Glory be to You, (my) Master, The Ever Living, The Self-Subsisting, for Whom there is no end.
Help us be thankfully, by our acts done each to other, showing our heart, without to mix minds, and /or being the enenmy of our ownnersef doing badness to other heart/soul from You.
Allah, the Lord of seven (or Several) heavens and the Lord of the
arash /The Seat of Divine Authority) please, repay our debts and free us
from poverty, by our efforts done, our engament in this amily, for to reach You.
O Allah cc , (You alone) administer the affairs of this family/partners by Your wills. You we depend and wish for guide us, so,, please Do not let us depend on any other , for the direction of our affairs.
Allah, verily we do not know wherefrom we will get our sustenance, but
we submit our selt to You our Lord, because we know that a Halal way are
comming from Yours wills with rainning of Blessing to who stay in the
right Way and wait in patient, working wiht the faith inside of our
heart. Indeed to look for it I lay myself open to possible risks which
threaten my heart. I go round in its search to (many) cities. There we
(wander) as its seeker. Truly, we do not know whether are in the plain
from You our Allah CC, or on the mountain, or in the earth, or in the
sky, or under the earth or in the sea. but for Sure the best are comming, and some arrived..Just help us stay joined in understading enought for to oppen the You door of Profities halal, as a big rainning of Blessings on us.. From
where and through whom it will reach us ? At all events, we know, its
system (of production and distribution) is in Your power (because) You
are Creator, know all about its (availability, quantity and quality).
Through Your Grace and Mercy it is distributed. O Our sustainer give us
abundant sustenance, making easy for us its seeking, let its source be
near us and let me not in vain , abd to run far from the blessings,
after the sustenance . Help us, be thankfully to You have not selected
for us the profities from haram, because You do not want to punish us
whereas we are always in need of Your Mercy.
Give generously Your superabundant bounties to Your servanst, (because) verily You are the owner of limitless gifts,ourAllah Cc Al Karim, cover us, Allahim and protect our thoughts, minds, for never fall in the not right way. Help us to stay always in the right way, and no one envy of the envious gossip, whispering evildoer achieve our hearts and thoughts for to rech YOU . Give on , around us, day and night, soldiers from You, The angels, for to mantain us closed eachother, caring, coverd of prosperity. Allah CC our Lord, The Only One the Mercifully, Al Muta'Al al Hadi Al Rahman Al Salam Al Nur , Al Aziz. inshAllah amin
Give generously Your superabundant bounties to Your servanst, (because) verily You are the owner of limitless gifts,ourAllah Cc Al Karim, cover us, Allahim and protect our thoughts, minds, for never fall in the not right way. Help us to stay always in the right way, and no one envy of the envious gossip, whispering evildoer achieve our hearts and thoughts for to rech YOU . Give on , around us, day and night, soldiers from You, The angels, for to mantain us closed eachother, caring, coverd of prosperity. Allah CC our Lord, The Only One the Mercifully, Al Muta'Al al Hadi Al Rahman Al Salam Al Nur , Al Aziz. inshAllah amin