الله أكبر الله اكبر
الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
الله للمظلوم خير مؤيد
أنا باليقين وبالسلاح سأفتدي
بلدي ونور الحق يسطع في يدي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
يا هذه الدنيا أطلي واسمعي
جيش الأعادي جاء يبغي مصرعي
بالحق سوف أرده وبمدفعي
وإذا فنيت فسوف أفنيه معي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله اكبر
الله فوق كيد المعتدي.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar Fauqua Kaidi Lmutadi
Alla hu Lilmazlumi Hairumu ayidi
(repeate as duas últimas linhas)
Ana Bilyaqini Wabissilahi Saaftadi
Baladi Wanuru Lhaqqi Yastau Fi Yadi
Qulu Mai, Qulu Mai
Allahu Allahu Allahu Akbar
Allahu Fauqua Lmutadi!
Ya Hadihi Ddunya Atilli Wa Smai
Gaisu Laadi Gaa Yabgi Masrai
Bilhaqqi Saufa Fasaufa Afnihi Mai
Qulu Mai Lwailu Lilmustamiri
Wa Llahu Fauqa Lgadiri Lmutagabbiri
Allahu Akbaru Ya Biladi Kabbiri
Wahudi Binasiyati Lmugiri Wadammiri.
The strength of the Syrian people and its powerful armed forces will be crucial to block the Western strategy (U.S. / NATO / Israel) of conquest and destruction. This heroic people are saying that the attackers do not mercenaries pass and that despite the immense sacrifices require that they will be soundly defeated. And they also know that the struggle of resistance that has developed solidarity and support of many people in the world. Jacob David Blinder
Monday, March 12, 2012
by JP [*]
There is a clear and overwhelming evidence that the survey for the overthrow of President Assad of Syria, is a violent takeover led by foreign fighters supported the killing and injuring thousands of soldiers, police and civilian supporters of the Syrian government, as well as their peaceful opposition.
The outrage expressed by politicians in the West in the Gulf states and the Western press about the "killing of peaceful Syrian citizens to protest against injustice" is cynically designed to conceal information documented the violent takeover of neighborhoods, towns and villages by armed gangs, brandishing guns and placing roadside bombs.
The attack on Syria is supported by funds, weapons and training abroad. Due to lack of domestic support, however, to be successful, you need a direct foreign military intervention. For this reason it was mounted a huge campaign of propaganda and diplomacy to demonize legitimate Syrian government. The aim is to impose a puppet regime and strengthen imperial control of the West in the Middle East. In the short term, this is intended to isolate Iran in preparation for a military strike Israel and U.S. in the long run, eliminating another scheme independent secular friend of China and Russia.
In order to mobilize world support this takeover financed by the West, Israel and the Gulf States, several tricks of propaganda has been used to justify a more flagrant violation of the sovereignty of a country after the destruction of successful secular governments of the Iraq and Libya.
The broader context: Aggression in series
The current western campaign against independent Assad regime in Syria is part of a series of attacks against pro-democracy movements and independent regimes ranging from North Africa to the Persian Gulf. The answer to the imperial-militarist movement for Egyptian democracy that overthrew the dictatorship of Mubarak was to support the seizure of power by the military junta and the murderous campaign to arrest, torture and murder more than 10,000 pro-democracy demonstrators in Egypt.
Faced with similar mass democratic movements in the Arab world, autocratic dictators supported by the West Gulf crushed their surveys in Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The runs extended to the secular government of Libya where NATO powers have launched a massive bombardment by air and sea to support armed bands of mercenaries, thus destroying the economy and civil society in Libya. The triggering gangster-Armed mercenaries led to the devastation of urban life in Libya, as well as rural areas. The NATO powers eliminated the secular regime of Colonel Gaddafi, who was murdered and mutilated by his mercenaries. NATO supervised the mutilation, imprisonment, torture and elimination of tens of thousands of civilian supporters of Gaddafi, as well as government officials. NATO supported the puppet regime when he launched a bloody massacre of Libyan citizens of African descent as well as sub-Saharan sub-Saharan African immigrants - groups that have benefited from generous social programs Gaddafi. The imperial policy of ruin and dominate Libya serves as a "model" to Syria: Creating the conditions for a mass survey conducted by Muslim fundamentalists, funded and trained by mercenaries and western Gulf states.
The bloody road from Damascus to Tehran
According to the State Department, "The road to Tehran goes through Damascus': The strategic objective of NATO is to destroy Iran's main ally in the Middle East, to the absolute monarchies of the Gulf the goal is to replace a secular republic by a dictatorship vassal -theocratic, the Turkish government for the purpose is to promote a regime cordato dictates the version of capitalism Islamist Ankara, for al Qaeda and its allies fundamentalist Salafi and Wahabi, a theocratic regime Sunni, secular Syrians clean, Alevis Christians and serve as a springboard for projecting power in the Islamic world, and one for Israel and Syria divided into blood soaked ensure its regional hegemony. It was not without a prophetic anticipation that U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, an uber-Zionist days after the attack of the "Al Qaeda" of September 11, 2001, said: "First we attack Iran, Iraq and Syria" even before consider the real authors of the deed.
The anti-Syrian armed forces reflect a variety of conflicting political perspectives united only by their common hatred of the independent and secular nationalist regime that has ruled the complex and multi-ethnic Syrian society for decades. The war against Syria is the launching pad for a new resurgence of militarism western extend from North Africa to the Persian Gulf, supported by a systematic propaganda campaign that proclaims the mission democratic, humanitarian and "civilizing" of NATO in favor of the Syrian people.
The road to Damascus is paved with lies
An objective analysis of social and political composition of the armed fighters in Syria rejects any assertion that the survey is done in pursuit of democracy for the people of that country. Authoritarian fundamentalist fighters form the backbone of the survey. The Gulf states to fund these brutal thugs are themselves absolute monarchies. The West, having foisted a brutal regime gangster on the people of Libya can not preach "humanitarian intervention".
Armed groups infiltrating cities and population centers use as shields from wanted to launch their attacks on government forces. In the process they expel thousands of citizens from their homes, shops and offices which use as outposts. The destruction of the neighborhood of Baba Amr in Homs is a classic case of gangs Military to use civilians as shields and as a matter of propaganda in demonizing the government.
These armed mercenaries have no credibility with the national body of the Syrian people. One of its main centers of propaganda lies in the heart of London, called the "Syrian Human Rights Observatory" where, in close coordination with British intelligence, dump shocking stories of atrocities to stimulate feelings in favor of a NATO intervention. The kings and emirs of the Gulf states fund these combatants. Turkey provides military bases and border controls the flow of arms and the movements of the so-called leaders "Free Syrian Army." The U.S., France and England provide the weapons, training and diplomatic cover, foreign jihadists, fundamentalists, including al Qaeda fighters from Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, entered the conflict. This is not "civil war". This is an international conflict opposing a vicious triple alliance of the imperialist NATO despots of the Gulf States and Muslim fundamentalists against an independent and secular nationalist regime. The foreign origin of the weapons, propaganda machine and mercenary fighters reveals the sinister imperial character and "multi-national" of the conflict. Ultimately the violent uprising against the Syrian state represents a systematic campaign to overthrow the imperialist an ally of Iran, Russia and China, even at the cost of destroying the economy and Syrian civil society, to fragment the country and trigger lasting sectarian war of extermination against the Alevi and Christian minorities, as well as supporters of secular government.
The killings and mass flight of refugees is not the result of gratuitous violence committed by a Syrian state bloodthirsty. The Western-backed militias captured neighborhoods by force of arms, destroyed pipelines, transport sabotaged and bombed government buildings. In the course of their attacks they interrupted basic services critical to the Syrian people including education, access to medical care, security, water, electricity and transport. Thus, they bear the most of the responsibility for this "humanitarian disaster" (which its imperial allies and UN officials blame the armed forces and Syrian security). The Syrian security forces are fighting to preserve the national independence of a secular state, while the opposition commits armed violence on behalf of foreign masters who pay them - in Washington, Riyadh, Tel Aviv, Ankara and London.
The Assad regime's referendum last month attracted millions of voters in defiance of Syrian threats to Western imperialists and terrorists calls for a boycott. This clearly indicates that a majority of Syrians prefer a peaceful, negotiated, and rejects violence mercenary. The Syrian National Council supported by the West and the "Free Syrian Army" armed by the Turks and the Gulf States categorically rejected appeals Russians and Chinese to open dialogue and negotiations, which were accepted by the Assad regime. NATO and the dictatorships of the Gulf states are pushing their minions to try a "regime change" violent, a policy that has killed thousands of Syrians. The U.S. and European economic sanctions are designed to undermine the Syrian economy, in the expectation that the acute deprivation will lead an impoverished population into the arms of his violent minions. In a repeat of the scenario Libyan NATO proposes to "liberate" the Syrian people through the destruction of its economy, civil society and secular state.
A Western military victory in Syria simply feed the increasing fury of militarism. Encourage the West, Riyadh and Israel to provoke a new civil war in Lebanon. After demolishing the Syria-EU axis Washington-Riyadh-Tel Aviv will be moving to a much more bloody confrontation with Iran
The horrific destruction of Iraq, followed by the collapse of the postwar Libya provides a terrible model that is reserved for the people of Syria. Precipitated a collapse of living standards, the fragmentation of their country, ethnic cleansing, sectarian domination and fundamentalist gangs and total insecurity for life and property.
Just as the "left" and "progressives" said the brutal attack on Libya to be the "revolutionary struggle of insurgent Democrats" and then walked away, washing his hands of the bloody result of ethnic violence against black Libyans, they now repeat the same calls to military action against Syria. The same liberals, progressives, socialists and Marxists who are appealing to the West to intervene in "humanitarian crisis" of Syria from its cafes and offices in Manhattan and Paris, will lose all interest in the bloody orgy of their victorious mercenaries after Damascus, Aleppo and other Syrian cities were bombed by NATO into submission.
See also:
- USAF Strategic Studies Group: Special Operations Forces Are "Already on the Ground," Training the "Free Syrian Army", "Global Intelligence Files" of WikiLeaks, Email-ID 1671459 for 07/Dez/2011
- Syria: the world is far misled?
- SANA News Agency
- A "Kosovo Plan" to Syria
[*] His most recent book is The Arab Revolt and the Imperialist Counterattack
The original article in English can be read on: "The Bloody Road to Damascus: The Triple Alliance's War on the Sovereign State”
This translation was taken from Resist