, our Sir, send hope for our life bless us with your compassion: the health
forgives us of all the mistakes, Allah
our most precious good Grant Allah,
is it sweats promise, since we are resorting for you
Allah, we looking for a miracle, looking for your help urgent
Spread out on us, Allah,our Sir, the faith strongly
we are Your slaves,
and without you, Allah we are nothing.
Sir, Sends an authority, so that we can win,
one more stage, learn one more lesson and, so,
be able to live, with our family, for one more time
working to you, Sir, here in the Land
and make us testemony, of YOUR Compassion,
Mercifull, Benevolent Sir.
Give a healthy heart and fully of Love to you,
Allah, please, give the increase of our faith.
grants, our Sir, the help, the protection that is made urgent,
because of being a result of our mistakes.
Forgive our ignorance, Sir. And it grants the one who have place inside my heart
good days with health, in this world, so that we can joined, helping others
to know about YOUR blesseing in our life,
through our example of perseverance, and we will witness Allah
beloved, what the faith only in YOU, our Owner, can do, and Save
Because only You can to modify everything
is from you all permition, even if we can choice wrong way
you forgive us, when we repent, with heart sincere
and a new chance, it can be given, for us,
when it is of Your wish.
Allah.. make us to live always, muslimam
And , please, give to who are reading , the peace,
the right choice, the protection, and YOUR help covering him (who are family from You)
and all those who you gave to this live, for be in this way, joined, protecting each to others,
so, Allahim , give protection,health, care, victories and all blessings from you Allahim.
now and always,
" Oh Allah, which directs the hearts, fixes our hearts in your obedience. "
"O Allah DC, the Most Merciful and Compassionate • glorify You the seven heavens and the earth and all that are in them. There is nothing that does not go praise You, Sir. O Allah CC The Forgiving and Compassionate
"O Allah CC, whose Kingdom there is no other than thy • O Thou, whose praise can not be enumerated by His subjects • O Thou, Whose Glory can not be described by Thy creatures • O Thou, Whose perfection extends beyond the reach any vision • O Thou, Whose attributes exceed the boundaries of all understandings • O Thou, Whose Greatness is beyond the reach of all thoughts • O Thou, Whose qualities a man can not adequately describe • O Thou, Whose Order your subjects can not refuse • O Thou, Whose signs are all clearly in manisfestam • - • Sejai glorified Thee There is no other god but You • protection, protect, save us from the Fire. "