Jihad: O combate contra os obstáculos à fé muçulmana, ou contra os infiéis e os inimigos da ordem islâmica, considerado pelo Alcorão e pela tradição islâmica como obrigação religiosa. A doutrina menciona quatro formas de jihad:
= pelo coração, evitando os maus sentimentos;
= pela palavra, difundindo a mensagem do Islam;
= pelas mãos, praticando boas ações; e
= pela espada, lutando contra os infiéis.
Means of Jihad
Jihad: The combat against the obstacles to the Muslim faith, or against the unfaithful ones and the enemies of the Islamic order, thought by the Koran and by the Islamic tradition as religious obligation. The doctrine mentions four forms of jihad:
= for heart, avoiding the bad feelings;
= for the word, spreading the message of the Islam;
= for the hands, practicing good actions; and
= for the sword, fighting against the unfaithful ones.
Means of Jihad
Jihad: The combat against the obstacles to the Muslim faith, or against the unfaithful ones and the enemies of the Islamic order, thought by the Koran and by the Islamic tradition as religious obligation. The doctrine mentions four forms of jihad:
= for heart, avoiding the bad feelings;
= for the word, spreading the message of the Islam;
= for the hands, practicing good actions; and
= for the sword, fighting against the unfaithful ones.