A Special Love
When Leyla came into the world, brought his head crushed and deformed features, due to the difficult birth by her mother lived.Everyone looked and did grin, saying that she looked like a football player beaten.
All had the same reaction, minus your grandmother.
When she saw the took in his arms and his eyes twinkled. Looked at that baby, her first and granddaughter, moved, said: "beautiful."
In the course of development that his first grandchild, she would always be present. And mutual love, deep, began to be shared.
When her grandmother was diagnosed, years later, Alzheimer's, the family became an expert in subject. It seemed that, slowly, she was saying goodbye. Or they were losing.
She began to speak in fragments. Then the number of words was always getting smaller, not even say anything else.
A week before his death, Your body has lost all vital functions and it was removed, the medical board, a clinic for the terminally ill.
Leyla insisted to go see her and her parents took her. She entered the room where her grandmother and nana was seen sitting on an oversized armchair beside the bed.
The body was hunched over, eyes closed and open mouth, soft. Morphine kept her asleep.
Slowly Leyla sat in front of she . She took his left hand and held it. Departed that beloved face a shock of white hair and was just sitting there without move, unable to say anything.
Wished to speak, but the sadness that dominated was such that he could not control. Then it happened ...
The Grandma's hand was closing around her granddaughter's hand, squeezing more and more. What seemed a little groan turned into a sound, and his mouth came a word: "Leyla."
The girl shivered. Your name. The grandmother had 4 children, 2 spouses, one daughter and seven grandchildren. How she knew was she?
...... ya ..love. the trustly only one love...from Allahcc