wa salam,...."Every soul will have to taste death".. and to prove that made mission, helped others, gave enought care about those allah CC sent to us to care.. show good morals and never leave a person when in bad time.. We must will need to prove to Alllah cc taht all what wrote in our book live, wrote by Allah cc.. we did with honor and clean.. without to damage nobody.. We will need, isnide of good morals, that we must live Respecting the others, answering the claim, the asks , the questions, being helpers and not coward. Everyday we need do acts taht will not borke a live..but be real soldier of the goodness and be by side of those we needed or needed us.. and never lets the seifish or cowarding be inside the hearts.. Because everytime we nee remember and remember: Allahcc see every acts from us... and non only a "sorry" or a act of "to left" the problems away..and get the easy way for donot care about responsabilities .
We must be HUMAN from and to Allah CC