Believers, sustain you in perseverance and prayer, for God is with the steadfast.
These will be covered by the blessings and mercy from their Lord, and these are well underway.
The justice amongst human beings; which means that everyone must honour individual and social rights of others and act according to the sacred laws of Islam. This is called social justice. In a prophetic tradition, social rights are enumerated in the following manner:
Every believer has thirty one obligations, what need be carefully in do this, over his brother in faith, which he could not be says to have not met the duties unless he either performs them or is excused by his brother in faith from performing them.
- These obligations are:
- forgiving his mistakes;
- being merciful and kind to him when he is in a strange land;
- guarding his secrets, helpping to sa the truth;
- giving him his hand when he is about to fall;
- accepting his apology beig good hear and understandings;
- not forsaking him in the midst of his troubles;
- Show When he is being unfair with others helpless, helps in clarifying and approach;
- helps to keep the mission by Allahcc,
- help in bringing family (soul) because it is unity of islam;
- discouraging backbiting about him;
- persisting in be help to him;
- treasuring his honestly , efort and faith;
- fulfilling his trust;
- visiting him when he is ill;
- being with him at the time of his death;
- accepting his invitation and his presents;
- returning his favours in the same manner;
- thanking him for his favours;
- being grateful for his assistance;
- protecting his honour and property;
- helping him meet his needs;
- making an effort to solve his problems;
- saying to him: `Allah bless you' from heart;
- guiding him to the thing he has lost;
- answering his greetings;
- taking him at his word (not drawing a bad interpretation of things he says);
- accepting his bestowals;
- confirming him if he swears to something;
- being kind and friendly towards him, not unsympathetic and hostile;
- helping him whether he is being unjust or is a victim of injustice [when we speak of helping him when he is being unjust, we mean that he must be kept from being unjust;
- when we speak of coming to his aid when he is a victim of injustice, we mean that he should be assisted in securing his rights] ;
- refraining from feeling bored or fed up of him;
- do not forsaking him in the midst of his troubles.
- Whatever good things he likes for himself he should also like for his brother in faith, and whatever he dislikes for himself he should also dislike for his brother.
- And Allahcc knows the best