Allah cc ,fistly i thanks to You , and many because my family from You, and i ask the forgive, blessings and proteciton to him. Allahim please, please, protect my family in all for all, always, inside outside, making who are near of him or far, to have the respect what him have merits..Allah CC Al Mujid , Please send the help, the , the protectors, the authorities, to help it in all the matters, send protection for what he see and doesn't see, for what he hears and does not hear, for what he knows and does not know, inside and out side of him, of his heart, his mind.
Allah cc , thankyou form my family from you. And please, help for to have more one day by side of my family. inshAllah amin.
Allah cc , more one ramazan ... Allah CC, pls help me be with my family, and make those have egoism inside of them, see the true and be a sclator to our victory in this life, to reavh You in the other.Please protect my family, he, his heart , our family, showing the true inside oth the heart, help me Allah Swt , please, give permiton for us win and i can see the eyes of him, my family from You on me, side by side, hearing his voice teaching me all about you, Al Jabbar, side by side, joined for to rach You Allahim. inshAllah amin