do not give up...................................... because of Allah CC
have cowrage... keep in the faith...
do not give up
hear the heart , do not hear the humans
do not give up
say always the true... ask direct
do not use mean..
do not give up
back and repair what u did damage... repair the heart..
do not give up
do not use intermediaries.....
rememberm the humanity , only Allah Cc knows the hearts and intention
do not give up
do not listen those do not live with who are in the another side of the bridge...
even if live there... remember, human are not equal
do not give up
the life is short... the die time always are near..
do not give up
back and do right, what had not time for .....
do not give up
believe in who love you with the truste love from Allah CC
do not give up...
do not have
do not jump to wrong conclusions .....
do not believe in answeres that you did not ask, directly,
the third (speaker) are not in the history of two, then the third of course, always be wrong ...
remember: people have different answers for different people (According to her/his trust ...)
do not give up
in all opportunity: be a help. Allah CC made all human able to help or to destroy the other.. it is the choise...
do not ive up.
Forgive ...
do not give up!!!
say the true, helpping to reach the right way....
do not be a devil soldier, speaking lie..
The true are the light for all way...
so, give the light... be a light
do not give up!!!