Bismillah ar-Rahman ar- Rahim. "Em nome de Allah, o Clementíssimo,o Misericordiosíssimo"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
To the ignorant man nothing is better than silence... for to learn with the silent. and not to do sin, speaking more, thinking more, about others..
And , if was he aware of this, he would no longer be ignorant.
When you are not possessed of perfection or excellence,
It is better that you keep your tongue within your mouth, than before to have prejudice about others
May Allah(cc), the Mercifully, from Who we come, to Who we will to go, inshAllah, to help us to have more true love in our hearts about others, and be helpers than killers of the hope. amin amin amin
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ética nos Negócios no Islã: Honra
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Honestidade nas relações monetárias
Uma pessoa pode ganhar dinheiro por duas vias: uma é a agricultura, ea outra é um negócio. Se o negócio não é feito de acordo com a ética, então sempre haverá inflação e escassez de bens. Como pode ser visto no caso de muitas commodities como trigo, açúcar, etc É devido à lotação em, a especulação eo egoísmo de alguns empresários. O governo também se tornar um profissional em si, enquanto a sharia parou o governo islâmico da negociação.
Uma pessoa pode ganhar dinheiro por duas vias: uma é a agricultura, ea outra é um negócio. Se o negócio não é feito de acordo com a ética, então sempre haverá inflação e escassez de bens. Como pode ser visto no caso de muitas commodities como trigo, açúcar, etc É devido à lotação em, a especulação eo egoísmo de alguns empresários. O governo também se tornar um profissional em si, enquanto a sharia parou o governo islâmico da negociação.
Retidão e honestidade nas relações monetárias constitui uma parte essencial dos ensinamentos fundamentais do Islã, diz Moulana Manzoor Naomani.
O Alcorão, assim como as Tradições do Profeta é enfático ao dizer que um verdadeiro muçulmano é aquele que é honesto e justo em seus negócios e transações monetárias, mantém sua palavra e cumprir suas promessas, a fraude se afasta e evita o engano ea perfídia, não invade sobre os direitos dos outros, nem toma parte no litígio faltoso, não dar falso testemunho, e se abstém de fazer o dinheiro desonesto como da usura e da corrupção. Quem não está livre desses vícios é, segundo o Alcorão e as Tradições, e não um verdadeiro crente, mas um renegado e um transgressor inútil.
Passamos agora a examinar alguns dos versículos do Alcorão e as tradições pertinentes. Um curto verso do Alcorão diz:
"Ó vós que credes! Não Coma uns dos outros bens por meios ilícitos e desonestos". (4:29)
O versículo proíbe os muçulmanos contra todos os meios imundo e corrupto de ganhar dinheiro, como desonesta de negociação, peculato, especulação, jogo e corrupção. Depois há os versos em que estas práticas odiosas são tratados um a um. Por exemplo, uma severa advertência é dada no seguinte versículo para os comerciantes que enganam no peso:
"Ai dos que tratam de fraude, - aqueles que, quando eles têm a receber por medida dos homens, medida completa exatos, mas quando eles têm que dar por medida ou peso para os homens, dar menos do que por que eles não pensam nisso. eles serão chamados a prestar contas em um dia aziago, quando (todos) seres comparecerão perante o Senhor do Universo. " (133: 1-6)
Da mesma forma, o mencionado no versículo exorta os muçulmanos a ser muito particular sobre suas obrigações e sobre os direitos das outras pessoas.
"Deus vos ordeno que restituir a sua confiança, para aqueles a quem lhes é devido." (4:58)
Em dois lugares no Alcorão uma característica distintiva chefe dos muçulmanos está a ser dito que eles são:
"Os que respeitarem suas obrigações e seus pactos." (24:8)
O Profeta
costumava dizer em seus sermões:

"Lembre-se, não há fé n'Ele, que não é confiável, não há lugar para ele na religião que não se preocupa com sua palavra empenhada ou promessa."
Outra tradição diz: "Os sinais de um hipócrita são três: quando ele fala, ele é falso, quando ele promete, ele falha, e quando ele é confiável, ele joga falsa".
Condenando aqueles que trapaceiam no negócio do Profeta sagrado

"Quem trapaceia não é de nós. Defraudação e fraudes são coisas que nos levam para o inferno."
O Profeta de Deus
uma vez veio em cima de um monte de milho no mercado de Medina e meteu a mão nele. Seus dedos senti úmido. Ao ser perguntado, o comerciante respondeu que a chuva havia caído sobre ele. O Profeta


"Por que você não mantenha então (a parte úmida de) é superior ao milho seco, de modo que os homens possam vê-lo? Aquele que engana, não é um de nós."
Assim, os comerciantes que enganam, mostrando aos clientes uma amostra falsos ou ocultando-lhes os defeitos do artigo que a oferta para venda não são verdadeiros muçulmanos no acórdão do Santo Profeta
e, por Deus proibindo, eles vão acabar no inferno. Outra tradição diz:

"O vendedor tem de explicar ao comprador os defeitos, se houver, na qualidade do artigo à venda. Caso isso não seja feito, o vendedor terá de estar permanentemente preso na ira de Deus (de acordo com outro narrador as palavras exatas, "Ele sempre será amaldiçoada pelos anjos"). "
Em suma, todo tipo de falsidade e desonestidade nos negócios é proibido no Islã. Foi proclamada a ser um ato digno de condenação sem reservas. O Profeta Sagrado
manifestou o seu desagrado forte para aqueles que o fazem. Ele disse que não tem nada a ver com eles, pois eles não pertencem a ele.

Da mesma forma, suborno e usura, embora possa ser praticada por mútuo consentimento e concordância, são totalmente permitidas para os muçulmanos e os que são culpados de lhes terem sido condenados diretamente nas tradições. Uma tradição bem conhecida da usura lê:
"A maldição de Deus repousa sobre aquele que oferece empréstimos em condições abusivas, e sobre aquele que o recebe, e sobre aqueles que são testemunhas da operação, e sobre o escritor que escreve a escritura do mesmo".
Quanto ao suborno, o Profeta
) De acordo com uma tradição ", condenou tanto o doador de subornos, como o beneficiário de propinas em caso de decisão."

A tradição continua até ao ponto de dizer que,
"Se uma pessoa fez uma recomendação para alguém de uma forma justa e gratificado partido deu-lhe algo como um dom (de volta para ele) e ele aceitou, então ele cometeu um erro grave (o que significa que, também, é uma forma de suborno). "
Pior ainda é a usurpação de bens alheios à força ou por fraude ou litígio desonesto. Nós temo-lo à autoridade do Profeta

"Quem ocupa terrenos pertencentes a outro injustamente serão enterradas no solo juntamente com a parcela de terreno no dia do julgamento final até que ele atinge a camada mais baixa da Terra".
"Aquele que adquire a propriedade de um muçulmano injustamente, tomando um falso juramento (perante um funcionário) é vedado por Deus do Paraíso e entrando no fogo do Inferno é tornada inevitável por ele." Ao ouvir que um companheiro é relatado para ter respondido: "Sim, mesmo que seja um galho de Pilo (uma planta que cresce selvagem. Seus galhos são usados para a limpeza dos dentes).
O Profeta
novamente, é relatado para ter advertido uma pessoa que gostava muito de entrar em litígio com os outros com estas palavras fortes: "Lembre-se, quem terá a propriedade de outro, jurando um falso juramento será exibido como um leproso diante de Deus (no Dia do Juízo).

E, novamente:
"Quem colocou uma reclamação sobre uma coisa que não era dele não é de nós. Ele vai fazer bem para reservar um lugar para si mesmo no inferno."
É narrado que um dia, após as orações da manhã, o Santo Profeta
se levantou e disse três vezes com grande sentimento de que, "perjúrio foi feito o equivalente a politeísmo".

E Ética nos Negócios
Como muçulmanos, temos de aderir aos padrões éticos, não só nos negócios, mas também em todos os aspectos da vida. Ambos os negócios ea ética estão interligadas. Há uma referência a este ponto no Alcorão: "Para você em o Mensageiro de Alá é um belo exemplo a seguir." Allah diz: "Para o povo Madyan (enviamos) Jetro, um de seus próprios irmãos: ele disse: 'Ó meu povo Adorai a Deus Você não tem nenhum outro deus além d'Ele e não entregues a medida nem o peso!... Eu vejo você em prosperidade, mas eu temo por vós o castigo de um dia que vai bússola (você) E todas as rodadas ó meu povo leais na medida e peso, nem a retirar ao povo as coisas que são suas por:.! se comprometem a não o mal na terra com a intenção de fazer mal. Aquilo que é deixado por Deus que você é melhor para você, se você (mas) acredita! Mas eu não sou definido por você para manter o relógio! "
O Profeta Muhammad foi escolhido por Deus para ser Seu último profeta e mensageiro com a idade de 40. Antes que ele estava muito envolvido no negócio. Ele e sua esposa Khadija foram ambos comerciantes. É relatado que ele viajou para a Síria, Iêmen, Bahrein, e muitos outros lugares da Arábia para o comércio. Alguns historiadores têm sugerido que ele provavelmente viajou para o Iraque e Etiópia. Desde tenra idade, ele esteve envolvido no comércio. Ele tinha uma boa reputação como um empresário trabalhador, honesto, verdadeiro e muito bem sucedida.
Feira de negócios no mundo dos negócios
O Sagrado Alcorão e do Profeta Maomé (PECE) deixaram claro que um muçulmano deve ser honesto e justo em seus negócios e lidar monetária. Além disso, o verdadeiro muçulmano deve manter sua palavra e cumprir suas promessas, evitar fraudes e evitar o engano ea perfídia, não interfere com os direitos dos outros, nem tomar parte em litígio culposo. Também um bom muçulmano, não darás falso testemunho, e se abstém de fazer dinheiro ilícito a partir da usura e da corrupção. Segundo o Islã quem não está livre de tais vícios, não é um verdadeiro crente, mas um renegado e um transgressor inútil.
E o Alcorão é rica em versos que confirmam tudo isso. Allah diz no Alcorão: "Não comereis de propriedade uns dos outros por meios desleais e desonestas".
Deus proíbe todos os meios imundo e corrupto de ganhar dinheiro, como desonesta de negociação, o suborno de jogo, e. E o Alcorão Sagrado explicou e tais práticas descritas em muitos de seus versos. Ele diz: "Ai daqueles que tratam de fraude, - aqueles que, quando eles têm que receber por medida dos homens, medida completa exatos, mas quando eles têm que dar por medida ou peso para os homens, dar menos do que por que eles. Não acho que eles vão ser feitas em um dia aziago, quando (todos) seres comparecerão perante o Senhor dos senhores. "
Outro exemplo é dado no versículo seguinte, onde Deus pede aos muçulmanos que ser muito particular sobre suas obrigações e sobre os direitos das outras pessoas. "Alá não vos mando restituir a sua confiança, para aqueles a quem lhes é devido."
princípios fundamentais das relações comerciais justas
Segundo o Islã, as coisas devem ser evitados para iniciar negócio justo.
1. Nenhuma fraude ou engano, o Profeta (PECE) é citado como tendo afirmado: "Quando uma venda é realizada, por exemplo, não há engano"
2. Os vendedores devem evitar fazer juramentos demais quando vender a mercadoria. O Profeta (PECE) é relatado para ter dito: "Tenha cuidado com juramentos excessivo em uma venda. Embora ele encontra os mercados, que reduz a abundância."
3. mútuo consentimento é necessário. O Profeta (PECE) é relatado para ter dito: "A venda é concluída quando os dois envolvidos partem com o consentimento mútuo".
4. Seja rigoroso no que diz respeito aos pesos e medidas. O Profeta (saw) disse: "Quando as pessoas se enganam no peso e medidas, o seu fornecimento é cortado a partir deles." Ele disse aos proprietários de medidas e pesos, "Você foi encarregado de assuntos sobre os quais alguns países antes foram destruídos."
5. O Profeta (P.B.U.H) proibia monopólios. "Quem monopoliza é um pecador."
6. Livre iniciativa, o preço das commodities não deve ser fixada a menos que haja uma situação de crise ou extrema necessidade.
7. Açambarcamento de mercadorias, a fim de aumentar os preços é proibido.
8. Transação de proibido (haram) itens, como bebidas alcoólicas, é proibido.
Fraude e desonestidade nos negócios
Profeta Maomé (PECE), sublinhou a importância da honestidade, na maioria de seus sermões, dizendo: "Lembre-se, não há fé n'Ele, que não é confiável, não há lugar para ele na religião que não se preocupa com sua palavra empenhada ou promessa . Ele (saw) também disse: "Os sinais de um hipócrita são três, quando ele fala, ele é falso, quando ele promete, ele falha;. e quando ele é confiável, ele joga falso"
Condenando aqueles que trapaceiam no negócio Profeta Maomé (PECE) disse: "Quem trapaceia não é de nós. Defraudação e fraudes são coisas que nos levam para o inferno."
Uma vez que o Profeta Muhammad (saws) veio em cima de um monte de milho no mercado de Madina e meteu a mão nele. Seus dedos senti úmido. Ao ser perguntado, o comerciante respondeu que a chuva havia caído sobre ele. O Profeta (PECE) observou: "Por que você não mantenha então (a parte úmida de) é superior ao milho seco, de modo que os homens possam vê-lo? Ele, que engana, não é um de nós."
Assim, os comerciantes que enganam, mostrando aos clientes uma amostra falsos ou ocultando-lhes os defeitos do produto que está vendendo não são verdadeiros muçulmanos no juízo de Alá Profeta (PECE), e eles vão acabar no inferno.
O Profeta Muhammad (saw) disse: "O vendedor tem de explicar ao comprador os defeitos, se houver, na qualidade do artigo à venda. Caso isso não seja feito, o vendedor terá de estar permanentemente preso na ira de Alá."
Em suma, todo tipo de falsidade e desonestidade nos negócios é proibido no Islã. O Profeta manifestou o seu desagrado forte para aqueles que o fazem.
Suborno nas transações comerciais
Suborno e usura, embora possa ser praticada por mútuo consentimento e concordância, são totalmente proibidas e proibidos. Aqueles que são culpados de lhes terem sido condenados por Deus e ao Seu Profeta (PECE). O Profeta Muhammad (saw) disse: "A maldição de Deus repousa sobre aquele que oferece empréstimo em condições abusivas, e sobre aquele que o recebe, e sobre aqueles que são testemunhas da operação, e sobre o escritor que escreve a escritura do mesmo".
O Profeta Muhammad (saw) disse: "Se uma pessoa fez uma recomendação para alguém de uma forma justa e gratificado partido deu-lhe algo como um dom (de volta para ele) e ele aceitou, então ele cometeu um erro grave (o que significa que é, também, uma forma de suborno). "
Usurpação de bens alheios à força ou por fraude ou litígio desonesto é ainda pior. Profeta Maomé (PECE) deixou isso claro, como ele diz, "Quem ocupa terrenos pertencentes a outro injustamente serão enterradas no solo juntamente com a parcela de terreno no dia do julgamento final até que ele atinge a camada mais baixa da Terra". E "Aquele que adquire a propriedade de um muçulmano injustamente, tomando um falso juramento (perante um funcionário) é impedido de entrar por Deus do Paraíso e do Fogo do Inferno é tornada inevitável por ele." Profeta Maomé (PECE) novamente, é relatado para ter advertido uma pessoa que gostava muito de entrar em litígio com os outros com estas palavras fortes: "Lembre-se, quem terá a propriedade de outro, jurando um falso juramento será exibido como um leproso diante de Deus (no Dia do Juízo). "
E, novamente ele (PECE) disse: "Quem colocou uma reclamação sobre uma coisa que não era dele não é de nós."
conselho geral do Profeta para todo o povo era que, "o que é legal é clara eo que é ilegal, é claro, mas entre elas estão certas coisas duvidosas que muitas pessoas não reconhecem. Aquele que protege contra as coisas duvidosas a manter a sua religião ea sua honra irrepreensível, mas o que cai em coisas duvidosas cai o que é ilegal, assim como um pastor que apascenta seu rebanho em torno de um santuário irá pastagem logo eles na mesma. Todo rei tem um santuário, santuário de Deus é as coisas que ele havia declarado ilegal. " Antes de o Profeta convidou o seu povo em relação ao Islã, foi sua veracidade e credibilidade que tinha ganho para Muhammad (SAAS) os títulos da gloriosa "Sadiq" (verdadeira) e "Amin". Portanto, deve-se seguir os ensinamentos do Santo Profeta (PECE) no que diz respeito aos negócios e todos os outros aspectos da vida, para se tornar um bom profissional e, consequentemente, uma melhor muçulmano.
TEM que perguntar: Pode um negócio ser ético e bem sucedido?
Esta questão foi me incomodando há algum tempo. Digo preocupante, não porque eu, pessoalmente, qualquer dúvida que o negócio ea ética podem e devem coexistir para uma empresa para realizar o sucesso. Eu digo isso porque a realidade mostra que, apesar do fato de que a maioria das empresas no mundo corporativo têm os seus assim chamados "Código de Ética", apenas algumas destas empresas realmente ir por ele. Entretanto, mais e mais empresas e indivíduos encontrar desculpas para seu comportamento anti-ético, e, consequentemente, colocando aqueles que continuam a acreditar na ética em uma situação difícil, em que o último grupo tem que competir contra aqueles que são menos de princípios. Infelizmente, as pessoas muitas vezes perdem éticos na sua luta contra aqueles que faria qualquer coisa para conseguir o que querem. Por uma questão de fato, no mundo de hoje, tornou-se mais a regra que a exceção para as pessoas éticas a falhar em sua carreira e sua vida profissional, simplesmente porque eles têm de competir com o tipo mais comum de pessoas no mercado de hoje, nomeadamente a sem escrúpulos, ou quem muitos preferem chamar de "inteligente".
Quase todos os dias, somos confrontados com situações em que temos de tomar uma decisão e escolher entre uma ética e uma outra que é menos ético, com a última, quase sempre, aparecendo como a mais gratificante. Ser pendurado no lucro e na ânsia de conseguir a maioria das pessoas, infelizmente, escolher a segunda opção, a fim de realizar seus objetivos imediatos.
Há muitos exemplos de decisões éticas que são feitos no mundo dos negócios. Dois exemplos vêm à mente. Ao nível do negócio, eu posso pensar em situações em que uma empresa adota uma abordagem cruel para remover as empresas concorrentes ou pessoas de sua trajetória, ao invés de entrar com eles em uma competição honesta; No nível individual, eu posso pensar de uma situação em que um funcionário ganancioso é alvejado por um concorrente e é pago propina ou comissão em troca de informações confidenciais que podem ajudar a competição arrebatar uma oportunidade de negócio por parte do empregador. A parte triste é que a maioria das pessoas, hoje em dia, em vez de condenar tal comportamento, eles descrevem como uma jogada inteligente, e acrescenta: "Você não pode ser uma ovelha no meio de lobos". Eles dizem que, como se unindo os lobos é a única solução para sobreviver no mundo de hoje.
Eu me pergunto! Quando é que se tornou aceitável para ser desonesto, astuto e francamente vil? Porque são pessoas honestas considerado ingênuo, ou mais importante por que eles perdem a chance de ganhar contra o mais astuto e menos ético? Quem fez isso a regra número um de sucesso? E, é uma ameaça contra a rentabilidade financeira de uma empresa ou uma pessoa que vale a pena sacrificar os valores da pessoa e permitir a sua ética para ir para fora da janela?
Boa ética comercial pode e deve ser parte de um negócio bem sucedido. Indevidas as empresas podem ser rentáveis no curto prazo, mas nunca pode ser verdadeiramente bem sucedido. Uma empresa sem ética é um negócio sem integridade. Tal negócio pôde realizar lucro imediato, mas vai certamente enfrentar o fracasso a longo prazo. Essa regra se aplica a todos os aspectos da nossa vida. Isso é verdade, não só porque os clientes gostam de lidar com empresas de alto valor, mas também porque um negócio imoral é como uma casa podre destinados a entrar em colapso nas mãos de seus próprios cupins em crescido. Ele simplesmente não tem uma base sólida sobre a qual pode ficar no rosto das tempestades muitos irão enfrentar na sua vida.
Então, o que fazer para que a ética do fio que tece o tecido da sua empresa?
1-Dê o exemplo. Inspire seus funcionários e clientes para fazer o que é certo.
2-Incentivar seus empregados a fazer a coisa certa, e recompensá-los por isso.
3-Não tolerar a corrupção ou comportamento anti-ético de sua empresa,
4-Não importa o quão rentável de uma parceria ou uma relação de negócios possa parecer, não tomá-lo se isso significa que você faz equipa com uma empresa antiética ou individual,
5-Finalmente, lembre-se que combater o bom combate para ganhar a corrida é muito mais satisfatório, independentemente se você ganhar ou perder, do que ganhar às custas de alguém.
Viver e liderar pelo exemplo, pois quando todos esses dias que estão por trás de você, e você está sentado em sua cadeira de balanço contando histórias aos seus netos sobre suas realizações, não só sentirá o orgulho de contar a história da sua vida honesta lutas, mas você vai também ensiná-los a viver uma vida honesta e justa. Só então, a sua curta viagem neste mundo teria feito a diferença, e sua vida não teria sido em vão.
bussiness Ethics in Islam: Honor
bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim
Honesty in Monetary Dealings
A person can earn money by two means; one is agriculture and the other is business. If business is not done according to the ethics then there will always be inflation and shortage of goods. As it can be seen in the case of many commodities like wheat, sugar etc. It is due to the stocking in, speculation and the selfishness of some businessmen. The government has also become a trader itself, while the shariah has stopped the Islamic government from trading.
A person can earn money by two means; one is agriculture and the other is business. If business is not done according to the ethics then there will always be inflation and shortage of goods. As it can be seen in the case of many commodities like wheat, sugar etc. It is due to the stocking in, speculation and the selfishness of some businessmen. The government has also become a trader itself, while the shariah has stopped the Islamic government from trading.
Uprightness and honesty in monetary dealings forms a vital part of the fundamental teachings of Islam, says Moulana Manzoor Naomani.
The Qur'an as well as the Traditions of the Prophet are emphatic that a true Muslim is he who is honest and upright in his business and monetary transactions, keeps his word and fulfill his promises, shuns fraud and avoids deceit and perfidy, encroaches not upon the rights of others, nor takes part in wrongful litigation, does not give false evidence, and abstains from making dishonest money as from usury and graft. Whoever is not free from these vices is, according to the Qur'an and the Traditions, not a true believer but a renegade and a worthless transgressor.
We now proceed to examine some of the relevant Quranic verses and traditions. A short verse of the Quran says:
"Oh ye who believe! Eat not up each other's property by unfair and dishonest means." (4:29)
The verse forbids Muslims against all unclean and corrupt means of making money, such as, dishonest trading, embezzlement, gambling, speculation and bribery. Then there are verses in which these hateful practices are dealt with one by one. For instance, a severe warning is given in the following verse to traders who cheat in weighing:
"Woe to those that deal in fraud, - those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. Do they not think that they will be called to account- on a Mighty Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds." (133: 1-6)
In the same way, the under mentioned verse exhorts Muslims to be very particular about their trusts and about other people's rights.
"Allah doth command you to render back your trust, to those to whom they are due."(4:58)
At two places in the Quran a chief distinguishing feature of Muslims is said to be that they are:
"Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants."(24:8)
The Prophet
often used to say in his sermons:

"Remember, there is no faith in him who is not trustworthy; there is no place for him in religion who cares not for his pledged word or promise."
Another tradition says:" The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks, he is false, when he promises, he fails; and when he is trusted, he plays false."
Condemning those who cheat in business the sacred Prophet
has said:

"He who cheats is not of us. Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell."
The Prophet of Allah
once came upon a heap of corn in the market of Medina and thrust his hand onto it. His fingers felt damp. On being asked, the trader replied that rain had fallen upon it. The Prophet


"Why did you not then keep (the wet portion of) it above the dry corn, so that men may see it? He who deceives, is not one of us."
Thus traders who deceive by showing to customers a false sample or by concealing from them the defects of the article they offer for sale are not true Muslims in the judgment of the Holy Prophet
and, God-forbidding, they are going to end up in hell. Another tradition says:

"The seller must explain to the buyer the defects, if any, in the quality of the article offered for sale. Should this not be done, the seller will permanently be caught in the Wrath of Allah (according to another narrator the exact words, ‘he will always be cursed by the angels')."
In short, all manner of deceit and dishonesty in business is prohibited in Islam. It has been proclaimed to be an act worthy of unqualified condemnation. The Holy Prophet
has expressed his strong dislike for those who do so. He has said he will have nothing to do with them; they do not belong to him.

Likewise, bribery and usury, although might be practiced by mutual consent and agreement, are totally disallowed to Muslims and those who are guilty of them have been condemned squarely in the traditions. A well-known tradition on usury reads:
"The curse of Allah rests on him who offers loan on usurious terms, and on him who receives, and on those who are witnesses to the transaction, and on the writer who writes the deed thereof."
As for bribery, the Prophet
) according to a tradition, "condemned alike the giver of bribes, and the taker of bribes in deciding cases."

A tradition goes even to the extent of saying that,
"If a person made a recommendation for anyone in a just manner and gratified party gave him something as a gift (in return for it) and he accepted it, then he committed a grave error (meaning that it, too, is a form of bribery)."
Worse still is the usurpation of another's property by force or fraud or dishonest litigation. We have it on the authority of the Prophet

"Whoever occupies land belonging to another unjustly will be sunk into the ground along with the plot of land on the Doomsday till he reaches the lowest layer of the earth."
"He who acquires the property of a Muslim unjustly by taking a false oath (before an Officer) is debarred by Allah from entering Paradise and the Fire of Hell is made inevitable for him." On hearing it a Companion is reported to have replied, " Yes, even if it be a twig of Pilo (a plant which grows wild. Its twigs are used for cleaning the teeth).
The Prophet
again, is reported to have warned a person who was very fond of entering into litigation with others in these strong words, "Remember, he who will obtain the property of another by swearing a false oath will appear as a leper before Allah (on the Day of Judgement).

And, again:
"Whoever laid a claim on a thing that was not his is not of us. He will do well to reserve a place for himself in the Hell."
It is narrated that one day, after the morning prayers the Holy Prophet
stood up and said thrice with great feeling that, " Perjury has been made the equivalent of Polytheism."

Business and ethics
As Muslims, we have to adhere to ethical standards, not only in business but also in all aspects of life. Both business and ethics are interrelated. There is a reference to this point in the Qur'an, "For you in the Messenger of Allah is a fine example to follow." Allah Almighty says, "To the Madyan people (we sent) Shu'aib, one of their own brethren: he said: 'O my people! Worship Allah. You have no other god but Him. And give not short measure or weight. I see you in prosperity, but I fear for you the penalty of a day that will compass (you) all rounds. And O my people! Give just measure and weight, nor withhold from the people the things that are their due: commit not evil in the land with intent to do mischief. That which is left you by Allah is best for you, if you (but) believed! But I am not set over you to keep watch!"
Prophet Muhammad was chosen by God to be His last prophet and messenger at the age of 40. Before that he was very much involved in business. He and his wife Khadija were both merchants. It is reported that he traveled to Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and many other places in Arabia for trade. Some historians have also suggested that he probably traveled to Iraq and Ethiopia. From his early age, he was involved in commerce. He had a good reputation as a hardworking, honest, truthful, and very successful businessman.
Fair dealings in business
The Holy Qur'an and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) have made it clear that a Muslim must be honest and upright in his business and monetary dealing. Also the true Muslim should keep his word and fulfill his promises, shun fraud and avoid deceit and perfidy, encroach not upon the rights of others, nor take part in wrongful litigation. Also a good Muslim does not give false testimony, and abstains from making unlawful money as from usury and graft. According to Islam whoever is not free from these vices, is not a true believer but a renegade and a worthless transgressor.
And the Qur'an is rich with verses that confirm all this. Allah says in the Quran, "Eat not up each other's property by unfair and dishonest means."
Allah forbids all unclean and corrupt means of making money, such as, dishonest trading, gambling, and bribery. And the Holy Quran has explained and described such practices in many of its verses. He says, "Woe to those that deal in fraud, - those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. Do they not think that they will be asked on a Mighty Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the lords."
Another example is given in the coming verse, where Allah urges Muslims to be very particular about their trusts and about other people's rights. "Allah does command you to render back your trust, to those to whom they are due."
Major principles of fair business dealings
According to Islam, the following things must be avoided to commence fair business.
1. No fraud or deceit, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) is reported to have said, "When a sale is held, say, There's no cheating"
2. Sellers must avoid making too many oaths when selling merchandise. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) is reported to have said, "Be careful of excessive oaths in a sale. Though it finds markets, it reduces abundance."
3. Mutual consent is necessary. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) is reported to have said, "The sale is complete when the two involved depart with mutual consent."
4. Be strict in regard to weights and measures. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, "When people cheat in weight and measures, their provision is cut off from them." He told the owners of measures and weights, "You have been entrusted with affairs over which some nations before you were destroyed."
5. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) forbade monopolies. "Whoever monopolizes is a sinner."
6. Free enterprise, the price of the commodities should not be fixed unless there is a situation of crisis or extreme necessity.
7. Hoarding merchandise in order to increase the prices is forbidden.
8. Transaction of forbidden (Haram) items, such as intoxicants, is forbidden.
Fraud and dishonesty in business
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has stressed the importance of honesty in most of his sermons, saying, "Remember, there is no faith in him who is not trustworthy; there is no place for him in religion who cares not for his pledged word or promise. He (PBUH) also said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three, when he speaks, he is false, when he promises, he fails; and when he is trusted, he plays false."
Condemning those who cheat in business Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has said, "He who cheats is not of us. Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell."
Once Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) came upon a heap of corn in the market of Madinah and thrust his hand onto it. His fingers felt damp. On being asked, the trader replied that rain had fallen upon it. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) observed, "Why did you not then keep (the wet portion of) it above the dry corn, so that men may see it? He, who deceives, is not one of us."
Thus traders who deceive by showing to customers a false sample or by concealing from them the defects of the product they're selling are not true Muslims in the judgment of Allah Prophet (PBUH) and, they are going to end up in hell.
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "The seller must explain to the buyer the defects, if any, in the quality of the article offered for sale. Should this not be done, the seller will permanently be caught in the Wrath of Allah."
In short, all manner of deceit and dishonesty in business is prohibited in Islam. The Holy Prophet has expressed his strong dislike for those who do so.
Bribery in business transactions
Bribery and usury, although might be practiced by mutual consent and agreement, are totally prohibited and forbidden. Those who are guilty of them have been condemned by Allah and His Prophet (P.B.U.H). Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "The curse of Allah rests on him who offers loan on usurious terms, and on him who receives, and on those who are witnesses to the transaction, and on the writer who writes the deed thereof."
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "If a person made a recommendation for anyone in a just manner and gratified party gave him something as a gift (in return for it) and he accepted it, then he committed a grave error (meaning that it, too, is a form of bribery)."
Usurpation of another's property by force or fraud or dishonest litigation is even worse. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) made this clear, as he says, "Whoever occupies land belonging to another unjustly will be sunk into the ground along with the plot of land on the Doomsday till he reaches the lowest layer of the earth." And "He who acquires the property of a Muslim unjustly by taking a false oath (before an Officer) is debarred by Allah from entering Paradise and the Fire of Hell is made inevitable for him." Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) again, is reported to have warned a person who was very fond of entering into litigation with others in these strong words, "Remember, he who will obtain the property of another by swearing a false oath will appear as a leper before Allah (on the Day of Judgment)."
And, again he (P.B.U.H) said, "Whoever laid a claim on a thing that was not his is not of us."
The Prophet's general advice to all people was that, "What is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear, but between them are certain doubtful things which many people do not recognize. He who guards against the doubtful things keep his religion and his honor blameless, but he who falls into doubtful things falls into what is unlawful, just as a shepherd who pastures his flocks round a sanctuary will soon pasture them in it. Every king has a sanctuary, and God's sanctuary is the things he had declared unlawful." Before the Prophet invited his people towards Islam, it was his truthfulness and trustworthiness which had earned for Muhammad (S.A.W.) the glorious titles of "Sadiq" (truthful) and "Amin". Therefore, one must follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in regard to business and all other aspects of life; to become a good Businessman and hence, a better Muslim.
HAVE WHO ASK: Can a Business Be Both Ethical and Successful?
This question has been troubling me for some time now. I say troubling, not because I personally have any doubt that business and ethics can and must coexist for a company to realize success. I say it because reality shows that, despite the fact that most companies in the corporate world have their so-called "Code of Ethics," just a few of these companies truly go by it. In the meantime, more and more companies and individuals find excuses for their unethical behavior, and accordingly putting those who continue to believe in ethics in a difficult situation, in which the latter group has to compete against those who are less principled. Unfortunately, ethical people often lose in their fight against those, who would do anything to get what they want. As a matter of fact, in today's world, it has become more the rule than the exception for ethical people to fail in their career and their business life simply because they have to compete with the more common type of people in today's marketplace, namely the unprincipled, or whom many prefer to call "smart."
Almost every day, we are faced by situations in which we have to make a decision and choose between something ethical and another that is less than ethical, with the latter, almost always, appearing as the more rewarding. Being hung up on profit and the urge to succeed most people sadly choose the latter, in order to realize their immediate goals.
There are many examples of unethical decisions that are made in the business world. Two examples come to mind. At the business level, I can think of situations in which a business takes a cutthroat approach to remove competing businesses or individuals from their path, instead of entering with them into an honest competition; At the individual level, I can think of a situation in which a greedy employee is targeted by a competitor and is paid a bribe or a commission in return for confidential information that can help the competition snatch a business opportunity from the employer. The sad part is that most people, nowadays, instead of condemning such a behavior, they describe it as a smart move, and add, "You cannot be a sheep among wolves." They say it, as if joining the wolves is the only solution to survive in today's world.
I wonder! When did it become acceptable to be dishonest, cunning and downright villainous? Why are honest people considered naive, or more importantly why do they lose their chance of winning against the more cunning and less ethical? Who made this the number one rule of success? And, is a threat against the financial profitability of a company or a person worth sacrificing one's values and allowing his or her ethics to go out of the window?
Good business ethics can and should be part of a successful business. Unethical businesses can be profitable on the short run, but can never be truly successful. A business without ethics is a business without integrity. Such a business might realize immediate profitability but it will definitely face long term failure. This rule applies to every aspect of our life. This is true, not only because clients like to deal with value-based companies, but also because an unprincipled business is like a rotted house destined to collapse at the hands of its own in-grown termites. It simply does not have a solid foundation on which it can stand in the face of the many storms it will face in its lifetime.
So, what do you do to make ethics the thread that weaves the fabric of your company?
1-Lead by example. Inspire your employees and clients to do what is right.
2-Encourage your employees to do the right thing, and reward them for it.
3-Do not tolerate corruption or unethical behavior in your company,
4-No matter how profitable a partnership or a business relationship might appear, do not take it if it means that you team up with an unethical company or individual,
5-Finally remember that fighting the good fight to win the race is much more satisfying, regardless whether you win or lose, than winning at the expense of someone else.
Live and lead by example, for when all these days are behind you, and you are sitting in your rocking chair telling your grandchildren stories about your achievements, you will not only feel proud to tell the story of your honest life struggles, but you will also be teaching them how to live an honest and righteous life. Only then, your short journey in this world would have made a difference, and your life would not have been in vain.
Turtles and Fish - mureed muraad
Turtles and Fish
mureed muraad
The other day another epiphany struck me, when one of my friend mentioned that if a fish cannot live without water, how can a Muslim live without the love of Allah? It was a nice metaphor and it made sense at first, but it got me thinking, are we really like fish?
To me, there are a few gems that are perhaps like fish in water, ie Allah has blessed them with His love indefinitely from the start. But most of us, we’re more like baby sea turtles. If someone is familiar with these interesting reptiles, then you will know that the mother turtle lays her eggs in the sand away from the water, and then leave the eggs to return to the sea. And that’s that. The little babies that hatch from the eggs have to dig their own way out of the sand, sometimes taking almost a week, and from there onward they have to find their way to the water.
This reminded me a Shaykh saheb explaining the difference between a muraad and a mureed. A muraad is a person who is sought, like the Prophet Muhammad
, while a mureed is someone who seeks, like Moosa (AS). Similarly, the fish does not need to seek the water, as it’s already there from the beginning of its life. But, a turtle is born on dry land; it seeks the water as its survival depends upon it. The same way we who are mureed struggle through dry patches as we seek to instill within us the Love of Allah, but
if we keep struggling bi Fadhlillah we will eventually reach the sea.
The gallows
The gallows
"There was a very wealthy man, had large estates, cars, several employees and money. He had an only son who unlike his father, not like work or appointments.
What he liked most was having parties and being with their friends . Her father always warned, saying that only those friends were at his bedside while he had what they offer, and then desert him. The son could not care less attention to the advice of his father.
One day the old man, already advanced in age told its employees to build a small barn and inside, made a noose and next to her with a plaque that reads: "For you never despise the words of his father."
Later called the son and took him to the barn and said:
- My son, I am old and soon you'll take all that is mine, and I know what its future. You'll leave the farm in the hands of employees and will spend all the money with his friends, will sell animals and goods to sustain itself and when you have more money, your friends will be away from you. And when you have nothing else, will bitterly regret not having given me ears. That's why I built this force, yes, it is for you, I want you to promise me that if it happens what I said, you'll hang it.
The young laughed, thought absurd, but not thwart his father and vowed never thought would happen.
As time passed, his father died and his son took care of everything, but as soon as he had predicted, the young spend everything, sold the property, lost friends and their dignity***. Desperate and grieving began to reflect on his life and saw what had been a fool, he remembered his father and began to cry and say:
- Ah, my father, if I had heard your advice, would not be in this situation. But now it's too late!
Sorry, the young man looked up and spied out the little barn, was the only thing left to him, with slow steps he went up there and saw the gallows and getting dusty board and said:
- I never followed the words of my father, I could not cheer him when he was alive, but at least this time I do his will, I will keep my promise, I am left with nothing.
And he went up the stairs and placed the rope around his neck and said:
- Ah, if I had another chance.
And then leaped for a moment felt the rope tighten your throat. But the arm strength was hollow and easily broken, the boy fell down and fell upon him jewels, emeralds, diamonds, gold, the gallows was full of precious stones and a note that said:
What he liked most was having parties and being with their friends . Her father always warned, saying that only those friends were at his bedside while he had what they offer, and then desert him. The son could not care less attention to the advice of his father.
One day the old man, already advanced in age told its employees to build a small barn and inside, made a noose and next to her with a plaque that reads: "For you never despise the words of his father."
Later called the son and took him to the barn and said:
- My son, I am old and soon you'll take all that is mine, and I know what its future. You'll leave the farm in the hands of employees and will spend all the money with his friends, will sell animals and goods to sustain itself and when you have more money, your friends will be away from you. And when you have nothing else, will bitterly regret not having given me ears. That's why I built this force, yes, it is for you, I want you to promise me that if it happens what I said, you'll hang it.
The young laughed, thought absurd, but not thwart his father and vowed never thought would happen.
As time passed, his father died and his son took care of everything, but as soon as he had predicted, the young spend everything, sold the property, lost friends and their dignity***. Desperate and grieving began to reflect on his life and saw what had been a fool, he remembered his father and began to cry and say:
- Ah, my father, if I had heard your advice, would not be in this situation. But now it's too late!
Sorry, the young man looked up and spied out the little barn, was the only thing left to him, with slow steps he went up there and saw the gallows and getting dusty board and said:
- I never followed the words of my father, I could not cheer him when he was alive, but at least this time I do his will, I will keep my promise, I am left with nothing.
And he went up the stairs and placed the rope around his neck and said:
- Ah, if I had another chance.
And then leaped for a moment felt the rope tighten your throat. But the arm strength was hollow and easily broken, the boy fell down and fell upon him jewels, emeralds, diamonds, gold, the gallows was full of precious stones and a note that said:
The tree of th problems
The tree of th problems
dez.17, 2008 in behavioral tips .
"This is a story of a man who hired a carpenter to help to fix some things on his farm.
The first day of the carpenter was tough.
The steering wheel of his car stuck, broke the chainsaw, cut his finger, and the end of the day your car will not work.
The man who hired the carpenter offered a ride home.
Along the way, Carpenter said nothing.
When they arrived at his house, Carpenter invited the man to come and learn about their family.
When the two men were walking to the front door, the carpenter stopped at a small tree and gently touched the tips of the branches with both hands.
After opening the door of his house, the carpenter turned up.
Traces of its taut face turned into a big smile, and he embraced his sons and kissed her wife.
A little later, Carpenter followed his visit to the car.
Once they passed the tree, the man asked:
- Why did you touch the plant before entering the house?
The carpenter replied:
- Ah! This is my Tree of Problems. I know I can not avoid having problems in my work, but these problems should not get to my family. So every night I leave my problems in this tree when I get home, and caught the next day, and you want to know something? Every morning when I come back to get my problems, they are not even half of what I remember having left the night before. "
Never say to Allah (cc) that, you have bigger problems, Say toyours problems, that you have BIGGER ONLY ONE ALLAH(cc)
The first day of the carpenter was tough.
The steering wheel of his car stuck, broke the chainsaw, cut his finger, and the end of the day your car will not work.
The man who hired the carpenter offered a ride home.
Along the way, Carpenter said nothing.
When they arrived at his house, Carpenter invited the man to come and learn about their family.
When the two men were walking to the front door, the carpenter stopped at a small tree and gently touched the tips of the branches with both hands.
After opening the door of his house, the carpenter turned up.
Traces of its taut face turned into a big smile, and he embraced his sons and kissed her wife.
A little later, Carpenter followed his visit to the car.
Once they passed the tree, the man asked:
- Why did you touch the plant before entering the house?
The carpenter replied:
- Ah! This is my Tree of Problems. I know I can not avoid having problems in my work, but these problems should not get to my family. So every night I leave my problems in this tree when I get home, and caught the next day, and you want to know something? Every morning when I come back to get my problems, they are not even half of what I remember having left the night before. "
Never say to Allah (cc) that, you have bigger problems, Say toyours problems, that you have BIGGER ONLY ONE ALLAH(cc)
A Special Love?
A Special Love
When Leyla came into the world, brought his head crushed and deformed features, due to the difficult birth by her mother lived.Everyone looked and did grin, saying that she looked like a football player beaten.
All had the same reaction, minus your grandmother.
When she saw the took in his arms and his eyes twinkled. Looked at that baby, her first and granddaughter, moved, said: "beautiful."
In the course of development that his first grandchild, she would always be present. And mutual love, deep, began to be shared.
When her grandmother was diagnosed, years later, Alzheimer's, the family became an expert in subject. It seemed that, slowly, she was saying goodbye. Or they were losing.
She began to speak in fragments. Then the number of words was always getting smaller, not even say anything else.
A week before his death, Your body has lost all vital functions and it was removed, the medical board, a clinic for the terminally ill.
Leyla insisted to go see her and her parents took her. She entered the room where her grandmother and nana was seen sitting on an oversized armchair beside the bed.
The body was hunched over, eyes closed and open mouth, soft. Morphine kept her asleep.
Slowly Leyla sat in front of she . She took his left hand and held it. Departed that beloved face a shock of white hair and was just sitting there without move, unable to say anything.
Wished to speak, but the sadness that dominated was such that he could not control. Then it happened ...
The Grandma's hand was closing around her granddaughter's hand, squeezing more and more. What seemed a little groan turned into a sound, and his mouth came a word: "Leyla."
The girl shivered. Your name. The grandmother had 4 children, 2 spouses, one daughter and seven grandchildren. How she knew was she?
...... ya the trustly only one love...from Allahcc
Building Bridges
Building Bridges
This history says that, once two brothers who lived on neighboring farms, separated by a creek, came into conflict.
It was the first major disagreement on a whole life working side by side, sharing tools and taking care of each other.
For years they've come a very long and narrow road that led along the river for at the end of each day, they can cross it and enjoy one another's company. Despite the fatigue, made the trek with pleasure, because they loved each other.
But now everything had changed. What started with a small misunderstanding finally exploded in an exchange of harsh words followed by weeks of total silence.
One morning, the elder brother heard someone knocking at your door. As he opened it he noticed a man with a carpenter's toolbox in hand.
I'm looking for work - He said.
Maybe you have a little service I can perform.
Yes! - Said the farmer - of course I have work for you. See that farm beyond the creek. It's my neighbor. In fact, my younger brother. We fought and I can not stand it.
- See that pile of wood near the barn? I want you to build a very high fence along the river so I do not need to see him.
I think I understand the situation - said the carpenter. Show me where the shovel and the nails that I will surely do a job that will leave you satisfied.
As needed to go to town, the older brother helped the carpenter to find the stuff and left.
The man worked hard all that day measuring, sawing and nailing. Already getting dark when he finished his work.
The farmer came home from his trip and his eyes could not believe their eyes. There was no fence!
Instead of the fence there was a bridge connecting both banks of the creek.
It was a really nice job, but the farmer was enraged and said you were too racy building this bridge after all I told him.
However, the surprises were not over. When looking back to the bridge, he saw his brother approaching the other side, running with open arms.
For a moment stood motionless on his side of the River. But suddenly, in a single impulse, rushed toward each other and hugged one crying in the middle of the bridge.
The carpenter was leaving with his toolbox when the brother who hired him asked him excited: "Wait! Stay with us a few more days."
And the carpenter said, "I'd love to stay, but unfortunately, I have many more bridges to build."
And you're needing a carpenter, or is able to build their own bridge to approach those with whom broke contact?
Think about it!
People who are on your side, are not there by chance.
There is a very special reason for them to be part of your circle of relationship.
It was the first major disagreement on a whole life working side by side, sharing tools and taking care of each other.
For years they've come a very long and narrow road that led along the river for at the end of each day, they can cross it and enjoy one another's company. Despite the fatigue, made the trek with pleasure, because they loved each other.
But now everything had changed. What started with a small misunderstanding finally exploded in an exchange of harsh words followed by weeks of total silence.
One morning, the elder brother heard someone knocking at your door. As he opened it he noticed a man with a carpenter's toolbox in hand.
I'm looking for work - He said.
Maybe you have a little service I can perform.
Yes! - Said the farmer - of course I have work for you. See that farm beyond the creek. It's my neighbor. In fact, my younger brother. We fought and I can not stand it.
- See that pile of wood near the barn? I want you to build a very high fence along the river so I do not need to see him.
I think I understand the situation - said the carpenter. Show me where the shovel and the nails that I will surely do a job that will leave you satisfied.
As needed to go to town, the older brother helped the carpenter to find the stuff and left.
The man worked hard all that day measuring, sawing and nailing. Already getting dark when he finished his work.
The farmer came home from his trip and his eyes could not believe their eyes. There was no fence!
Instead of the fence there was a bridge connecting both banks of the creek.
It was a really nice job, but the farmer was enraged and said you were too racy building this bridge after all I told him.
However, the surprises were not over. When looking back to the bridge, he saw his brother approaching the other side, running with open arms.
For a moment stood motionless on his side of the River. But suddenly, in a single impulse, rushed toward each other and hugged one crying in the middle of the bridge.
The carpenter was leaving with his toolbox when the brother who hired him asked him excited: "Wait! Stay with us a few more days."
And the carpenter said, "I'd love to stay, but unfortunately, I have many more bridges to build."
And you're needing a carpenter, or is able to build their own bridge to approach those with whom broke contact?
Think about it!
People who are on your side, are not there by chance.
There is a very special reason for them to be part of your circle of relationship.
If you are, between two distant hearts. follow the example of the carpenter.
Be you, the hand from Allah (cc), in order that heart joins ' the halves ' of alone.
But, do quickly. The time is short. The life passes quickly.
Be you, the hand from Allah (cc), in order that heart joins ' the halves ' of alone.
But, do quickly. The time is short. The life passes quickly.
So do not seek to isolate from who love you so much by building fences that separate and disgraced beings.
Build bridges to walk and look towards those who, perchance, you are apart.
And if the bridge interface is a little weak, or shaking because of the winds of discord, it strengthens the ties of understanding and true love from Allah(cc).
In doing so, you will meet your needs and find the emotional inner peace you desire.also, your duty, in this dunnya.
May Allah(cc) join our hearts, in order that we carry out the wishes, the commands of Allah (cc) in our lives. amin
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hz Suleyman ve Bilks.. true love from Allah(cc)
We need to Know that our words and actions can influence the lives of others for good or not
Because Allah(cc) can feel enthusiasm use us to witness for Him
Reply to let Allah (cc) use it to reach others.
We are best when our actions match what speak.
The Queen Bilk of Sheba heard about the wisdom of Hz Suleyman. She visits him by itself prove his wisdom. Words and actions Hz Suleyman, the same way that words and actions of its people, good cause impression on the queen. Because of what he hears and sees, she recognizes the Allah (cc) True Heaven She sees justice in the way that deals with the Hz Suleyman people and she also sees the righteousness of Allah (cc) in the words and actions of Hz Suleyman. Allah(cc) sent Hz Suleyman to Bilk ... Hz Suleyman ... helped the Queen of Sheba, to see the right way.
We are best when our actions match what speak.
The Queen Bilk of Sheba heard about the wisdom of Hz Suleyman. She visits him by itself prove his wisdom. Words and actions Hz Suleyman, the same way that words and actions of its people, good cause impression on the queen. Because of what he hears and sees, she recognizes the Allah (cc) True Heaven She sees justice in the way that deals with the Hz Suleyman people and she also sees the righteousness of Allah (cc) in the words and actions of Hz Suleyman. Allah(cc) sent Hz Suleyman to Bilk ... Hz Suleyman ... helped the Queen of Sheba, to see the right way.
The Message
When serve others, we reveal Allah's love
Hz Suleyman served Allah(cc) to use his reputation as a wise man to lead people to Allah(cc), not himself. We can do the same
Ya Allah'im, please help us , protect my family. gie win Allah C to him, i believe... and wait inshAllah
realationship motherXdaughter
The feeling of rejection of one is one of the most painful emotions, and it creates great traumas.
When the rejection, it comes on the part from that what more we admire / we love, these traumas are impediment, for the 'development' of the person.
The attention, given, for whose part we love, we admire, it is essential to his development, as soon as it contributes to the apprenticeship of the tolerance, generosity and empathy.
Each person wants to feel what is special, the only and loved, for to that what it admires. In fact it is. So, in this world, if we have someone who admires us, who is special. The problem, the fact is that the persons are very occupied, looking for ' stereotypes '.
The problem increases when the father leaves in defense of the daughter. Because you link the fact is that they are jealous of the daughter.
One of the factors, which the cause is: daughters who have bigger characteristics of the paternal family .
It is possible that this mother feeds this hostility between other brothers and it adopts '.
The daughter, for his time, feels rejected by the mother and by the brothers.
The great taboos in the familiar psychology produce discomfort even in thought. Between the abominable subjects - and avoided at all costs in the discussions at home - they are the preference of the father, or of the mother, for one of the children, the rejection for other.
The disappointment with the baby after the birth - when a child of another sex was waited or with determined characteristics - and / or the hidden wish of the parents of be releasing of the children to tan a moment alone. In the land of the veiled hostilities, nothing is more difficult for a mother of what to admit a competition with the daughter.
' The mothers who supported his lives in the beauty, for example, have difficulty in tolerating the beauty of the daughters ', it affirms, studious of the human behaviour.
Some ' mothers throw themselves to the attacks, but it was acting behind the scenes, to restrict the professional and loving ascent of her daughters, using other her children, Promoting the discord between brothers , for conquest of her finality.
' Generally, it is lacking in this mother to conscience of you herself and of his paper in the motherhood ', di Caroline Eliacheff and Nathalie Heinich, authors of the book ' Mothers - Daughters - A Relation to Three ' the father Is easier to say “ I love you ” for the daughter of what for the son. Because that takes place?
The father is common to have more affinity with the girl of what with the boy, as well as the mother with the boy, instead of the girl.
Since the father differentiates his behaviour regarding the son and the daughter, for the intimacy itself that he has with her saying is easier it links it that the nursemaid. On the other side, for a cultural question, men do not usually talk about his feelings for other men, are closed in you themselves, therefore it is more difficult to a father to say what the son loves.
On the other side, in most of the cases the father usually prunes more the daughter, not leaving that she does any things, whereas the son has more freedom.
The one that owes that to herself?
The father idealizes her daughter like a princess and, as such, she must be preserved of the suffering and of other men, who, in his majority, according to him (the father), only want to be used of her or do to him some evil. The father has more difficulty in accepting that his daughter grows and becomes a woman, because of always seeing it like a naive and childlike person. Besides, for the culture itself still in force, it suits to a boy to have the whole freedom of the world to become a man as short as possible.
When what, as different reasons, the daughters girls, has bigger affinity with the father, and the boys, bigger affinity with the mother was scientifically proved.
Completely a question of ' feeling ' importantly, protection (natural laws, which bring near the human being of the animal: extinguished).
These relations, where the daughters girls are rejected, for the mother, are in bigger cases than it is possible to imagine.
The same thing takes place, very often, with father that reejita the son boy, for equal questions.
The grandmothers, it has a basic paper, in all this history. Most times, the education of this child, it will be carried out by the grandparents.
The fact is, completely this, it must be talked about.
Of course the ignorance. The less of the faith , good value, make the human to do instinctive acts.
Have many man, that , hate daughter, when wait the firstly baby a son, and wasborn a girl. This is total ignorance.
Our childrem are big gift from Allah(c) . They are the humanity. We need to love as a brother, sister, mother , father. Are precious to our live, more than our self. the need us all their life. All our life.
Our Duty, in this world, also: to love
Allah(cc) looking our acts, heart , intentions. We cannot to forget this.
May Allah(cc) to protect us, giving help to us, to learn, to understand , more. And to be in the right way, helping the Ummah to grown. inshAllah.
Monday, October 25, 2010
alone, in the middle of the crowd
completely, alone, in the middle of the crowd . without support.
Do not judge... Help!
The prejudices. it is blades, which cut hearts pure
Think, before judging.
Your prejudices are Your.
Result of the " lack of information "
Allah (cc) looking, our hearts, acts.
Do not judge... Help!
The prejudices. it is blades, which cut hearts pure
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
social costs of the 'EDUCATION' BY MEDIA
social costs of the 'EDUCATION' BY MEDIA
All scholars, of the human behavior, we are, in this it finalizes decade, when they were preoccupied, about the " inversion of values ".
The technological system, it evolved, in the form geometric. But, the human being, still did not "evolve" psico-socially
The technological system, it evolved, in the form geometric. But, the human being, still did not "evolve" psico-socially
When we talk about the evolution of the man, we speak, in his "general" constitution , remembering what: what defers the human one of the animal, is our "mental" capacity, to act, NOT in the instinctive form.
But, the industry of the media, it works, and with result, to maintain the human " mentally primitive ".
In short, the family lost influence as a system of socialization and transmission of values.
Children and young people have less contact with adults able to positively influence the development of their character and their value system.
Simultaneously, we witness an increase in the influence of "new media" in the process of socialization and transmission of values. The loss of authority and influence of teachers is area accompanied the decline of the influence of families. Among the "new media, television has a role in the socialization of children and young. It is plain that the educational potential of television is far from meet demand.
The public and the families have to start recognize that television is an instrument that can be used to educate or to uncivilized. Democratic a society, it is for citizens and consumers to exercise freedom of choice and is not admitted to state censorship programs television. However, civil society, through non-governmental organizations and private associations can play a role in public enlightenment on deeds of violence and cruelty on television, in the periods in which children are usually in front of the TV.
Basically, the decision-making power remains belong to families. It is these that must choose not to see the programs television that can bring harm to children's education. If there is a public awareness about the harm that cruelty, violence and pornography on television can bring to the education of children, I believe that families begin to make the right choices, turning off the television whenever pass such programs. The problem is that it lacks public awareness and to In addition, parents are not always home at times when children watch these programs, or , most times, they are if using of others, media, and being, also, influenced negative . (they are, also, using Internet, or tv, or other technologies: completely hypnotized)
So, they stop "being necessary" with his "paper" and " responsibility ".
So, they stop "being necessary" with his "paper" and " responsibility ".
“ The persons consume, today, more pornography of what never ”, he said the investigator Mary Eberstadt, Who should accomplish pornography with the expectation of improving his sex life will be able to make it worse, studies prove which consumers of pornography are less happy.
Discoveries and Recommendations and his associate inquiry, it are of preoccupying deeply.
P. Langdale Hough) – In last month in the National Club of Press in Washington, D.C., the Institute Witherspoon informed on a series of academic discoveries and recommendations about the social costs of the pornography.
In December of 2008 a varied group of academics, doctors and one brought together journalists in Princeton, New Jersey, to begin an initial investigation on the social damages of the consumption of the pornography in: men, women and children.
The academic participants had come from a spacious variety of specialized professions. Psychiatrists, legal, medical specialists and economists joined a rigorous analysis of the neurological, psychological, economical, social, political, legal and philosophical dimensions of the use of the pornography.
The result was spread in 16 of March of 2010, when the Institute Witherspoon presented the document “ The Social Costs of Pornography: The Statement of Findings and Recommendations ” (The Social Costs of the Pornography: Discoveries and Recommendations).
The psychiatric and therapeutic classes recently began to do certain observations regarding the costs of the consumption of the pornography in the conduct of an individual.
The World-wide Association of Psychiatry, and scholars of the behavior human, in his proposal recently spread revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for the first time included specific references to the pornography like possible factor in “ Hyper sexual Disorders ”.
Three important observations on the document deserve to be done.
First, he presents varied professional and specialized consensus on the social branching of the pornography of Internet, a consensus that is in divergence with good part of the opinions accepted on the question.
Second, some implications of the empirical evidence presented in the document will provoke controversy, in part because of a libertarian predominant sensitivity as to the consumption of the pornography.
At last place, it is necessary to do very much more inquiries, considering the relatively recent growth of the pornography of Internet and the challenge of obtaining reliable data of producers and consumers of the pornography of Internet.
What supports good part of the public opinion on the pornography is the " great lie preached by producers, and who benefits, with the sale. They convince the world, that " consumption of pornography as harmless entertainment ", sexual kind expression or marriage helper. but, in the reality, it is not. Nevertheless, this way of seeing is complicated by the oni -presence of pornographic instant, realistic and cheeky materials, and the growing volume of empirical evidences that confirm the damages what the pornography was believing in that what produce and consume the pornography as well as in that what they live and work in the same residences, enterprises and communities where there are users of pornography.
Inside these two observations important specific affirmations are, some of which can be found here and all of whom they are completely documented in The Social Costs of the Pornography: Discoveries and Recommendations.
The oni- presençe of the pornography in the era of the Internet is accompanied by a growing volume of evidences that they indicate that, independent of the age and of the sex, all they are affected. To most of the social damages connected with the consumption of the pornography it seems to give rise of his psychological nature like an intense experience of training of conduct and concession of permission inside the context of apprenticeship.
Another important point, it is the infidelity. The great quantity of foreign women, with other habits and values (not monks) easiness of the communication by e-mail or messages of text sent by cellphones made the easiest extramarital sex (and also easier of being discovered), what it contributed so that the rate of divorces rose for 30 %.
The modernization in the last decades in the orient, fed by habits of the Occident and European, also shook some social oriental structures. At the same time, the political ascent " of the profit " mined the traditional religious authorities, doing so that the community was confused as for the moral questions.
Empirical studies reveal the neuro science of the consumption of the pornography.
Some studies show that the use of the pornography mines the conjugal relationship and other intimate relationships of his users, be able to make the sexually incompetent men with a real partner, and for someone it can lead to growing attractions for with images and conducts of pornographic nature.
Women not only face new expectations of sexual conduct, but also they face each other with more chances of divorce, infidelity and less happy marriages. Children, principally boys, are more inclined to the violence, aggression and sexual coercion of colleagues, are more sensitive to the sexual coercion for part of colleagues and adults. The adolescent girls are more inclined tolerating emotional, physical and sexual abuse. For last, though it is necessary to do many inquiries in this area, it seems that the pornography keeps on being a factor in the traffic of you are human for the sexual exploration.
Briefly, the pornography has social costs for which they are wrapped.
Of the document they include some of the recommendations: — a bigger conscientiousiness for part of the therapeutic community as for the damages of the consumption of the pornography as well as additional inquiries in this area; — bigger attention for part of the professionals of the education as for this volume of inquiries and the dangers and challenges what the adult adolescents are facing; — bigger interest for part of journalists on the consequences of the oni- presence of the pornography and an involvement of rigorous journalism investigative in the pornographic industry; — a rigorous answer of the industry deprived for with the use of the pornography in the environment of work and a conscientiousness gone to employees with problems of pornography; — the fall of the glamour" of the use of the pornography for part of the celebrities and of the popular culture; __ to do so that the pornography is made socially so unacceptable all that to smoke cigarettes, since the damages are bigger, more deep, and the consequence are disastrous, and prepare the land for laws and judicial processes that put an end in the dirty empire of billion dollars.
— and finally, a commitment in this question for part of the local and federal governments, including: legislation in order that make the pornography illegal in the servants standards used by the common persons; I use the positions of influence for a public campaign to show the great damage.
'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim
'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim
Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”
Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”
Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!
"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin
Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”
Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”
Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!
"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin
Ao nascer, recebemos um jardim para cuidar, já com muitas sementes, que noscabe apenas regar, cuidando com carinho de cada canteiro.No canteiro do Amor, nascem os mais belos sentimentos, como a solidariedade,o afeto, a ternura e uma linda flor vermelha, chamada de solidariedade.No canteiro da esperança, nascem os sonhos, a perseverança, os desejos daalma, que bem regados, rendem muitos frutos, chamados de "realizações".No canteiro da alegria, flores lindas que sorriem para a vida, sãoconhecidas como "motivação", "boa vontade" e "persistência", sendofundamentais para a continuidade do nosso jardim.Mais ao fundo, um canteiro impressiona pela altura das flores, é o canteiroda fé, regado com orações e atitudes regeneradoras, sobem até o céu, emuitas das flores tocam os pés dos anjos, que tudo ouvem nas nossasplantações.Muitos cuidam do canteiro com trabalho incessante, vigiando os pensamentos,regando constantemente o amor, a alegria e a esperança, sempre com desejosincero de mudar para melhor.Assim, as flores crescem sempre fortes, lindas e mesmo diante dastempestades, próprias da vida, resistem ao tempo e as dificuldades,tornando-se cada vez mais belas.Outros, se perdem em lamentações, gastando o precioso tempo em divagações.Pensam nas plantas que poderiam ter e não tem, naquelas que já tiveram eperderam, nas belas plantas do vizinho, e vão se descuidando do jardim,deixando as ervas daninhas tomarem conta dos canteiros.Assim, plantas destruidoras como o ódio, a inveja, a calúnia, a preguiça, as paixões,
o desrespeito, entre outras pragas, vão tomando o lugar das flores, e vamos nos
tornando pessoas amargas, insensíveis, amarguradas, tristes e doentes.O jardim da vida são os seus pensamentos, o regador seus sentimentos e asemente, a fé.O jardineiro é você, a terra, a própria vida, a água é Allah (swt), fonte de toda avida, que está dentro de você, e em todos os lugares em forma de energia.Seja você, o próprio jardim de Deus, cuide dos seus canteiros, regue todosos dias com amor, esperança e fé.Eu acredito em você.
Cid Pimentel
adaptado por Suleyman
While being born, we receive the garden you it take care, already with much seeds, which noscabe it hardly will water, taking care affectionately of each flowerbed. In the flowerbed of the Love, the most beautiful feelings plows born, like the solidarity, the affection, the gentleness and the lovely red flower called of solidarity. In the flowerbed of the hope, there joy plows born the dreams, the perseverance, the wishes daalma, what watered well, bring many results called of " realizations in.No flowerbed of the, lovely flowers that smile will be the life, sãoconhecidas like "motivation", " good will " and "persistence", sendofundamentais will be the continuity of our garden. Live you it the bottom, the flowerbed impresses will be the height of the flowers, he is the canteiroda faith, watered with prayers and regenerative attitudes, they rise up you it the sky, emuitas of the flowers they touch the feet of the angels, who completely hear in the nossasplantações. Many people take care of the flowerbed with incessant work, watching the thoughts, always watering constantly the love, the joy and the hope, with desejosincero of changing will be better. Only, the flowers always grow strongly, lovely and even before dastempestades, own of the life, stand the test of team and the difficulties, becoming live and live beautiful.
Others, they plows lost in lamentations, spending the precious team in wanderings. They think about the plants that they might have and it is not, in that what they had already eperderam, in the beautiful plants of the neighbor, and they go if neglecting the garden, letting the weeds take care of the flowerbeds. Only, destructive plants like the hatred, the envy, the slander, the laziness, the passions, the disrespect, between other nuisances, plow taking the place of the flowers, and we go in making bitter, insensible, embittered, sad and ill persons. The garden of the life they plows his thoughts, watering can his feelings and asemente, the faith. The gardener is you, the land, the life itself, the water is Allah (swt), fountain of every live, which is inside you, and at all the places in the form of energy. Be you, the God's garden itself, take care of his flowerbeds, water todosos days with love, hope and faith.
by: Dr . Cid Pimentel F.M.J. adapted by Suleyman