Why are we so conscious of the diseases that challenge our physical survival and completely ignore those diseases destroying our spiritual dimensions? Do we think about it? Why has Allah CC, so to say, been pushed to the periphery of our lives? Where are we heading to? How many of us are bothered by these questions and even if some are how do they answer them?
Consider the following Aayah of the Noble Qur’an and try to ascertain where are you standing in respect to it.
“And be ye not like those who forgot Allah CC; and He made them forget their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors!” [Qur’an 59:19]
This Aayah, the source of Iqbal’s thought of khudi is a thoughtful reminder of the consequences of forgetting Allah CC. Those who forget Allah CC forget their own souls, called ‘Self’ by Iqbal.
Humanity today, without exception is facing the most terrible onslaught of obscenity, immorality, Godlessness, vulgarity and shamelessness, the like of which the world has never seen before. We are all threatened by these ‘diseases of the spiritual world’. They are more serious than all the dreaded diseases we encounter in the physical world, for they eat up the very vitals of our society.
Why are we so conscious of the diseases that challenge our physical survival and completely ignore those diseases destroying our spiritual dimensions? Do we think about it? Why has Allah CC, so to say, been pushed to the periphery of our lives? Where are we heading to? How many of us are bothered by these questions and even if some are how do they answer them?
Consider the following Aayah of the Noble Qur’an and try to ascertain where are you standing in respect to it.
“And be ye not like those who forgot Allah; and He made them forget their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors!” [Qur’an 59:19]
This Aayah, the source of Iqbal’s thought of khudi is a thoughtful reminder of the consequences of forgetting Allah. Those who forget Allahcc forget their own souls, called ‘Self’ by Iqbal. What is this ‘Self’? Is it our physical existence? Definitely not, because those who are far from Allah and forgetful of Him, are very concerned about themselves. They are extra cautious of their dress, their beauty, their own bodies, and even the slightest threat to their health is dealt with before hand. So what is this ‘Self’ that one forgets as a consequence of forgetting Allah. It is most certainly the spiritual existence of the individual, which is the real ‘Self’. It is this aspect that materialistic people forget and hence they become their own slaves.
You might ask, “Where is this depicted?” and I would respond, “Everywhere.” Our television shows and movies, the so called entertainment, constantly undermines our traditional family life, by promoting devilish concepts like love marriages, adultery, homosexuality, to name a few. The characters are shown scantily dressed, using foul language, showing no respect to their elders and constantly obsessing about sex. Absurd, artificial and empty laughs of the so-called ‘Laughter shows’, do not bring happiness and joy. Happiness lies in the celebrated and lofty principles of nearness to Allah and His remembrance.
Other shows portray an image of an extremely violent society. We are growing so accustomed to these images and behavior that we are gradually giving them acceptance. Even little children are indoctrinated with such content that will having nothing but disastrous consequences. Cartoon characters are shown using extremely foul language. The reality is we are all under threat.
Today, more than ever, we need to rise to eliminate these diseases to save our future. Symptomatic treatment is no solution. We need to strike at the root. Many people are trying to identify the problem but make wrong conclusions as they do not seek guidance from God given principles. We need to ascertain those roots. The roots are not external conspiracies but rather internal shortcomings, for diseases do not affect a healthy body.
Identify who is your well wisher? Why concern ourselves so much about the brands we wear and whether we are in compliance to the devilish actors and actresses, who are in fact the ambassadors of evil? They are not our well wishers.
There was a person 1400 years ago, who didn't sleep in the nights, for he was thinking of us. Yes, it is a fact. He wept for us, prayed to Allah for our success over evil and our salvation. He warned us of all these happenings we encounter today, but he also comforted us with his priceless words as to where lies the triumph. Can you imagine a person 1400 years ago who wished us well? He was the most outstanding personality to walk this earth.
Isn’t it fitting for us to uphold his pious values, noble thoughts, sincere devotion and timeless wisdom? He was none other than Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him always). These message he received from Allah is still with us today. We have no reason to remain in darkness and shut our eyes to the guidance before us.
Everyone of us needs to get in touch with the Noble Quran and it will remove the veils of darkness from our eyes. It cleanses our thoughts and widens our vision. Falsehood is left exposed by it and Truth is made clear. It proclaims no mysterious doctrines but upholds values of justice and morality. Moreover, the life of Prophet Muhammad is a living commentary of the Noble Quran. We should strive to emulate his ways for they are ways of righteousness and every action of his was blessed and that is the best example for us.
This is the only hope for mankind to save itself from spiritual annihilation and the only shield against the assault of immorality. Those who accept it will rejoice in their success and those who reject it will perish in their failure. The fruits of the message of Islam proclaim that the tree is good and the fruits of the current so-called modern trend already prove it to be an evil tree which will shortly wither away.
Have you not considered how Allahcc sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven? Yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord? And Allah sets forth parables for men that they may be mindful. And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earth's surface; it has no stability [Qur’an 14:24].