Allah CC The Sufficient !
Any islamic country need to pass it, what can to see in videos, and the reality are many more hard.
Islamic country has their knowledge enough from Quran, Hadith, Sunna, and the sharya are enough.
Islamic country country no need a 'FAKE" help from who KILLED AND KILL, all the time to many muslims on the world and all innocent.
This "man" ( pope") said, this days, in a declaration that Jews doesn't killed or doesn't tried to kill Hz Issa (saw).
Who is him for to try to modify historical reality?
A new plan?
It is so crazy . In securely XXI ,yet, these peoples UNBELIEVER, trying to dominate the humanity with LIE.
Reading the text from brazilian journalist, psychiatric
Laerte Braga
Benedict XVI in a speech on Saturday, the Vatican expressed concern expressed about what happens in Libya in Asia and Africa and asked not to determine who "aid and assistance" to end the "tragedy."
First you must define the papacy of Benedict XVI. Then what is the "tragedy" in the case. And then who should, if that is the outsider, "rescue" Libya.
Benedict XVI is a pope who was born and raised in the far right of the Catholic Church. And before his choice of religious life joined the Hitler Youth. In the Pontifical John Paul II, was the epitome of the new forms of inquiry - but no less cruel - away from religious linked to liberation theology and aborting shifting movements in the Church have arisen from the popes John XXIII and Paul VI, who succeeded Pius XII, clear commitments during the Second World War with the regime of Mussolini in Italy and Hitler's Germany.
The history of the Catholic Church is on the way intrinsic and extrinsic to the repression and violence. Of Christ appropriated and transformed it into an instrument of power elites since its recognition by the now bankrupt Roman Empire, was absolute master of inky black power in the Middle Ages.
He rode from the dogmas of their convenience, not of reality. The brief periods of oxygenation (John XXIII and Paul VI) as they are erased in the history of the Vatican.
Just remember that Galileo was forced to recant by recognizing that the Earth was round and revolved around the sun, because the divine power was exercised by the popes, the Earth was the center, until it became more and way No. clear that Galileo was right.
Even notable figures in Church history as Thomas Aquinas, Thomas More and other pathways to those taken different paths and decided on the basis of power.
Today, amid an unprecedented crisis in every sense, is a fief of capitalism, which opened more space - or Martin Luther or Calvin could - it was for fundamentalism banker / Christian criminals as Edir Macedo and others.
The Roman Catholic Church, with exceptions of course insist to survive, is part of OPUS DEI terrorist organization, governed by the terrorist organization OPUS DEI.
That, in turn, is a shareholder in US / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A.
The crisis in Libya is the Libyan people and it is for the Libyan people to solve.
When John Paul II arrived in Havana ready to pray and speak on the assumption that it would raise the people against the government of Fidel Castro, Cuban leader's heard that millions of children would sleep on the streets that night, but none of them was Cuban. He was forced to swallow his piety / cynical, or as they say here stick the guitar in the bag and ready.
Muammar Gaddafi is a dictator. Left side of the revolutionary ideals of when overthrew the monarchy and became a dictator. That does not change a reality Libya. The highest human development index among the Arab countries of the world.
All the revolutionary ideal and the raptures of Gaddafi toward the West ended in an agreement with the U.S., the World Bank and IMF which earned him a suspension of sanctions and the blessing of the terrorist headquarters, Washington, the White House.
For the conglomerate US / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A is irrelevant that the allied governments are democratic or bloody dictatorships, it is complying with the orders and serve the interests of the group. Gaddafi in recent years was one of those allies, as was Mubarak, as is the king of Saudi Arabia, Yemen's government, totalitarianism in Jordan, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt at this time generals, traitors, lend themselves to allow that U.S. forces might use the territory of the country for a possible attack on Libya in support of "democracy and Western Christian."
That's what Herr Benedict should call for "assistance and relief."
Sounds like a blessing to a new crusade, like all crusades, bloody, despotic and anchored in coats that invoke divine protection.
Only God today is the market and the Vatican knows it. Lives in bankruptcy bankers rescued by mobsters.
Not to be outdone by the race of this scam invented CHARISMATIC RENEWAL, fundamentalism competitor Macedo and his troupe.
With the end of the Soviet Union the U.S. has gone a total beast (formerly masked), dropped the mask. Bradley Manning, who is accused of providing documents to the Wikileaks site, in which human rights policy and Guantanamo prisons in Iraq are symbolic, was forced to sleep naked in his cell at day last week. Orders.
Islam, generally called late, has a passage that defines this type of situation with clarity and precision of mathematics.
"Islam teaches that if someone, no matter who they (the governor, the commander or the president), sort do something that is illegal according to Islam, such as rape prisoners of war or torturing a prisoner to death, is expressly prohibited obey and follow such orders, because there is no obedience to the creature when it comes to the disobedience to the Creator. " So what kind of excuse I was doing ordens would never be accepted, because each one is fully aware of what is right and what is wrong. "
In Israel it is common practice against Palestinians and Palestinian officials. Libya is currently experiencing the threat of a night of horror from the principles of "Christians and Western democracy."
The Egyptian generals have made clear that Mubarak remains even without all the trappings of dictatorship, the people begin to return to the streets, only now, repressed by the military barbarism.
Assistance and relief "of Benedict XVI's speech sounds like trumpets calling the need for intervention in Libya for terrorist ensure our oil each day, the fundamental interests of the terrorist conglomerate that controls the world.
Out of the Vatican altars religious figures of Christianity, enter the new "Saints." Obama, bankers, big businessmen, executive director of the entire conglomerate US / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A, enthroned by OPUS DEI.
Bush is who is the center surrounded by angels / mariners, "our boys".
The misinformation about what actually happens in Libya is another reality created by media around the world controlled by the conglomerate. In Brazil is even scandalous submissions from groups such as GLOBE, SHEET, ARE OF SAO PAULO, etc..
The lack of commitment to the truth is that personal genetics.
What the world is witnessing today is the prospect of a new war under false pretenses, as in Iraq, like Afghanistan and a real massacre of the Libyan people, as it happens in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ali, Afghanistan, the wedding ceremony is a gathering of terrorists.
And watching helplessly as this, all with the blessing of Benedict XVI herr.
Western Europe is just a great American colony surrounded by bases on all sides and compliant governments. David Cameron, in his eagerness to prove the most reliable, proclaimed the end of multiculturalism, just in Berlin, the resurrection of racial purity.
Napoleon no longer exists, the President of France is only a knave Sarkozy called historic. Neither Queen Victoria. Today the UK is preserved in formalin and colony Elizabeth II under the baton of herr David Cameron, editor of MEIN KAMPF in our times.
Or the Latin American people realize that Libya is every Latin American country (see Honduras. Haiti), no resistance will be tomorrow or the Middle East today.
The new world order of capitalist terror earned the epithet of "assistance and relief." : What actually is a policy of extermination and enslavement of Muslim people, a quarter of humanity.
Laerte Braga
The Foreign Minister of Brazil, Anthony Patriot, decided to give the air of grace and said today that the country will not support any intervention by U.S. military in Libya without the backing of the United Nations.
If I had not said this or if he had omitted (as it has done) on fundamental issues of his Ministry, would be left him no choice but to walk barefoot all the time. It does not mean that the foreign policy of the Brazilian government has abandoned Dilma pragmatism. It only means that the unconditional alignment with the U.S. has a very high price that goes beyond removing the shoes.
Go there ... Who has time to think.
Troops of the U.S. conglomerate / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A are positioning themselves to intervene in Libya on the pretext of guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the Libyan people. The first concern will be the terrorists take over oil fields, refineries and ports to ensure that the organization can have fuel to continue saving the world.
The Libyan people come later. You will experience the force of executioners that the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan know every day until it is forming a government, this is their idea, which is Christian, Western and Democrat in the mold of conglomerate.
Say it submitted to the Honduran dictatorship born of a coup backed by the U.S.. Or prisoners in the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay.
The International Criminal Court that not only has to judge Gaddafi for crimes against humanity. Obama, the prime minister of Israel are hardened criminals, as were George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, former Prime Minister Tony Blair and now, David Cameron, who is preparing the relaunch of MEIN KAMPF market of Christian democracy and Western, proclaimed the end of multiculturalism.
Anthony Patriot will know the face of an empire that knows it exists, but pretends not to see, or wanted to believe it did not exist. The solemn terror and contempt for the UN, just like Bush did in the invasion, occupation and plunder of Iraq on the false pretext of chemical and biological weapons.
There is no precise information about what is happening in Libya. Western media are openly pro-US part of the conglomerate and the news is distorted and mounted the guise of Lords.
The problem is the Libyan Libyan people, belongs to the Libyan people. The Libyan oil well.
The U.S. refused to discuss a peace proposal presented by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, accepted by Gaddafi, the opposition and the Arab League. There is no interest in peace.
The rebellion in Libya was set up by the CIA and is being conducted by the CIA using mercenary forces. Among them the Arab governments subservient to Washington, fearful of the ripple effect.
There is a word in the Christian media, democratic and Western, which defends press freedom in the massacres promoted by dictators U.S. allies, the case of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan and even the treachery of the generals on the Egyptian people of his country. Continence to beat Washington.
Erased is the smokescreen that used to surround the U.S. military interventions, is becoming more explicit and with an ever higher level of barbarism, the impudence of the terror conglomerate.
It is as if it had been linked to fuck you.
The conglomerate brings the truth of nuclear terror and an arsenal that destroys the world a hundred times if need be, the rest is rest, damn it.
The base of terrorist American and Israeli (Western Europe - NATO - is a colony) is the presumption of racial superiority - which feeds the hatred hidden in every citizen of these countries - which, in turn, covers political and economic interests.
The Muslim people, demonized and presented as backward, barbaric, think differently and little is known about it.
"Love for their nation and independence by the people is a good and honorable feeling. However, the extreme nationalism becomes intolerable when love turns into fanaticism. If someone feels hostile toward other nations without due cause, he will, in the interest of his own country, disregard the rights of other nations or peoples. As a result the country will seek to acquire or plundering the lands of another country and this attitude is intolerable. Likewise if people, in turn, transform this love for their nation and race, claiming they are genetically superior, have developed an unbearable idea is also intolerable. What is also wrong - to transform nationalism into a racist ideology. "
"For this, the Islamic principle of brotherhood that all Muslim brothers and sisters without distinction of any kind, or let the animosity is never installed, stop it before birth and forever."
Saladin when he learned that the wife of one of the kings of Europe that drove the crusade against the Islamic people were sick sent him their doctors. Jerusalem was destroyed by Christians. One of the caliphs who ruled the city after learning that the Jewish people was not being able to perform their prayers at the Wailing Wall, the place was dirty, serving as a garbage dump, had to clean it and assured the Jews the right to pray.
Christianity today has another face, far from what we might call the ideal of Christ. God is called market-driven business and is, hatred is part of that cruel and perverse structure that was organized in the conglomerate US / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A.
Ana Maria Braga, Prototype of this ongoing process of alienation imposed on persons, itself be an abject, arrived at the funeral of the murdered girl's father and the lover who asked if there were the "atmosphere was very sad."
It is not stupidity or just that. The venerable lady is shown as an example of a woman (it has the visit of President Roussef) and sells this ideology putrid god's Market in the form of an omelette, or sponge cakes with delight, in the background are all products of McDonald's, part survival kit for the mercenaries who murder people worldwide and now want to do it in Libya.
In addition to oil the growth of Islam there. A quarter of people alive today practice the religion of Islam. It scares the Christian world, democratic and Western, the god of the market.
The fear of popular uprisings in the Middle East, the birth of an Islamic unity involving an Islamic country in Europe, resulting in what is seen in the guise of peace, the genocide against Muslim people.
Now, judging by what the Americans say, will be the turn of Libya.
Fidel Castro said that a week ago. It was all a ruse to invade the country.
It's the next war U.S. / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A.
Pages and pages of blood.
The reaction of the Islamic people, whatever it is survival. Is lawful, just look at the horrors committed against Palestinians in
Gives a clear idea of what they owned the world, the truth. Theirs.