bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim
Muslims must be polite , patient and do everything with care to the other muslim, giving always good words, hope, helpping to grown the faith inside of the hearts. And trying be far from the sin, from the unbelievers, from the egoism and Nefs/Devil way. inshAllah amin
Our Allah swt created us to love one and we collaborate with each other. And to ensure good relations between people, Allah forbids us to disturb others through speach or action.
To try to justify this action lightly, claim innocent intent to "warn", "clarify" and "prevent". Hardly know that growing evil. The criticism is to enter into evil and attract negative things to everybody, including to who speak more. Our Allah cc Life always respond according to what we do, don't forget this, also our acts and words can to modify the life of the others. Be careful, because when a critical situation or someone, we show that you are not understanding the facts properly and are applying to live the same experience as criticized.
This is how life teaches each one to see things as they are. Still, there are those who insist on the illusion, believing that truth is bad. Thus, he prefers to get fancy, valuing the beliefs of the majority - without testing whether, in fact, they work or are true.
This way of thinking reverses the actual values and creates a culture of facade that limit progress. The individual ends up stuck in a vicious circle between two extremes:
The Quran has defined certain social rules which, if practiced, only feed the love and friendship between us. Here:
“O Believers! That no people make fun of each other, therefore, can be mocked that are better than escamecedores and that no woman mocks the other, it is possible that this is better than that.
Do not be mutually slurred, not drive each other names with offensive nicknames. Bad is the name of depravity after faith. (1) And those who do not repent, they are sinners.
O Believers! Shun mistrust too, because there are suspicions that it is a sin and not spies, and not slander (against one another). Some of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You hated it (Abhor, so that) and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
O People (Humanity) actually create you from a male and a female and divide you into nations and tribes so that you knew each other. (Not that you were despising each other). Indeed the noblest among you before Allah is the most pious (fearing). Indeed, Allah knows and is aware of all things " (Chapter 49, Verses. 11-13)
(1) Is it a sin to call someone nasty names to call or who embraced Islam by the names they had before becoming (names that reveal disbelief).
These verses contain some social rules such as:
* Do not despise one another, nor put him down and not make fun of him/her, because he/she (being discarded) can be better and dearer before Allah (cc).
* It is forbidden to speak of the faults of others or call them by their names or nicknames that they do not like.
* It is forbidden to distrust of others with evil, neither accuse him without proof or certainty as we can be punished for it.
* It is forbidden to seek or intimate secrets of the Muslims, to shame them.
* It is forbidden to slander (do "Ghibah"), that is, to speak ill of his/her Muslim brother/sister in his/her absence or say things that he does not like, even if these qualities are in it, because if there is then to make a false accusation , who is also a great sin and crime.
* Allah resembles the one that makes "Ghibah" one who eats meat from the corpse of his own brother. We must be very careful, because in our everyday conversations we always do "Ghibah" whose burden of sin no longer feel that we are very accustomed to it, which makes us forget that we must ask forgiveness (Tauba). The result will be severe. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) when he went to the "Meh'raj, saw a trend of people with brass nails with which constantly scratching their faces and their breasts (as a form of punishment) . Jibrail then asked who those people were. Jibrail replied:Are they (the world) went to eat meat of people (ie do ghibah). " (Reporting Tafssir lbn Kassir)
* It is forbidden to create intrigue as it is also a great sin. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says: The scheming will not enter Jannah."(Report AI-Bukhari)
* Everyone is equal before Allah, because all are of the same origin: Adam (peace be upon him) and Adam (peace be upon him) is the Earth. The best of them before Allah cc is most merciful, and He does not look to the face (appearance) of the people or its assets but for their actions and intentions of their hearts. (Reporting Muslim)
The importance of our behavior
If people cared about good behavior and not care about material goods, many evils would disappear from society and people's behavior had improved significantly.The human being has value because of their moral behavior and not by his bulk, strength or beauty, etc.. Because when a man or woman has no good character acts like an animal does not know good from evil, just bothering others. People compare him to an animal, for example, that guy is a dog or is it a donkey or whale, or elephant or a pig, etc.. These appearances are human beings, but in reality are not. If the value of human being was because of your body, nobody buried after his death.
And too,brothers , sisters, be carefully about this is many important to us, slaves of Allah cc. We are like roses in this garden called Dunnya... So, we need to care , more, each to other, but carefully, doing all for to have peace, union, enjoying families, couples. Care more our brothers and sisters, who are needing , but with carefully. To care doesn't mean "to make other to do what we want or thing that is better". WE ARE NOT ALLAH CC. NEED TO RESPECT OUR OWNER, INSHALLAH. We cannot to do what unbeliever do. we have , elhamdulillah knowledge from Allah (cc), to our life, and enough for to try don't live same who have no.
Some time our culture local, or general, from environment where we live it does so that ' we lose the sense ', or we acquire not so correct ' ' values, which put it in risk, our journey, in the way you Allah cc. And there are who says or compare a sister or brother with others adjectives , GIVING LABEL TO ANOTHER PERSON/HUMAN/CREATURE FROM ALLAH CC IS BIG MISTAKE, for example: this boy are like a girl to me, or , she are like a man... or ' that guy are like an old, or , yet says " she or he are like a "crazy" , or "you are ......." ( refering with LABELS, what you DONT KNOW all the true) etc... ' looking down upon the creation of Allah cc. Despising the qualities of another brother or sister. Also, demonstrating inferior qualities, which "criticizing", lowering a creature of Allah cc. Maybe this is Denvel( May Allah cc to refuge us from it) , working in the mind of persons , for him or her to despise other.
then, more carefully, yet.
And these adjectives, labels, start to be seen how "normally", "human" .. because they all come in the movies, in the television, in the novel, in the propaganda ... they are made graceful, listen to the father, the mother speaking, the "pretty" actor or the actress speak .... and then ... we act equal... Without thinking about the consequences...
Many "adult" call kids using adjectives... and doesn't use their name. This , too, are great mistake. Each one have a name, for us to call them, and to everybody to call us, with our name.
Our words can ' to destroy " a family, a life , also, too, brother or sister, internally, physiologic .
And, when we tell to " to be from Allah cc ", with negative adjectives .. this is because we are not, very often, looking at his essence, but yes, his/her appearance, or when storm was.
Of course, that there are persons ' of the cruelty ".. But even so, we cannot refer with negative adjectives. This does badly for our Deem, our virtues islamics.
And he does not think in "tomorrow". Who will Allah cc be going to send to help, at a moment of necessity?
Very probable what is " who " was humiliated for us, and we couldn't give the real value.
The devil likes "operating" in the head of the persons, and you blind them, so that they do not see the soul, but have attention to the appearance, or impression.
Today we see many people walk with heads held high, laugh and talk to the base passions, learn things that harm and not benefit them. Apparently know things in the world and falsely claim to eliminate the truth. Believe in Satan, they worship things besides Allah, things that harm them and do not benefit them. They rely on other beings out of ALLAH cc; spend money on goods and unlawful things, the law judge on the basis of ignorance, swearing falsely.
These, although appearances of human beings in fact are not. To these the Qur'an considers them like animals or worse. No one should delude themselves by their bravery, as the leopard, lion, wolves are much more brave, one should delude themselves by their physical strength, as the bull, the elephant and donkey are much stronger, and no one must also delude themselves with the load carrying capacity, because the donkey supports more load, and should not delude themselves with their speed as the gazelle, the dog, rabbit run much, one should delude themselves with their good voice, because there are many birds and many musical instruments sounds very beautiful.
However, there is no virtue in these animals because of their qualities, for it is wisdom, in the distinction in practice and in good behavior. It is a grave mistake to concern ourselves with our clothing, our bodies and appearances at the expense of our behavior and our hearts, for true beauty is the behavior and not the clothing and appearance.
The ratio of Muslim to Allah
It is also a big mistake to concern ourselves in improving and reforming our relations with people, forgetting our relationship with our Creator, we care about our worldly life destroying our "Akhirah; improve our relations with great people, ignoring the immediate family. We should not concern ourselves in building our house temporary worldly, leaving to build our eternal home of "Jannah," because if our "Akhirah" is destroyed, "Duniya" we are not worth anything. Unfortunately for many, the realities are reversed and, therefore, treat the "Duniya" as eternal and "Akhirah" as provisional.
We can, to advise brothers and sisters if are being wrongs. But to say what they need to do or not about their life, when they are not doing mistakes........... or , yet, when they don't asked for you about............................ ow.... Allah Allah.....
this make repugnance..... astagfirullah... but what is this? how can one persons to use telephone, to call other , only for to do especulation, and to say what this other need to do or not, to say about who don know? about situation that don't know?
and, without know NOTHING about his/her life? what is this? who are sending this permition?
YOU ARE NOT ALLAH FOR TO KNOW..........................................................NOTHING.
We need be carefully about 'to say about who we DONT KNOW'. Our Duty too.
But,when we can to help sister/brothers, couple, married, to have reconciliations, to be joined. MASHALLAH... IF HAVE THIS OPORTUNITY: THIS IS OUR DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS SUNNA!!!
May Our Allah cc, al Hadi Al Majid Al Matin to help us to care more our life, families care each to others, and who you made for care other the duty with true love, piety from you in our hearts, and to stay in the right way, always. inshAllah amin