Business must be inside of moral ethics
The holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.w.) said: "If a
person makes a deceitful transaction with the Muslims, or puts them to a loss,
or cheats them, he is not one of my followers. And when a person cheats his
fellow Muslim (i.e. sells him an adulterated commodity), Allah deprives him of
Blessings in his livelihood, closes the means of his earnings, and leaves him
to himself."
(Islamic Laws
Book of Ayatullah Al-Seestani Dama Dhilluhu)
Muslims need to live and propagate halal products and Islamic fashion business (halal) in the world
Halal Rizq(sustenance)
is very important & has an effect on all other Ibadaat & the
general spiritual status. BEFORE doing Business the person
is required to know the Islamic Laws applicable. This will
enable him to earn Halal rizq for himself & his family. EVEN
in Halal business there may be Transactions/ Situations
where there is a possibility of overstepping HIS laws.
Some examples are :-
1. Import & Export - Dealing with customs in terms of 'Law Of Land'. If a person does not understand this concept , must learn for do not committing haram.
2. Currency, stocks, options, speculation, banking, etc. - One should know in & out about interest, Islamic way of banking, exchanges, etc.
3. Shop-keeping - One should know the Islamic rules of Purchase /sale, displaying, goods return, etc.
The examples are numerous. The line between haram and halal is thin in businesses. In most cases, a momin should (ie it is wajib) have proper religious training on 'how to do business - the Islamic way'. .This was demonstrated by HZ Ali (ra) when he ordered flogging of a Fish Merchant who was selling fish w/o scales & pleaded ignorance.
1] to
be truthful in your words;
2] not
to conceal the defect in your merchandise;
3] not
to deceive a gullible (easy to fool, innocent, trusting) person, because
deceiving him is not allowed.
4] not
to be satisfied for people except with what you will be satisfied for yourself;
5] to
give the right and take the right ….. because the truthful trader will be with
the respected angels on the Day of Judgment;
6] to refrain from swearing because a false oath will lead the
person to the fire…7] respect as are your finger, eyes, legs and arms, those are sent by Allah (swt) to this way , by side of you.Give more attention to those geting their food from your command,
orientation. Their life are in your hands by Allah Swt and your will be in their , be sure
Duties are:
To worship Allah SWT alone: This means to recognize Allah SWT as the ultimate reality and to recognize Allah as the Lord, to worship Him with all sincerity and to submit to Him in every aspect of life. A Muslim's life is nothing but total commitment to Allah SWT. We are not only monotheists (people of Tawhid) but we are also theocentric people. Allah SWT is the center of our life and He is our total and ultimate concern.
It means at firstly:
1. To be respectful and kind to the parents: This is to acknowledge the compassion and kindness of the parents, to be grateful to them (your acts must be thinking in then)
2. To be good and honest to your relatives, to the poor , partners, and the travelers: This is to remember that we are interconnected in this world. Our responsibilities are not only towards ourselves and our immediate families, but also to other relatives and to the society at large. We are all in need of each other and we are all fellow travelers in this path of life. We must see what we can do for others. Muslims must live a socially responsible life. Social responsibility begins with the family, other relatives and it includes all those who are in needdings or by side (far or near).
3. To be careful with your money and many more from the others and not to waste resources: One should be neither too tight with one's money nor too lose with it. Extravagance is not right, but also one should not become stingy and miserly. A Muslim is committed to the balanced life style. Money should be earned in Halal (lawful) ways and it should be spent in the right manner and payments of loan , must be done. This principle can be applied to all resources that Allah has given us. Wise and conscientious use of resources is a very important commitment of Muslims.
4. To take good care of your children: children are our future. We must see that we raise healthy, intelligent and morally responsible children. Our commitment should be to raise them in safe and healthy environment. We must protect their life as well as their sprit and mind, their morals and manners. So, must the bussiness need to think in the future of the ummah.
5. Halal Rizq(sustenance) is very important & has an effect on all other Ibadaat & the general spiritual status. BEFORE doing Business the person is required to know the Islamic Laws applicable. This will enable him to earn Halal rizq for himself & his family. EVEN in Halal business there may be Transactions/ Situations where there is a possibility of overstepping HIS laws.
6. To respect every life and not hurt or kill or make badness to anyone : One should avoid aggression and violence physical and psychological/emotionaly, because these things lead to murder. Every Muslim must be committed to peaceful ways. Conflicts should be resolved by dialogue and negotiations, not by killings and murders. However, justice must be maintained, because just punishment brings safety and protects life.
7. To take care of the orphans: Orphans and all those who are vulnerable must be taken care of. Their rights must be recognized and they should be protected from all harms. A Muslim must be deeply committed to the care of young, poor, infirm and handicapped. Kindness and compassion is the basic commitment of a Muslim. It includes every one, including the animals.
8. To fulfill the promises and your commitments: Promises and contracts are an important part of human life and human civilization. When promises are not kept, people lose trust in each other and the whole society becomes weak. Muslims must be true to their words. Our commitment must be to speak the truth, to be honest and when we make a pledge we do our best to fulfill our pledges.
9. To be honest in business dealings and not to cheat in weight or measurement nobody Respecting the partners in their needings: Honest business brings progress, success and blessings. All business whether it is commercial, social or political must be done with a sense of justice and fairness.
A Muslim is committed to fair dealing in everything and with every one. Dealing with a Muslim means dealing with full confidence.
A Muslim businessman is the most truthful businessman. A Muslim worker is the most honest worker. A Muslim in any profession should bring honor to that profession.
10. To do things with knowledge and not to follow the hearsay or act on half- knowledge: The information agencies, the media have a great responsibility. A lot of injustice is done when the misinformation is given or the information is misused. Muslims should be committed to truth in information. They should promote truthful and honest reporting about everyone including their enemies. A report coming from a Muslim source should be the most trustworthy report. In a similar way Muslim should be extremely careful with their actions and reactions. They should not react without proper evidence against anyone. They should show the world how the information is ascertained.
11. To be humble and have no arrogance: Moderation and balance is the best thing in one's behavior as well as in one's attitudes toward others. A Muslim is a dignified person, but he/she is humble. A Muslim is not boastful, arrogant or vainglorious. A Muslim thanks Allah for all His gifts. For everything the ultimate praise is for Allah and the real glory belongs to Allah. These are the basic commitments of Muslims, as individuals and as people. These are the principles of wisdom and the universal values of Islam. When they are followed they bring justice, peace and happiness in this world and they will indeed bring success and salvation in the Hereafter. Let us all try to make these our real commitments."