bismillaharrahman arrahim
assalamu aleykum ve rahmatulahi ve barakatuhu
Those who abstain from dialogue with their fellow battle already lost the war.
command is not "give orders", is not to feel that all responsabilities are on one .
thinking about: if some batle are loss, everybody what have relation with the soldiers what loss, will be in suffering, too. Then , even those are not in the "batle camp", ans stayed in house, are directly responsable for the victory be done. But the lider MUST BE Respected.
Easy to understand: just remember the history of our beloved prophet Mohammad (saw), that elhamdulillah left the best sample to us about everybody be joined, and Respecting our Allah CC.
Other sample is the history of ourProphet Moses who remained in the desert for 40 years, because of "non compliance , Non faith and selfishness of the Jewish people '
So it is with families, businesses, groups and other social work, even. Talk and talk, criticize, have pre-conceived ideas, labeling people, draw conclusions, without even giving each other the opportunity to "explain" ...... all this does not solve problems, not the results, does not prepare an effective design.
The dialog is to listen, understand, be heard, understood, even exhaustively, even if needs more time. But BEFORE everything, RESPECT Allah CC law, as a rule, first of all. Respect for each other, and respect the time, the ability of the other (less or more), their knowledge and needs. make and re-make plan, with PATIENCE. Study strategies . Knowing that , even so, can be that, inside of the batle, will need re-plan, because of Only Allah CC know everything, we can guess, from the experience from the live, o and some knowledge, only.
remembering , always, that, for all victorie sent by Allah CC, the win is of each one what was involved
for each defeat, all involved are equally responsibles, also the benefities profities mus be equal. no one more than others .
Equality is one of the Principles in the islam for have respect to Allah CC.
Our belove Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, "The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it."
So, everything have one that know ant thos who know, must teach to the other , with patience and dialogue,
on a metodologyt that will make the other understand ( each one have the cognitive different, bcs of the live, condition, culture, etc... Allah CC Wills...
then , who is us for do not respect the capacity less or more of others ?
Must be careffuly about everything, be in patience continum, to divide the responsabilities, respect the lider (lider = man. not woman can be a fully lider. }Sorry sisters, but Allah CC gave all condition to the man be the Lider, firstly our father, grand father, their fathers, then the husbands... think in this, please, ae on the Quran command from our Allah CC, but , BEFORE, RESPECT OUR OWNNER ALLAH CC, OVER EVERYTHING. asking the protection THE GUIDE, THE SUSTANCE, THE KNOWLEDGE, THE PERMITION. amin
"In ALLAH do we put out trust. Our Lord! make us not a trial for those who practise oppression even if us make this to our ownner self, amin;
"Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!" (Qur'an 2:201).
Allahim, please, give protector from You over my beloved family, and make us be his help ins this live for to reach Your, Allah CC Al Hadi Al Wali Al Muta1al Al Jabbar, in the next live. Peace be upon our beloved prophet Mohammad (saw) the sahabas, their families, all Prophets, then please, help the real muslims be better samples, for help those are in 'doubts", from the bad one, come the correct way to You, Allaim. many thaks, in advance. forgive us, pls