ALLAH: The One God We Worship
1. AR-RAHMÂN: The Most Gracious
2. AR-RAHÎM: The Ever Merciful
3. AL-MALIK: The Master, Absolute Owner
4. AL-QUDDÛS: The Holy
5. AS-SALÂM: The Source of Peace
6. AL-MU'MIN: The Guardian of Faith
7. AL-MUHAYMIN: The Protector
8. AL-'AZÎZ: The Mighty
9. AL-JABBÂR: The Compeller
10. AL-MUTAKABBIR: The Majestic
11. AL-KHÂLIQ: The Creator
12. AL-BÂRI': The Evolver
13. AL-MUSAWWIR: The Fashioner
14. AL-GAFFÂR: The Forgiver
15. AL-QAHHÂR: The Subduer
16. AL-WAHHÂB: The Bestower
17. AR-RAZZÂQ: The Provider
18. AL-FATTÂH: The Opener
19. AL-'ALÎM: The All-Knowing
20. AL-QÂBID: The Withholder
21. AL-BÂSIT: The Expander
22. AL-KHÂFID: The Abaser
23. AR-RÂFI': The Exalter
24. AL-MU'IZZ: The Bestower of Honor
25. AL-MUDHILL: The Humiliator
26. AS-SAMÎ': The All-Hearing
27. AL-BASÎR: The All-Seeing
28. AL-HAKAM: The Judge
29. AL-'ADL: The Just
30. AL-LATÎF: The Gentle, The Knower of Subtleties
31. AL-KHABÎR: The All-Aware
32. AL-HALÎM: The Forbearing
33. AL-'AZÎM: The Incomparably Great
34. AL-GAFÛR: The All-Forgiving
35. ASH-SHAKÛR: The Appreciative
36. AL-'ALIYY: The Most High
37. AL-KABÎR: The Most Great
38. AL-HAFÎZ: The Preserver
39. AL-MUGHÎTH: The Sustainer
40. AL-HASÎB: The Reckoner
41. AL-JALÎL: The Majestic, The Revered, The Sublime
42. AL-KARÎM: The Generous
43. AR-RAQÎB: The Watchful
44. AL-MUJÎB: The Responsive
45. AL-WÂSI': The All-Encompassing, The All-Embracing
46. AL-HAKÎM: The Wise
47. AL-WADÛD: The Loving One
48. AL-MAJÎD: The Most Glorious
49. AL-BÂ'ITH: The Resurrector
50. ASH-SHAHÎD: The Witness
51. AL-HAQQ: The Truth
52. AL-WAKÎL: The Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
53. AL-QAWIYY: The Most Strong
54. AL-MATÎN: The Firm One, The Authoritative
55. AL-WALIYY: The Protector
56. AL-HAMÎD: The All-Praised, The Praiseworthy
57. AL-MUHSÎ: The Reckoner
58. AL-MUBDI': The Originator
59. AL-MU'ÎD: The Restorer to life
60. AL-MUHYÎ: The Giver of life
61. AL-MUMÎT: The Causer of death
62. AL-HAYY: The Ever-Living
63. AL-QAYYÛM: The Self-Existing by Whom all subsist
64. AL-WÂJID: The Self-Sufficient, The All-Perceiving
65. AL-MÂJID: The Glorified
66. AL-WÂHID: The One
67. AL-AHAD: The Indivisible
68. AS-SAMAD: The Eternally Besought
69. AL-QÂDIR: The Omnipotent, The Able
70. AL-MUQTADIR: The Powerful
71. AL-MUQADDIM: The Expediter
72. AL- MU'AKHKHIR: The Delayer
73. AL-AWWAL: The First
74. AL-ÂKHIR: The Last
75. AZ-ZÂHIR: The Manifest
76. AL-BÂTIN : The Hidden
77. AL-WÂLÎ: The Governor, The Protector
78. AL-MUTA'ÂLÎ: The Most Exalted
79. AL-BARR: The Benign, The Source of All-Goodness
80. AT-TAWWÂB: The Granter and Accepter of Repentence
4. AL-QUDDÛS: The Holy
5. AS-SALÂM: The Source of Peace
6. AL-MU'MIN: The Guardian of Faith
7. AL-MUHAYMIN: The Protector
8. AL-'AZÎZ: The Mighty
9. AL-JABBÂR: The Compeller
10. AL-MUTAKABBIR: The Majestic
11. AL-KHÂLIQ: The Creator
12. AL-BÂRI': The Evolver
13. AL-MUSAWWIR: The Fashioner
14. AL-GAFFÂR: The Forgiver
15. AL-QAHHÂR: The Subduer
16. AL-WAHHÂB: The Bestower
17. AR-RAZZÂQ: The Provider
18. AL-FATTÂH: The Opener
19. AL-'ALÎM: The All-Knowing
20. AL-QÂBID: The Withholder
21. AL-BÂSIT: The Expander
22. AL-KHÂFID: The Abaser
23. AR-RÂFI': The Exalter
24. AL-MU'IZZ: The Bestower of Honor
25. AL-MUDHILL: The Humiliator
26. AS-SAMÎ': The All-Hearing
27. AL-BASÎR: The All-Seeing
28. AL-HAKAM: The Judge
29. AL-'ADL: The Just
30. AL-LATÎF: The Gentle, The Knower of Subtleties
31. AL-KHABÎR: The All-Aware
32. AL-HALÎM: The Forbearing
33. AL-'AZÎM: The Incomparably Great
34. AL-GAFÛR: The All-Forgiving
35. ASH-SHAKÛR: The Appreciative
36. AL-'ALIYY: The Most High
37. AL-KABÎR: The Most Great
38. AL-HAFÎZ: The Preserver
39. AL-MUGHÎTH: The Sustainer
40. AL-HASÎB: The Reckoner
41. AL-JALÎL: The Majestic, The Revered, The Sublime
42. AL-KARÎM: The Generous
43. AR-RAQÎB: The Watchful
44. AL-MUJÎB: The Responsive
45. AL-WÂSI': The All-Encompassing, The All-Embracing
46. AL-HAKÎM: The Wise
47. AL-WADÛD: The Loving One
48. AL-MAJÎD: The Most Glorious
49. AL-BÂ'ITH: The Resurrector
50. ASH-SHAHÎD: The Witness
51. AL-HAQQ: The Truth
52. AL-WAKÎL: The Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
53. AL-QAWIYY: The Most Strong
54. AL-MATÎN: The Firm One, The Authoritative
55. AL-WALIYY: The Protector
56. AL-HAMÎD: The All-Praised, The Praiseworthy
57. AL-MUHSÎ: The Reckoner
58. AL-MUBDI': The Originator
59. AL-MU'ÎD: The Restorer to life
60. AL-MUHYÎ: The Giver of life
61. AL-MUMÎT: The Causer of death
62. AL-HAYY: The Ever-Living
63. AL-QAYYÛM: The Self-Existing by Whom all subsist
64. AL-WÂJID: The Self-Sufficient, The All-Perceiving
65. AL-MÂJID: The Glorified
66. AL-WÂHID: The One
67. AL-AHAD: The Indivisible
68. AS-SAMAD: The Eternally Besought
69. AL-QÂDIR: The Omnipotent, The Able
70. AL-MUQTADIR: The Powerful
71. AL-MUQADDIM: The Expediter
72. AL- MU'AKHKHIR: The Delayer
73. AL-AWWAL: The First
74. AL-ÂKHIR: The Last
75. AZ-ZÂHIR: The Manifest
76. AL-BÂTIN : The Hidden
77. AL-WÂLÎ: The Governor, The Protector
78. AL-MUTA'ÂLÎ: The Most Exalted
79. AL-BARR: The Benign, The Source of All-Goodness
80. AT-TAWWÂB: The Granter and Accepter of Repentence