Value of each man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained (to Respect what Allahswt wrote)
Avarice dulls the faculties of judgment and wisdom. Each creature loss the sense with the avarice. And without sense, what have real value ?
To refrain from unlawful and impious source of pleasures is an ornament to the poor to be thankful for the riches granted (is the adornment of wealth.)
When a soul was lost ... homicide or suicide act, the cause was the lack of care of the caregiver (that which was written to take care and be careful, side by side) .. then the caregiver neglect laws Allah swt was a demonic tool to eliminate a soul of Allah swt and his/her own soul
Submission to Allah's Will is the best companion; Do acts with fear to Allah swt is respect; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem; to mantain in the faith and go on is to act to Allah swt
hz Ali (ra)
those are seroiuos to Allah Cc. Respect Allah Cc law ( AL KURAN, HADITH), never will be back of what "scholars" or religious liders says of interpretaion (they are huan with alot intevetion from devil inisde out side), knowing that the islam is means Respect, and interpretation from those do not know the real fact of the persons pass/face, the reality, for to have equalit, Justice, in the answer (also, for each history, have in the minimum 2 sides + AllahCC + Devil soldiers working).
those, respect Allah]CC and have heart, soul turned to AllahCC, never will promote separation, and many less when one of this couple is a orphan woman, what are losting the live, the food, the sine in the eyes, become ill or in pregnaae or is mulsim in devil land.
those respect Allah CC , when do mistakes speking some wrong advise or some act, always will back in the decision and to repair the act, before the damage be so big, and 1 soul be , forever loss , in devil hand.
those respect AllahCC have honor in the correct morals acts from good character, and never be in website or chat , hearing what that other think about everything, in bla bla bla non sense, when those are needing are there waiting for to go on, because of the target is big , then to AllahCC. For freedom from devil hand , devil land.
those respect Allah CC , really, have not shame to say "forgive" to the other human, when made too many badness in his/her act, that the other have not more a live for to live, then, who is real muslim, and have respect to Allah CC , really, will back to take that hand and do the what Allah CC wrothe, and not what the others humans wanted.
those respect Allah CC are those knows that will back to AllahCC, and the time is very short, for to wait , even one minute for to back and give the true love for who are there, by side, waitting, trying be help, even over presure, over damage, over badness from all sides... are there, doing what can do... waiting the time blessed from AllahCC when the reality will be, the justice will be, the true will wak up inside of the beloved heart and , then joined will can do all correct acts to Allah CC and the blessings will be.