by L.B ben
As expected, the imperialist (U.S., France, England and Italy), with the support of Libyan groups overthrew the Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi. More than this: he was murdered as they did with Iraq's president, Saddam Hussein, and are now preparing to plunder the riches of the Libyans, especially in respect to oil and gas.
More Once again, the imperialists and colonialists of the West, Christians and white invade a sovereign country on a crusade to the medieval manner, to have control of fossil energy it is oil. These are countries whose governments are very dangerous, armed to the teeth, possessing thousands of warheads nuclear and a military that can not stop, because it is very expensive and so it has to be used to meet the trillion-dollar defense industry, which is more lethal than the global drugs trade.
As expected, the death of the Libyan leader was hatched in the halls of the UN (Council Security dominated by just five countries) and NATO (USA), agencies dispossession and military policy, designed to give "legality" to the criminal actions War of the developed Western countries, which almost decimated their people in two world wars in a savagery that would leave any country of the periphery they consider wild, undeveloped and backward with great shame and animal with a sense of being.
More Once again, leaders against the interests of globalization (new form of colonialism and piracy) were killed and their countries invaded and bombed in name of "freedom" of "democracy" and a "safer world". Meanwhile, the capitalist system is exclusionary and bellicose melts on Wall Street and in the squares European important as London, with the populations of these countries white, Christian and developed in the streets shouting angry against robbery of the financial system and leniency and subservience of governments accomplices were and are practiced by the gambling companies and institutions that, a criminal, carried out an economic and financial crisis without precedent, which has eliminated millions of jobs that people lay down and rolled for nearly five decades with the opulence and wealth at the expense of countries Africa, Asia and especially Latin America, which held up the 1990s the high standard of life of Europeans, Americans, Japanese and other countries of the so-called first world, like Canada and Australia.
As expected these governments of developed countries who act as secularly pirates and that although historically hate, to steal and kill unite, this vile alliance because they need to move its industrial and military Civil and thus renew the circulation of money, including illegal, which is washed in tax havens, roughly, because everybody knows it, but nobody picks up a tank or a missile to destroy such 'institutions' financial conditions, which foster centuries hunger, misery and exploitation of people less developed with respect to their infrastructure and access to technologies, quality education and banking and industrial ensure their countries economic development and social welfare, which is almost impossible to achieve without the support of developed countries that refuse to accomplish a milestone in the cooperation and learning are the tonic.
More a time in history these countries and Western whites and Christians who behave like birds of prey or predators like dogs choose to serve the wealth of others and makes it credible and acceptable to the people cynically world through the media system, notably the trade press and private (private two-way, right?), which spokesman and end-of-spear capital system starts and ends a process of demonization of the Presidents countries attacked and invaded to the point of not knowing in any way, such as think, how they live and what people make victims of bombs, missiles, all type of high-caliber weapons, who can not defend themselves against forces foreign almost decimated in two world wars initiated by White and who consider themselves Christians, with the largest face-to-stick as possible, not civilized and wild.
As expected, Kadafi was murdered just like Saddam. The question is not whether two leaders were dictators. What matters in these cases is that countries Westerners who are not considered wild, which is a great impudence, supported, support and always support dictatorships scattered around the planet, because that is how these countries, the UN and NATO used as puppets of legality, act in conduct beyond questionable because morally without credibility in what is on the differences of peoples and their interests, which are not consistent and therefore usually the country or alliance more warmongering and strong regions which controls several attacks by geopolitical its target without giving any satisfaction to the international community, in addition to the UN puppet organization, discredits and humiliated by the arrogance and arrogance of the United States, where President Barack Obama, despite the new to be a black man, has the same defects, the same profile and the conduct and strategies of his predecessors, which is to make war, for invading countries plunder and take control of certain geopolitical regions, the price of blood, much blood people, in this case, the Arabs, who are unable for nearly two millennia to get rid of foreign forces who do not get tired of killing and literally steal their countries and societies.
More Once again, the United States succumb morally especially after the monumental collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001 and the meltdown of its system capital at the end of 2008. Captain America The country has implemented scientific torture and effected and accepted as common practice and common to have access to information on people considered enemies, even those that were arrested evidence and without formal charges, as disobedient to the laws and rules of law International, and denied the most fundamental and basic rights of citizenship and humanity: the habeas corpus. Kidnapped, tortured and killed and their Presidents recognized that torture was still practiced and supported such ignominy. A shame, which left the world power as an outcast in respect to civilization, and has effected a diplomatic policy unilateral and isolationist, which led to the resurgence of the shares of U.S. is right in regarding the legality, the contradictory, the right of defense and what is civilized and not savage and animalistic.
As expected, Muammar Gaddafi and the regular armed forces in Libya were defeated. The Libyan leader - a nationalist politician and that, despite its errors and defects, developed country in North Africa, which, together with the South Africa is one of the two most developed on the continent with high HDI - was dead, murdered and displayed as a fighter to the international public, as trophy. The Libyan people so far, no one knows how it will get, had access to many social benefits and have never been shown by the trade press, private enterprise and the West. Never press the hegemonic Brazilian ran stories about Libya, its development and achievements of social its people, far advanced by African standards. The press only bothered to demonize the Libyan President, to give reason to the legality and explicit actions of piracy NATO, or the U.S., France, England and Italy, countries in deep economic and financial crisis and morally shaken, as is relative to discern what is human, legal and fair. It That's it.
BY: Davis Sena Son