Bussiness and Life victory
Our prophet (saw) Won, since it remained in the faith, PERSISTENTLY. gainned battles, others not. ( even so elhamdulillah does not leaved the way)The battles not gainned: WERE EXPERIENCES and profit of important "Partners", from Allah CC.
with the experince, patient, the loyals soldiers (companions ), always joinned, THE VICTORY DONE TO ALLAH CC FROM ALLAH CC
Hz Ali (ra)
Also, to learn the way, the proceedings, and re-plannig for start again ( same a carthat need to stop, for to take oil and to do repair:- i heard this this days, in a dreams, also..)
The preseverance become Victory need :1 command and truste , loyals soldiers
stayingin study and analize quantitative / qualitative, strategic changes, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OBJECTIVE AND THE ONE WHO IS "FIGHTING" TOGETHER...working to Allah CC,without make badness to others, because of our Allah CC our target.
The command never leave his soldier. The soldier never leave the commandant (be by side)
Allah CC will accept the work , inshAllah... amin
We are muslims,never forget. elhamdulillah
Allahim please, do what are not good be the best from You, help for all misunderstandings be solved, give to my family from You the strongly faith , health, and BIGGEST GIFT in this life and in the another, and all those need of him, be joined for be a help in all moments, without selfish, doing the mission knwing that the victory from Allah CC will be DONE as conseqüence of the effort + faith+respect+perseverance+patient (plan , analize , inshAllah amin
Forgive us, please