We need to Know that our words and actions can influence the lives of others for good or not
Because Allah(cc) can feel enthusiasm use us to witness for Him
Reply to let Allah (cc) use it to reach others.
We are best when our actions match what speak.
The Queen Bilk of Sheba heard about the wisdom of Hz Suleyman. She visits him by itself prove his wisdom. Words and actions Hz Suleyman, the same way that words and actions of its people, good cause impression on the queen. Because of what he hears and sees, she recognizes the Allah (cc) True Heaven She sees justice in the way that deals with the Hz Suleyman people and she also sees the righteousness of Allah (cc) in the words and actions of Hz Suleyman. Allah(cc) sent Hz Suleyman to Bilk ... Hz Suleyman ... helped the Queen of Sheba, to see the right way.
We are best when our actions match what speak.
The Queen Bilk of Sheba heard about the wisdom of Hz Suleyman. She visits him by itself prove his wisdom. Words and actions Hz Suleyman, the same way that words and actions of its people, good cause impression on the queen. Because of what he hears and sees, she recognizes the Allah (cc) True Heaven She sees justice in the way that deals with the Hz Suleyman people and she also sees the righteousness of Allah (cc) in the words and actions of Hz Suleyman. Allah(cc) sent Hz Suleyman to Bilk ... Hz Suleyman ... helped the Queen of Sheba, to see the right way.
The Message
When serve others, we reveal Allah's love
Hz Suleyman served Allah(cc) to use his reputation as a wise man to lead people to Allah(cc), not himself. We can do the same
Ya Allah'im, please help us , protect my family. gie win Allah C to him, i believe... and wait inshAllah