What Is Questioned on Judgment Day?
Continuing the series on the End of
the World and the Resurrection, we present here a summary of the issues
that will be posed to all souls on the Day of Judgment:
a) Belief in Allah and His Messengers
The most important question to be
placed on that Day is the belief of the person, if he believed in the
existence of Allah or associated with any partner to Him (ie did Shirk).
Contained in the holy Qur'an:
"Then it will be said: Where are the (gods) that you used to worship besides Allah? They may, perhaps, help you, or help themselves? '
[Al-Qur'an 26:92-93]
"And (not to forget) the Day when He (Allah) will call them and say: Where are, after all, my partners imaginastes you?"
[Al-Qur'an 28:62]
"And they assign a portion of that which We have given
them, the beings who know not (false gods), by Allah, you will certainly
be questioned about everything inventastes.»
[Al-Qur'an 16:56]
Every soul will also be questioned about the Divine Messengers:
"And on the Day when He will call them and say: What answer these Messengers to you?
So, they can not think of any answer, they can not even ask each other. "
[Al-Qur'an 28:65-66]
b) Shares Practiced in the World
The human being will be questioned about the things he did during his life on earth:
"By your Lord! Certainly, interrogate them all about what they were doing. "
[Al-Qur'an 15:92-93]
"Without doubt, we interrogate those who were sent to (our) message, as well as interrogate the Messengers."
[Al-Qur'an 7:6]
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
"Man will not move on the Day of Resurrection without being questioned
about four things: life, as passed; knowledge, as applied; wealth, as
acquired and spent; the body, as used "[Tirmizhi]. And in another narration, the same source also stated "the youth, as passed."
c) Promises and Covenants
The promises and covenants that people had done, will be questioned as to their compliance:
"And yet, had previously concluded a covenant with Allah,
whereby never return back (before the enemy), and they will have to
answer for pact concluded with Allah."
[Al-Qur'an 33:15]
In addition, any promising lawful people have made between them, will be questioned about their compliance with:
"And do not go near the property of the orphan except in
the best way, until it reaches maturity, and fulfill the promise, for
surely you will be questioned (on the Day of Resurrection) about the
[Al-Qur'an 17:34]
d) Hearing, Vision and Heart
All that the person heard, seen or followed deliberately be brought to trial:
"And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge, in fact, hearing, sight and hearts will all be questioned."
[Al-Qur'an 17:36]
Qatadah (RTA) said: "Do not say" I
saw "while not seen," I heard "while not listened or" I know "while you
do not know, because Allah will question you about all this" [Ibn
Tafssir Kacir].
These passages serve as a warning
to people because of "blindly following" certain aspects, whether
related to religion as not, about which there is no concrete proof. The
same verse also proves that Allah has forbidden to speak without
knowledge, ie, make conjectures and suspicions based on imagination.
It has no sacred Al-Qur'an:
"O believers! Shun a lot of suspicions, for some suspicions are sins. And not espieis not speak evil of one another in the back (Ghibat); any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You detestais it. And fear Allah to undoubtedly Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "
[Al-Qur'an 49:12]
And given that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the kind of speech more false [Bukhari, Musslim].
e) Donations honored in Life
Being-in-the questionado also about inhuma gifts with which ALLAH has graced us:
"After then, you will be questioned that Day about the pleasures (enjoyed in the World). '
[Al-Qur'an 102:8]
In fact, the gifts given are many and numerous that certainly are impossible to tell:
"And you gave it to YOU pedistes tudo, tentardes have been (repeatedly) the favors of Allah, never conseguiríeis fazer. In fact, the Homem is VERY injusto, extremely ungrateful. "
[Al-Qur'an 14:34]
Some of these gifts are indispensable (essential) to life and others are secondary (extra). Belong to the first group gifts such as air, water, food, health, etc.. and second we find all that is really beyond essential to our existence.
This latter type of donations
varies with each person, was or region, as there are things that do not
exist in a particular era or that are not known in a certain region. The truth is that what the person has enjoyed in life, you will be questioned about it on the Day of Judgment.
Abu Huraira (RTA) narrates that the
Prophet (SAW) said: "The first question that will be put to the person
on the Day of Quiyámah about the delights of this world will be: not
given you a healthy body does not have satisfied your thirst with fresh
water? "[Tirmizhi].
Often, we do not value the gifts
that Allah bestow us, we do not know that we appreciate the food to feed
us, water to quench thirst, a roof where to live, wives, children,
etc.. We think gift refers to having luxury items such as
cars eccentric, mansions, farms and lead a life of luxury and pomp, we
always aim for those who are "above" us in these aspects, forgetting
those who live in worse conditions.
Reportedly a narration reported by Musslim where a man asked Abdullah ibn Amr (RTA): "Are we not among the poor emigrants'? Abdullah
(RTA) asked him: "You have no wife to whom retornas the end of the
day?", It replied: 'Yes', 'You have no house to live?', It replied:
'Yes'. Herein, Abdullah (RTA) said: "So you're one of the
rich ', the man said:" I am still an employee who serves me ", it
exclaimed:" So you're one of the kings! ».
And according to another Hadith,
the Prophet (SAW) said: "There are two graces that many people do not
appreciate: health and free time" [Bukhari]. And also said:
"For those who fear Allah, there is nothing wrong with being rich, but
for those who fear Allah, health is better than wealth and a good
disposition is part of the gifts" [Ahmad].
Abu Huraira (RTA) narrates that the
Prophet (SAW) said: "The Lord will go to His servant (on Judgment Day)
and say," O so and so! Do not honored making you a prominent, giving you wife, you subduing horses and camels and making you a leader? " He will say: "Certainly." Allah will say: "You knew you were going to find you with me"? He will say: "No". Allah will say: "I will forget you (let you) like you have forgotten me."
Then Allah will drive the second (slave) and say, "O so and so! Do not honored making you a prominent, giving you wife, you subduing horses and camels and making you a leader? " He will say: "Certainly." Allah will say: "You knew you were going to find you with me"? He will say: "No". Allah will say: "I will forget you (let you) like you have forgotten me."
Then Allah will address the third and say the same. This
servant will answer: "I believe in Thee, in Thy Books and Messengers, I
prayed, fasted and gave charity," and praise yourself. Allah will say: "Let's stop here," and will say again: "Now send against you." The
servant who would think the witnesses against him, so Allah will seal
his mouth and said to be his thigh, meat and bones, "Speak", and thigh,
meat and bones will talk about their actions, and will be proclaimed the
evidence against it. This will be hypocritical about whom Allah will be angry "[Musslim].
One of the reasons for which a
person will be questioned about the lust and usually with the gifts that
had been bestowed, is also to ascertain whether she was grateful and
fulfilled the responsibilities that are required of those who receive
If the person is ungrateful and
excuse yourself to recognize everything that Allah grants him, he is
furious as noted in a Hadith in which the Prophet (SAW) said: "Indeed,
Allah is pleased with His servant when he praises the eat or drink
something "[Musslim].
Different Types of Judgement
The ultimate judgment of each will be accomplished in several ways, making it easy for some and extremely difficult for others.
Some will be admitted to Paradise
without any accountability, which will not be more than seventy thousand
believers, considered "elite" of humanity. There will
still be those whose judgment will be easy, because it does not discuss
the content of their records and will be shown the sins that have been
forgiven. Allah says:
"Then he who is given his book (actions) in their right hand, this easy to get a trial."
[Al-Qur'an 84:7-8]
Aisha (RTA) narrates that the
Prophet (SAW) said: "No one shall be called to account on the Day of
Quiyámah without being punished." She objected: "O Messenger of Allah! So Allah did not say:
"... he who is given his book (actions) in their right hand, this will have an easy trial. '"
The Prophet (SAW) replied: "This is only the presentation of accounts;
however, no one will be questioned (in detail) on the Day of Quiyámah
without being punished "[Bukhari, Musslim].
First Obligation to Be Required
Among the obligations that we have before Allah, the first of which will be required is the Salát. If your practice is in order, then we will have success and prosperity, otherwise we are completely lost and condemned.
Abu Huraira (RTA) narrates that the
Prophet (SAW) said: "The first obligation of the individual will be
called to account on the Day of Quiyámah will be on your Salát if it
complies, then he will be successful and prosperous, but if evil, will
be lost and condemned. If you are missing something in
Salátes required, the Lord will say: "Verificai (in the registry) if My
servant has any Salát optional and utilizai them to complete what is
missing in Salátes required." Then all his actions will be reviewed in this way "[Tirmizhi, Nassaí and Ibn Majah].
Sincerity in Actions
Abu Huraira (RTA) narrates that the
Prophet (SAW) said: "On the Day of Quiyámah, Allah will come before His
servants to judge between them, and all the people are kneeling. The
first to be called is the one who learned the entire Qur'an, (below)
who was killed by the Divine Cause and (later) the rich.
ALLAH tried every one who has learned the Qur'an: "Do not teach you what I revealed to My Messenger"? Answer: "Yes, my Lord!" Allah will say: "What did you do with what you taught?" Answer: "I used to stand (in prayer and recite) at night and during the day." Allah will say: "You're lying," and the angels will say: "You lie." Allah
will say: "You wanted only to be told that such and such (guy) is
reciter (of the Qur'an), and it has been said (ie, has been rewarded in
the World)."
The following will be the one who
had brought much wealth and Allah tried him: "Do not blessed you
abundantly, so that you had no need for anyone else"? Answer: "Yes, my Lord!" Allah will say: "What did you do with what I gave you?" Answer: "I used to support the family and give in charity." Allah will say: "You're lying," and the angels will say: "You lie." Allah will say: "You wanted only to be told that such and such (guy) is generous, and it has been said.
It will then be brought who was killed by the Divine Cause and Allah tried him: "Because you were dead"? Answer: "I was ordered to join me in Jihad for His Cause, fought until he was killed." Allah will say: "You're lying," and the angels will say: "You lie." Allah will say: "You wanted only to be told that such and such (guy) is angry, and it has been said."
Then the Prophet (SAW) tapped me on the knee and said, "O Abu Huraira! These three will be the first among the creatures of Allah for which the fire will be stoked on the Day of Quiyámah ". '
[Musslim, Tirmizhi and Nassaí]
Each Servo Testemunhará their sins
Abdullah ibn Umar (RTA) narrates
that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Allah will approach the believer Si, house
it will and will cover it and then say," You recognize such and such a
sin? " Answer: "Yes, my Lord", and recognize their sins thinking that is doomed. Then
Allah will say: "I concealed them for you in the world and they forgave
thee this day," and you will be given the book of good deeds.
But for the unbelievers and hypocrites witnesses say,
"And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah? These people will be brought before their Lord, and the witnesses will say: These are they who lied against their Lord. Lo! The curse of Allah be upon the unjust [Al-Qur'an 11:18] "
. '
According to the commentary of Imam
Qurtubi, the word "house" used earlier in the Hadith means that Allah
will house the believer with His kindness and generosity, directing you
to the gentle and conciliatory, remember you will of His blessings and
show it to the favors granted to him [At-Tazhkirah].
We will be Rebuked For Our FailuresAbu Huraira (RTA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Allah will say on the Day of Quiyámah:" O son of Ádam! I was sick and you DO NOT visited . " (* me too, also, even do not asked about :´ )
Answer:! Lord! You would like to visit when Thou art the Lord of the Worlds "? AllahCC will say: "Did you not know that My servant so and so was sick and you did not you visited? Did not you know that if you had visited, you would have found Me with him? "
(And say :) "O son of Ádam! You ask Me no food and you fed them. " Answer: "O Lord! How could I feed Thee when Thou art the Lord of the Worlds "? Allah will say: "Did you not know that My servant so and so asked you the food and you have not fed them? Did you not know that if you had fed him, you would have found Me with him? "
(And say :) "O son of Ádam! I asked you something to drink and you gave Me not to drink. " Answer: "O Lord! How could I give You to drink when You are the Lord of the Worlds "? Allah will say: "Did you not know that My servant so and so asked you to drink this and you do not drink? You did not know if he'd given to drink, you would have found Me with him? "'