True Family is the blessing gift from Allah CC

our peace depend of their heart in peace...true family are our peace

our way is right ,only when we can go,being joined..... true family is the true way.. even in Jihad
the good and in the bad moments are together for to reach the best from our Allah cc in this live and in the next

our faith are strong because the existence of the family, true family from Allah.... Family are the blessing to our live

Ya Rabby, many thanks for Your Piety , Your Forgive and Blessings, Many thanks fo You made i can be miuslim and You sent a real muslim family from you what is Truste to You, please, Forgive us and in this dua, i ask ou do not desviate us after You Had Guided Us. For a please, Allahin is You who Knows everything , then protect us, our heart, help us to be joined, and take out all enemies all not good things, doing us to le our live helpping each to other, in the rith way, to You, our Lord. many thanks about him my family, and please cover him Allah CC with all protection and blessing in all matters, inside out side Allah'im, giving to us Your forgive...Our Lord, please inshAllah amin.
Because of Allah CC
Because of Allah CC
Because of Allah CC
Because of Allah CC
Because of Allah CC
you are important... to my life, my family blessed, elhamdulillah, bcs of Allah CC
..... something different of the Kafir
Said the Messenger of Allah (SAW): "Do I still have not informed you who is the believer (true)? It is the one to whom believers entrust their wealth and their lives. Did I still do not be informed who is Muslim? It is the one from whom Muslims are safe from his hand and his tongue ... And a believer is forbidden to oppress another believer, or humiliating, or slander or reject it suddenly. " AI-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 235
Said the Messenger of Allah (SAW): "Do I still have not informed you who is the believer (true)? It is the one to whom believers entrust their wealth and their lives. Did I still do not be informed who is Muslim? It is the one from whom Muslims are safe from his hand and his tongue ... And a believer is forbidden to oppress another believer, or humiliating, or slander or reject it suddenly. " AI-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 235
TRUE MUSLIM Women in Islam.
Islam does not allow free and unrestricted mixing of the sexes. The rule of modesty applies to men and women.
"The shameless are devoted to evil men, evil men and the shameless; to the prudish prudish prudish and the prudish. The latter will not be affected by what they say of them, theirs will be forgiveness and a sustenance. " (24:26)
The best muslim woman will offer her life caring of the best muslim man. Also, the truth muslim man will recognise and care the true muslim woman, even in difficult times, they take each to other as true brother and sister as help each to other for stay in the right way, caring the imam, because this two respect Allah CC, and know that in this life , everything are a mission, need be done, are not a trip, as HZ Khadija (ra) adn the Prophet Muhammad(saw)
Allah CC knows what is better.
"Best Jewelry is a woman of her shyness." Said Ms. Fatima Zehra (A.S.)
"A TRUE MUSLIM woman is a flower vase of beauty and fragrance. So smell her gently, do not fight it! " - Imam Ali (A.S.)
"A TRUE MUSLIM woman is like the flowers. Do not put them responsibilities they can not bear! " - Imam Ali (A.S.)
According to Islam, being human,TRUE MUSLIM woman is even superior to angels and all other living organisms. If you run it any good task or deed, she will be blessed the same way as a man.
She is the benefactor and patron of Islam, as lady Khadija (Wife of Holy Prophet (SAW)).
She is a partner of the prophet, as Lady Fatima (Daughter of Holy Prophet (SAW)).
She is one of the great leaders, such as lady Zainab (Daughter of Imam Ali (AS))
She superior to man, as a mother.
She is respected as a saint.
She is precious like a pearl.
She is honored as a flower.
It is Jihad: "The Jihad of a TRUE MUSLIM woman is that she should not lose your patience if she is harmed by her husband. Your patience is your Jihad. " - The Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.A.S.)
The man who have as wive truth devote and respect she , are blessed.
Islam emphasizes the equality of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or social position. Islam has prescribed different roles and responsibilities to men and women, with each complementing the other gender. Centuries before the modern world Islam recognized women's rights, Islam acknowledged the equality of both genders, and abolished the wild ritual of burying daughters alive, an outrageous crime committed by the Arabs before the time of the Holy Prophet (SAW).
Islam made women aware of their rights and gave them an identity, a personality, freedom, and independence. These rights, among others, include the right to inherit, own property, obtain a divorce, gather a dowry, and to gain custody of children. As for gender equality, the Qur'an says:
"As for Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, to men and women religious, the truthful and the truthful, the persevering and persevering, humble and lowly, to charitable and charitable organizations, the fasters and the fasting women, the demure and modest, those who remember Allah much and who remember him, know that Allah has prepared forgiveness and immense reward. " (33:35)
Muslims consider four ladies as the most noble and pious:
1. Aasiya - Wife of Pharaoh (peace be upon her)
2. Maryam / Mary - Mother of Isa / Jesus (peace be upon her)
3. Khadija - Wife of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.S.)
4. Fatima - The Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon her)
Powerful Women vs. Women of Faith
The powerful woman works out every day to keep your body in shape, but a woman of strong faith prostrate in prayer to keep her soul in shape.
A powerful woman is not afraid of anything, but a woman of strong faith shows courage in the midst of your fears.
A powerful woman does not let you take the best, but a woman of strong faith gives his best for everyone.
A powerful woman makes mistakes and avoids the same mistakes in the future, but a woman of strong faith realizes the errors of life are also God's blessings and capitalizes praying and looking for to learn and doesn't do wrongs more
A powerful woman is definitely moving, but a woman of strong faith have shame, and when it falls, have sabr (have faith in Allah CC that everything will improve or change).
A powerful woman brings the picture of confidence on her face, but a woman of strong faith in his face carries the picture of the strong power of the faith.
A powerful woman strives to look beautiful and perfect, but a woman of strong faith strives for to stay in islamic way, caring her faith, her husband, family, bcs she knows that nothing is more attractive than the ornament to Allah CC than than the faith and beauty of taqwa (religiosity, righteousness).
The powerful woman has faith in herself knowing that it is strong enough to cope with their journey, but faith is strong enough faith to know what is on her journey she will become strong for car her family.
Source: NOOR An-Nissa
Mother (The Fountain)
"And the heaven is beneath the feet of their mothers' said the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.S.)
Islam has emphasized the issue of much affection and respect for parents. In our childhood, we need the protection, love and parenting, but when they get older, they need us to protect them.
"The decree of thy Lord is that you worship none but Him, that ye may be lenient with your parents, even if one of them attain old age or both in your company, not the reprobate nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor . And, out on them the wing of humility, and say: 'Lord, have mercy on them both as they had mercy on me, creating me as a child! " (17:23-24)
However, outside of the two, the mother gave the highest priority with respect to goodness. Hakim ibn Hizam once came to the Prophet of Islam and asked: "Who should I be kind?" The Prophet replied, "Your mother." Hakim asked, "So, then who?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." Hakim asked, "So, then who?" The Prophet replied, "Your mother." Only when Hakim asked the fourth time, "So, then who?" the Prophet replied, "Your father." This shows that the mother's right about the children is three times more than the father's rights in the matter of kindness.
Imam Hussain Ibn Ali, grandson of the Prophet, said: "Coming to the rights of relatives, he is entitled to his mother that you should enjoy, she carried in her womb as no one carries anyone, and fed you with the fruits of your heart, something that nobody feeds anybody, and protected you during pregnancy with their ears, hands, legs, hair, limbs, with his whole being, merrily, merrily, carefully, patiently suffering all the worries, pains, sorrows and difficulties , until the hand of Allah CC withdraw it and bring him in this world. "
"So she was feeding them happier, even if she herself had no clothes to offer you milk and water, not very fond of his own seat; care of you in the shade, even if she had to suffer through the heat of the sun ; offer you every comfort with their own misery, soothes you to sleep keeping herself awake. "
"And remember that your belly was his / her lap and his refuge, his chest and his handler, and his whole existence to its protection, it was not you, who defied the heat and cold of this world for their safety. "
"Therefore, you must remain grateful to her accordingly, and you can not do so except by Allah CC's help." (The Treaty Rights)
The Prophet said: 'marries with a woman because of her wealth, her beauty, her lineage or her faith. Demand, therefore, that having faith. Otherwise, you will fall into poverty '(KZ).
Said Ali: "Three defects in humans are, in women, virtues: greed, pride and fear '(KZ).
The Prophet said: 'The best of your women is one that rejoices when her husband looks, which obeys his orders, as he was away, she keep his treasured memories and his fortune' (KZ).
Said Ali: "Three defects in humans are, in women, virtues: greed, pride and fear '(KZ).
The Prophet said: 'The best of your women is one that rejoices when her husband looks, which obeys his orders, as he was away, she keep his treasured memories and his fortune' (KZ).
The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said: "He indicates the well is equal to that practice."
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The devotion that goes along with unlawful acts is like a building in the sand."
The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said: "He who pestered the faithful will be bothering me."
Ya Allah Al Jabbar
Allah CC, please, iask to you, help me be a helper ana not a problem. Hel pme be able todo all right,and dont be a who a element that does not collaborate. Help me with my afraids, worries, fears, making my faith in YOU and my greatifully to YOU, bcs of my family, be, alway in firstly plan. Portect us , please, from what can make me and uss far from our mission, and please, Forgive me, when my words doesn't are the reflex of my heart . Help me with a good communication, and that my mouth conceals, when my heart cries.
Allah CC, helps me to be better than I could be, for my family and for to all whom to need.
Allah'im forgive all this crying inside of my heart, when i have so much or to thanks to YOU, bcs of my blessed family. But only YOU know,Allah CC , about me, and about me, about our Heart, and live.
Lord, Allah (CC), please protect our hearts. Help us to 'forgive', sincerilly, from YOU, insideof our heart The Forgiving. Make grown, inside of our hearts the Pity, understanding (of the difficulties of others).
i claim to You Allah (swt) , with shame, for a special please, make our actions are guided for the best and more pure feelings.
Ya Rabby Al Hadi Al , please help us to get more understanding each to other, act by YOUR Will and not for ours. Help us to be united inside of our family and protect us, help us, be compassionate act with mercy and compassion with each who need us and each memeber from our True family from YOU. Al Nur make the true love, coming from YOU SIR, OUR ALLAH (CC), and reflecting on our actions with understanding and help .
Allah (cc), please, i am nothing, but i ask to YOU, in this Dua, forgive us and helps us to have more dialog, and less misunderstandings between us.
Please, Al Muta'al, Causes to the enemy, do not see us, do not reach us,do not say to us. Breaking the force of those who act by 'evil', our Lord, please.
Please, Only YOU knows what Happen inside and outside of Us, Our History, what we face, our needs. so, please bless the families, uniting the hearts on the firm 'desire' to 'Help sincere' with understanding, care and faith.
i am so gratifully to You Allah CC, bsc of this blessing in my life, my family from you , who have a real muslim heart, pls give to him rain of blessing, angels care him day and night, inside out side.
Lord, my heart aches these days and today. Please do what is not good, be good for my blessed family, from YOU, CC Allah Al Jabbar.
Allah (cc), please, i am nothing, but i ask to YOU, in this Dua, forgive us and helps us to have more dialog, and less misunderstandings between us.
Please give blessing and protection on him, my family from you, joinning us in this way, to each YOUR Mercy Allahcc and victories . Doing all us, who need him, to be more helppers and able to help him , for us have this blessed soul, from YOU, caring us, and him have the peace enought for to orientate us , ins this way.
Help our Ummah Allah CC.
You see everything, give to US the protectors and stay in the right way.
help us to stay in real sense, inside of the islam as our beloved Prophet Mohamad (saw) and all Prophets, Allah'im
Thanks to YOU, Lord. And only in YOU Allah CC, our hope, once every day. inshAllah ,many thanks Allah cc for bcs of my blessed family, amin
Allah CC, helps me to be better than I could be, for my family and for to all whom to need.
Allah'im forgive all this crying inside of my heart, when i have so much or to thanks to YOU, bcs of my blessed family. But only YOU know,Allah CC , about me, and about me, about our Heart, and live.
Lord, Allah (CC), please protect our hearts. Help us to 'forgive', sincerilly, from YOU, insideof our heart The Forgiving. Make grown, inside of our hearts the Pity, understanding (of the difficulties of others).
i claim to You Allah (swt) , with shame, for a special please, make our actions are guided for the best and more pure feelings.
Ya Rabby Al Hadi Al , please help us to get more understanding each to other, act by YOUR Will and not for ours. Help us to be united inside of our family and protect us, help us, be compassionate act with mercy and compassion with each who need us and each memeber from our True family from YOU. Al Nur make the true love, coming from YOU SIR, OUR ALLAH (CC), and reflecting on our actions with understanding and help .
Allah (cc), please, i am nothing, but i ask to YOU, in this Dua, forgive us and helps us to have more dialog, and less misunderstandings between us.
Please, Al Muta'al, Causes to the enemy, do not see us, do not reach us,do not say to us. Breaking the force of those who act by 'evil', our Lord, please.
Please, Only YOU knows what Happen inside and outside of Us, Our History, what we face, our needs. so, please bless the families, uniting the hearts on the firm 'desire' to 'Help sincere' with understanding, care and faith.
i am so gratifully to You Allah CC, bsc of this blessing in my life, my family from you , who have a real muslim heart, pls give to him rain of blessing, angels care him day and night, inside out side.
Lord, my heart aches these days and today. Please do what is not good, be good for my blessed family, from YOU, CC Allah Al Jabbar.
Allah (cc), please, i am nothing, but i ask to YOU, in this Dua, forgive us and helps us to have more dialog, and less misunderstandings between us.
Please give blessing and protection on him, my family from you, joinning us in this way, to each YOUR Mercy Allahcc and victories . Doing all us, who need him, to be more helppers and able to help him , for us have this blessed soul, from YOU, caring us, and him have the peace enought for to orientate us , ins this way.
Help our Ummah Allah CC.
You see everything, give to US the protectors and stay in the right way.
help us to stay in real sense, inside of the islam as our beloved Prophet Mohamad (saw) and all Prophets, Allah'im
Thanks to YOU, Lord. And only in YOU Allah CC, our hope, once every day. inshAllah ,many thanks Allah cc for bcs of my blessed family, amin
Turkish wisdom
Turkish wisdom (from relative)
by grand my mother, her mother, my father
may Allah (swt) forgive then and make
their grave large, inshAllah amin
may Allah (swt) forgive then and make
their grave large, inshAllah amin
"Stick yourself with a needle, before you do it in others."
' The sheep separated by the flock is hunted by the wolf.
"It's not bad to ask, what is bad is not asking and have doubts. The doubts are the address to the left way."
"Do not talk about rope in the house of a man who was hanged."
"If Allah (cc) closes a door, Allah CC give thousands of keys for u oppen thousands others. so, if u cannot oppen, take the key and give to who Allah (cc) made able to open for you"
"Two heads are better than one, when have dialog."
Who is with you, is with you, even distant, and will be always . The one who is not, was never, even which today, sleeping by side of you.
The beauty finish, stay wisdom. who have wisdom know the importance of the faith . So, care about this, more than others"
"The owner is the employee's invited."
"Kind words will open an iron door."
"One hand does not clap. Two hands yes, IF side by side ."
"A guest comes with ten blessings, eats one and leaves nine."
"I found today, eat today. Tomorrow? Good .. Allah (cc) is great!"
"A wise man remembers his truste friend ( company from Allah CC) ever: a fool, only when need them.
"A man is as wise as his head, not on their years of life."
"Hunter and hunted relying on Allah (cc). But only one respect, maybe."
"Do what your teacher says but not what he does."
"The dogs bark but the caravan passes."
"Allah (cc) created us brothers, but has given us separate pockets."
"What ignites quickly, it will become extinct soon.So , be careffuly with whom doesn't loses the sense"
" The bird that sings in the wrong hour is killed. "
"Every bad has its worst."
"Empty words will not fill an empty stomach. when speak, says from heart and with the faith and truste, starting the help "
Learn silence when be with the speakers, tolerance when be with the intolerant and kindness when be with the rough.
"For care of the roses, the gardener is the servant of a thousand thorns."
"The fly is small, but large enough to sting."
"A donkey does not appreciate a clean and fresh compote of ripened fruits. It preffer the greem grass , even do not clean and with thousants sllim thorns ."
"Many ants kill a camel, if have only one and good commad."
"A duck dives inexperienced tail first."
"Two heads are better than one, if with only one commad."
"If the ability were gained by watching, every dog would be a butcher."
If anybody does not want to "tell the truth"... Do not be you saying at the place of them. give space to the person say and recognize the truth. Each one will answers for his/her "said" word.
"Activity produces prosperity. Even with delay"
" don't forget: Listen a hundred times; ponder a thousand times, speak less.
Allah (CC) knows what happen inside of the hearts... minds... live... We can never know".
Allah (CC) knows what happen inside of the hearts... minds... live... We can never know".
Know to say "Forgive" to who are right , is honor.
do your very best for don't do the wrong more than 1 time.
If don't know something, ask. One wrong can to destroy a live... And this live can be the your
do your very best for don't do the wrong more than 1 time.
If don't know something, ask. One wrong can to destroy a live... And this live can be the your
when do wrong, dont waste time, go back RAPAIR, even this will take all your life... dont forget the question will be done in the Great day to the slaves.
Live today as the last day. But live to Allah (swt)... not to the wishes.
In the end, the victory is certain. One did not reach, still, it is because the day, still didn't arrive. Take care of the one who flourishes inside your heart. honor the Creator in your acts, thoughts and sincere words
take care with the sincerity, not always it is true.
In a history (situation) there are ,MINIMUM, 3 sides. Only One knows the truth: ALLAH (CC)
take care with the sincerity, not always it is true.
In a history (situation) there are ,MINIMUM, 3 sides. Only One knows the truth: ALLAH (CC)
Said Ali ben Abi Talib: Do not recognize the truth in people's mouths, or rather, recognizes the truth. And so, you can recognize who tells the truth '.
Do not open a door that you are not able to make close, or close a door that you are not able to reopen. No bids an arrow, if you're not strong enough to hurl you respond to that in response to yours. Don't close the door what Allah (te'ala) oppened , only because u don't saw what you was wishing there.
I heard a man say:
- If he enjoyed the health of body and clarity of mind, could do great things and win great victories.
I was meditating on these words, and it seemed to me that resulted in an inverted logic, and that its author should rather have said:
- If I were working in which he believed and where he was feeling accepted, and sought to win great victories, he would benefit the health of body and clarity of mind.
Mahmud Taimur
i agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which one with their needs:
In the circle of jewelers in Basra, there was an Arab telling this story:
"Once I got lost in the desert without provisions. I was about to die when suddenly I saw from afar a bag. I will never forget the joy I felt when I think that the bag contained a grain of wheat fried, and then my bitterness and despair when I discovered that only contained pearls. "
i know persons that was happy eating the pearls.. maybeA man from the tribe of the Ansar came to oue beloved prophet Muhammad (saw) and told him:
- I am the son of a poor family who suffers from hunger. I sought him for help.
Muhammad gave him two dirhams and said:
- With a, purchasing food for your people, and the other an ax to cut wood.
Three travelers have found, once a treasure.
Then go hungry, and one of the three was to buy them food. On the way, thought "why not put poison in food? They will eat and will die and be with all the treasure."
However, his companions also decided to kill him and divide up their share.
When he returned, it killed and ate the poisoned food and died.
be careffuly with what you think that is "friend"". nobody know the intention
A deer got sick. His friends were visiting him and ate all the grass that grew around his home. And the deer died of starvation.
take care when got sick. call the doctor, be far from "friends' hungry.
They asked a wise man what's the hardest thing in the world. He replied: Counseling himself.
Retorted: And what's easier?
Replied advising others.
They said the cows present at the Council of the King: "When you die, you will be involved in shrouds of silk!" They said: "Our only desire is to get out, coated with our skins."
"Once, the men were not speaking. Then began to speak and perform. Now they are talking but do not perform."
Omar Ibn Al-Hares
bcs of the internet, i guess
Alexander (the king) had one day to kill a thief. The offender pleaded: "Your majesty, I stole, but tasteless and without that my heart desired."
Alexander replied: "Do not worry, because you'll be killed too tasteless and without it your heart desires."
Two eagles fighting and gaming over a carcass, being amused ,
they were caught devoured by the fox
One boy wanted to test a wise old man, and told a friend: "I'll prove to everyone that he is not wise."
He took a bird in hand, and told a friend: "I put the bird back and ask him if the bird is alive or dead: if he says is dead I show the bird alive, if he says is alive I smash the birdie, and he will miss anyway. "Came close to the sage and asked:
"Mr. Wise, I have the bird back here is dead or alive?"
And the sage replied:
".... The answer is in your hands!"
"Can be a shorter path for a help to reach the Paradise: Do not ask anybody "who has no you in their heart whith care, anything;
do not take anything from anybody that you wouldn't give back, if this person has no you in their heart with sincerily;
do not keep anything that can be given."
Saria Al-Saqati
Allah (swt) did not impose the obligation to ignorant to learn, without having first taken the oath of the OBLIGATION to those who know to teach.
The sick envious when his neighbor is doing well.
When you see a huge mass of people follow you, tells you that you will be dropped one day by the majority of them.
Your secret is your prisoner, once released to who has no are truste in true good feelings about you, turns against you and imprisons you.
As he matured, the passions are at the service of intelligence and faith, the immature man, the intelligence and life service are to the passions.
The greatest mistake is to rush ahead of time and slow compared to the opportunity.
You do not become wise by the wisdom of others, if not in itself the seed of wisdom
The slave is a freeman, was commanding his wishes, doing hat need, the free man is a slave to obey them to chase the pleasure.
Knowledge is the only wealth that tyrants can not despoil men.
What can you expect if portions of the blind guides?
Said Ali ben Abi Talib: Do not recognize the truth in people's mouths, or rather, recognizes the truth. And so, you can recognize who tells the truth '.
Do not open a door that you are not able to make close, or close a door that you are not able to reopen. No bids an arrow, if you're not strong enough to hurl you respond to that in response to yours. Don't close the door what Allah (te'ala) oppened , only because u don't saw what you was wishing there.
I heard a man say:
- If he enjoyed the health of body and clarity of mind, could do great things and win great victories.
I was meditating on these words, and it seemed to me that resulted in an inverted logic, and that its author should rather have said:
- If I were working in which he believed and where he was feeling accepted, and sought to win great victories, he would benefit the health of body and clarity of mind.
Mahmud Taimur
i agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which one with their needs:
In the circle of jewelers in Basra, there was an Arab telling this story:
"Once I got lost in the desert without provisions. I was about to die when suddenly I saw from afar a bag. I will never forget the joy I felt when I think that the bag contained a grain of wheat fried, and then my bitterness and despair when I discovered that only contained pearls. "
i know persons that was happy eating the pearls.. maybeA man from the tribe of the Ansar came to oue beloved prophet Muhammad (saw) and told him:
- I am the son of a poor family who suffers from hunger. I sought him for help.
Muhammad gave him two dirhams and said:
- With a, purchasing food for your people, and the other an ax to cut wood.
Three travelers have found, once a treasure.
Then go hungry, and one of the three was to buy them food. On the way, thought "why not put poison in food? They will eat and will die and be with all the treasure."
However, his companions also decided to kill him and divide up their share.
When he returned, it killed and ate the poisoned food and died.
be careffuly with what you think that is "friend"". nobody know the intention
A deer got sick. His friends were visiting him and ate all the grass that grew around his home. And the deer died of starvation.
take care when got sick. call the doctor, be far from "friends' hungry.
They asked a wise man what's the hardest thing in the world. He replied: Counseling himself.
Retorted: And what's easier?
Replied advising others.
They said the cows present at the Council of the King: "When you die, you will be involved in shrouds of silk!" They said: "Our only desire is to get out, coated with our skins."
"Once, the men were not speaking. Then began to speak and perform. Now they are talking but do not perform."
Omar Ibn Al-Hares
bcs of the internet, i guess
Alexander (the king) had one day to kill a thief. The offender pleaded: "Your majesty, I stole, but tasteless and without that my heart desired."
Alexander replied: "Do not worry, because you'll be killed too tasteless and without it your heart desires."
Two eagles fighting and gaming over a carcass, being amused ,
they were caught devoured by the fox
One boy wanted to test a wise old man, and told a friend: "I'll prove to everyone that he is not wise."
He took a bird in hand, and told a friend: "I put the bird back and ask him if the bird is alive or dead: if he says is dead I show the bird alive, if he says is alive I smash the birdie, and he will miss anyway. "Came close to the sage and asked:
"Mr. Wise, I have the bird back here is dead or alive?"
And the sage replied:
".... The answer is in your hands!"
"Can be a shorter path for a help to reach the Paradise: Do not ask anybody "who has no you in their heart whith care, anything;
do not take anything from anybody that you wouldn't give back, if this person has no you in their heart with sincerily;
do not keep anything that can be given."
Saria Al-Saqati
Allah (swt) did not impose the obligation to ignorant to learn, without having first taken the oath of the OBLIGATION to those who know to teach.
The sick envious when his neighbor is doing well.
When you see a huge mass of people follow you, tells you that you will be dropped one day by the majority of them.
Your secret is your prisoner, once released to who has no are truste in true good feelings about you, turns against you and imprisons you.
As he matured, the passions are at the service of intelligence and faith, the immature man, the intelligence and life service are to the passions.
The greatest mistake is to rush ahead of time and slow compared to the opportunity.
You do not become wise by the wisdom of others, if not in itself the seed of wisdom
The slave is a freeman, was commanding his wishes, doing hat need, the free man is a slave to obey them to chase the pleasure.
Knowledge is the only wealth that tyrants can not despoil men.
What can you expect if portions of the blind guides?
Kızgınlıkla karar almayın, mutluluktan uçtuğunuzda söz vermeyin. İkisi de sarhoşluk ânıdır, akıl başta değildir
Saturday, May 14, 2011
People are people, being human, every creation of Allah (SWT) Do no harm to others, Dont judge, not separate families. Dont be between a couple. Dont't be as hand of Devil in the life of others.
Do good TODAY.
Do not act so 'selfish' 'there is so vindictive'
Do your best, TODAY, to help 'those who might need, too, being with family, being helped. Who needs good words, no other interests
No other Ister. How to know the intent? Only Allah knows Cc, which is the heart and thoughts of people.
The reversal of values 'is complete':
Who(iare rare) possesses 'values' and 'qualities' positive achovalhado is, a victim of prejudice, ridicule. The honest, nowadays, are "subject of a joke." And used as well as the 'innocent', the 'pure' sincere '.
Those who are 'false' in every sense of the word are placed ~ 'high relevance', 'worthy' ...
People see only the function and status of the other. Who is not positioned well under this criterion, becomes a mere shadow social.
There is segregation of all kinds: children of the 'dogmas' and of 'lies'.
There is also the most 'degraded' to see just physical beauty and/or"how much" have in the bank count .
Anyway, all slaves of NEFS and Devil ( may Allah swt protect us from it)
World STILL ignores 'Truth' ..
We must get rid of the 'dogmas' 'lies'.
Respect Allah (SWT). Understand the message from Our beloved prophet , from all prophets. Allah (swt) give to us the way, the map, the orientation enought to reach Allah (CC).
We need Honor our Allah (swt), hear the heart inside of the true. Don't hear NEFS , Devil form what "see" "hear". and We need remember , all time, the Question what our Lord Allah Cc will ask to us, in the moment of the Final Judgement: "WHAT WE DID IN THIS LIFE. "
So, we must take our mission, in this short time, where we are as passengers through and learn to 'do better'. And NOW, bcs we dont know if will have the "later".
but, i am nothing, so, these are what i leaned with my beloved family from Allah CC.
Allah swt, Al Hadi, Al Jabbar, we thanks to You for our existence in this dunya. And, for a special please, i ask to you, please, protect him, my family from You, ins matters. helpping us to stay joined in this life , working for to reach in the next, a better place.Ya Raby, help us protecting our heart, mind eyes , ears, pls..and our faith be strong. inshAllah amin
allahumma la sahla illa ma jaAlltahhu sahla, wa-anta tajAAalul- haza-na idha shi-ta sahla.
llahumma la sahla illa ma jaAlltahhu sahla, wa-anta
tajAAalul- haza-na idha shi-ta sahla.”
“Ó Allah, nada é fácil salvo aquilo que Tu tornas fácil e Tu
tornas a dificuldade em facilidade, se Tu assim desejares.”
“O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy and You
make the difficult easy, if it be Your will.”
“Allahumma rahmataka arju fala takilni ila nafsi tarfata Aai nin
wa aslahli chaa ni kullahu La illaha illa Ant.”
“Ó Allah, rogo pela Tua misericórdia. Peço, não me deixes só
nem por um piscar de olhos e peço que corrija todos os meus
problemas. Não há outra divindade senão Allah.”
“O Allah! I seek Your mercy and do not leave me in control of myself
for the twinkling of an eye and emend all my affairs. There is no god
but You.”
Because she knows how much value, how many is important a family, Gift from Allah (swt), when are real) .. and bcs she know that in this world NOBODY import with the suffering of the others, and NEVER HELP FAMILY be joined...... and NEVER CARE OTHERS ... AND BCS THE STRONGLY TRUE LOVE INSIDE OF HER HER MUSLIM HEART, At that moment, feeling the whole suffering, in heart of the person " more precious, from Allah CC for her life; The suffering being visible in the soul of that which there was, to save his more important blessing,gift from Allah CC, she said: " please, do not think two times ... go to the family ... they need you...go work there.. is better than to live here...
But, Allah CC knows that at the same moment, she was speaking: take me with you. Please, never leave me here, alone. I know that they need you, so " as i need you, to behave, to live, to exist.
As I cannot live without you.. , bcs Allah swt made so.. I understand your pain far from them, and their far from you. But, for Love to the Allah (swt) DONT LEAVE ME ALONE. Bring me with you, pls.
I want to "take care" of our mother, of all them, they also are my beloved family ... my sister who is there... I want they here, to take care, with zeal. And we, joined, to take care of you... i NEED to see your most cheerful smile, in your face, so sweet. And to feel that, finally, the family is joined, again, in order that we live in PEACE, like Allah (swt) taught to us.
But, these finalize sentences, were not said, the dialog was not complete.
At that moment, she was signing, again, the sentence: to live, again, in the prison of the suffering, without THE LIGHT (Zyia) ...
Her soul, left at that moment, heart broken, the destroyed mind .... strongly pain.
The SOLITUDE.... ALONE, COMPLETELY. amid a deep abyss... Now IS She who are FAR From Allah BLESSING, AGAIN, far from the family, beloved...
feels their pains .. in heart.. IN THE SOUL..., from them... bcs ALLAH CC AL HADI, speak inside of the hearts. But, she are dying ... day after day .... less one...
The Hope, The faith....
Ya Rabby, Lord, only You know our heart, our life, our live, our pain, tears, fears, seedings...
Only You, Rabby, may help us, forgive us, and make done our ask from dua.
Allah (swt) LORD, please, accept the dua from he , from me and all pure hearts, help them, protect them, blessing them.. please
Al Wali Al Jabbar, Al Salam Allah (swt) help the families to give the right and enought value each to others and dont leave alone one member who are are needing the family so much.
Help our muslim hearst hear only the command from You Allah swt, our owner, and bless us with victory ..
Allah (swt) help us to reach each from the hearts and in person..for us to do our mission in this dunya... care each to other.. inside of Your command, Allah (swt) Al Muta'al.. Al Zair..AL Jamil... in YOU we ask Help ..
thanks bcs of all tests and all victory wihh will take from You Allah (swt) and forgive us , accept our dua.. rom our pure muslim heart Allahin.. inshAllah amin
People are people, being human, every creation of Allah (SWT) Do no harm to others, Dont judge, not separate families. Dont be between a couple. Dont't be as hand of Devil in the life of others.
Do good TODAY.
Do not act so 'selfish' 'there is so vindictive'
Do your best, TODAY, to help 'those who might need, too, being with family, being helped. Who needs good words, no other interests
No other Ister. How to know the intent? Only Allah knows Cc, which is the heart and thoughts of people.
The reversal of values 'is complete':
Who(iare rare) possesses 'values' and 'qualities' positive achovalhado is, a victim of prejudice, ridicule. The honest, nowadays, are "subject of a joke." And used as well as the 'innocent', the 'pure' sincere '.
Those who are 'false' in every sense of the word are placed ~ 'high relevance', 'worthy' ...
People see only the function and status of the other. Who is not positioned well under this criterion, becomes a mere shadow social.
There is segregation of all kinds: children of the 'dogmas' and of 'lies'.
There is also the most 'degraded' to see just physical beauty and/or"how much" have in the bank count .
Anyway, all slaves of NEFS and Devil ( may Allah swt protect us from it)
World STILL ignores 'Truth' ..
We must get rid of the 'dogmas' 'lies'.
Respect Allah (SWT). Understand the message from Our beloved prophet , from all prophets. Allah (swt) give to us the way, the map, the orientation enought to reach Allah (CC).
We need Honor our Allah (swt), hear the heart inside of the true. Don't hear NEFS , Devil form what "see" "hear". and We need remember , all time, the Question what our Lord Allah Cc will ask to us, in the moment of the Final Judgement: "WHAT WE DID IN THIS LIFE. "
So, we must take our mission, in this short time, where we are as passengers through and learn to 'do better'. And NOW, bcs we dont know if will have the "later".
but, i am nothing, so, these are what i leaned with my beloved family from Allah CC.
Allah swt, Al Hadi, Al Jabbar, we thanks to You for our existence in this dunya. And, for a special please, i ask to you, please, protect him , the truste slave to You, who care about the responsabilities and to You , care about my faith and all this who you sent to he, Allah1in, Then i als Guive Permitionand Make easy the victory to he... , in every matters matters. helpping us to stay joined in this life , working for to reach in the next, a better place.Ya Raby, help us protecting our heart, mind eyes , ears, pls..and our faith be strong. inshAllah amin
allahumma la sahla illa ma jaAlltahhu sahla, wa-anta tajAAalul- haza-na idha shi-ta sahla.
llahumma la sahla illa ma jaAlltahhu sahla, wa-anta
tajAAalul- haza-na idha shi-ta sahla.”
“Ó Allah, nada é fácil salvo aquilo que Tu tornas fácil e Tu
tornas a dificuldade em facilidade, se Tu assim desejares.”
“O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy and You
make the difficult easy, if it be Your will.”
“Allahumma rahmataka arju fala takilni ila nafsi tarfata Aai nin
wa aslahli chaa ni kullahu La illaha illa Ant.”
“Ó Allah, rogo pela Tua misericórdia. Peço, não me deixes só
nem por um piscar de olhos e peço que corrija todos os meus
problemas. Não há outra divindade senão Allah.”
“O Allah! I seek Your mercy and do not leave me in control of myself
for the twinkling of an eye and emend all my affairs. There is no god
but You.”
Because she knows how much value, how many is important a family, Gift from Allah (swt), when are real) .. and bcs she know that in this world NOBODY import with the suffering of the others, and NEVER HELP FAMILY be joined...... and NEVER CARE OTHERS ... AND BCS THE STRONGLY TRUE LOVE INSIDE OF HER HER MUSLIM HEART, At that moment, feeling the whole suffering, in heart of the person " more precious, from Allah CC for her life; The suffering being visible in the soul of that which there was, to save his more important blessing,gift from Allah CC, she said: " please, do not think two times ... go to the family ... they need you...go work there.. is better than to live here...
But, Allah CC knows that at the same moment, she was speaking: take me with you. Please, never leave me here, alone. I know that they need you, so " as i need you, to behave, to live, to exist.
As I cannot live without you.. , bcs Allah swt made so.. I understand your pain far from them, and their far from you. But, for Love to the Allah (swt) DONT LEAVE ME ALONE. Bring me with you, pls.
I want to "take care" of our mother, of all them, they also are my beloved family ... my sister who is there... I want they here, to take care, with zeal. And we, joined, to take care of you... i NEED to see your most cheerful smile, in your face, so sweet. And to feel that, finally, the family is joined, again, in order that we live in PEACE, like Allah (swt) taught to us.
But, these finalize sentences, were not said, the dialog was not complete.
At that moment, she was signing, again, the sentence: to live, again, in the prison of the suffering, without THE LIGHT (Zyia) ...
Her soul, left at that moment, heart broken, the destroyed mind .... strongly pain.
The SOLITUDE.... ALONE, COMPLETELY. amid a deep abyss... Now IS She who are FAR From Allah BLESSING, AGAIN, far from the family, beloved...
feels their pains .. in heart.. IN THE SOUL..., from them... bcs ALLAH CC AL HADI, speak inside of the hearts. But, she are dying ... day after day .... less one...
The Hope, The faith....
Ya Rabby, Lord, only You know our heart, our life, our live, our pain, tears, fears, seedings...
Only You, Rabby, may help us, forgive us, and make done our ask from dua.
Allah (swt) LORD, please, accept the dua from he , who is blessed family by Yours Wills to my life, help them, protect them, blessing them.. please
Al Wali Al Jabbar, Al Salam Allah (swt) help the families to give the right and enought value each to others and dont leave alone one member who are are needing the family so much.
Help our muslim hearst hear only the command from You Allah swt, our owner, and bless us with victory ..
Allah (swt) help us to reach each from the hearts and in person..for us to do our mission in this dunya... care each to other.. inside of Your command, Allah (swt) Al Muta'al.. Al Zair..AL Jamil... in YOU we ask Help ..
thanks bcs of Your blessed trus muslim you made a family in this my live for mantain me in the correct path, all prauise are to You Allah (swt) and forgive us , accept our dua.. rom our pure muslim heart Allahin.. inshAllah amin