sorrows...
the cause of our attitudes, very often " ignorance "...
I need Pardon Allah (cc)...
I know my limitations and I know I could not
give attention to so many that I find in my pilgrimage.
Please see what each one of mine is needing.
Thankyou for the sun to shine ever put in our eyes,
Tahkyou for my family, from you a blessing... even far.. i know
that is blessing from you.. thankyou for his eyes ..
But perhaps there is still a dark corner struggled to be visited, inside us ...
Please I beg you, transform into light, every sad moment in our lives
I ask this to my only one family, from you, also to ummah,
and who are my enemies too, if have...
because if I have, I don't know who are they,
because no such feeling enters my heart..
Please give to this family the joy of a visit particular
at the appropriate time in the place chosen, the way is better:
a new inspiration, a bright idea, a loving relative or friend,
an answer to a prayer ... after all believe that we are all
much loved by You Our owner Allah!
Thanks Allah(cc) , about everything, in advance!
Insha'Allah. Amin
I'm tired, Rabby!
Neither knew what to say.
My day is almost ended!
I did my best, but still left some unfulfilled dreams and unfinished projects.
Neither knew what to ask for tomorrow.
Maybe longer, so a little more time,
to accomplish all that I still want
everything still dream, everything was getting on time
The truth is that I want to sleep by side, I want silence, peace and dreams become true!
I want a night of stars and dotted the eyes of the soul
wide open to see Thy divine mystery...
I would also at least one angel to sing .. and delight!
My dreams are those who dream awake
and that already don't even know the difference between dreams and reality.
same one year ago, my Allah...
Realize them by force of its power Oh Allah , please
Today , and every day, ony you know what we hide, inside us..
tears , fears, sadden, sorrows...
the cause of our attitudes, very often " ignorance "...
I need Pardon Allah (cc)...
I know my limitations and I know I could not
give attention to so many that I find in my pilgrimage.
Please see what each one of mine is needing.
Thankyou for the sun to shine ever put in our eyes,
Tahkyou for my family, from you a blessing... even far.. i know
that is blessing from you.. thankyou for his eyes ..
But perhaps there is still a dark corner struggled to be visited, inside us ...
Please I beg you, transform into light, every sad moment in our lives
I ask this to my only one family, from you, also to ummah,
and who are my enemies too, if have...
because if I have, I don't know who are they,
because no such feeling enters my heart..
Please give to this family the joy of a visit particular
at the appropriate time in the place chosen, the way is better:
a new inspiration, a bright idea, a loving relative or friend,
an answer to a prayer ... after all believe that we are all
much loved by You Our owner Allah!
Thanks Allah(cc) , about everything, in advance!
Insha'Allah. Amin
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Allahumme Salli Ala Seyidena Muhammed سامي يوسف
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammad abdike and Resulike and alel'muminine vel'muminati vel'muslimati vel'muslimine.
Sallam said PROPHET
Meaning: Almighty Allah, let him salute salatu.
ALLAHumme Salli ala ala ali Muhammad and Muhammad
Meaning: ALLAH! (Prophet) Muhammad e and aline (evladu iyaline) entertain mercy.
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad and ala Alih and sahbihi and sellim
Meaning: O ALLAH! Muhammad, Muhammad büyüğümüz, evladu iyaline, entertain his companions salatu greetings. (Mercy meat, selametlik ver.)
Salli Ala Muhammad and enzilhul'muk'adel'mukarrabe yevmel'kıyameti ALLAHumme index.
Meaning: O Allah! Hz. Hi Muhammad Salatu meat, and place it close to you on the day of Judgement (bureau-i Mahmut'a) download.
Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad and devaiha ALLAHumme tıbbil'kulubi and afiyetil, abdani and şifaiha and nuril'ebsari and ziyaiha and ala Alih and sahbihi and sellim.
Meaning: O ALLAH! The doctor and the cure for their hearts, their bodies heal, ziyası eyes and the light of Muhammad (saws) and his companions salatu hi aline entertain.
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad and sellim and bar and ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad bi'adedi loops
Meaning:O God! Master Hz. Muhammad (saws) and master Muhammad (saws) aline endless and blessed bestowed upon salatu entertain many copies of the science.
Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad ALLAHumme mahtelefel-melevani and teakabel-asarani and kerraral-cedidani vestekbelel-ferkadani and belliğ ruhahu and ervaha ahl-i-tahiyyete vesselame beytihi minnat verham and bar, and peace and aleyhim teslimen sellim kesira kesiran.
Meaning: Melevan ALLAH, by hanging, as long as the Lord continues to the stars cedidan and ferkadan Muhammad (saws) entertain blessings and greetings. His respect and greetings from us and deliver the spirit of the Ahl al-Bayt.
Salli ala ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad and Muhammad ALLAHumme and Adam and Abraham and Moses and Jesus and ma beynehum Nuhin and vel'murselin minen'nebiyyine. Selamuhu aleyhim Salevatullahi and ECMA.
Meaning: ALLAH! Muhammad 'e (S), Hz.Adem, Hz.Nuh, Hz.İbrahim, Jesus (ASV) and one of them (all come in the past), the prophets, God's mercy bestowed entertain.
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammad abdike and Resulike and alel'muminine vel'muminati vel'muslimati vel'muslimine.
Meaning: ALLAH! servant and His Messenger Muhammad e salat (Mercy) meat. Believers are men and women, Muslim men and women to entertain compassion.
Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Ruhi ALLAHumme fil'ervahi and Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad fil'ecsadi body and Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad filkuburi grave. ALLAHhumme belliğ tehiyyeten and selama minni.
Meaning: O ALLAH! The spirits in the spirit of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, in the body of Muhammad (ASV), the corpse, in graves Muhammad (ASV) greetings salatu entertain grave. God, hello my dear Prophet. Muhammad (ASV) in the spirit of the saint at the entertain (deliver).
ALLAHumme Salli ala ala Muhammad and Abraham salleyte ezvacihi and zurriyetihi KEMA, KEMA zurriyetihi barekte and bar ala ala Muhammad and Abraham and ezvacihi inneke mecid hamidun.
Meaning: O ALLAH! Muhammad and the descendants have mercy on your e zevcelerine meat. Hz.İbrahime mercy as you. Muhammad 'e, zevcelerine and give blessings descendants. Hz. As the blessings you gave to Abraham. True that, you, Hamid (Öğülmüş you're alone), Majid (You own glory and honor).
Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad and Alih and selleme Allâhümme alimte cum up,
Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad and Alih and ornaments Allâhümme selleme alimte mÂ,
Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad and Alih and selleme Mil Allâhümme alimte cum.
Meaning: Salavat-I have HIZIR Menâhicil İbad book. Alleyhisselâm Knight 's story is said to become a drill of some saint.
ALLAHumme Salli ala ala ali Muhammad, and Muhammad, Abraham and ala ala ali Ibrahim salleyte KEMA. Mecid İnneke hamidun.
Meaning: (O Allah, Muhammad Aline e and blessings of His flesh. Hz. Ibrahim (AS) 's blessings as you grace and honor. No doubt, you Hamid, (Öğülmüş you're alone), Majid (owner of Voice and honor You're alone)
Ala ala Muhammad and Ali Muhammad ALLAHumme Barik, KEMA barekte Abraham and ala ala ali Ibrahim, İnneke mecid hamidun.
Meaning: (O Allah, Muhammad and His Aline blessed to entertain. Hz. Ibrahim (AS) as a grace and honor to eylediğin blessed. No doubt, you Hamid, (Öğülmüş you're alone), Majid (owner of Voice and honor You're alone)
salaten tüncina
Salli Allâhumme Sayyidina Muhammad and superb superb Sayyidina Muhammad Al-i min cemîil'ehvâli vel'âfât salâten tuncînâ Bihan. And takdîlenâ cemîal'hâcât Bihan. And tutahhiruna, Bihan cemîis'seyyiât min. And terfeunâ âledderacât Bihan. And tubelliğunâ eksal'ğâyât Bihan, and bâdel'memât fil'hayati cemî'ilhayrâti min. Hasbunallâhu and nî'mel proxy, and nî'men'nasîr nî'mel Mevlan.
Meaning: O Allah! Bless our Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad (saws) aline (and the ummah) that entertain such a salatu greetings, greeting us with any concerns that salatu, fears, disasters, preservation entertain. Salatu bestowed upon it to entertain all hacetlerimizi. He temizke blessings with us from all evil. He us with the highest degrees up the blessings. The most recent to their goals, deliver the highest authority with us. O blessings with us all the goodness of life and death we then kavuştur. Almighty Allah swt , Suffice.ALLAH SWT The Best proxy, Protective and what HELP.
Salat-ı Tefriciye - Salat Nariye
Salli Allâhumme salâten kâmileten and superb Sayyidina Muhammedinillezi tenhallu bihil'ukadu sellim selâmen Tammen, and tenfericu bihil'kurabu, vetukdâ bihil'havâicu, and tunâlu bihir'regâibu, and husnul'havâtimi, and yusteskal'ğamâmu bivechihil'kerimi and superb Alih and sahbihî Number of universal universal mâlûmin lek bi fî lemhatin and breath.
Meaning: ALLAH 'm! Eye open and closing of each and every breath, a great many copies you blessings ma'lum objects and a full salute the Lord Muhammad (saws) 's on the download and all that Al and Ashabının; her nodes are solved, the problems apart, to troubleshoot the needs, desires and Hüsn -ü hatims desirable to obtain and blessed the rain clouds from the face courtesy. "
Blessings and greetings Elfi Elfi Elfü elfü aleyke What Resulallah
Meaning: Ü thousands blessings be upon you O Messenger of Allah
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Protection against evil..
surah falaq
surah ikhlas
surah nas
surah falaq
surah ikhlas
surah nas
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Whosoever recites this 7 times in the morning and evening the following Dua'Hasbiyallahu lailaha illahuwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul arshil azeem. Allah Ta'Aala will suffice for him by removing his grief of this world and the hereafter.
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Protection against leprosy,blindess,madness and paralysis.
Recite 3 times in the morning and evening.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
Recite 3 times in the morning and evening.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
One who desires to take up a great under taking which is beyond his capacities must recite this name Ya-Muktadiru 1000times after Fajr salaah.Allah willing this great undertaking will be accomplished with ease,but practise should be followed for 11 days.
please make your niyat before reciting..O My Lord,
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
Gunahlarim buyuk daglar gibi
My good deeds
Are very few
They’re like a small pebble
I turn to You Allah cc
My heart full of shame
Sevaplarim az cakıl tası gibi
Sana donuyorum
Kalbim utanc dolu
My eyes full of tears
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me
Gozlerim yash dolu,
Afini ve merhametini bana sun
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him
Baris ve hayrini gonder,
En son peygamberimiz ve ailesi ve arkadaslari ve onu takip edenlere
Sami Yusuf - Allahumme Salli Ala Seyidena Muhammed
سامي يوسف
'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim
'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim
Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”
Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”
Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!
"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin
Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”
Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”
Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!
"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin
Ao nascer, recebemos um jardim para cuidar, já com muitas sementes, que noscabe apenas regar, cuidando com carinho de cada canteiro.No canteiro do Amor, nascem os mais belos sentimentos, como a solidariedade,o afeto, a ternura e uma linda flor vermelha, chamada de solidariedade.No canteiro da esperança, nascem os sonhos, a perseverança, os desejos daalma, que bem regados, rendem muitos frutos, chamados de "realizações".No canteiro da alegria, flores lindas que sorriem para a vida, sãoconhecidas como "motivação", "boa vontade" e "persistência", sendofundamentais para a continuidade do nosso jardim.Mais ao fundo, um canteiro impressiona pela altura das flores, é o canteiroda fé, regado com orações e atitudes regeneradoras, sobem até o céu, emuitas das flores tocam os pés dos anjos, que tudo ouvem nas nossasplantações.Muitos cuidam do canteiro com trabalho incessante, vigiando os pensamentos,regando constantemente o amor, a alegria e a esperança, sempre com desejosincero de mudar para melhor.Assim, as flores crescem sempre fortes, lindas e mesmo diante dastempestades, próprias da vida, resistem ao tempo e as dificuldades,tornando-se cada vez mais belas.Outros, se perdem em lamentações, gastando o precioso tempo em divagações.Pensam nas plantas que poderiam ter e não tem, naquelas que já tiveram eperderam, nas belas plantas do vizinho, e vão se descuidando do jardim,deixando as ervas daninhas tomarem conta dos canteiros.Assim, plantas destruidoras como o ódio, a inveja, a calúnia, a preguiça, as paixões,
o desrespeito, entre outras pragas, vão tomando o lugar das flores, e vamos nos
tornando pessoas amargas, insensíveis, amarguradas, tristes e doentes.O jardim da vida são os seus pensamentos, o regador seus sentimentos e asemente, a fé.O jardineiro é você, a terra, a própria vida, a água é Allah (swt), fonte de toda avida, que está dentro de você, e em todos os lugares em forma de energia.Seja você, o próprio jardim de Deus, cuide dos seus canteiros, regue todosos dias com amor, esperança e fé.Eu acredito em você.
Cid Pimentel
adaptado por Suleyman
While being born, we receive the garden you it take care, already with much seeds, which noscabe it hardly will water, taking care affectionately of each flowerbed. In the flowerbed of the Love, the most beautiful feelings plows born, like the solidarity, the affection, the gentleness and the lovely red flower called of solidarity. In the flowerbed of the hope, there joy plows born the dreams, the perseverance, the wishes daalma, what watered well, bring many results called of " realizations in.No flowerbed of the, lovely flowers that smile will be the life, sãoconhecidas like "motivation", " good will " and "persistence", sendofundamentais will be the continuity of our garden. Live you it the bottom, the flowerbed impresses will be the height of the flowers, he is the canteiroda faith, watered with prayers and regenerative attitudes, they rise up you it the sky, emuitas of the flowers they touch the feet of the angels, who completely hear in the nossasplantações. Many people take care of the flowerbed with incessant work, watching the thoughts, always watering constantly the love, the joy and the hope, with desejosincero of changing will be better. Only, the flowers always grow strongly, lovely and even before dastempestades, own of the life, stand the test of team and the difficulties, becoming live and live beautiful.
Others, they plows lost in lamentations, spending the precious team in wanderings. They think about the plants that they might have and it is not, in that what they had already eperderam, in the beautiful plants of the neighbor, and they go if neglecting the garden, letting the weeds take care of the flowerbeds. Only, destructive plants like the hatred, the envy, the slander, the laziness, the passions, the disrespect, between other nuisances, plow taking the place of the flowers, and we go in making bitter, insensible, embittered, sad and ill persons. The garden of the life they plows his thoughts, watering can his feelings and asemente, the faith. The gardener is you, the land, the life itself, the water is Allah (swt), fountain of every live, which is inside you, and at all the places in the form of energy. Be you, the God's garden itself, take care of his flowerbeds, water todosos days with love, hope and faith.
by: Dr . Cid Pimentel F.M.J. adapted by Suleyman