The Counselors
from hz Ali ( ra) letter
Never take counsel of a miser, for he will vitiate your magnanimity and frighten you of poverty. Do not take counsel of a coward also, for, he will cheat you of your resolves. Do not take counsel of the greedy too: for he will instill greed in you and turn you into a tyrant. Miserliness, cowardice and greed deprive man of his trust in Allah (swt)
The worst of counselors is he who has served as a counselor to unjust rulers and shared their crimes. So, never let men who have been companions of tyrants or shared their crimes be your counselors.
You can get better men than these, men gifted with intelligence and foresight, but unpolluted by sin, men who have never aided a tyrant in his tyranny or a criminal in his crime. Such men will never be a burden on you.
On the other hand, they will be a source of help and strength to you at all times. They will be friends to you and strangers to your enemies.
Choose such men alone for companionship both in privacy and in the public. Even among these, show preference to them who have a habitual regard for truth however trying to you at times their truth may prove to be, and who offer you no encouragement in the display of tendencies which Allah (swt) does not like his friends to develop.
Keep close to you the upright, and the Allah (swt) fearing, and make clear to them that they are never to flatter you and never to give you credit for any good that you may not have done: for, the tolerance of flattery and unhealthy praise stimulates pride in man makes him arrogant.
Never forget: The progress of one is dependent on the progress of every other; and none can afford to be independent of the other.
So your progress are by side of the progress of those need you for to grown, because when grown will be your shade for your rest and / or the source of their foodThe Real Guidance
Turn to Allah (swt) and to His prophet for guidance whenever you feel uncertain as to what you have to do. There is the commandment of God delivered to those people who He wishes to guide aright: "O people of the Faith! Obey Allah (swt) and obey His prophet and those from among you who hold authority over you. And refer to Allah (swt) and His prophet whenever there is difference of opinion among you. To turn to Allah (swt) is in reality to consult the Book of Allah (swt); and to turn to the prophet is t follow his universally accepted traditions.