IN that night, later a sadden day, she slept, she slept, crying, like always, and dreamt was in a marsh, and was a simple rose, . In the dream, she was visited by an angel.
In the environment marsh , the angel found a rose, alone, crying then him asked:
__ Why are you crying, alone, here?
She answered:
_ You see, here is a marsh, i pass all my time trying to clean, but nothing enought. So i become tired. And alone, because Allah cc gave the duty for a blessed person, the sunshine, a part soul, to care of me. A rose cannot to grown without the sunshine . But, this part soul, had to go... And, this marsh is not a place for him, for now. elhamdulillah. So Allah cc helped him to go.
But one day, Allah cc will be going to return me for him. I work for this.
Allah made the rose and the sun, the souls and families. The rose cannot to gown without the sunshine. Same the familie cannot to live far from another part of the soul.

_ You have faith. Then, why are you crying?
She answered
_ Because, in the middle of the work, I called "the help", in the hour of fear, when the enemy was trying to kill my faith, and make me be only with the thorns.
But, "the help" closed the door. And did not answer. Maybe many busy looking something important from the dunya.
The angel,so,told:
__ but this are not motive for to cry so much. Allah cc are looking everything. So,say to me , why are you crying, from the soul?
Then the Rose told:
>Because, I tried ' to kill the thorns named Pride, from my heart ', it is a arms from devil, for to removes the persons and the hearts. then, I began, inside of myself, because if i am here, alone, maybe this is because i did so many mistake. then i need to repair , starting with me.
The angel asked:
__ So? what did you? this Dont answer my question.
The rose said
> trying to be near of family and special persons; trying to remember Allah cc together, trying to be more helper ,and to be together, even distantly, but nearby, with the heart and action joined; trying to be polite in all situation; trying to protect my family from Allah Cc, and trying to learn the Law from our Allah CC . Our muslim duty, i believe. But, maybe i am wrong.
__Then, what did you to cry?
> I tried to talk with a sister, to speak about Allah cc and to know if she are needing help. But she was many busy, and she did not attend the telephone.. only told: e-mail-me. But, i dont want and i cannot to disturb she. i understood her mean. And now, i have shame, for to try to talk about Allah cc with who have her family, and live in another garden. She is happy, no need to talk about Allah cc.
> I tried to plant a seed in the garden of a special person, who helped me in the faith in the garden inside of me. but, did not let 'plow' the land, in order that the seed to born. Persons are very busy, with the world.I can to understand... but, now i feel shame for my act, too.
__ What more did you?
__ I did dua, to Allah CC, protect all us,from the nefs,and enemies, and started the work again. But, with all this ,so, started, again, the great pain, that of the soul, and make me miss more and more my family, and to need his care.
>So I tried to speak with who i feel peace, when i talk, and speak about Allah cc , and make me to have hope. but, was busy. maybe angry with me.. because i tried to talk. then i got bigger shame, and said "excuse' from my heart. Bu the pain, become no supportable.. and i was needing help, care, and my power become very less...
Then i was waitting for to talk with special many special person, familiar, that is sincere muslim heart, for to share the matters ...and to help about work to humanity.
Then i did big mistake: i tried to say about this pain , because was talking with who have enought knowledge about "pains and cure" ..... and too, about me... But, the answer was " May Allah cc helps u". then the Shame grown inside of me. and the thorns got strong force.
__ And ?
__ I dont know... i start to cry, and more, because i remember our Allah CC, and Allah Cc promise to the muslims. but the shame is so biggest,that i dont know.Maybe i am wrong, to try to cure my pain. but, i can to understand.because, this persons didn't know that i was there, because of Allah cc.
Maybe many tired for to talk about Allah cc, because of his work is hard, i can to understand.
> Finally, i started again to work for to reach , and eyes to eyes, to speak with my family. because , there, i know... only have Allah CC in all actions. He is who takes care of me from Allah cc, also, this is my need continuum, to talk only with him was enought, also to work and to recognize Allah cc in our prayers and talk, joined, helping others. Is only this what my soul need for to grown and to live, in peace ... but.....
So, the angel told:
__ Oh! but, the persons are kept busy , need to understand! why did you to cry?
__ I am crying because shame, because i need my family, and nobody understand. And with acts from '...' so i think: "Oh my Allah Cc, maybe i am so wrong... because i am here, yet, and not there for to help my family, so busy. They are needing of me , by side of them... working together, so they will have time for to live , to Talk , to share about the knowledge from YOU Allah CC. .Please Sir, help us to have understanding inside of us. Clean all misunderstanding.Please Allah CC. i am a creature that dont understand nothing, if not explain with cleaning , direct. so, please, help them to help me, to reach them.
The angel:
__ But , why are you crying?
Because , you see, here, in this land, the persons are so busy with the world, which they forget what other persons ' has no cruelty ' and need a comfort, care, of speaking and recalling Allah cc in the words and attitudes. and even in the marsh, behind the thorns, there is also a "Rose" trying to survive, and to spread seeds. Need what of them, and it is grateful, for everything.
But, the prejudice, the pride, leaves the blind persons. And they remove hearts. But here is the Marsh.
And there, live my family. elhamdulillah. They live to Allah CC. Their heart are clean.
They don't wasborn in the marsh.
And do their duty, continuum , they are many busy.
The angel asked:
__ These are the motive about your cry?
The Rose told:
__ I cry because of the 'indifference' feeds the pride. I am asking to help Allah cc to my family , be protected. to help me,to have power for to help them , for we, together to help others good hearts,also, special are .
Crying, for the desertion, inside the persons, and inside and outside of me. Crying because the fear grown, and the thorns too.. the thorns from the nefs.
My pain are no supportable, because the prejudice from all sides... and i miss my blessed family, to care of me... also, i am concerned about his heart too.... But Allah cc knows. And thanks to Allah cc because inside of all this ... Allah cc blessed me with a family. And shame, because i am here yet trying to clean and to build house on the marsh...when the house, are not here.. but there, or where Allah CC wrote, and the must important is to be by side of my family, helping him to have more time, for to have peace, and time for to teach about Allah CC for all us, who need him in our live.. so i shame,because i am here, yet. And i Cry because elhamdulillah i have only him in this dunya. but , yet, so far...
So, the angel, called she for a pray. And joined, did the Dua.
SubhanaAllah, the Sir Our Allah cc, who created the whole universe, the day and the night, the sand, the land, the water, the nature and the marsh and all the creatures, which they survive.
ShubhaAllah, which granted to us the DREAM, the life, the family, and the power of "acting" im benefit of all the other creatures.
SubhAllah Allah cc, what makes flow àgua in the desert, and being born you render rose in the marsh. SubhanAllah what ' made able " human to take care of human others. subhanAllah, what sent the Sacred Koran, the prophets and our beloved Profeta Mohammad (saw), that because the through " examples ", the human ones have the "hadith" to be guided. SubhanAllah for the life, for the death. SubhanAlllah for all the " love ' from Allah cc
SubhanAllah because the orientation done inside of all human heart, and made all muslim joined in the hearts.
Ya Allah swt, The Creator, Owner of all souls, The Firstly one and The Last one .
You Are the Only One that See and Know everything inside of the mind, hearts and live of the persons.
For a please, take care of these hearts, doing them don't lose the sense of the justice, and continuum remember YOU, with protection from YOU, inside of the hearts, caring each to others, because YOU Rabby care them, always with Your forgive and Mercifully. InshAllah amin.
Al Jabbar inside of the families,making they to extend towards the hand for, joined, to help others with bigger necessity.
What, joined, plant the seeds " of the good " in this planet " land ", where the irreverence reigns, in the hearts lost.
Allah swt, Rabby, please make the families, they recognize, that " they all " are his creatures, and color, race, nationality, age, physical characteristics, goods, or things from the dunya ... are NO more important than the SOUL.
OUR Sir, what Creator of the Angels, of the Nature, Of the Kingdoms. Grant, please, That what are not good, become good, because Allah Loyal CC is.

Here, Allah CC, there are a SOUL, FROM YOU, trying with the own live, to stay YOUR SLAVE, MUSLIM, and to be INSIDE , TOGETHER WITH THE FAMILY FROM YOU.. for to have a muslim, honor live, for to pray with the family, to work with the family to care the family, and joined to help others, Allah CC. YOU KNOW.
There, Allah CC have a true and trust slave, muslim from You, trying to help and to protect his family, working for to give a honor and honest live to his family.
But, the enemy, stay in the midle, Allah CC, in the others hearts, being everything for this soul loose, and the separating this family, using others souls, that DONT recognize YOU , our LORD.
Allah cc Al Nur , illuminates the hearts, of that which they "can" help, and Join persons, Joinning the Hearts, and do the the manifestation in the actions.
Allah CC, OUR OWNER, The Immediate Help, so that the "pride" is won by the " Charity and Piety ", what are " the True Love ", in the hearts of the creatures.
Allah CC, we never will get tired of thanking for Your blessings. But, we plead for Al WALI, ALMU'ID AL NUR, in this emergence. Because, Only in YOU, ALLAH CC, there is the HELP.
inshAllah amin