There are some explanations to understand these thirty days feared before the inauguration of a new age. The anniversary nothing any more is of what the landmark of a new solar cycle in the life of a person, in other words, a new starting point, a revision of life, a glance for " other " asking: because he has and have not I?
It is a moment signaling a new stage for his conscience, for the reality, which can be used to strengthen the positive characteristics. But, everything depends on "as" we administer this. The days that precede this renovation are exact the last ones of the previous cycle what the conscience was crossing.
Jean Omar and professionals scholars of the human behavior, remembers that the cycles we represent traineeships of all and any process of development and that " the end of a cycle " is characterized because of having a quality of time marked by the agitation, change, instability and disorder, when they were added up to the insecurity regarding the future that is because of coming. " This happens because it is in the end of the cycle, that the existent means of expression are sold out in his beginning (to " trial balance " of the actions, planned in a previous dwarf) and they show the residues responsible for his debauchery.
In abridgment, the time that precedes immediately the end of any cycle is characterized for the disorder and for the inversion of the values admitted in yours beginning ", explain the scholars of the human behaviour.
For the technique of the revolution, each month of the year, counting from the date of the anniversary, it corresponds to a determined house or practical sector of the life of a person, who will be being lived more intensely.
So, in the first month from the anniversary, the house is survived in the emphatic form month 1: the person is more centered in you herself and in his behavior.
mês12: of the year correspond to the " evaluation ', and any evaluation, it sends to us to the suffering, since that we analyze, with selfishness, the sacrifices and donations that a person, for duty, fez to others, without waiting for rewards for this, or waiting.
This act analytics is which caused great upsets "comportments", when we are in the adult phase, and with all the responsibilities, and hormonal changes taking place. With this, we suffer, and very much.
Arriving to the point of "taking" certain attitudes precipitates, and you do not make positive (big is the upset in our minds, and even bigger, it is the wish of escaping, of us ourselves, of values and beliefs, which form our character) But, it can be different.
Everything depends on "as" you understand the life.
This is a moment, which we need to go out from the stage to contemplate more the world and, to be detached, in aid of that what they need an emotional help or practices, which only we, we will be able to carry out. Valuing this: his importance, in way where you live, you will feel better, while valuing that " many importantly is"to serve " and " be loved ".
" It is a period of being an instrument for the good of others and not being so preoccupied by own causes ", affirm the scholars of the human behaviour.
Since this generally does not happen, there comes the anguish, the emptiness and the sensation of bewilderment, when we reach the end of a stage ( mentally) In spite of not being a mysterious strength set free like many people they imagine, there are symbolic solid explanations for the crisis of the last month of an age, but this does not mean that negative things will happen only in the life of anybody; or what is impossible to deal well with this transition period.
They all have free-judgement and can, still more, understanding the cycle, in which they are inserted, dedicate this moment to the reflection and evaluation of the finished stage, being prepared without so many scrambles for the near one, in the healthy form: at last, it is one more year of life, one more time in this school, where we are to learn, to serve, to be a usefulness, and " how much is bigger, lovingly, Our Allah (cc) and his blessing in our families, for our children, for our health, our work.
More, one year without wars. one more year of life. one more year, complete.
Remember, always:
when we are childish, this in the question excitement, because we want to be , we want to trip, we want father, mother, some toys, the cake, the party
when young persons, we have anxiety, because we want to be adults , we want the gifts , the friends, the party.
when adults, we feel " depression ", because we want .. and we want and want....
In the next year, do marketing about,Advertise, as child does.
Demand yours presents. Play with the life.
Value his conquests, of faith, conquests of yours
relatives, of yours work: all of them healthy yours conquests.
use your time for to prepare a meeting with the family.
Say to everybody. Be happy. Is more one year finished, with all protection from Allah (cc).