we need care each to others as we care our hands or more
Spiritual Life in islamic true way
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection . "
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection . "
Confirmed by the directives of the Qur'an itself: " Surely believers are but brothers unto each other, so make peace and reconciliation amongst your brothers," (49:10). In Islam, faith is the cornerstone of brotherhood. It keeps Muslims close to each other in a fraternal relationship. This relationship is based on each brothers submission to Allah. Islamic brotherhood is a bond of faith as mentioned in the following saying of the Prophet: "the strongest relationship is built on loving for the sake of Allah and becoming angry for the sake of Allah". [Al-Bukhari]
The qualities of Western encourage emotional degeneration (you feel nothing) and superficiality, and live a lie all the time, include to theirself. USA type life makes Relationships tend to be noisy, glaring, loud, competitive rather than cooperative, and extremely individualistic (a la Jerry Springer)[This is in reference to a popular U.S. television show that features outlandish, shocking and crude behavior and personal revelations from the guests who are supposedly the "man in the street". The more outrageous, the higher the rating.
These are just the opposite of the qualities that Islamic spiritual life encourages. What we saw in Kuwait (for example) were quiet, dignified, respectful, self-respecting, cultured behavior among Muslimaat. Social relationships were very family-oriented and female- centered. Kuwaiti women socialized within their families and with other women as a priority.
How should a Muslimah Treat Her Sisters In Islam?
Respect and be respected for...
This is a act untainted by any worldly interests or ulterior motives. True sisterly love is a relationship whose purity is derived from the light of Islamic guidance (Dr. Muhammad A. al-Hashimi). It is a bond that links a Muslims to her sister regardless of geographical origins, ethnicity, skin color, hair form, eye shape, or language. (It is) a bond based upon faith in Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) Who is greater than all our little petty divisions.
"The Believers are but a single brotherhood…." [Al-Hujuraat 49:10]
A lovely care between muslims, which is an expression of the sweetness of faith: "There are three things that whoever attains them will find the sweetness of faith: if Allah and His Messenger are dearer to him than anyone else; if he loves a person solely for the sake of Allah; if he would hate to return to kufr after Allah has rescued him from it, as much as he would hate be thrown into the Fire." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
So this is not love for the sake of status, notoriety, or fame. It is a love that requires a clean heart, a light heart, a soft and pliable heart.
In the hadeeth of Mu'adh reported by at-Tirmidhi, the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) said: "Allah said: `Those who love one another for My glory, will have minbars of light, and the Prophets and martyrs will wish that they had the same" [hasan saheeh hadeeth]
This kind of love is the only way to eliminate hatred, jealousy, and rivalry from peoples hearts.
Shows them kindness, faithfulness, and equity
Loyalty also concerns not befriending the enemies of your brother.
Here we can understand that is different care between muslims and non muslims.
is hard to matain "friendship"...of course.... have no the true care, have not the true respect , so they say"friends". But when we care other, knowing that the other are our relative from Allah CC, then, our attention are high, because inallmoment our beloved prophet (saw) and all prophets adivised about this matter.
Have no ex-brother, ex-sister. but have "ex-friends": in islam we know that our relationship are not , only, to this life, but to the another life. So, as good and sincere muslims we must care in the better form each to other, without selfish and with ALL understandings, many clear , oppened, lovely, helpfully each to others. And many more to who Allah CC gave to our side as mission, for us to care to teach to join in this life . Allah CC knows the ways all. we dont know nothing.
MUSLIMS DUTY each to others:
We all time need remember: in this world society, the muslims are so many prejudiced from non muslims, so those are muslims sincere, need remember that Both the quality and the quantity of the associations between social relations have an impact on morbidity and mortality – people with few social contacts live less healthy and shorter lives. (Denmark study) Furthermore, individuals with no contact with children, friend, or group organizations show high hazard ratios (their lives are more dangerous/destructive). There is safety in numbers. Good social relationships provide a buffer against adverse situations and events.
So, we must think about today is she or he facing hard situation in non muslims society. How Allah CC see a muslim that have prejudice about those who are facing hard life, trying be stay in islam?
Why we car BROTHERS AND SISTERS as 'friends" , if we know that this word in this world mean that "we are not responsable each to others", WHEN, INISLAM, WE ARE YES RESPONSABLE EACH ABOUT OTHERS . Many more about those AllahCC gave as a family (family is partnership closed,we cant live without.The functions of social familiar relationships.between others:
- to receive support for tasks
- to help others with tasks
so, all muslim have this duty each to others. BUT OF COURSE NEVER HELP TO DO BADNESS TO THE OTHERS, OR LIE OR TO DO SIN OR HARAM!!!
Allah Swt give this command: Admonish your brother (comrade) by good deeds and kind regards, and ward off his evil by favouring him.
Allah (swt) don't said FRIEND, YA???
Allah Swt give this command: Admonish your brother (comrade) by good deeds and kind regards, and ward off his evil by favouring him.
Allah (swt) don't said FRIEND, YA???
Then we must do our duty to Allah CC.
or dont say "i am muslim"...ya?
- encourages borthers/ sisters in all that is pleasing to Allah
- Wanting For Your Sister/brother What You Want For Yourself
- Application and Practice
- Get to know each others names, talents, skills, families, goals, background
- Seek out each other – integrate each other into each other's lives, make space for your brother/ sister-in-Islam regardless of her background.
- Remember the strategies of the Ansar and Muhajiroon. Follow the guidance of our righteous predecessors.
- Be less judgmental about superficial issues, concentrate on the most important aspects of the deen.
- Assume the best, not the worst about your sister in Islam. Don't be hasty in reaching unfavorable judgements.
- Avoid cynicism and sarcasm.
- Respect cross-cultural differences that do not impact upon the practice of Islam.
- Extend love, humility, kindness, equity and generosity to those brothers/sisters of a different culture, starting with the person closest to you. We are all potentially overwhelmed by some aspects of jaahiliya society.
- Extend your hand and your heart to a fellow Muslimah.
- Make Islam your primary identity, since your adherence to Islam is the only thing that will save you on the Day Of Resurrection.
The importance of brotherhood is highlighted by the institution of this by the Prophet in his first state in Medina. As many Muslim emigrants were without means of livelihood, the Prophet laid the obligation of supporting them on the Ansar. The institution of brotherhood in its case was not simply a short term measure designed to deal with an immediate economic crisis but a major and permanent feature of the new social order that was emerging under the Prophet. It represented a deliberate choice in favour of a collective, co-operative spirit, over individualism and competitiveness. It was not an abstract unity. It was a real life organic unity that bound all Muslims. The Prophet has described it as such: "You find the Muslims in their mutual love and compassion, like one body, should any organ of it fall ill, the rest of the body will share in the fever and sleeplessness that ensues", (al-Bukhari)
The bond of brotherhood is like a contract, because it confers certain rights and responsibilities between brothers, and Islam has laid down these rights and responsibilities. In all these comprise of six duties.
The first duty is to render personal aid in the satisfaction of needs, as indicated by the Prophet (s.a.w.); "If one of you goes with your brother to help him fulfill his duty, and then the Prophet made a small sign with his fingers and added, that is better for him than making a i'takif in my mosque for two months", (narrated by al-Hakim).
A Muslim in the early days would see to the maintenance of his brothers wife and children after his bothers death, attending to their needs, visiting them daily, inquiring on what they needed. This is how brotherhood and compassion is shown. If a man does not manifest compassion towards his brother in the same degree as to himself, then there is no good in it.
The Prophet (s.a.w.) has said: "those who help a Muslim in hardship in this world, will be protected by Allah from suffering hardship in the Hereafter....Allah will help his servants as long as they help their fellow Muslim brothers", (narrated by Muslim and Abu-Daud).
Also on the authority of Abu-Huraira, the Prophet (s.a.w.) has said: "Beware of suspicion for suspicion is the worst of false takers, and don't look for the faults of others and don't spy, and don't be jealous of one another; and O'Allah's worshippers ! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you)", (al-Bukhari).
The third duty relates to the forgiveness of your brother's mistakes and failings, and helping him overcome his shortcomings.
Anas ibn Malik relates that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed person. A companion asked: " Messenger of Allah, I will help him if he is an oppressed person, but please tell me how I am to help if he happens to be an oppressor".
The Prophet (s.a.w.) answered: "Check him from doing injustice, because preventing him from committing aggression is a help to him".
Also, Abu-Huraira relates that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "One who covers up the failings of somebody in this world, will have his shortcomings covered by Allah on the Day of Judgment."
True Muslim brotherhood implies that you should pray for your brother and want for him what you would want for yourself, and this is the fourth duty. You should pray for him as you pray for yourself making no distinction at all between you and him. You should pray during his life and death that he may have all he might wish for himself, his family and his dependents.
The Prophet has said: "The supplication of a Muslim for his brother without his knowledge is an accepted supplication and will be rewarded by the presence of an angel at his side. Every time he Supplicates for his brother the angel will say: Amen and the same for you too", (Muslim).
On the authority of Anas ibn Malik, it is noted that the Prophet (s.a.w.) has said: "None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself, (al-Bukhari).
The fifth responsibility concerns remaining loyal, truthful and sincere to your brother. The meaning of loyalty is steadfastness in love and maintaining it to the death with your brother. The Prophet (s.a.w.) has said: "If one of you defends the honour of his brother, Allah the Almighty, will keep the hellfire away from his face in the Hereafter." (Muslim).
Loyalty and sincerity also includes love and co-operation, the Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Do not end a friendship, do not turn your back, do not hate each other, and don't envy each other. As a servant of Allah, maintain brotherhood. Two Muslims may not remain on non speaking terms with each other for more than three days," (narrated by Malik).
We now come to the sixth and final responsibility of brotherhood. This relates brotherhood as a communal responsibility with many duties. Abu-Huraira relates the Prophet (s.a.w.) as saying: "There are six duties of a Muslim to another Muslim: when you meet him you should say salaam, when he invites you, you should accept his invitation, when he advises you should also advise him, when he sneezes and says 'Alhamdolilah', you should reply 'Yarhamukallah'. When he is sick you should visit him and when he passes away you should accompany his dead body to the cemetery", (Muslim).
These are the six very simple responsibilities of brotherhood. Inshallah by doing these Allah will unite our hearts and have mercy upon us and make our lives easy and full of blessing. O'Allah! Forgive us and all the believing men and women and unite their hearts with mutual love and set aright their mutual affairs and help them against your and their enemies. My brothers and sisters in Islam. We have all heard and seen the words of Allah and our beloved Prophet, Mohammed (s.a.w.). We are not friends or mates unto each other but we are brothers unto each other, forming the same body, but unfortunately this single body of ours is in need of much spirit, faith, iman and taqwaa which has been missing in recent years and Inshallah we are granted this by Allah the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth
True family from Allah CC:
are more than brotherhood: are from Allah (cc) mission: i dont want say more nothig, bcs so far from mine, only Allah CC knows .....

our peace depend of their heart in peace...true family are our peace

our way is right ,only when we can go,being joined..... true family is the true way

our faith are strong because the existence of the family, true family from Allah.... Family are the blessing to our live

Ya Rabby, many thanks for my true family from you, please, protect us, our heart, help us to be joined, and take out all enemies all not good things, doing us to le our live helpping each to other, in the rith way, to You, our Lord. many thanks about him my family, and please cover him Allah CC with all protection and blessing in all matters, inside out side Allah'im, giving to us Your forgive...Our Lord, please help me see his eys, stay by side, pls Allah Swt... you now... my heart... so i wait only in You this help in this emergengy... inshAllah amin.