social costs of the 'EDUCATION' BY MEDIA
All scholars, of the human behavior, we are, in this it finalizes decade, when they were preoccupied, about the " inversion of values ".
The technological system, it evolved, in the form geometric. But, the human being, still did not "evolve" psico-socially
The technological system, it evolved, in the form geometric. But, the human being, still did not "evolve" psico-socially
When we talk about the evolution of the man, we speak, in his "general" constitution , remembering what: what defers the human one of the animal, is our "mental" capacity, to act, NOT in the instinctive form.
But, the industry of the media, it works, and with result, to maintain the human " mentally primitive ".
In short, the family lost influence as a system of socialization and transmission of values.
Children and young people have less contact with adults able to positively influence the development of their character and their value system.
Simultaneously, we witness an increase in the influence of "new media" in the process of socialization and transmission of values. The loss of authority and influence of teachers is area accompanied the decline of the influence of families. Among the "new media, television has a role in the socialization of children and young. It is plain that the educational potential of television is far from meet demand.
The public and the families have to start recognize that television is an instrument that can be used to educate or to uncivilized. Democratic a society, it is for citizens and consumers to exercise freedom of choice and is not admitted to state censorship programs television. However, civil society, through non-governmental organizations and private associations can play a role in public enlightenment on deeds of violence and cruelty on television, in the periods in which children are usually in front of the TV.
Basically, the decision-making power remains belong to families. It is these that must choose not to see the programs television that can bring harm to children's education. If there is a public awareness about the harm that cruelty, violence and pornography on television can bring to the education of children, I believe that families begin to make the right choices, turning off the television whenever pass such programs. The problem is that it lacks public awareness and to In addition, parents are not always home at times when children watch these programs, or , most times, they are if using of others, media, and being, also, influenced negative . (they are, also, using Internet, or tv, or other technologies: completely hypnotized)
So, they stop "being necessary" with his "paper" and " responsibility ".
So, they stop "being necessary" with his "paper" and " responsibility ".
“ The persons consume, today, more pornography of what never ”, he said the investigator Mary Eberstadt, Who should accomplish pornography with the expectation of improving his sex life will be able to make it worse, studies prove which consumers of pornography are less happy.
Discoveries and Recommendations and his associate inquiry, it are of preoccupying deeply.
P. Langdale Hough) – In last month in the National Club of Press in Washington, D.C., the Institute Witherspoon informed on a series of academic discoveries and recommendations about the social costs of the pornography.
In December of 2008 a varied group of academics, doctors and one brought together journalists in Princeton, New Jersey, to begin an initial investigation on the social damages of the consumption of the pornography in: men, women and children.
The academic participants had come from a spacious variety of specialized professions. Psychiatrists, legal, medical specialists and economists joined a rigorous analysis of the neurological, psychological, economical, social, political, legal and philosophical dimensions of the use of the pornography.
The result was spread in 16 of March of 2010, when the Institute Witherspoon presented the document “ The Social Costs of Pornography: The Statement of Findings and Recommendations ” (The Social Costs of the Pornography: Discoveries and Recommendations).
The psychiatric and therapeutic classes recently began to do certain observations regarding the costs of the consumption of the pornography in the conduct of an individual.
The World-wide Association of Psychiatry, and scholars of the behavior human, in his proposal recently spread revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for the first time included specific references to the pornography like possible factor in “ Hyper sexual Disorders ”.
Three important observations on the document deserve to be done.
First, he presents varied professional and specialized consensus on the social branching of the pornography of Internet, a consensus that is in divergence with good part of the opinions accepted on the question.
Second, some implications of the empirical evidence presented in the document will provoke controversy, in part because of a libertarian predominant sensitivity as to the consumption of the pornography.
At last place, it is necessary to do very much more inquiries, considering the relatively recent growth of the pornography of Internet and the challenge of obtaining reliable data of producers and consumers of the pornography of Internet.
What supports good part of the public opinion on the pornography is the " great lie preached by producers, and who benefits, with the sale. They convince the world, that " consumption of pornography as harmless entertainment ", sexual kind expression or marriage helper. but, in the reality, it is not. Nevertheless, this way of seeing is complicated by the oni -presence of pornographic instant, realistic and cheeky materials, and the growing volume of empirical evidences that confirm the damages what the pornography was believing in that what produce and consume the pornography as well as in that what they live and work in the same residences, enterprises and communities where there are users of pornography.
Inside these two observations important specific affirmations are, some of which can be found here and all of whom they are completely documented in The Social Costs of the Pornography: Discoveries and Recommendations.
The oni- presençe of the pornography in the era of the Internet is accompanied by a growing volume of evidences that they indicate that, independent of the age and of the sex, all they are affected. To most of the social damages connected with the consumption of the pornography it seems to give rise of his psychological nature like an intense experience of training of conduct and concession of permission inside the context of apprenticeship.
Another important point, it is the infidelity. The great quantity of foreign women, with other habits and values (not monks) easiness of the communication by e-mail or messages of text sent by cellphones made the easiest extramarital sex (and also easier of being discovered), what it contributed so that the rate of divorces rose for 30 %.
The modernization in the last decades in the orient, fed by habits of the Occident and European, also shook some social oriental structures. At the same time, the political ascent " of the profit " mined the traditional religious authorities, doing so that the community was confused as for the moral questions.
Empirical studies reveal the neuro science of the consumption of the pornography.
Some studies show that the use of the pornography mines the conjugal relationship and other intimate relationships of his users, be able to make the sexually incompetent men with a real partner, and for someone it can lead to growing attractions for with images and conducts of pornographic nature.
Women not only face new expectations of sexual conduct, but also they face each other with more chances of divorce, infidelity and less happy marriages. Children, principally boys, are more inclined to the violence, aggression and sexual coercion of colleagues, are more sensitive to the sexual coercion for part of colleagues and adults. The adolescent girls are more inclined tolerating emotional, physical and sexual abuse. For last, though it is necessary to do many inquiries in this area, it seems that the pornography keeps on being a factor in the traffic of you are human for the sexual exploration.
Briefly, the pornography has social costs for which they are wrapped.
Of the document they include some of the recommendations: — a bigger conscientiousiness for part of the therapeutic community as for the damages of the consumption of the pornography as well as additional inquiries in this area; — bigger attention for part of the professionals of the education as for this volume of inquiries and the dangers and challenges what the adult adolescents are facing; — bigger interest for part of journalists on the consequences of the oni- presence of the pornography and an involvement of rigorous journalism investigative in the pornographic industry; — a rigorous answer of the industry deprived for with the use of the pornography in the environment of work and a conscientiousness gone to employees with problems of pornography; — the fall of the glamour" of the use of the pornography for part of the celebrities and of the popular culture; __ to do so that the pornography is made socially so unacceptable all that to smoke cigarettes, since the damages are bigger, more deep, and the consequence are disastrous, and prepare the land for laws and judicial processes that put an end in the dirty empire of billion dollars.
— and finally, a commitment in this question for part of the local and federal governments, including: legislation in order that make the pornography illegal in the servants standards used by the common persons; I use the positions of influence for a public campaign to show the great damage.