ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammad abdike and Resulike and alel'muminine vel'muminati vel'muslimati vel'muslimine.
Sallam said PROPHET
Meaning: Almighty Allah, let him salute salatu.
ALLAHumme Salli ala ala ali Muhammad and Muhammad
Meaning: ALLAH! (Prophet) Muhammad e and aline (evladu iyaline) entertain mercy.
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad and ala Alih and sahbihi and sellim
Meaning: O ALLAH! Muhammad, Muhammad büyüğümüz, evladu iyaline, entertain his companions salatu greetings. (Mercy meat, selametlik ver.)
Salli Ala Muhammad and enzilhul'muk'adel'mukarrabe yevmel'kıyameti ALLAHumme index.
Meaning: O Allah! Hz. Hi Muhammad Salatu meat, and place it close to you on the day of Judgement (bureau-i Mahmut'a) download.
Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad and devaiha ALLAHumme tıbbil'kulubi and afiyetil, abdani and şifaiha and nuril'ebsari and ziyaiha and ala Alih and sahbihi and sellim.
Meaning: O ALLAH! The doctor and the cure for their hearts, their bodies heal, ziyası eyes and the light of Muhammad (saws) and his companions salatu hi aline entertain.
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad and sellim and bar and ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad bi'adedi loops
Meaning:O God! Master Hz. Muhammad (saws) and master Muhammad (saws) aline endless and blessed bestowed upon salatu entertain many copies of the science.
Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad ALLAHumme mahtelefel-melevani and teakabel-asarani and kerraral-cedidani vestekbelel-ferkadani and belliğ ruhahu and ervaha ahl-i-tahiyyete vesselame beytihi minnat verham and bar, and peace and aleyhim teslimen sellim kesira kesiran.
Meaning: Melevan ALLAH, by hanging, as long as the Lord continues to the stars cedidan and ferkadan Muhammad (saws) entertain blessings and greetings. His respect and greetings from us and deliver the spirit of the Ahl al-Bayt.
Salli ala ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad and Muhammad ALLAHumme and Adam and Abraham and Moses and Jesus and ma beynehum Nuhin and vel'murselin minen'nebiyyine. Selamuhu aleyhim Salevatullahi and ECMA.
Meaning: ALLAH! Muhammad 'e (S), Hz.Adem, Hz.Nuh, Hz.İbrahim, Jesus (ASV) and one of them (all come in the past), the prophets, God's mercy bestowed entertain.
ALLAHumme Salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammad abdike and Resulike and alel'muminine vel'muminati vel'muslimati vel'muslimine.
Meaning: ALLAH! servant and His Messenger Muhammad e salat (Mercy) meat. Believers are men and women, Muslim men and women to entertain compassion.
Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Ruhi ALLAHumme fil'ervahi and Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad fil'ecsadi body and Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad filkuburi grave. ALLAHhumme belliğ tehiyyeten and selama minni.
Meaning: O ALLAH! The spirits in the spirit of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, in the body of Muhammad (ASV), the corpse, in graves Muhammad (ASV) greetings salatu entertain grave. God, hello my dear Prophet. Muhammad (ASV) in the spirit of the saint at the entertain (deliver).
ALLAHumme Salli ala ala Muhammad and Abraham salleyte ezvacihi and zurriyetihi KEMA, KEMA zurriyetihi barekte and bar ala ala Muhammad and Abraham and ezvacihi inneke mecid hamidun.
Meaning: O ALLAH! Muhammad and the descendants have mercy on your e zevcelerine meat. Hz.İbrahime mercy as you. Muhammad 'e, zevcelerine and give blessings descendants. Hz. As the blessings you gave to Abraham. True that, you, Hamid (Öğülmüş you're alone), Majid (You own glory and honor).
Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad and Alih and selleme Allâhümme alimte cum up,
Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad and Alih and ornaments Allâhümme selleme alimte mÂ,
Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad and Alih and selleme Mil Allâhümme alimte cum.
Meaning: Salavat-I have HIZIR Menâhicil İbad book. Alleyhisselâm Knight 's story is said to become a drill of some saint.
ALLAHumme Salli ala ala ali Muhammad, and Muhammad, Abraham and ala ala ali Ibrahim salleyte KEMA. Mecid İnneke hamidun.
Meaning: (O Allah, Muhammad Aline e and blessings of His flesh. Hz. Ibrahim (AS) 's blessings as you grace and honor. No doubt, you Hamid, (Öğülmüş you're alone), Majid (owner of Voice and honor You're alone)
Ala ala Muhammad and Ali Muhammad ALLAHumme Barik, KEMA barekte Abraham and ala ala ali Ibrahim, İnneke mecid hamidun.
Meaning: (O Allah, Muhammad and His Aline blessed to entertain. Hz. Ibrahim (AS) as a grace and honor to eylediğin blessed. No doubt, you Hamid, (Öğülmüş you're alone), Majid (owner of Voice and honor You're alone)
salaten tüncina
Salli Allâhumme Sayyidina Muhammad and superb superb Sayyidina Muhammad Al-i min cemîil'ehvâli vel'âfât salâten tuncînâ Bihan. And takdîlenâ cemîal'hâcât Bihan. And tutahhiruna, Bihan cemîis'seyyiât min. And terfeunâ âledderacât Bihan. And tubelliğunâ eksal'ğâyât Bihan, and bâdel'memât fil'hayati cemî'ilhayrâti min. Hasbunallâhu and nî'mel proxy, and nî'men'nasîr nî'mel Mevlan.
Meaning: O Allah! Bless our Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad (saws) aline (and the ummah) that entertain such a salatu greetings, greeting us with any concerns that salatu, fears, disasters, preservation entertain. Salatu bestowed upon it to entertain all hacetlerimizi. He temizke blessings with us from all evil. He us with the highest degrees up the blessings. The most recent to their goals, deliver the highest authority with us. O blessings with us all the goodness of life and death we then kavuştur. Almighty Allah swt , Suffice.ALLAH SWT The Best proxy, Protective and what HELP.
Salat-ı Tefriciye - Salat Nariye
Salli Allâhumme salâten kâmileten and superb Sayyidina Muhammedinillezi tenhallu bihil'ukadu sellim selâmen Tammen, and tenfericu bihil'kurabu, vetukdâ bihil'havâicu, and tunâlu bihir'regâibu, and husnul'havâtimi, and yusteskal'ğamâmu bivechihil'kerimi and superb Alih and sahbihî Number of universal universal mâlûmin lek bi fî lemhatin and breath.
Meaning: ALLAH 'm! Eye open and closing of each and every breath, a great many copies you blessings ma'lum objects and a full salute the Lord Muhammad (saws) 's on the download and all that Al and Ashabının; her nodes are solved, the problems apart, to troubleshoot the needs, desires and Hüsn -ü hatims desirable to obtain and blessed the rain clouds from the face courtesy. "
Blessings and greetings Elfi Elfi Elfü elfü aleyke What Resulallah
Meaning: Ü thousands blessings be upon you O Messenger of Allah
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Protection against evil..
surah falaq
surah ikhlas
surah nas
surah falaq
surah ikhlas
surah nas
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Whosoever recites this 7 times in the morning and evening the following Dua'Hasbiyallahu lailaha illahuwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul arshil azeem. Allah Ta'Aala will suffice for him by removing his grief of this world and the hereafter.
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Protection against leprosy,blindess,madness and paralysis.
Recite 3 times in the morning and evening.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
Recite 3 times in the morning and evening.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
One who desires to take up a great under taking which is beyond his capacities must recite this name Ya-Muktadiru 1000times after Fajr salaah.Allah willing this great undertaking will be accomplished with ease,but practise should be followed for 11 days.
please make your niyat before reciting..O My Lord,
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
Gunahlarim buyuk daglar gibi
My good deeds
Are very few
They’re like a small pebble
I turn to You Allah cc
My heart full of shame
Sevaplarim az cakıl tası gibi
Sana donuyorum
Kalbim utanc dolu
My eyes full of tears
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me
Gozlerim yash dolu,
Afini ve merhametini bana sun
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him
Baris ve hayrini gonder,
En son peygamberimiz ve ailesi ve arkadaslari ve onu takip edenlere
Sami Yusuf - Allahumme Salli Ala Seyidena Muhammed
سامي يوسف