Recitation of Sura 56 (Waqiyah) after Isha Salat
Sura 56 - Al Waqia 'The Great Event' - Ayaat 1 to 74 |
- Sura 56 - Al Waqia 'The Great Event' - Ayaat 75 to 96 (end) |
Recitation of Ayat ”Mashaallahu laa Quwwata illa billah" (Ch. Al-Kahf (18), vs. 39)
"It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah."
"It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah."
DUA'A 58 Who ever recites surah al Falaq time and again receives sustenance regularly.
DUA'A 59 Whoever recites AR RAZZAQ 308 times in the morning receives more sustenance than he expects.
DUA'A 60 To earn independent income recite regularly surah Ta Ha in the last part of the night.
DUA'A 61 According to Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir recite the following du'a' for increase in sustenance.
O Allah, I beseech You for sustenance – abundant, good and lawful-from the “sustenance” You own. ALLAAHUMMA INNEE AS-ALUKA RIZQAN WAASI-AN T'AYYIBBAN MIN RIZQIKA |
DUA'A 62 Recite the following du-a'a 1000 times at midnight for removal of poverty and increase in sustenance.
Glory be to You, (my) master, the ever living, the self-subsisting, for whom there is no end. SUBH'AANAKA MAALIKIL H'AYYIL QAYYOOMIL LAD'EE LAA YAMOOT |
DUA'A 63 For increase in sustenance recite YAA GHANIYYU 1060 times between maghrib and Ishaa prayers
DUA'A 64 The Holy Prophet taught the following du-a'a to ahl al safi for increase in sustenance.
O Allah, the Lord of seven (or several) heavens and the Lord of the arash (the seat of divine authority) repay our debts and free us from poverty. ALLAAHUMMA RABBIS SAMAAWAATIS SABI-I WA RABBAL A'RSHIL A'ZEEM IQZ'I A'NNAD DAYNA WA AGHNINAA MINAL FAQR |
DUA'A 65 Recite the following du-a'a for increase in sustenance
O Allah, (You alone) administer my affairs. Do not let me depend on any other for the direction of my affairs. ALLAAHUMMA TAWALLA AMREE WA LAA TAWALLA AMREE GHAYRAKA |
DUA'A 66 According to Mulla Muhsin Kashani if the following du-a'as are recited, as mentioned for every day separately, there will be a noticeable increase in the means of livelihood. Recite each du-a'a 1000 times.
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. So be it. ALLAAHUMMA S'ALLI A'LAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALI MUH'AMMAD AMEEN |
O Lord of the worlds. YAA RABBAL A'ALAMEEN |
O Owner of splendour and generosity. YAA D'AL JALLAALI WAL IKRAAM |
O He who decides definitely regarding wants and needs. YAA QAAZ'IYAL H'AAJAAT |
O the most merciful of all the merciful. YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN |
O the everliving, the self-subsisting. YAA H'AYYU YAA QAYYOOM |
There is no god save You, the true and manifest sovereign LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTAL MALIKUL H'AQQUL MUBEEN |
DUA'A 67
Once a very poor man came to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq and told him that in spite of his best efforts, there was no improvement in his financial matters and he remained poor and deprived. The Imam advised him to recite a du-a'a after Ishaa prayers regularly.
O Allah, verily I do not know wherefrom I will get my sustenance? Indeed to look for it I lay myself open to possible risks which threaten my heart. I go round in its search to (many) cities. There I (wander) as its seeker. Truly, I do not know whether it is in the plain, or on the mountain, or in the earth, or in the sky, or under the earth or in the sea. From where and through whom it will reach me? At all events, I know, its system (of production and distribution) is in Your power (because) You are, as creator, know all about its (availability, quantity and quality). Through Your grace and mercy it is distributed. O my sustainer give me abundant sustenance, make easy for me its seeking, let its source be near me and let me not in vain run after the sustenance You have not selected for me, because You do not want to punish me whereas I am always in need of Your mercy. Give generously Your superabundant bounties to Your servant, (because) verily You are the owner of limitless gifts. ALLAAHUMMA INNAHOO LAYSA LEE I'LMUN MIN AYNA RIZQEE WA INNAMAA ANAA AT'LUBUHOO BIKHAT'ARAATIN TAKHT'URU A'LAA QALBEE FA-AJOOLU FEE T'ALABIHIL BULDAANA FA-ANAA FEEMAA ANAA T'AALIBUN KAL-HAYRANI LAA ADREE AFEE SAHLIN HUWA AM FEE JABALIN AM FEE ARZ'IN AM FEE SAMAA-IN AM FEE BARRIN AM FEE BAH'RIN WA A'LAA YADAY MAN WA MIN QIBALI MAN WA QAD A'LMITU ANNA I'LMUHOO I'NDAKA WA ASBAABUHOO BIYADIKA WA ANTALLAD'EE TUQASSIMUHOO BILUT'FIKA WA TUSABBIBUHOO BIRAH'MATIKA ALLAAHUMMA FAS'ALLI A'LAA MUH'MMADIN WA AALI MUHAMMAD YAA RABBI WAJ-AL RIZQAKA LEE WAASI-AN WA MATLABAHOO SAHLAN WA MAA KHAD'AHOO QAREEBAN WA LAA TU-ANNINEE BIT'ALABI MA LAM TUQADDIR FEEHI RIZQAN FA-INNAKA GHANIYYUN A'N AD'AABEE WA ANAA FAQEERUN ILAA RAHMATIKA FASALLI ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALIHEE WA JUD A'LAA ABDIKA BIFAZ'LIKA INNAKA D'OOO FAZ'LIN AZEEM. |
DUA'A 68
To receive sustenance in abundance recite the following verse of surah ash sura 66 times daily after obligatory prayer with ALLAAHU AKBAR in the beginning each time. It is recommended to recite it after Fajr or Maghrib prayers.
Allah is benign to His servants. He gives sustenance to whomsoever He wills. He is strong, all-mighty. ALLAAHU LATEEFUM BI-IBAADIHEE YARZUQU MAY YASHAAA WA HUWAL QAWIYYUL AZEEZ |
DUA'A 69
Recite the following du-a'a 3 times with salawat at the end after Fajr and Maghrib prayers regularly.
It is said that Allah may give the reciter so much sustenance that it will suffice seven generations.
O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O everliving, O self-subsisting, O owner of splendour and generosity, I beseech You in the name of Your great “ism azam” to give me sustenance, in abundance, lawful and pure by Your mercy, O the most merciful. YAA ALLAAHU YAA ALLAAHU YAA ALLAAHU YAA RABBU YAA RABBU YAA RABB YAA H'AYYU YAA QAYYOOM YAA D'AL JALAALI WAL IKRAM AS-ALUKA BISMIKAL A'Z'EEMIL A'Z'AM AN TARZUQANEE RIZQAN WAASI-A'N H'LAALAN T'AYYIBAN BIRAH'MATIKA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN |
DUA'A 70
Recite the following du-a'a 7 times with salawat after every obligatory salat for increase in sustenance.
O Lord, verily I have need of what You have sent me of the good. RABBI INNEE LIMAAA ANZALTA ILAYYA MIN KHAYRIN FAQEER |
DUA'A 71
For increase in sustenance recite the following du-a'a 144 times with salawat after Isha salawat for 7 days from Friday.
And with Him are the keys (treasures) of the unseen. None but He knows them: and He (alone) knows what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falls but He knows it, and there is not a grain in the darkest (recess) of the earth, nor anything wet or dry but is in a clear book. O Everliving, O self-subsisting. WA I'NDAHOO MAFAATIH'UL GHAYBI LAA YA'LAMUHAAA ILLAA HUW WA YA-LAMU MAA FIL BARRI WAL BAH'R WA MAA TASQUT'U MIW WARAQATIN ILLAA YA-LAMUHAA WA LAA H'ABBATIN FEE Z'ULUMAATIL ARZ'I WA LAA RAT'BIW WA LAA YAABISIN ILLAA FEE KITAABIM MUBEEN YAA H'AYYU YAA QAYYOO |
DUA'A 72
According to Imam Ali ibn abi Talib recitation of the following du-a'a after Fajr salat increases sustenance
O my Allah, save my honour and worth by giving one affluence and do not substitute my prosperity with poverty (in which case) I may have to seek sustenance (created by You) from the wicked among Your creatures, and thus be degraded by having to praise those who may give and shrewdly tolerate those who may refuse, (although) it is You who, under all circumstances, administers grants and refusals. Verily You have power over all things. ALLAAHUMMA S'UN WAJHEE BIL YASAARI WA LAA TUBADDIL JAAHEE BIL IQTAARI FAS-TARZIQA T'AALIBEE RIZQIKA WAS-TA-TIFA SHIRAARA KHALQIKA WAB-TULIYA BIH'AMDI MAN A'-T'AANEE WA UFTAT'ANA BID'AMMI MAN S'ANA -A'NEE WA ANTA MIN WARAA-I D'AALIKA KULLIHEE WALIYYUL A'T'AA-I WAL MAN-I INNAKA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER |
DUA'A 73
According to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib recitation of the following du-a'a after Fajr salat increases sustenance.
Praise be to Allah who made me aware of His nafs (reality) and did not forsake me to be one of those whose hearts do not perceive. Praise to be Allah who gave me (wisdom) to follow and obey Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children, and also peace. Praise be to Allah who has kept my sustenance in His (own) hand and did not give it to other people (like me) from whom I may have to seek it. Praise be to Allah who covers my defects and shortcomings and does not disclose my infamy among the people. Praise be to Allah, the one and only. ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE A'RRAFNEE NAFSAHOO WA LAM YATRUKNEE U'MYAANAL QALBI ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE JA-A'LANEE MIN UMMATI MUH'AMMADIN S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYJI WA AALIHEE WA SALLAM ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE JA-A'LA RIZQEE FEE YADIHEE WA LAM YAJ-A'LHU FEE AYDIN NAASI ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE SATARA U'YOOBEE WA LAM YAFZ'AH'NEE BAYNAN NAASI ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE WAH'DAHOO |
DUA'A 74
The following du-a'a is taken from Sahifa Alayiyyah by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib. This du-a'a is to be written, preferably on the skin of a deer or on any skin of a lawful animal, and kept on the body for increase in sustenance.
O my Allah, (mention the name of the person with father’s name for whom this du-a’a is written) has no capacity, nor he has endurance to come to grips with misfortunes, nor he has endurance to come to grips with misfortunes, nor he has strength to withstand hunger and destitution. O my Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, and do not let his means of sustenance (from You) fluctuate, do not be less generous in giving him from the vastness of Your bounties, do not exclude him from Your generosity, do not keep back from him Your liberal distribution (of bounties); do not give him over to Your liberal distribution (of bounties); do not give him over to Your creatures, nor (even) to himself, because he will not be equal to the task and will be too weak to perform well or set aright that which has gone (wrong) before, but You by Yourself put into good condition the disorder in his business and confusion of affairs and take charge of his welfare, look after all his affairs. If You put Your creatures in charge of (his affairs) they will not serve him, nor hand over (his affairs) to his relatives, they will take possession of (his rights); and if at all they give, they will give that which is less and trifle; and if they refuse to give, they will withhold much; and if they be niggardly they do full justice to niggardliness. O my Allah, give much to him from Your abundant bounties and do not let him be without (Your abundant bounties), because, verily very much in need he turns unto You to seek and obtain that which is in Your hands, whereas You have no need of him, and You are fully aware of his (needs and wants). Whoso relies upon Allah, for him He is sufficient. Verily Allah completes His decisions. Allah has set a due measure for everything. Verily, with every difficulty there is ease. Whosoever is aware of the divine laws (and follows them) to him He shows the true way out and gives him sustenance from where he does not reckon. ALLAAHUMMA LAA T'AAQATA LI (name of the person with father's name) WA LAA S'ABRA LAHOO A'LAL BALAAA-I WA LAA QUWWATA LAHOO A'LAL FAQRI WAL FAAQATI ALLAAHUMMA S'ALLI A'LAA MUH'AMMADIN WA AALI MUH'AMMAD WA LAA TAKHTUR A'LAA (name of the person with father's name) RIZQIKA WA LAA TAQTUR A'LAYHI SA-A'TA MAA INDAKA WA LAA TAH'RIMHU FAZ'LAKA WA LAA TAH'SIMHU MIN JAZEELI QASMIKA WA LAA TAKULHU ILAA KHALQIKA WA LAA ILAA NAFSIHEE FAYA-JAZU A'NHAA WA YAZ'-A'FU A'NIL QIYYAAMI FEE MAA YAS'LAHOO MAA QABLAHOO BAL TAFARRADA BILAMMI SHA-THIHEE WA TAWALLAA KIFAAYATAHOO WAN-Z'UR ILAYHI FEE JAMEE-I UMOORIHEE LI-ANNAKA IN WAKKALTAHOO ILAA KHALQIKA LAM YANFA-O'OHU WA IN ALJAATAHOO ILAA AQRIBAA-HEE H'ARAMOOHU WA IN A-T'AWHU A'T'AW QALEELAN NAKIDAN WA IN MANA-O'OHU MANA-O'O KATHEERAN WA IN BAKHILOO FAHUM LILBUKHLI AHLUN ALLAAHUMMA AGHNI (name of the person with father's name) MIN FAZ'LIKA WA LAA TAKHLIHEE MINHU FA-INNAHOO MUZ'T'ARRUN ILAYKA FAQEERUN ILAA MAA FEE YADAYKA WA ANTA GHANIYYUN A'NHU WA ANTA BIHEE KHABEERUN A'LEEMUN WA MAN YATAWAKKAL A'LALLAAHI FAHUWA H'ASBUHOO INNALLAAHA BAALIGHU AMRIHEE QAD JA-A'LALLAAHU LIKULLI SHAY-IN QADRAA INNA MA-A'L U'SRI YASRAN INNA MA-A'L USRI YUSRAA WA MAN YATTAQILLAAHA YAJ-A'L U'SRI YUSRAA WA MAN YATTAQILLAAHA YAJ-A'L LAHOO MAKHRAJAN WA YARZUQHU MIN H'AYTHU LAA YAH'TASIB |
DUA'A 75
It is written in Kanzul Maknun, on the authority of the Holy Prophet, if the following du-a'a is recited after praying a 2 rakat salat, it increases sustenance.
O glorious, O lasting survivor, O unique, O generous, I turn to You in the name of Muhammad, Your prophet, the prophet of mercy, (with a request to) send blessings on him and on his children-O messenger of Allah, I turn to Allah through You (He is) Your Lord, my Lord and Lord of everything, (and I beseech Him to) send blessings on Muhammad and on his Ahlul Bayt and give me sustenance generously from the sustenance You own, easy success and abundant livelihood with which I will set aright my disordered business and confusion of my affairs, pay my debts, and support my family. YAA MAAJIDU YAA WAAJIDU YAA AH'ADU YAA KAREEMU ATAWJJAHU ILAYKA BI-MUH'AMMADIN NABIYYIKA NABIYYAR RAH'MATI S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYHI WA AALIHEE YAA RASOOLALLAAH INNEE ATAWAJJAHU BIKA ILALLAAHU RABBIKA WA RABBEE WA RABBI KULLI SHAY-IN FA-AS-ALUKA YAA RABBI AN TUS'ALLIYA A'LAA MUH'AMMADIN WA AHLI BAYTIHEE WA AS-ALUKA NAFQATAN KAREEMATAN MIN NAFQATIKA WA FAT-HAN YASEERAA WA RIZQAN WAASI-AN ALUMMU BIHEE SHA-THEE WA AZQ'EE BIHEE DAYNEE WA ASTA-E'ENU BIHEE A'LAA I'YAALEE |
DUA'A 76
For increase in income recite surah Al Waqi-ah 3 times daily after Ishaa salat for 5 weeks continuously. Begin on any Saturday. Before reciting the surah recite the following du-a'a every time.
O Allah, give us abundant sustenance, lawful, purified, without subjecting us to extra hardships. Accept my supplication. Do not reject it. I seek refuge with You from the disgrace of poverty and debt, so drive away these misfortunes from me for the sake of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, peace be on them, through Your mercy, O the most merciful. ALLAAHUMMAR-ZUQNAA RIZQAN WAASI-A'N H'ALAALAN T'AYYIBAN MIN GHAYRI KADDIN WASTAJIB DA'WATEE MIN GHAYRI RADDIN WA A-O'OD'U BIKA MIN FAZ'EEH'ATEE BIFAQRIN WA DAYNIN WADFA' A'NNEE HAAD'AYNI BIH'AQQIL IMAAMAYNIS SIBT'AYNI AL H'ASANI WAL H'USAYNI A'LAYHIMAS SALAAMU BIRAH'MATIKA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAHI'IMEEN |
DUA'A 77
It is written in Kanzul Maknun to recite the following du'a'a for increase in sustenance 141 times daily after Isha salat 40 days continuously. Recite 41 salawats in the beginning and at the end of each recitation.
Whosoever fears (the wrath of) Allah, He will make a way out for him, and provide him with sustenance from where he does not reckon. Allah is sufficient for him who relies on Him. Verily Allah accomplishes His purpose. Allah has indeed prescribed a measure for every thing. WA MAY YATTAQILLAAHA YAJ-A'L LAHOO MAKHRAJAA WA YARZUQHU MIN H'AYTHU LAA YAHTASIB WA MAY YATAWAKKAL A'LALLAAHI FA HUWA H'ASBUH INNALLAAHA BAALIGHU AMRIH QAD JA-A'LALLAAHU LIKULLI SHAY-IN QADRAA |
DUA'A 78
It is written in Kanzul Maknun to recite the following verse 186 of Al Baqarah between wudu (ablution) and salat for increase in sustenance.
When My servants ask you about Me, then (say to them) verily I am very near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he beseeches Me. So they should hear My call, and believe in Me; so that they may be led aright. WA ID'AA SA-ALAKA I'BAADEE A'NNEE FA-INNEE QAREEB UJEEBU DA-WATAD DAA-I'ID'AA DA -A'ANI FAL-YASTAJEEBOO LEE WAL YOO-MINOO BEE LA-ALLAHUM YARSHUDOON |
DUA'A 79
It is written in Kanzul Maknun to pray a 2 rakat salat and after reciting al Fatihah in every rakat, recite verses 26 and 27 of Ali Imran (given in A) 10 times and after salam say salawat 10 times, go into sajdah and recite verse 35 of Sad (given in B) 10 times for increase in sustenance.
Say: “O Allah, master of the kingdom, You give kingdom to whom You like, and You take away the kingdom from whom You like. You exalt whom You like and abase whom You like; in Your hand is the good; verily You have power over all things. You cause the night to pass into the day, and You cause the day to pass into the night; You bring forth the dead from the living and You give sustenance to whom You like, without measure. QULILLAAHUMMA MAALIKAL MULKI TOO-TIL MULKA MAN TASHAAA-U WA TANZI-UL MULKA MIMMAN TASHAAA WA TU-IZZU MAN TASHAAA-U WA TUD'ILLU MAN TASHAAAA BIYADIKAL KHAYR INNKA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER TOOLIJUL LAYLA FIN NAHAARI WA TOOLIJUN NAHAARA FIL LAYL WA TUKHRIJUL H'AYYA MINAL MAYYITI WA TUKHRIJUL MAYYITA MINAL H'AYYI WA TARZUQU MAN TASHAAA-U BIGHAYRI H'ISAAB |
O (my) Lord, forgive me, and give me such a dominion as no one after me shall have the like. Verily, You are the great bestower. RABBIGH-FIR LEE WA HAB LEE MULKAL LAA YAMBAGHEEE LI-AH'ADIM MIM BA-DEE INNAKA ANTAL WAHHAAB |
DUA'A 80
Recite surah ash shams and surah al Layl after Ishaa salat for increase in sustenance.
DUA'A 81
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, to incrase sustenance and have abundant means of livelihood , keep written surah al Hijr in the purse, picket or box.
DUA'A 82
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, if surah Ali Imran is written with the mixture of saffron and rose water and kept on the body (better to wear as a neclace) poverty goes and sufficiency comes.
DUA'A 83
Recite the following names of Allah twelve thousand times in "one sitting" without talking to any or himself to have a large means of sustenance, wealth and prosperity.
O Mighty, O Self-Sufficient, O Guardian, O He who gives much long periods. YAA QAWIYYU YAA GHANIYYU YA WALIYYU YAA MALIYYU |
DUA'A 84
In Mulla Muhsin Kashani's opinion the above noted du'a'a 83 should be recited one thousand times daily between Mughrib and Ishaa salats.
DUA'A 85
Some religious scholars add another name YAA WAFIYYU-O in du-a'a 83to be recited 1398 times daily.
DUA'A 86
O drive away poverty and to get sufficient means of sustenance recite the following du-a'a 30 times daily after Fajr salat and also after Maghrib salat
Glory be to Allah the great, and praise (be to Him) SUBH'AANALLAAHIL A'Z'EEMI WA BIH'AMDIHEE SUBH'AANALLAAHIL A'Z'EEM |
DUA'A 87
Recite the following verse 350 times daily for large means of livelihood
And that the grace is wholly in the hands of Allah to give whomsoever He wills, for Allah is the owner of infinite grace. WA ANNAL FAZ'LA BIYADILLAAHI YOO-TEEHI MAY YASHAAA WALLAAHU D'UL' FAZ'LIL A'Z'EEM |
DUA'A 88
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq recite the following du-a'a 400 times daily for two months to have rizqi akbar (large means of sustenance.
I seek forgiveness from Allah, who is: “There is no god save He, the beneficent, the merciful, the everliving, the self-subsisting, the creator of the heavens and the earth”, from all the offences, injustices and transgressions (I committed to destroy my self)’ and I turn repentant unto Him. ASTAGHFIRULLAAHAL LADEE LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAR RAHMAANUR RAH'EEMUL H'AYYUL QAYYOOM BADEE-U'S SAMAAWAATI WEAL ARZ' MIN JAMEE-I JURMEE WA Z'ULMEE WA ISRAAFEE A'LAA NAFSEE WA ATOOBU ILAYHI |
DUA'A 89
Recite the following verses 40, 41, 42 of al Baqarah 21 times daily after Fajr salat for 40 days for having rizq akbar (large means of sustenance)
O children of Israel, remember My bounty which I bestowed on you, and fulfill your covenant with Me; I shall fulfill my covenant with you, and fear Me alone. And believe in that which I have sent down, verifying that which is with you, and do not be the first to deny it, nor take a mean price in exchange for My signs, and Me alone should you fear. Do not mix up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know (it). YAA BANEE ISRAAA-EELAD'-KUROO NI'-MATIYAL LATEEE AN-A'MTU A'LAYKUM WA AWFOO BI-A'HDEEE OOFI BI-A'HDIKUM WA IYYAAYA FARHABOON WA AAMINOO BIMAAA ANZALTU MUS'ADDIQAL LIMAA MA-A'KUM WA LAA TAKOONOOO AWWALA KAAFIRIM BIH WA LAA TASHTAROO BI AAYAATEE THAMANAN QALEELAA WA IYYAAYA FATTAQOON WA LAA TALBISUL H'AQQA BIL BAA'TILI WA TAKTUMUL H'AQQA WA ANTUM TA'-LAMOON |
DUA'A 90
Given below is the a'mal to have very large means of sustenance (rizqi akbar)
Have a bath (ghusl) with intention of seeking nearness to Allah for the fulfillment of the legitimate desire of having rizqi akbar
Pray 2 rakat salat with above noted intention
Recite salawat 100 times
With sincere faith and full concentration recite verses 2 and 3 of at Talaq 159 times after Fajr salat regularly for 39 days, preferably from Thursday or Friday (see Talaq 2 and 3 in duaa-77 ) . On the 40th day recite it 179 times. The total of 40 days recitation is 6380. At the end recite salawat 100 times (repeat this amal till your legitimate desires are satisfied)
DUA'A 91
Recite the following du-a'a 70 times every Friday to have rizqi akbar
In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. O the bestower of benefits, O pardoner, O affectionate, protect me from that which you have forbidden by giving me lawful (sustenance), and keep me safe from disobeying You, let me always obey You, and save me, with Your grace, from others than You, with Your mercy, O the most merciful. YAA MUFEEDU YAA GHAFOORU YAA WADOODU AGHNINEE BIH'ALAALIKA A'N H'ARAAMIKA WA BI T'AA-A'TIKA A'M MA-S'IYATIKA WA BI FAZ'LIKA A'MMAN SIWAAKA BI RAH'MATIKA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN |
DUA'A 92
It is written in Tafsir Burhan to recite surah Ya'sin after praying a 2 rakat salat on 3 Thursdays to have wealth and prosperity.
DUA'A 93
Recite the following verses daily to have wealth and honour.
And whoever holds fast to Allah is surely guided to the right path Do not (ever) think that Allah is heedless of what the unjust do. If you count the bounties of Allah you will not be able to number them. Verily Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful. Your Lord has commanded that you shall not worship (any) but Him; and do good to the parents. A sending down from Him who created the earth and the heavens, and elevated region. The beneficent, firm in His authority. This is the decree of the almighty, the all-knowing (Lord). Then He turned to the heaven, and it was smoke. So He said to it and the earth: “Come you two, willingly or unwilling.” They said: “We come willingly.” Be it known that all affairs go back to Allah. Whosoever fears (the wrath of) Allah, He will make a way out for him, and provide him with sustenance from where he does not reckon. Allah is sufficient for him who relies on Him. Verily Allah accomplishes His purpose Allah has indeed prescribed a measure for every thing. 1) WA MAA YA'-TAS'IM BILLAAHI FAQAD HUDIYA ILAA S'IRAAT'IM MUSTAQEEM 2) WA LAA TAH'SABANNALLAAHA GHAAFILAN A'MMAA YA-MALUZ' Z'AALIMOON 3) WA IN TA-U'DDOO NI-MATALLAAHI LAA TUH'S'OOHAA INNALLAAHA LA-GHAFOORUR RAH'EEM 4) WA QAZ'AA RABBUKA ALLAA TA'-BUDOOO ILLAAA IYYAAHU WA BIL WAALIDAYNI IH'SAAN 5) TANZEELAM MIMMAN KHALAQAL ARZ'A WAS SAMAAWAATIL U'LAA 6) AR RAH'MANU A'LAL A'RSHIS-TAWAA 7) D'AALIKA TAQDEERUL A'ZEEZIL A'LEEM 8) THUMMAS-TAWAAA ILAS SAMAAA-I WA HIYA DUKHAANUN FAQAALA LAHAA WA LIL-ARZ'I-TIYAA T'AW-A'N AW KARHAA QAALATAAA ATAYNAA T'AAA-I-E'EN 9) A LAAA ILALLAAHI TAS'EERUL UMOOR 10) WA MAY YATTAQILLAAHA YAJ-A'L LAHOO MAKHRAJAW WA YARZUQHU MIN H'AYTHU LAA YAHTASIB WA MAY YATAWAKKAL A'LALLAAHI FA HUWA H'ASBUH INNALLAAHA BAALIGHU AMRIH QAD JA-A'LALLAAHU LIKULLI SHAY-IN QADRA |
DUA'A 94
It is written in Bihar al Anwar to write the following du'a'a on a paper and keep it in the purse or pocket to have steady income.
In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. (It is) He (who is) the independent self-sufficient almighty. Daal, has hamza, laam, daal, daal, for his sake. BISMILLAAHIR RAH'MAANIR RAHEEM HUWAL GHANIYYUL A'ZEEZ DAAL-HAAA-HAMZA-LAAM-DAAL-DAAL-BIHEE |
Dua by Imam Mahdi (atfs) This dua is taken from a book called Sahifa of the Mahdi and its a tawassul through the 9th Imam. Shaykh 'Abbas Qummi also in his biography of the 9th Imam (muntahal aamaal) mentions something on these lines that asking Allah (swt) by the 9th Imam for increase in sustenance is a tested and proved method that really works.
Once the Prophet's (saw) daughter Fatima Zehra (as) asked the prophet for a helper. The Prophet(saw) advised her to recite the following Tasbih which is now known as Tasbih e Zehra. This Tasbih is usually recited after each prayer. However it also has great value for solving the problems of Rizq, Sustenance, Business, Job etc. The person should recite the tasbih with the niyat (intention) of seeking rizq (sustenance), before leaving the house ,before commencing business or before starting work at office. 34 times Allah o Akbar,33 times Alhumdolillah & 33 times Subhanallah Inshallah rizq problems can be overcome with this. For an indepth look at this particular 'tasbih', have a view of this particular compilation Also the Tawasul of Bibi Khadija an be used to overcome Rizq problems as her wealth made the Prophet (saws) wealthy . |