One of the widely discussed concepts is himmet. What is the met himmet ı
that is frequently used by the Sufi owners? Why is the topic of discussion,
where is it misunderstood? Why and how do you use Himmet?
Himmet means gathering the heart, will, emotion and thought to a point
in the sense of words and aiming at one goal. The root of the word is Arabic “
hemm ”. Hemm, whether good or bad, to do anything to him, himmet, precious,
honorable and means to turn to beautiful things.
When we think in the sense of words, every human being has a goal that
is determined and directed towards effort. Some of the people just turn to the
stomach, others to the heart.
Everyone's worth is measured by what they're headed for. From this point
of view, only the world's concern is worthless in the sight of Allah.
The goal of Allah's consent, the
value of words can not be measured. Help and support comes to mind when we talk
about himmet in our daily lives today.
When I say im my client has been solved with something of him or
something, we mean that I got rid of the boredom with the support he provided
No one denies such a service. Because all humanity has been created in
need of each other. The weak need the strong, the poor need the rich, the sick
need the doctors, the ignorant need the scholars; those who were given material
and spiritual opportunities and blessings were also assigned to deliver them to
the needy.
of the Parents
When it comes to the issue of himmet of the widely debated parents and
the perfect master; this is called the master's favor, spiritual saving, evil
eye, feyzi and prayer.
Some objections to the protection and protection of parents by remote
persons. Since the issue takes place through the spirit in the spiritual world,
the mind that is condemned to material conditions has difficulty in
understanding it. Because of this himmet and aid manifests in different sizes,
out of known time and distance measures.
For this reason, those who do not
experience it in person, believe that it is and want evidence and explanation
to understand the event. They're right about that. We will ask the people of
the matter and those who experience it. We will put forward the evidence. We
will identify misunderstandings and practices.
According to Sufism , himmet; the servant himself or someone else to
reach a charity, to protect from evil or to capture a violin using all his
spiritual power to the heart with the direction of God Almighty. ( Djurani )
Himmet is the help of the
devotees by Allah's permission by the souls who are cleansed with divine light
and exalted with piety. These spiritual souls are not bound to time, they are
not limited to space. Financial conditions will not prevent them. Himmet is a
divine light entrusted to all parents. He travels with light, nurture and
reinforce the right passengers. Himmet is a mercy from Allah. The people of
Himmet are friends of Allah, who is tasked with delivering a mercy. In the
words of the Qur'an, they are called “jündullah ( soldiers of Allah ).. Only
Allah knows their numbers, places and duties. (Muhdessir / 31) They are
composed of angels and believers. Almighty Allah, through them to help and
resolve their obligations. In fact, it is Allah who supports his servant and
unravels his affection.
The other beings, whether prophets or guardians, are nothing but means.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says this truth: Allah Allah is the Giver, and I
have the duty to divide and deliver what is given. ”(Bukhari, Muslim)
Divine Catering Himmet A capital given by
Allah to the Mutaklar, Himmet is a divine trust. It is a gift of Allah to the
loved ones, the fruit of the divine love, and the gifts of the devotees. Allahu
Teala, in a famous kudsi hadith, offers this treat to his loved ones:
“When I love my servant who comes to me with
obligatory and futile worship, I become his seeing eye, hearing ear, holding
hand, walking foot. He sees with me, hears with me, holds with me, walks with
me. If he takes refuge in me, I'il protect him. If he asks me something, I will
give it to him. ”(Bukhari, Ibnu Mace, Ahmed)
is summarized in this hadith all the miracles and himmet that the parents
reached. In this hadith, let us hear from the great interpreter Fahruddin Razi
about the extent to which the opportunities and powers given to the friends of
Allah are:
“If one continues to obey Allahu Tealâ
with great devotion and sincerity, he ascends to an authority commanded by
Allah to be his eye and ear. When Allah's light is an ear for His servant, he
hears the distant and hears the distant. When this light becomes an eye for
him, he sees the distant as he sees the relative. And when this light becomes a
hand for the servant, that hand has the power to force, easy, close, far away,
everything. ”(Mefatihu'l-Gayb)
Here, a perfect parent, a believer
who wants to help him to stay narrow and divine after the help of this light.
Regardless of the distance, a devoted guardian whose heart is polished with
divine light can see all parts of the world, hear every sound, extend hands all
the way with the permission and will of Allah. This is easy and possible for
Allahu Tealâ's worshipers. However, this blessing to whom, when, to what extent
will determine the Almighty Hak .
Depends on Sincerity and Literature
The best cause of God's mercy is the
sincerity of the heart. In his request, Allahu Tealâ hears the prayer of the
unwary heart, but does not accept it. Nobody, who is sincere, patient and
determined when the desire and wants, does not return empty-handed. In his book
el İnsan-ı Kamil Büyük, the great parent Abdulkerim al-Cilî (KS) states that
all success depends on sincerity in Himmet:
Samimi There are two portents of the sincere in his will: to believe in
what he is going to be and what he wants, and to do what is required of his
power. No one who is not like this is not called himmet and perseverance owner.
He is a man who only avoids empty hopes and is a liar in his cause. Such a
person can not find what he is looking for, can not meet his beloved. His
situation is like a person who doesn't have a pen, paper and doesn't know how
to read or write. How will someone in this situation write the letter? Why does
he want to write letters like this?
Himmet Limited to Fate
“Say my Messenger: I do not have any benefit and harm to myself other
than Allah wills.” (A'raf / 188) states that everything is at the discretion of
Allah Almighty. Great arif Ibnu Atâ (KS) says in his book Hikem: “No matter how
big and fast the Himmet cannot cross the fate..
Kamil , the master, does not look
at the wishes of the master, but Allahu Tealâ's appreciation for him. There is
a kind of destiny that Allah has decided to make its realization. It is
inevitable that what is given this provision will happen and it cannot change
him prayer and himmet. There is some kind of destiny that depends on a number
of reasons. Here prayer, himmet and charity benefit in this part.
As such, some of them said: “my master is gavst, whatever he wants from
Allahu Tealâ; at a glance, the unbelieving believer, the disbelievers in the
mutt, defeats an army alone! These are the things that are in the power of
Allahu Tealâ, and the friends of Allah always want the appropriate things in
the divine murmur. The great parent Mevlana Khalid Baghdadi (KS) sends the following
answer to the governor of Akka, Abdullah Pasha, who asked him for prayers and
himmet for the continuation of his generation:
“We do not see ourselves as the people of Himmet . However, even so,
himmet is not used until it is understood that the desired thing is accidental
(a fate linked to its occurrence). The fate that is certain (accident-i
mubram), not the guardians, not even the himmen of the prophets can not change.
He should consent to his conclusion and surrender to Allahu Tealâ. Let
us note that, to avoid denial of the parents as vacip; It is also wajib to
avoid the conjectures about them that will disrupt faith. These extreme and
dangerous beliefs are more likely to be attributed to those who believe in good
faith and excessive affection for parents. Remember, the devil is the owner of
trickery and order; He tries every way to take people to the helake.
”(Mektubat-ı Mevlana Halid, Letter 7)
Is Not Self, It Is Suitable For Wisdom
Arifs are in love with Allahu Tealâ's wisdom. They look at the outcome,
not the visible side of things. They seek for the reasons that bring them
closer to Allah for themselves and their students. His approach to the servant
Allahu Tealâ depends on the discipline of the soul. This training sometimes
occurs with health and sometimes with illness. Some heart diseases are treated
with poverty, loneliness and helplessness. Sometimes painful experiences are
required to remove heart stiffness and blight. The disciple does not know them
and asks for trouble and prayer from his master to get rid of them. Mürşid sees that with distress
light and divine knowledge, that distress is a medicine for the disciple's
problem and knows that it brings him closer to Allah; briefly – " We pray
disciple thinks that the problem will end immediately. However, the master of
Allah, Allahu Tealâ'dan wants to continue that hardship. Because the medicine
of the disciple's blunder is in that trouble. It is not friendship, but
Service , Then Himmet
Mürid: “himmet sir!” He says, ş first, my son! ”Says the master. The Arif said: The
himmet of the master is according to the effort of the master. The first job
for a person who wants a beautiful crop in the field is to clean the field and
sow the appropriate seeds there, then make the necessary irrigation. It is time
to open your hand and ask for the best. If a man who does not do this, walks
all the parents in the world and demands prayer for good crop, the crop is not
in the field, but the thorn is over.
Dr.Dilaver Selvi