DO NOT ABANDON WHO ALLAHCC MADE NEED YOU! Remember: this life is short, and everything is for we to prove to our Ownner Allahcc , that we are real slave , enought for get FAvors from Allahcc People are HUMAN. (Not Angels)
So: People have: Defects and Qualities
The Qualities to be Improved. Defects evem be banned
People "hurt" others, BECAUSE THEY ARE PERSONS, ONLY
To hurt is normale, between HUMAN (can be fixed with time)
BUT, IN NORMALE is: to leave each other, because of this (because of the hurts! = BIGGEST MISTAKE
can be, also, HARAM (to leave another is not islamic and can be a demonstration of lack of respect to Allahcc. Also, this act (to leave) make more damage to leaved to who is who in the act!
so, Get Cowrage and honor collegues is muslim (gift from Allahcc) and CARE
other, who AllahCC sent to you care enought.
Allahcc knows the Motive of everything in the lives. We do not know nothing!
For example: Parentes under stress, cannot to leave the childrem, but hurt. So, when get calm , repair (so simple) and kids grown with more character positive, understanding tha "thisis the life" = normale