With that diverts many forwards and many others. But with this, it diverts the depraved. Who break the covenant of Allahcc after they finished, they separate what Allahcc has ordered to be joined, and make mischief in the land. These are those will be losers.
Allah'in Ya Rabbi, Al Muta'al, from Your Holy Book , the Notice about "how need be the Morals of each of us, So, please, JUSTICE , i ask You Allah'in. Please, Protect "he" this family Precious from You, from all gossipies , Misundertandings , from Every act made by sheythanand his soldiers (human non sense). Ya Allah'in Al Wali, from You i ask JUSTICE BE, Al Aziz Al Hadi Al Mani, Cover us with Your Blessings and do not lets, please, we lost Yours Favors from You to our ventures and commitments. Protect he, inside out side for do not be desviated from the right way where he is the Guide to me, by Yours Wills, for be in correct path , Allah'in. Please Al Jabbar , we are from You elhamdulillah i thanks..So , please, sow to ours enemies HOW BIGGEST is Yous Power and JUSTICE to those do not respect a member of this ummah a sincere slave to You and try to separate those who You Made partners family joined for to reach You Al Nur . Allah cc is Urgent Your Intervention , for please show to he the enemies around and Yours Favors waiting for he get, soon, Al Rahman Al Rahim. give him the health enought , please, for he continue guiding us, family , for to be with less shame when in front You Beloved Allah cc Al Karim. amin amin amin