Possibly, the person rampart, is someone, of the family you gave others, which are to the side, landing for the photo.............. this is the dunnya
In fact, the shyness and the kindness of the honest men favors the preponderance of the dishonest persons. But these are their characteristics.
Character is an inherent quality (that is not separated) to a person, animal or thing and psychological aspects, way of being, feeling and acting of an individual, a group, a people and genetics is the branch of the biology that studies the laws of the transmission of the hereditary succession in the persons. Leaving from these basic beginnings we have also, the nature that means beneficial or evil spirit, what it alters (directs) the choice and the destiny of each one.
Persons who are carried along by the opinion of the majority, easily get entangled in the dishonesty with the justification from which “ any world does ”.
Even what “ any world does ”, each one will be held responsible, individually, before the conscience itself, for his acts themselves. The situations are that you present for all of us, to test what our attitudes are. Allah (cc) is in observing. Our attitudes are written down. So, it does not advance to speak what "did" something, because any world does or, it stopped acting, correctly, because he changed his mind. Remembering that the liver judgement is to value our choices before Our Sir Allah (cc).
We can forget nape that the Devil, cursed, me ampsro in Allah (cc) from him, is all the moments, operating in our lives, so that we leave from the best way. But, also, never let's forget the "Genii" (Jins).
They collaborate with the evil nature, that what, he never knows anything, that sees nothing, do not listen to anything, more want that you fall silent and it obey!
In this form, there does not allow what this wave of dishonesty and corruption, which devastates great part of the population.
One remembers that before his conscience and before Allah (cc) you will always be alone, without witness of defense, not being his noble acts.
It is not worthwhile to open hand of the only inheritance that really him belongs, that is the honesty, for some money or benefit or shady acts that come " to hurt ' persons, is an absence of honor.
The dignity is one of the inheritance the most valuable what someone can have and dignity does not mean to "do" or " to collaborate with the cruelty, with the lie, with the farce, with dishonest acts. Promote the truth, the support, the solidarity, the Union, the Compassion.
Loving is to have compassion. Compassion is to love, the true love.
So, compassion is the biggest feeling, the most pure thing, the tall mails. Compassion is true, it is a fuel for the exercise of the true faith. It is the given step, in this life, to reach Allah (cc), in another life.
Because to reject a truth after knowing it means to disgrace Allah (cc). What it means: after admonished, we have our sacred book, the hadiths and the Sunna. like advisor, for our acts.
Of what it advances to frequent the group of religious studies, to pay the zakat, 5 times pray to the day, to go for Mecca. But, in day by day, collaborates with a farce, with the dishonesty, with not union, which certainly, a member of the Ummah will be damaging?
One does not forget: the psychological violence causes bigger damages of what the physical violence. Because this type of violence, it is the cruelty, daily pay studied, what it attacks, straightly the "moral" and all the psychological conditions of another person.
For so much be, really, a loyal being to the Allah (cc). Loyal being is conscious of the brevity of time that remains for him in this life, therefore it concentrates his priorities in what it remains for the Eternity.