Success is the result of foresight and resolution, the forecast depends on deep thought and planning.
And the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets between partners who galgam toward the same goal, with mutual aid, on the plans, and NEVER GIVE UP!
Allah CC, please, help about hte understand, the sincere and helper dialog , help, pls help. Have nothing more hard that the misunderstanding because of have no opened dialog for share the situation and in Your Name, Allah'in, the perseverance when the night of the life come inside of our minds for our eyes dont see what are happening on the true.
Allah CC. my family Allah CC, please, cover with all protection, please, help, give the orientation, pls help, give the union. Please help Allah CC, give the understanding, solve the misunderstandings. Help us Allah'in to be joined in all moments, and win together. pls. Help us to have the patient, the perseverance, the true love from you Allah'in. pls. Help Allah (CC). In this moment Allah Al Nur, Al Mut'al Al Muqa'tin make us dont fall when the top of the motain are near, Allah CC. Please, broke the force of the enemies. pls. give to us the strong faith Allah CC. Here are a slave , woman, muslimimamam, elhamdulillah Allah CC, You see Allah CC all true, You knows Allah CC the effort done, the truste from me, my intention, my acts, my life, what happen, this heart with pure love from you Allah CC, only you see, only Your know Allah CC, is this heart , Allah CC, Al Jaabar, Al Aziz, Al Muta'Al, asking your help urgent Allah'in for her family from Your the biggest blessing, who is ne motive for smile, the motive for to have peace, even inside of a war, who help me to stay in the right way, to You Allah CC.. i thanks to you Allah'in because my family, and i request your help, when all the help only can come from You Allah 'in , to us, but using us to help each to other because of You Lord Allah 'in . Please Allah cc, Piety , please, about us. Please give the Peace and Join between us, and make us to see the evious broked, because YOU ALLAH CC ARE OUR OWNER, WITH YOU ALLAH CC THIS FAMILY WILL NO FALL, BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU ALLAH CC. EXCUSE US, FORGIVE US, AND HELP US TO HAVE A FORGIVE AND HELPER HEART BETWEEN ALL US. INSHALLAH AMIN
This text i wrote from knowledge receivered from him, my beloved family... blessing from YOU Allah swt....and only now, i am writing, bcs i believe and i know ARE THE TRUE. so,please, Allah cc , forgive if i dont understood something and if have some mistake, because mine misunderstanding. But, if, Allah swt, i understood all right, please, may this matter to be a reference for to clean the lie done, about islam in this Saytan Land and their soldiers that try all the time to enganate the humanity ( i ask and take refuge in You Allah cc for me and my family and my brothers and families from it)
"love" to show many lie about islam. are their pleasure, for to get a
place in the in hot, so disputed marble, in our days. The competition
is big, and every time it increases more. so, each one that DONT WANT
TO SEE ALLAH SWT , and prefer the pleasure from dunya, do a big
We had a lot of
For to speak about muslim woman, need, before, to remember important things.
best description as to is the proximity of 'partners' that is in the
verse from the Kuran what he says: " They are his garments and you are
their garments ” (Surata al-Bácara, 2:187).
subhanAllah!!! BIGGEST TRUE.
fact, the husbands are like garments a few for others because they
give themselves protection, comfort, coat, support and the ornament
like the clothes supply to the human being. It is not the same in the
west, euroshovel, one the relations are based in ' love to the object
In the Islam, the brotherhood, piety ´ they are respected, and ' respect ' and the more high bind what exists between being.
imagine a travel to the Alaska, in full winter, without clothes! Our
wives supply with us the same level of comfort, protection, coat and I
support in the journey of our lives in this land, like the garments
they do in the winter of the Alaska.
relation between the husbands is the most fantastic of all the human
relations, when understood and carried out: the love is an affection
(is not a passion), intimacy is a proximity, compassion is a
compassion, the peace is a tranquillity what the hearts flood, and a
constant attempt of maintaining ' other ' .... it is simply
feel protected, even distant what, in our minds, in our heart, we
know that we have ' the duty ' to protect other .. he is our brother,
she is our sister.... We can never, carry out acts that could place
them in situations that come ' to divert of the way '. If so to
proceed.... We listen in our to heart ' that we are doing the evil for
us ourselves!
It is IMPOSSIBLE TO BE FAR FROM OUR FAMILY, for sincere Muslims. It is how an arm will be lacking!!!!!!!!!!!!
only rational explanation for these so fantastic feelings is that it
the question is an act of Allah Subhanahu wa you her, ” And Allah raised
for you companions (and companions of your sort …) (Surata an Nahl
16:72) Only our Every Mighty Allah Subhanahu wa, in His Infinite Power,
Unlimited Compassion and Great Wisdom might create and to take root
these blessed and notable feelings in the hearts of the partners.
Allah Subhanahu reminding of it you what look for Allah swt signs in
the universe that these feelings in the hearts, are between the signs
that must guide the human beings for His existence, as Allah cc says
in the Koran ” And between His signs it is this, it of that He raised
for you companions of your sort so that they can live in peace with
them and that love and compassion put between his hearts: in truth,
these they are signs for that that meditate. ” (Surata al Rum 30:21)
This love, true, the piety between brothers, does so that the Muslims
are who they are.
can act in any field, without fear, so they know that, for compassion
of Allah swt, them they have the family, in the figure of the parents,
or of the husband, whom to it will support forever, at all the moments,
strengthening and supporting, also the faith, which moves the human
being, for the 'CERTAIN' way
problems, of interpretation of the life, and interference of the
devil (Allah swt could protect usfrom it), all they will have. Adam's
children are learning, to each day, ' to survive his relations ', to
coexist, to adapt.
The media and, so, all we know the Occident are bad example and influence .... the ' western values ' are the human degradation.
in the islam, same in all matters, religion, culture, have sincere
muslima and not, are ignorance about sharia, too. Principally with
writers that do books, with their interpretation, but their view point
is from occident, their structure , familiar structure , value are
from American or European influence or those who are not muslim , but
use of enganation for to give the muslim to the wrong way...
understanding which many countries islamics are 'invaded' for not
Muslims, what, with the economical embargoes (like excuse), also seized,
they reaped , obstructed ' people ' to the access of the ' true
knowledge islamic '
truth is " the nature humanizes ": there are that what " are
sincere " they try always to be in the certain way, for to know the
truth, and there are that what, really, are not afraid ' the last day
". Preferring to put the instincts to the service of you themselves.
familiar violence, there was, there are, and will have... in all
history of the humanity. this are not a singular act of the islamic
,showing the "fake", buying the fake , only for to do a bad image about
of the islam.
When the true is, that: the true islam, advise, and are our LAW, must be respected, bcs are from our owner Allah swt.:
Remember that our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) found the time to go out into the desert and race with his wife Aisha. Earlier she won but then when she gained some weight, he out ran her.
Remember that the Prophet (pbuh) took his wife to watch the young Ethiopians playing and dancing their folk dances. The show of emotions is necessary to keep the marital bond away from rusting and disintegrating.
Remember you will be rewarded by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala for the feelings you show to your wife as the Prophet (SAW) said, "will reward those who do anything for the satisfaction of Allah, even the food that he puts in mouth of his wife. "
Never underestimate the importance of small things, like putting food in your wife's mouth, opening the car door for her, etc.. Remember that the Prophet (SAW) used to extend his knee to help his wife get on the camel.
Try to always find time to both pray together. Strengthening the bond between you and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the best guarantee that your own marital bond would always remain strong. Having peace with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will result in having more peace at home.
Remember that the Prophet (SAW) gave glad tidings for those couples who wake at night to pray together. The Prophet (pbuh) even urged the spouse who rises up first to wake the other throwing cold water on his face. Always try to be good wives, with words and actions. Talk to her, smile to her, seek her advice, ask your opinion, spend some time with her and always remember that the Prophet (saw) said "the best among you is the best to their wives."
AKBER, We have the best of example, about partnership between woman
and man (sister and brother) in islam,in the marriages of out beloved
prophet Mohammad( saw). Him had all type of relation in his marriage,
and respected all wifes, in all situation.
the marriage with our beloved mother hz Khadija (ra), what ' in the
half age ", is only women in this acts can you it understand this
importance> she got marriage with our prophet, helping him with
her experience ... him helped she, for she to stay with diginity, and she did same. Him was the man, blessed, and she too, bcs respected Allah swt "wish", designation, before everything,
WITHOUT PREJUDICE, poor or rich life they together, because the
marriage is a mission to the soul, to reach our Allah CC, are not
because to give food to the NEFS . biggest example.
THEN, with too many marriages, we check the necessity of this " partnerships,
for social agreements, politicians, getting citizenship, preservation
of the truth, maintenance of the Islam. Preservation of the dignity,
which every man must have, and to protect the woman whom Allah swt,
sends for the man protects she, with his piety and " responsibility ",
being freed of the " animal instincts ".
the marriage with hz Aisha (ra), which showed the "piety and the
respect up with the companions. And ' protection ' of the honor of the
woman. Shown up, when our prophet accepted to get married with her,
even she being more young, to when parents were asked of your, for the
protection of the honor.
understand in islam, the importance of the youngs to get marriage
early,for don't fall in the corruption of the soul. Because the the
biological necessities humans.
understand about the man to take marriage with a woman for to protect
she from the devel, from the badness, from the suffering done , to
protect she from the humiliation, so common in this world.
If everybody did so, in this world,many kids was not without a home, parents, real live. and less social problems would have.
Remembering, that this marriage (partnership), it was important for the islam, when we check her familiar history.
wives of our prophet, they was accompanying for Him, in the activities,
inside his knowledges and capacity. Being a great example of " I
So, THERE ARE SO MANY examples, only it acts in the ignorant form
> those that don't know the knowledge (many of Muslims that had not the opportunity will be grown in islamic country)
>those choice the wrong way, and prefer be the soldier of Devel
pure or confuse ' heart ", HEAR others NOT GOOD heart, evil, or
ignorant, speaking, interviewing in their lives ..... without you it
know the true and others who DONT KNOW, THE PROCEEDINGS BECAUSE, WHO needed to teach the right, DIDNT HIS DUTY. AND STAY , YET, TEACHING THE WRONG WAY.
time we do mistakes bigger, because WE DONT KNOW the right. be
surse. But the intention is only to protect our husband, family, from
the badness from the dunya.
i know that................
But elhamdulillah Allah cc are looking everything.
About DAUGHTER: THE BEST EXAMPLE we have in the life of our beloved prophet Mohammad (saw) with his daughter " hz Fatima (ra)" .
many peaces of us, daughter , when read their history, get a big
identification about the true love between daughter and her father....
Allah swt knows the best... and this history have a lot of and strong
knowledge that the psychology a and studies of the human, western,
European behaviour, they are still, walking slowing for the
but our heart know everything for who hear Allah swt inside. and DONT HEAR the bad, or the human.
ISLAM mean RESPECT: to respect Allah swt law and their creations.
RESPECT is: to care others , understanding and helping their emotional, limitation, knowledge, culture, biological type, cultural environment ;economical situation, reality; SOUL.
To be respectfully about other human is: to have dialog continuum, to be near when to need, to do what to need respecting all their condition and limitation.
The women are fragile when are far from the family, from the protection from parents and/or husband.
Islam is the FIRSTLY , to show this reality
The Status of Women In Islam (current)
the way which the Christianity in general idealizes the woman who
aborts is idealized image women as the source of all sin attached to
established the co-responsibility in these matters, on the other hand
the Holy Quran exemplifies in more than a passing that the
relationship between humans and Allah Swt is in our faith and deeds
performed in this plane of existence.
Transmitting a message evenness never before found on any other holy book (Bible or Torah), God says in the Quran:
whom do good, be man or woman, and is faithful, we'll grant a
pleasant life and reward with a reward, according to the best of their
actions.''(Quran 16:97)
for the Muslims''and Muslim faithful and the faithful, the men and
women religious, the truthful and truthful, to the persevering and
persevering, humble and lowly, to charities and charitable, the fasters
and the fasting women, the modest and modest, those who remember Allah
much and that remember him, know that Allah has prepared forgiveness
and a magnificent reward. '' (Qur'an Sacred 33:35)
Be a man or woman who meet the five pillars of Islam''practices''will have its reward as Allah CC says in Holy Quran:
mankind, verily, We bring you created male and female and made you
into nations and tribes, know one another. Verily the most honored of
you with Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knower, Aware. ''(Quran
It can therefore be deduced that the Holy Qur'an will establish
the balance between man and woman never precedes one over another.
Invariably for each man holy Quran mentions the equal esteem with a godly woman.
The cases of the wives of Abraham and Adam and mothers of hz Isa ( Jesus) and Moses (peace and blessings be upon them), exemplifies this trend.
Invariably for each man holy Quran mentions the equal esteem with a godly woman.
The cases of the wives of Abraham and Adam and mothers of hz Isa ( Jesus) and Moses (peace and blessings be upon them), exemplifies this trend.
The Intellectual Aspect of Women
The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said to his contemporaries:
''The pursuit of knowledge is a duty for all Muslims''
And added:
Seek the wisdom''of the crib to the grave.''
He also said:
Seek knowledge even'' that this will have to go to China. "
You are a precious heritage of the prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), clearly shows us that perception of material goods or immaterial that are around us and consequently his transformation into benefits for themselves or for other constitute a''right''of life for all Muslims regardless of sex, age or social status.
The Holy Quran invites men and women to observe the universe, plants, animals, rain and etc., in order to develop intelligence and perception of the existence of God.
One of the noblest figures history of Islam is a woman, Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) known for its privileged intelligence and a great memory.
She often struggled with Prophet Muhammad SAW, her husband, subjects pertaining to the Islamic community from the simple to complex and delicate.
She was also, after death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, active preserver, organizer, and disseminator of the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and God's Blessing be upon him), for future generations.
Another example we have in Nafisah descendant of Ali and Shaikh Khalifa Shuhda Baghdad who acquired fame by have knowledge of science and literature.
The Imam Shafii, the great theologian Islam, resorted to when it devastated the Nafisah doubt on any aspect of Islam, literary sociologist, legal, etc ...
''The pursuit of knowledge is a duty for all Muslims''
And added:
Seek the wisdom''of the crib to the grave.''
He also said:
Seek knowledge even'' that this will have to go to China. "
You are a precious heritage of the prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), clearly shows us that perception of material goods or immaterial that are around us and consequently his transformation into benefits for themselves or for other constitute a''right''of life for all Muslims regardless of sex, age or social status.
The Holy Quran invites men and women to observe the universe, plants, animals, rain and etc., in order to develop intelligence and perception of the existence of God.
One of the noblest figures history of Islam is a woman, Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) known for its privileged intelligence and a great memory.
She often struggled with Prophet Muhammad SAW, her husband, subjects pertaining to the Islamic community from the simple to complex and delicate.
She was also, after death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, active preserver, organizer, and disseminator of the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and God's Blessing be upon him), for future generations.
Another example we have in Nafisah descendant of Ali and Shaikh Khalifa Shuhda Baghdad who acquired fame by have knowledge of science and literature.
The Imam Shafii, the great theologian Islam, resorted to when it devastated the Nafisah doubt on any aspect of Islam, literary sociologist, legal, etc ...
Relationship Between the Sexes
Holy Quran describes the relationship between man and woman as being
interdependent nature and not independently to both, God says in the
among His signs is that for He created you mates of your same
species, so that with they dwell in tranquility, and put love and
mercy between you. Surely in this are Signs for men of
understanding.''(Qur'an Sacred 30:21)
On the one hand Islam guarantees women access to education and
guarantees them a decent share in the society, the other determines the
necessity of union with the man through the marriage that is lawful
and does not construe any of a union independence spouse in relation
to another.
Thus the relationship between the couple can not be drawn only by sexual attraction and compatibility, but with basis of other moral values such as love, respect, mutual understanding and mercy.
In another surah Quran Sacred keynote speech on the relationship of the two:
Thus the relationship between the couple can not be drawn only by sexual attraction and compatibility, but with basis of other moral values such as love, respect, mutual understanding and mercy.
In another surah Quran Sacred keynote speech on the relationship of the two:
You''approach to your wives, because they are your garments and ye ye them.'' (Quran 2:187)
expectation of Islam with respect to women's participation not only
in marriage but also in life community, is to create a link from the
latter with''protecting''the social whole a vital part of the couple as
a formative element of a family sound, based on the harmonious
Rights and Duties of Women
understand more clearly the role of women in Islamic society we need
to know their rights and duties in the community, says Praise God in
the Holy Qur'an:
are the protectors women because Allah has given one more (strength)
than the other, and because the their livelihood from their
means.''(Qur'an Sacred 4:34)
In a Muslim society the husband has the full responsibility of supporting his family, which wife has won or stay with her.
The woman has its home field where she has the initiative, but it has to consider the husband as the charge of general affairs of the family.
The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
''The best wife is the one that when you look at it is happy, when you ask for something she obeys, she protects their rights and guard their chastity, when her husband is away.''
The role of Muslim women in home is very important to the happiness and welfare of the husband and physical and spiritual development of children.
She is spared the daily struggle work and survival in the competitive environment for men it maintain their health and mental balance necessary to educate and train children's character, this treatment depends on the behavior of society future generations.
Women are predisposed genetically to react to stimuli in a different way of being male.
The protesting the female emancipation, they argue that the balance in relations between the sexes is synonymous with repression and dependence of women.
Islam in contrast, tests that this balance is rooted in unchangeable facts, and that he can not be changed, because in this case, would come a break in the logic of relationships between man and woman.
If a female child prefers a doll or other toys representing tenderness, affection or delicacy, not by imposition but by macho instinctive predisposition that originated in his intellectual identity formation.
It would do violence to their nature, it tries in the name of''equality of the sexes'', presents her with a pair of boxing gloves.
Likewise it would be disastrous for the woman's nature to try to impose on society the same assignments that will require a man.
Unfortunately this practice is common in societies that call themselves''progressive''leading to them, the consequences of
known as harm; family breakdown, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, alcoholism, a disorder personality, homosexuality, etc ...
Only through action joint family unit, school, among others, we can establish rehabilitation initiatives to make a balance between the sexes.
Particularly the core family assumes a special role in this task, it is the first group influences to which children have contact.
It is the obligation of parents inform themselves about the differences between equality and evenness.
These two principles, whose understanding is necessary so that we can by the side of a false notions to establish justice and equality between the sexes in education as a parameter family.
The woman has its home field where she has the initiative, but it has to consider the husband as the charge of general affairs of the family.
The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
''The best wife is the one that when you look at it is happy, when you ask for something she obeys, she protects their rights and guard their chastity, when her husband is away.''
The role of Muslim women in home is very important to the happiness and welfare of the husband and physical and spiritual development of children.
She is spared the daily struggle work and survival in the competitive environment for men it maintain their health and mental balance necessary to educate and train children's character, this treatment depends on the behavior of society future generations.
Women are predisposed genetically to react to stimuli in a different way of being male.
The protesting the female emancipation, they argue that the balance in relations between the sexes is synonymous with repression and dependence of women.
Islam in contrast, tests that this balance is rooted in unchangeable facts, and that he can not be changed, because in this case, would come a break in the logic of relationships between man and woman.
If a female child prefers a doll or other toys representing tenderness, affection or delicacy, not by imposition but by macho instinctive predisposition that originated in his intellectual identity formation.
It would do violence to their nature, it tries in the name of''equality of the sexes'', presents her with a pair of boxing gloves.
Likewise it would be disastrous for the woman's nature to try to impose on society the same assignments that will require a man.
Unfortunately this practice is common in societies that call themselves''progressive''leading to them, the consequences of
known as harm; family breakdown, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, alcoholism, a disorder personality, homosexuality, etc ...
Only through action joint family unit, school, among others, we can establish rehabilitation initiatives to make a balance between the sexes.
Particularly the core family assumes a special role in this task, it is the first group influences to which children have contact.
It is the obligation of parents inform themselves about the differences between equality and evenness.
These two principles, whose understanding is necessary so that we can by the side of a false notions to establish justice and equality between the sexes in education as a parameter family.
Marriage and the Family
union of cells of origin the human body, brain and nerves of the
human body, are of highly organized and administered by strict
the proper proportions We can draw a parallel composition with
humans, whose survival also depends on the submission of specific laws
and the level of organization with which they are met.
speaking, a family is defined as a special structure whose main
elements are connected to each other by blood ties established by
marriage, which need to satisfy requirements are realized with each
other, defined by religion, enforced by law and by institutionalized
Islam, parents play a important role in the choice of the future
husband of the daughter, so it can achieve this unity is necessary
Upon signing the contract wedding the groom's dowry delivery spontaneously''''mahr to the bride.
The dowry has no other purpose but realize the respect, affection and love from the groom.
man has to treat its wife with kindness even if your marriage is not
going very well with she, as God the Almighty says in the Quran:
believers, be not allowed inherit women against their will, nor the
plague, at the end of you captured a part of that which would have
fitted, unless they have proven guilty obscenity. And harmonizai
yourselves among them, because if the overlooked, may you be
depreciating beings that God has given many virtues.''(Quran 4:19)
Islam there is no double standard moral, which is not good for women
is not necessarily good for humans, punishments for breaking the law
is equal for both.
to the believing''that the modesty their gaze and guard their
modesty, because it is more beneficial for them: And Allah is Aware of
what they do. Say to the believing women that should lower their
gaze, they retain their modesty and do not show the its attractions,
and what (must ordinarily) appear. Believers, turn ye all, sorry, God,
in order that ye may be saved!''(Quran 24: 30-31)
Western Concept
In societies fans materialistic capitalism''or the''emancipation
pseudo liberation of women is Guests purchasing power that it
possesses little power of women purchasing was granted the freedom to
commit acts of degrading obscenities this way itself.
In a summary was created false concept of freedom, and through the media it is propagated, the woman numbed by the prospect of''illusory enjoy life without guilt'' avidly consume it without realizing that they their real freedom to it gradually removed, and especially their dignity as human beings.
If we consider the concept that presents the female figure out the limits of the influence of thought Islamic, we find that there are diametrically prisms understandings opposites but with similar points of origin.
One is that the''liberal made'', presents the woman as a commodity to be consumed and a mere object of pleasure, without any role in society than it is.
The other believes that the woman a neurotic form, on one side declares itself as a supporter of Christian moralist of living, the other secretly commits the greatest obscenities then immediately regret it.
Being a carrier of selfishness typical of Westerners, prefer to blame the woman for the sick and their reactions passes little by little to hate the female figure, and indeed this is obscene'' closet.''
In a summary was created false concept of freedom, and through the media it is propagated, the woman numbed by the prospect of''illusory enjoy life without guilt'' avidly consume it without realizing that they their real freedom to it gradually removed, and especially their dignity as human beings.
If we consider the concept that presents the female figure out the limits of the influence of thought Islamic, we find that there are diametrically prisms understandings opposites but with similar points of origin.
One is that the''liberal made'', presents the woman as a commodity to be consumed and a mere object of pleasure, without any role in society than it is.
The other believes that the woman a neurotic form, on one side declares itself as a supporter of Christian moralist of living, the other secretly commits the greatest obscenities then immediately regret it.
Being a carrier of selfishness typical of Westerners, prefer to blame the woman for the sick and their reactions passes little by little to hate the female figure, and indeed this is obscene'' closet.''
Everything is the other, which is not part of our reality, we tend to scare and the object of our rejection. Seldom we pause on the issues that escape us, and, therefore, make hasty judgments, superficial, and incorporate concepts always full of prejudices, because they are founded on ignorance of the facts.
where so many questions controversies are put to us daily, where we
barely have time to digest the news, just how quickly things happen
in the world, we established our judgments bases and understandings
that need further analysis.
it is with regards to Islam, so misunderstood, so unknown. So is
the issue of women in Islam, where prejudices and false information
is disseminated so that they occupy the imagination of non-Muslims,
stereotyping these women, turning them into characters who never
correspond to reality. We have taken some concepts that become the
truth, our truth, which is not even ours, and thicken the role of this
vast legion of merely repeat the false truths, moreover, a
characteristic of our time. Islam is fanaticism. Islam is terrorism.
Islam is overdue. Islam oppresses women and subjects.
But, what is Islam? How Islam treats really a gender issue? What is the role of Muslim women in a society Islamic?
talk about women in Islam, as it is seen, what is its function,
what is your role, what their rights and duties, it is necessary to
compare the same role with other cultures, other religions, what
their rights and duties, what their achievements, finally, we must
consider all aspects, be they social, political, economic, ethical or
moral and not simply, we dwell on cultural isolation.
nothing better than to focus on status of women in Islam, taking
into account that condition in the West, and more specifically in
Brazil, traditions, culture and religion so different from the East.
As far as Islam is different from Western women? What ethical, moral,
social and religious governing these two women? What do these two
behavioral patterns women so different?
1400 years, Islam
said that the woman is a responsible and can not be disrespected or
discriminated against because of her sex. In the West, despite
advances achieved by the feminist movements, the achievements do not
represent even the third part of what Islam had guaranteed. We know
that women still separately, the highest number of illiterates in
the population is female, she is victim of violence, which begins at
home, receives a lower salary for the year functions it performs on
equal terms with men, etc..
1995, Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing,
participating governments acknowledged the poor condition of women in
the West and other non-Islamic countries, and signed a Declaration,
which among other topics, stated:
the Governments participating the Fourth World Conference on Women
(...) we are convinced that: (...) The women's rights are human rights,
(...) The equality of rights, opportunities and access to
resources, equal distribution between men and women's
responsibilities for the family ... are indispensable to his
well-being and your family as well as the consolidation of
democracy. (...) The global peace, national and regional levels can
be achieved only with the advancement of women, which are a
fundamental force for leadership, conflict resolution and promotion of
a lasting peace at all levels. "
you realize, the very statement reflects the disrespect, because it
is óbivio that "women's rights are human rights between, since
everyone, without restriction are human, criptions of Allah CC.
basic difference between these two worlds, east and west, is that
Islam as revealed to Prophet Mohammad, is ready, simply be followed
by all. Islam honors human being, guarantees rights. His message,
although initially directed to the Arabs, is universal and applies to
all men and women, anywhere and at any time. The origins of Islam
are the same as the previous religions and Mohammad was the last
prophet God.
in the Quran that states, along entire history of humanity, each
people had its messenger, in his own language, in language relevant to
understanding the human being, announcing the unity of God,
confirming the Judgement Day and the subordination to determine what
was legislated by Him
to you the same religion was introduced to Noah, which We reveal
unto thee, which we recommend to Abraham, Moses and Jesus (telling
them): Establish the religion and be not divided it.(Cap. 14:5)
in the prophets and the books are articles of faith for Muslims.
After Mohammad there will be no prophet and nor any disclosure will be
Today I perfected your religion for you; and generously bestowed you Islam as your religion. (Chapter 5:3)
To understand Islam and the Islamic concept of life, we must first go back in history a few centuries and we look at the roots of an entire code life that remains to this day. Although initially the message has been revealed in the Arabian peninsula, its language is universal. First of all, for us Muslims, Islam is submission, submission to the will of God and the Quran is the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.
arose in the Arabian Peninsula in early seventh century, with the
first revelations from God to the Prophet Mohammad by through the
angel Gabriel:
in the name of thy Lord, that you created, created man from a clot;
reads, thy Lord is Most Generous, who taught by the pen. Taught man
that which he knew not. " (Chap. 96:1-5)
13 years the revelations were being transmitted until they are
organized and systematized in the form of a book, according with the
guidance of the Prophet Mohammad, which determined the order of
chapters and verses. This book is the Koran, the Muslim holy book.
The Quran, in Indeed, it is a set of warnings, suggestions,
injunctions and principles religious, moral, ethical and legal
requirements governing the lives of all Muslims.
Arabs were organized the same way across the peninsula. There were
no big cities and they lived in small groups, united by family ties.
Characteristically patriarchal society, families were organized
into clans and clans formed tribes. Therefore, every Arab was a member
of a family that belonged to a clan, which, in turn, formed a
tribe. The desert Saudi extremely arid and poor, do not provide much
to eat, life was uncertain and dangerous and, in general, they were
hot temper. At any time, a clan could be invaded by its neighbors.
Although these raids yielded some gains, they were motivated more by
the spirit of adventure. If a member of a clan or a tribe were
killed in open battle or ambush, it could yield the involvement of
the entire clan for years.
from the major cultural centers time (Persia and Byzantium), the
Arabs developed their own culture, based on customs of their
ancestors. Probably the desert life was to be monotonous and, for
compensate for this lack of charm, they were devoted to the wars
between the tribes. Typically, the wars were not intended to inflict a
major defeat for the enemy, but rather the glory and honor to have
outperformed its rivals in courage and endurance.
was another pride of the Arabs and through it extolled the war,
praised the strength and virility male, praised the generosity and
hospitality, and sometimes spoke of love and romance. The Arab woman
of the pre-Islamic times usufria relative freedom. The title example
to illustrate the position occupied by women in pre-Islamic times, it
remember that Khadija, first wife of Mohaammad, a wealthy widow, and
independent ran their own businesses, had made the request for
marriage to the Prophet.
was the first person to circle closest to the Prophet, to believe
that the revelations were divine and was the first to convert to
Islam. At his death, was always beside Mohammad, endured his side all
sorts of misunderstandings and persecution they suffered the first
Muslims, has physical needs during the embargo imposed by the citizens
of Mecca. Khadija was the companion of the Prophet who never forgot
while he lived.
the relative freedom of the woman enjoyed this pre-revelation Arab
world was patriarchal, shaped by man, and woman was merely a victim
of constant pain, suffering, loneliness, humiliation and
exploitation of physical, emotional and sexual. The Arabs of pre-
revelation did not escape the habit of considering the female child
weighing painful, a potential source of shame for the father, and
habit, before the advent of Islam, the cruel practice of female
There was the custom of burying alive girl, for fear of shame or poverty.
When the infant girl, buried alive, is questioned: for what crime she was slain? (Chap. 81:8-9)
Qur'an describes this practice in order to show his horror and
register the absurdity of custom. His conviction fits perfectly
declared with the divine goal of Islam to destroy ignorance and
establish new rules and the moral, social and ethical. In Chapter 16
"The Bee", we read:
one of them is announced birth of a daughter, his face darkens and
becomes distressed. It hides its people, the bad news he has had:
leave it to live in shame, or bury alive? How evil they judge! (16:58-9)
In addition to vigorously condemn such practice, the Quran makes no distinction between boys and girls.
And in Chapter 17, "The Voyage Night, "we read:
Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance as well as for you. (17:31)
The social order of pre-disclosure, therefore, never helped the woman to have a respectable and dignified condition.
was only with the advent of Islam, which women began to enjoy a
dignified position, without any trace of paternalism or exploitation,
to be responsible, to whom duties are required, but who are also
secured rights on equal terms with men. Men and Women are creatures of
God, and the best among them is the fairest, most compassionate,
regardless of gender, race, social status etc. .. People differ in
Islam by faith, God consciousness and upright conduct. So God sets in
mankind, verily We created you male and female and made you into
nations and tribes, to know one another. Verily the most honored among
you with Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knower, Aware. (Cap. 49:13)
Also, God said:
Never belittle the work of any you, whether male or female, are from each other ... (Ch 3:195)
new way of life from the implanted Quran, ensured a dignified
position for both men and women. The women came to be respected and
honored. The "curse" of sex female, as heir of the legacy of Eve,
"thus responsible for all the miseries of this life, it became
meaningless. Men and women are equal.
in the social set that Saudi time, or in any other culture or
civilization, showed an increase in such position of women. There was
no social or economic consideration that has necessary or desirable.
It was rather a deliberate change made by Islam, by reasons that
are completely different from this world and those of society human
in particular. The Western women who took more than 12 centuries to
achieve, facing the toughest resistance, Islam had already given
voluntarily, taking the initiative without being subject to
socio-economic needs, but within the criterion of justice and truth,
the basic characteristics of Islam.
we imagine that in the seventh century, Europe living in the Middle
Ages, that history describes as the "Night of 1000 years, "under
the rule of Judeo-Christian thought, where the most severe
restrictions were imposed on women, where the woman was seen as the
heir to the evil, impure, in the small Arabian peninsula comes the
Koran, assuring the woman, the first right to life, then the right
of opinion and expression, education, knowledge, testimony, divorce,
property, inheritance, we have agree that this meant an absolute
revolution in the customs, traditions and values that lingered in
that era and persists until today.
3.1 - Individuality
In Islam, the woman is not the product of the devil or the seed of evil.
In Islam, men do not occupy the position of absolute master of women, that no alternative, had to surrender to his rule.
Islam we submit only Allah (SWT) and to Him we surrender and give
account. In Islam, unlike other beliefs and religious systems, she
has soul and is endowed with spiritual qualities.
Islam does not consider Eve solely responsible for the original sin
of all humanity and, consequently, by the sacrifice on the cross of
the Son of God to redeem mankind original sin, like other faiths
Islam, as these statements are "belittling" the human capacity
development, reasoning, as a consequence is a great disrespect to the
Creator Allah (SWT).
The Quran states that both Adam and Eve screwed up, both were
tempted, both sinned and both were forgiven by God after the manifest
woman is recognized in Islam as full partner of the man and like
him in the procreation of humankind. He is the father and she is the
mother and both are essential to life. The role of women is no less
vital than man's. In this partnership the parties are equal in every
respect, have rights and equal responsibilities and are equipped
with the same qualities, whether man or woman.
Islam, women are equal to men to be responsible for their actions.
She has an independent personality, endowed with human qualities and
worthy of spiritual aspirations. His human nature is neither
inferior or superior to man. Men and women have the same duties and
social responsibilities, moral and religious must face the
consequence of their acts.
Those who do good works, are men or women, and are faithful, will enter Paradise and will not be disappointed in least. (Ch 4:124)
Islam, women are independent economically, since she may own, with
rights to manage their property and no one, father, husband or
brother, has interference in dealing with financial matters.
3.2 - Education and instruction
is equal to man in search for knowledge and education. When Islam
urges Muslims to seek the knowledge, he makes no distinction between
the sexes. Education is not only a right but a responsibility of all
men and women. Muhammad, 14 centuries ago ago, was very clear in
stating that the pursuit of knowledge is an obligation to every
Muslim, male or female.
has long been denied women the right to express his opinions. In I
Corinthians 14:34 / 35, Paul says: "As in all congregations of the
saints, women should remain silent in the churches. No is allowed to
talk to them and be submissive, as the law says. If they want ask
about something to ask their husbands at home, it is a shame for a
woman to speak in churches. "In I Timothy 2:11-14, he wrote:" I not
permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man, she must be
silent, For Adam was formed first, then Eve and Adam was not what he
lost was a woman he lost and became a sinner. "
believes that a woman can not instruction is not allowed to speak.
Islam believes that a woman can not grow intellectually if she is
forced into a state of complete submission. Islam considers a woman
does not have a life if your only source of information is the husband
in home.
3.3 - Freedom of expression
in Islam it is entitled to freedom of expression, both as man.
Their views are taken into consideration and can not be disregarded
on the grounds they come from a woman. There are several reports
regarding the effective participation of women, not only expressing
his opinion as well as participating in discussions and questioning
serious with the Prophet. Incidentally, the Quran has the following
Allah heard the statement one that pleads with thee concerning her
husband, and complained to God in prayer. God heard your talk,
because He is the Hearing.
of you who repudiate their women across the zihar, know that they
are not their mothers. These are the generated, certainly, with that
oath they uttered something wicked and false, but Allah is
Pardoning, Forgiving. (Chap. 58:1-2)
report refers Khawlah, wife of Aussi Ibn Assámet, who had divorced
her, following an idolatrous custom, although he is a Muslim. The
record was known as zihar and was to say to wife that from that moment
she was considered her mother. This freed the husband from any
conjugal responsibility without giving, however, free to abandon it
home or a new marriage contract. Having heard these words from her
husband, the woman was to the Prophet, in the hope that he solved the
case. The Prophet was opinion that she should be patient, since it
seemed that there was no other way. However, she kept asking when
Mohammad came the revelation that constitutes the verses above.
Therefore, as we see the woman in Islam has the right to argue, even
with the Prophet of Islam. Nobody has the right to instruct her to keep
Firstly, it should be clear that Islam believes that the role of women in society as a mother and wife, is the most sacred of all. No nanny or housekeeper can replace the mother in her role as educator of a child.
general rule in social and political life is participation and
collaboration of men and women in public affairs. Islam does not, as
some people think that the woman is confined to his house until the
death. In the entire history of Islam there are enough reports that
prove the involvement Muslim's in public affairs, the administrative
tasks in scholarship and teachings and even on the battlefield beside
the Prophet .. There is the Koran, or Sunans of the Prophet, any
text that prevent women from exercising any position leadership,
except in the conduct of prayer, for obvious reasons that will be seen
more ahead, and leadership of the state. A head of state is not
just decorative. He exercises functions of the office, traveling,
negotiating with other authorities, participates in private meetings
with those authorities. These activities, often are not consistent
with the guidelines set by Islam to the interaction between the sexes.
records show that the women participated in public life on equal
terms with Muslims especially in times of emergency. They fought in
wars, cared for the wounded, preparing supplies, helped the Warriors,
the Prophet consulted directly about personal matters and even
intimate, etc.. There was never any barrier that prevented the
integration of women in Islamic society. Were never considered utterly
devoid of soul or of any merit. Counseling, teaching religious,
spiritual education activities are carried out by women since the
early Islam.
3.5 - Right to hire
guarantees women equal rights to hire, to take on ventures to take
whatever gains and possessions. Only one century ago, Europe
recognized a woman's right to contract obligations. In Islam, life,
property and honor are as sacred to her and for the man. If she
commits any misses his penalty is not higher or lower than for men, in
similar cases, established by the Islamic Shariah. Tradition tells us
that certain time someone came to the Prophet asking for his
intercession for the daughter of a authority that had been caught
practicing theft. The Prophet then answered that yet it was Fatima,
his beloved daughter, who were in that situation, it does not could
prevent the law was applied. In Islam, the law is equal for everyone and
does not absolve anyone because of their social position.
rights are not established only one way rhetoric. Islam has taken
steps to safeguard them and put them in practice as articles of
faith. Islam does not tolerate prejudice against women or gender
discrimination. Islam condemns anyone who believes a woman inferior to
3.6 - Right to Inheritance
the recognition of women as a be independent, considered essential
for the survival of humanity, Islam gave women the right to
inheritance. Before Islam, it was not only deprived of participation
was considered as property of men.
it wife or mother, sister or daughter, woman's participation in
heritage, and this participation depends on their degree of
relationship with the deceased and the number of heirs. This share is
hers and no one has power to deny him this participation, although
the deceased wished to disinherit her. Anyone may legally have one
third of his property was not affected, thus the right to heirs,
whether men or women. In some instances man receives two shares in the
inheritance while the wife stays with one. This is not a preference
or supremacy men over women. Here are some reasons for the measure:
In Islam the man takes financial responsibilities of the complete
maintenance of his wife and family. It is your obligation under the
law to assume all financial charges and maintain their dependents
properly. This means that it inherits more but he is financially
responsible by other women: daughters, wives, mothers and sisters.
The woman in Islam is protected and secure the material point of
view. If she is the wife, the husband is the provider. If she is a
mother, it is son to the charge. If she is the daughter, the father
reponsabiliza for its maintenance, if it is the sister, brother, and
so on. When she is alone, nobody is course, has no inheritance to be
received and it is the responsibility of society as a whole, and
therefore falls to the state, provide for their maintenance through
aid, arranging work to give it its own sustenance.
3.7 - Privileges
in Islam enjoys certain privileges. During menstruation it is
exempt from prayer and fasting. She is free, too, of all financial
responsibilities. She does not need work or with her husband split
household expenses. All household goods that it leads to marriage and
her husband are not entitled to those belongings. It should be noted
that only one century ago, Europe has recognized the right of
property to married women, under equal conditions with the single,
widowed and Divorced, with the Law of Property of Married Women,
1879. No married woman is obliged to spend a penny of their assets to
keep the house. In general, the Muslim has guaranteed support in
all phases of his life, as daughter, wife, mother or sister. As the
daughter and sister she has secured the support by the father or
brother respectively. It is also free to work if they so wish, and
participate with your work family responsibilities. Oha not in the
Quran or the Sunnah any text explicit that categorically forbids the
Muslim to seek lawful employment. Also, some may be forced to seek
employment in order to survive, particularly in countries where no
serious measures to ensure financial stability widows or divorcees.
Islam guaranteed the right for couples to divorce. Here are some explanations to fit the subject, since divorce is also subject to misinterpretation. It is not true that any time a husband just to tell his wife "I want divorce "and ready, he is divorced, leaving the woman (and probably children) to fend for themselves in less than one minute. The system of divorce in Islam is the most just there. If the couple decides to separate, the husband asks for a divorce by saying "I I want a divorce. "From then on, it starts a delay that lasts 3 periods to be certified that the woman is not pregnant. This periodoi allows the couple to take time to think about what they are doing and whether it is s exactly what they want. During this period, the husband is obligated to feed, clothe and house his wife. There is nobody, not even a lawyer, involved in this question. Ended three months, and proved that the woman is not pregnant, divorce is consummated. If, by chance, the woman is pregnant, the husband is obligated to provide the ex-wife needed until the weaning period, usually two years.
we can see, there is no compare different approaches, since the
common in the West, at least in Brazil, is always injured woman out of
a separation, with no guarantee of minimum rights for their
survival. Worse, until very recently, she entered this society
married with their own goods, which had just lost the communion
instituito universal property in the case of separation. Only in
1977, with the divorce law is that the dissolution of marriage
favored slightly more women, with the introduction of the scheme the
partial property. But still, the prevailing concept that the
obligation food payable by the ex-husband is directly related to the
"moral conduct" wife, which in Brazil, as we well know, I mean,
this woman can not marry again.
only since 1962, with the Act 4121, known as the Status of Married
Women, is that the Brazilian woman reached its full legal capacity.
Until then, it was considered relatively unable, from a legal
in Islam is a blessing sanctified, that should not be broken except
for compelling reasons. The couples are instructed to try to save
the institution of marriage, by all means possible. Divorce is not
common, unless there is another solution. In other words, the Islam
recognizes divorce, but does not encourage him. Islam gives the Muslim
woman right to seek divorce because it recognizes that it can not be
held hostage to a bad husband. Finally, it is good to remember that
divorce was only introduced much later in Europe and in Brazil,
there is only very recently, by Law No. 65l5, of 26.12.77, Sen.
Nelson Carneiro.
5. SEX
Another controversial issue regarding Islam is referred to sex. Islam does not denies, in no case of human sexuality, on the contrary. Islam not advocating the abolition of sexual craving through celibacy or monasticism. Man are endowed by their Creator with impulses that drive him to various activities to assure their survival. The main goal of sex is the same species. Islam recognizes that man is seized by inexplicable emotions that draw you irresistibly to the opposite sex and, therefore, regulates the relations between men and women. The Islam recognizes the importance of the sexual instinct, but only acknowledge its achievement through lawful marriage, strictly forbids sex outside of marriage and everything what might lead to their practice of unlawful way.
is a tradition of the Prophet where he mentions that sexual
intercourse between a married couple is rewarded by God. Companions
were astounded: how was it possible to have the desires and pleasures
completely satisfied and still get visitation? The Prophet then
answered the same way that that an extramarital affair was punished.
is based on the belief in revelation divine. His law and its morals
are based on the divine commandments. Within this context, men and
women must obey certain rules of behavior and discipline, to prevent
that the tort is committed. Islam has imposed, and recommended
encouraged certain habits in order to reduce the opportunities to
practice unlawful. Also, take the precautions necessary and possible,
in respect of material sanctions such as prohibition of promiscuity,
of private meetings between persons of the opposite sex without the
presence of third parties, etc..
fact that women lag behind men during prayer does not indicate that
it is inferior to men. It is part of the discipline Muslim prayer
is put in line, shoulder to shoulder with his brother. Prayers
Islamic involve acts, movements, postures of prostration, knee which
cause involuntary physical contact and touch the person on the
side, reducing the concentration than what is in prayer. Moreover,
it would be inappropriate and uncomfortable for a woman to stay in
that position, prostrate themselves, bow and put forehead on the
floor, and behind a row of men. So, to avoid any embarrassment of
both parties, Islam ordered the organization of queues, men in front,
and women behind.
must be stressed is that the prohibitions are addressed to both
sexes. What Islam prohibits women, too does for men. Modesty is
recommended for both men and women. The chastity until marriage is the
realization of the imperative for men and women, alike. Adultery is
forbidden for both men and women.
short, the way Islam views sex is a very thin line between two
extremes. The first is to disqualify him to the point of its total
failure by the celibacy or monasticism, denying the very nature human,
and the second is to find it very natural to have sex with anyone in
anywhere, whenever you want. While in the West sensuality, love
between a man and a woman, God-given human attributes, are reduced to
their lowest condition and become licentiousness, pornography, Islam
does not accept In no case, the overexposure of sex, sex for sex
with anyone, anywhere.
Hijab is a word that indicates not only the veil but the clothes on the whole that meets the following conditions:
01. Clothing should cover the entire body, only hands and face may remain.
02. The material should not be so thin you can see through it.
03. The clothing must hang loose so that the form / shape of the body is not apparent.
04. The women's clothing must not resemble the man's clothes.
05. The design of the clothes must not resemble the garments of women do not believe.
06. The project should not consist of bold designs which attract attention.
07. The clothes should not be used for the sole purpose of gaining reputation or increasing one status in society.
The reason for this is tolerable for a woman is protected from leer men. She should not attract attention to herself way.
This attitude to safeguard society from corruption and ailments caused by EFN (human instincts) and protects women and as a consequence
prevents disorders in general (mental, familial, social)It is permissible for a man to draw the attention of a woman, however, is haram (unlawful) a man look twice as much for what she encourages lustful thoughts.
Personal Choice Not State Law
Finally, fit a few words about the points that most arouses
controversy what is the use of the hijab. Why women should cover their
heads? In theory, the answer is simple: women should cover their
heads because that Allah (SWT) decreed it. (Cap. 33:59) The parameters
for the proper modesty for both men and women (Clothing and
behavior) are based on revelatory sources (Quran and Sunnah
authentic), and as such, must be respected by men and women believers
to be oriented divine with legitimate goals.
Muslims, because of "Occidentalism in some countries of the East ',
and others, born with a social environment not Islamic, they
assimilate non-Islamic cultures and adopt their ways of dressing,
behaving and end influencing and weakening the integrity of Muslim
Already in some Muslim communities, due to climatic factors, as well as the intense sun, there is the adoption of the burqa.
there are óbiviamente some communities, most communities in
countries in conflict, yet because of the invasion, where, in other
words for 'fear of women being molested "or for not having clarity of
sharia itself, there is adoption of" restrictions "on women in some
terms, including wearing the veil is mandatory, by human legislation.
But Allah cc, warned that women wing "would cover their dowries,
leaving hands and face exposed. This eliminates the mandatory use of
the burqa.
ends conflict with normative teachings of Islam. The proximity to
excessive or total seclusion Women are not behaviors adopted during
the prophetic period. The
women of the time the Prophet participated with men in acts of
worship such as prayers and pilgrimage, public squares, in the
discussion of public issues (life policy) and on the battlefield when
does not set standards such as style, color, etc.. that Muslim
women should dress. However, there are some requirements that must
be met. Clothing should be loose, the fabric must be of a thickness
prevents the body shape is perceived. Clothing should be
straightforward, not overly fancy, to garner the admiration of the
people, not ragged, unkempt or dirty.
there are other reasons include the requirement of modesty, for
example, the fact that women must be perceived by their intrinsic
qualities, and ability intelligence, according to the principles of
important factor is knowing that at the time of our beloved prophet
Mohammad (PBUH), the men also wore long robes, so there is a saying
uttered by a scholar of the era, illustrating the need for protection
and also equal, the said is: "When you see the Ummah together, coming
to the loge, Mashallah, how my eyes get honored. For such unanimity
was high, and respect for the Laws of Allah CC. No more was known to
distinguish in the distance, which would be home, what would be
women. his clothes covering their bodies, and faith exposed, brought
the "brotherhood" that overcomes the inequity. "
fact, the hijab is not just a costume or a dress, but all behavior,
a way of speaking and public appearances, which identifies that
Muslim women as being to please Allah (CC) and not to human eyes.

The status of women in Islam is something unique, new, no resemblance any other system. If we look at the democratic nations of the West, we realize that women do not enjoy that position. It is more subdued and standards rules of behavior that is supposed to be a Muslim woman. It is a reflection of male power, omnipresent in the Christian Western society, which aims define the role of women, regulate their bodies and souls, empty them of any know or menacing power. The media today has the monopoly exercised by the Church before, construction (deconstruction) of that woman, imposing values, regulating daily lives of people, determining the body's use of an eschatological perspective.
West, women are compelled to pursue abstract notions of beauty, and
many of sometimes do not realize they are being manipulated by
cosmetic companies, clothing and pharmaceutical industries. This
product is as disposable as any supermarket merchandise. The label
(the appearance) of the Western woman has to obey the rules imposed
from above and naively assumes that she is free to choose their
clothes, your shoes, the color of your hair.
Western women, from childhood, is taught that their value is
proportional to its beauty, its attractions. Can only a place in the
sun that he dresses well, speaks to roast, who goes to this place. In
Brazil, for example, those who have jobs can only "look good". But
no one defines what is "good appearance" because in a diverse society
where everyone has their own 'fashion trend, diversified concepts
"... how to sort" good looks? what is "good for one, can not be good
for others. And that generate a series of conflicts, including"
internal "in humans.
The woman, early is pushed into a job market wild, unfairly
competitive, having to undergo all sorts of humiliations to earn their
was through many struggles that women Western achieved this sketch
of freedom. It took centuries of hard struggle for a Women win the
right to learn, to work, to earn their own livelihood, have its own
identity, having legal personality and capacity. This woman paid a
high price to prove their status as human beings, endowed with soul. The
position that the Western woman enjoys today was conquered by force
and not by a process of mutual understanding. She opened her path
to power at the expense of many sacrifices, giving up dreams and
ideals. Often the circumstances pushed into a battlefield so far
unknown. And despite all this, all this war of such great sacrifices
and painful struggles, she has not won Islam has established for
the Muslim woman by divine decree.
what has been said, we can infer that the status of women in
Islamic societies today is the ideal? It is compatible with which
establishes Islam? No, of course not. But labeling the condition of
women in Muslim world today as "Islamic" is as far from the truth
imagine that the condition of Western women is total freedom to enjoy
rights. We know that in many parts of the Muslim world still
proliferating conditions oppressive and unjust. The mistakes of some
Muslims in guiding the destinies of their respective societies only
prove that human beings have their limitations. It is absurd taken
as the Islamic rule that is just personal interpretations,
contaminated by an entire socio-cultural context. Muslims can not be
judged based on the actions of a few and those few are not
representative samples of true meaning of Islam.
needs to be clear is that there is Quran that needs to be
reconsidered, or the Sunnah, but human practice, which many sometimes
reflects cultural aspects so ingrained that distort what has been
decreed by God. We must confront the past and to reject customs and
practices that oppose the precepts of Islam. Thus, for example, the
status of women in Afghanistan, which is ordered to stay secluded in
the house, does not reflect the teachings of the Quran nor the
example of thousands of Muslims, who throughout history have had
effective participation in their communities. Women in Saudi Arabia
is banned from driving? Yes it is, but this law is a Saudi man, and
it does not apply in Iran and most other Islamic countries, for
example. And it is not part of the holy Quran or Hadith.
we must understand is that there is a huge difference between
belief itself, as revealed in the Qur'an, and practice of some
companies supposedly Islamic.
Such practices serve more culturally specific to particular
interests, and do not represent necessarily Islam and can not serve as
a basis to denigrate the true meaning of Islam. Islam still has
much to offer the women of today, in terms of respect, dignity,
recognition. Just that she is aware of this and strive to implement the
Islamic teachings. For this, she has all the tools at your disposal.
Restoration and Maintenance intimacy in marriage is true under Islamic Law.
The couples can return to the intimacy of a state of conflict, if and only if, they stop hurting each other needs emotional and return to meeting each other again, when the facts was not big sin.
What is intimacy?
Intimacy is the closeness to the other. In an inner state, the spouses to communicate seamlessly, in a hurry to do whatever it takes to make others happy, and avoid what could disturb or annoy others. Married couples can only achieve that status through meeting the other psychological, emotional and physical needs.
Reviving intimacy and Maintenance: Perspectives advice Mainstream-
Dr. Harley, after years of studies, research and experience, to try to save marriages through advice, concluded that the best method is based on Islamic marriages, or couples negotiate from one of three states of mind, each with its own unique rules and negotiate their own unique emotional reactions. Respecting one another, the "brotherhood", that is prior to any concept.
These states of mind, it is called, "Intimacy," "conflict" and "withdrawal."
The couples can not return to the intimacy of a state of conflict, if and only if, they stop hurting each other and return to meeting each the other with respect to the sister / brother, giving each one to the other the emotional support (duty of all Muslims, whether married or not ) Once again.
Remembering that love, true love is only the love of Allah (SWT)The heart Muslims for what I have to extend to the whole creation of Allah (SWT). Others cry feelings are love, and many are privileged self (desires).
The concept first and foremost produced to help couples understand the rise and fall of matter is: "Love Bank Account" at conception. In his study on what it takes to build bank accounts love he learned habits were much more important to consider than isolated instances of behavior. Habits deposit love units to build the love very bank balances almost without great effort, because they are repeated several times. Isolated behaviors, however, affect the bank usually does not love a lot. Of Similarly, the habits that tend to withdraw love units for destroy love because they are also repeated almost effortlessly bank balances. In marriage, one of destructive behaviors is an explosion of anger, where one of spouses intentionally try to hurt each other, causing enormous Love Bank withdrawals.
As a starting point to build the bank balance love, Dr. Harley encourages the spouses, the habit of doing whatever it takes to to make each other happy (deposit love units), and avoid habits making each other unhappy (withdrawing love units). Through his experience in counseling, he proved the success of your approach to saving marriages and restoring intimacy. So he soon realized that a big bank balance caused the feeling of love love, he tried to figure out what I could do for spouses love each other would make the biggest deposit bank. "What could your spouse do that for you the happiest?" He asked each couple, he advised, and after he had compiled the answers he teaches in a set of audio tapes which is what the husband needs his wife and that a woman needs her husband.
Partnership between brother and sister is the union of two souls
The Qur'an emphasizes the essential unity of men and women in the most beautiful metaphor for intimacy. Allah says (what means):
"... These are clothes for you and you are clothing for them ..." [Noble Quran 2:187]
So as clothing hides our nakedness, as well as husband and wife, entering the relationship of marriage, secure each other, chastity and cover other faults. The piece gives comfort, grace and beauty to the body as well as find a husband solace in the company of his wife and she in his . it are not related withbeautifull of the body or age like the no muslim culture promote. This is related with the law from Allah CC. A mission in this world, as a test to each muslim. The marrage is %50 of the duty done; this mean many more than a simple union . Marriage is a Partnership. Allah CC chose who are able to care the other, and give the manutention , knowledge enought for to pass in this "test". Must each muslim respect this "true" and dont leave the right way looking at the things that has no value. Marriage is "piety" , because 'love" is Piety.
are not passion like no muslim culture make everybody to believe.
The Quran has given a comprehensive description of the intimacy of marriage, and is considered one of its signals. Allah says (what means):
"Among His signs is that He created for you mates from yourselves that you can find tranquility in them, and placed between his affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for people who give thought. " [Noble Qur'an 30: 21]
Islamic tips to restore intimacy in marriage and washing
Islam gave us detailed instructions that identify the rights, responsibilities and characters of both husband and wife for build a relationship of mutual love, respect and mercy. Here are the most important tips that lead to a successful marriage and happy.
Faith: A common faith binds strongly to the couple. Since Islam is a way of life, she becomes part of the life of a Muslim. Couples with great faith who share the same values and the reference structure, communicate smoothly and effectively. Faith plays a vital role to play in developing a loving relationship.
Couples working on strengthening his faith, for example, performing the prayer, reading the Quran, and seeking Islamic knowledge together, whether become closer. They are loving and pleasing each other through love and to please Allah CC. Couples who meet the commitment Allah CC are excellent facilitators promote the development of his spiritual family and commitment to DAllah CC and Religion Allah CC
Forgive? When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told his companions may Allah be pleased with them: "You want God should forgive him? " They said, 'Sure, O Prophet of God. " He (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, "So, forgive each other."
Allah CC is the Creator of the Universe and forgive us .. so "who are you not to forgive one another?
A major component of a happy marriage is forgiveness. It is a challenge not to blame and leave behind an incident when one hurts the another. This can only happen if we're not too proud to ask for forgiveness and are not too stingy to forgive.
Friendship: A relationship based on friendship is more able to resist external pressures. We want say that friendship is based on honor, trust, respect, acceptance and care for each other despite our differences.
Feelings: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) declared that Allah (SWT) forgives all sins if we repent, but those who committed against others, or unless the person who has hurt his feelings forgive first, by his sincere apology. Couples should be very careful not to inadvertently hurt the feelings each other and if they do, they should apologize as soon as possible, primarily to Allah DC, by the fact of having offended one of his creations, then the brother or brother.
How do I know when someone you love me will not leave this world? It is best to make peace when we have time!
Opening: The marital relationship is that partners should feel safe to speak their minds honestly, with due consideration to other are feeling, without compromising his own views, and direct, never use the other to remain among them (we never know the heart other ..................). When communication is a sincere message that prevents the development of proximity and deep knowledge of each other I interior. Then lose confidence, and Confidence is the most important "for foods grown to love true inside a heart.
Flattering: Praise is paving and indulging in honest flattery is a form very cheap to win your heart to spouses. Everyone likes to be noticed and appreciated. Thus, with little Compliments really be appreciated deprive one in return.
Giving unconditional; The heart put conditions or make stipulations not. He gives without expecting anything in return, but as selfless giving is always rewarded tenfold.
Fallibility: When couples begin to demand the impossible they should remember that only that 'perfect' Allah (SWT), it is for Muslims, constantly better themselves as a creature, to please Allah (SWT). And Allah (swt) loves those who are loved and respected his creation.
The Maternal Figure in Islam
mother figure is considered sacred in Islam, is one of the traditions
of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), he says:
Paradise''is below the feet of mothers''
means that the bliss in this plan and in the other, depends on how
we relate with our mothers. From this, we understand the 'why' of
protection to which Muslim women in all aspects, and motives aggregate
and the costumes, restriction (not prohibition) to work among others.
Holy Quran in several passages, which are a unique responsibility, to
be called human respect, love and sustain them to their mothers:
have enjoined on man'' kindness to his parents. His mother bore him
in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. (And you
say) thanks to Me and to your parents, because they will return to
Me''(Qur'an Sacred 31:14)
have enjoined on man'' kindness to his parents. With pain his mother
bears during the its pregnancy and subsequently suffer the pains of
her labor. And his conception to its ablactation there is a space of
thirty months, when it reaches the puberty and then to reach forty
years, says: "O my Lord! inspires me to do good, thou, and pray that my
offspring is virtuous. In Actually, I convert myself to You, and I
count among Muslims.'' (Quran 46:15)
In another tradition the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), one speaks of a man who approached him and asked:
''What the person who most deserves my care?''
''What the person who most deserves my care?''
The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) replied:
''Your mother!''
man repeated the same is asks the prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him), and three times, and the prophet Muhammad(SAW), He always answered the same thing, the fourth time the Prophet Muhammad(SAW), Replied:
"Your father!''
so Islam honors a woman not only in the maternal aspect, but in all
respects exalts the figure of women and honors their morale by showing
her really what is their true role within society.
The working women of Islam
Commerce and Labor
The exercise activity outside the home and not banned but its
permissibility is enforced the extent that does not undermine the
institution of the family, and education of children, and depends on the
acceptance or not of her husband.
in Islam are granted many rights, such as your state is considered
equal to men. Women are supposed to be given the right to obtain higher
education, to attend the mosques, the right to marry by their own
consent, to do work and even business. Women have the right to go out
and community.
when we look around the world, we see that countries are progressing
in that there is less gender discrimination and where women are
working side by side with men. Women are who end up being the best
teachers. They shape the minds of today's youth for a better tomorrow.
Islam does not prohibit women from work. In fact, Islam also allows
them to do business and keep all the money for themselves and spend it
the way you like. Islam asks only that a woman should be modest in
their dress and protect yourself and her chastity.

Women suffered greatly before
the advent of Islam, but slowly and gradually been granted rights and
freedom, and Islam spread to corners of the wide world. Women began
to know their rights with the advent of Islam.

women working in the general public and specifically permitted
provided it is within legal limits found the Qur'an and Sunnah. While in
Islam states that the basic role and fundamental of women in Islam is
at home, doing his duty to his Allah swt, His religion, duties as
wife and mother, are the priorities, because the Islamic society
needs these tasks very well made, with excellence, because Eno home
that you construct a society.
Soon after, the woman is responsible for the company, and shall exercise activities for the social and human development.
But there are those who opt for the accumulation of activities.
So to the Muslim and want to have the right to work in outside activities, and will be supported, provided that the duties of women, recorded in Holy Qur'an, will never be neglected.
Soon after, the woman is responsible for the company, and shall exercise activities for the social and human development.
But there are those who opt for the accumulation of activities.
So to the Muslim and want to have the right to work in outside activities, and will be supported, provided that the duties of women, recorded in Holy Qur'an, will never be neglected.
Islam is derived from stationary sources of the Qur'an and Sunnah /
Hadith. To decide to regulate the issue of working women, we must
return to these sources. Women
working in the general public and specifically permitted provided it
is within the limits of legislation found in the Quran and Sunnah.
While in Islam states that the basic, fundamental role of women in
Islam is at home, fulfilling her duty as wife and mother. These
responsibilities require time and effort as the primary responsibility
of women. In However, the primary role of woman as mother and
housewife does not means that it is limited to this role and prevented
from running in other activities. Rather, it means that Allah swt
created Men and women with different roles and responsibilities in
life, thus, women were created so that man can live with it harmony and
tranquility and have children with her. Allah swt says:
والله جعل لكم من أنفسكم أزواجا وجعل لكم من أزواجكم بنين وحفدة ورزقكم من الطيبات أفبالباطل يؤمنون وبنعمة الله هم يكفرون
Allah swt hath given you wives of your species, and gave unto them sons and grandsons and He giveth you of all good; believe, perhaps, in falsehood and disbelieve the mercies of God? [An Nahl: 72]?
The husband is who has the responsibility to seek a livelihood to support his family. As
Allah swt said:
الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما أنفقوا من أموالهم
والله جعل لكم من أنفسكم أزواجا وجعل لكم من أزواجكم بنين وحفدة ورزقكم من الطيبات أفبالباطل يؤمنون وبنعمة الله هم يكفرون
Allah swt hath given you wives of your species, and gave unto them sons and grandsons and He giveth you of all good; believe, perhaps, in falsehood and disbelieve the mercies of God? [An Nahl: 72]?
The husband is who has the responsibility to seek a livelihood to support his family. As
Allah swt said:
الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما أنفقوا من أموالهم
- Men are the protectors of women because Allah swt has given the one more (Strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Good wives are devoutly obedient, and guard in absence (the husband), the secret that God commanded to be kept. As to those women who suspected disloyalty, admonish them (At first), refuse to share their beds (the second time) and smack them (in third time), but if they obey you, seek not against them means. Lo! that Allah swt is High, Great.
- And if ye fear a breach between them (husband and wife) for a apelai arbitrator from his family and the other from hers. If they wish to be reconciled, God reconcile, Allah is Knower, Aware.
[Al-Nisa: 34.35]
Evidence indicating the legitimacy of women's work:
From the Qur'an:
1. As Musa (as):
ولما ورد ماء مدين وجد عليه أمة من الناس يسقون ووجد من دونهم امرأتين تذودان قال ما خطبكما قالتا لا نسقي حتى يصدر الرعاء وأبونا شيخ كبير (23) فسقى لهما ثم تولى إلى الظل فقال رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من فقير خير (24)
Evidence indicating the legitimacy of women's work:
From the Qur'an:
1. As Musa (as):
ولما ورد ماء مدين وجد عليه أمة من الناس يسقون ووجد من دونهم امرأتين تذودان قال ما خطبكما قالتا لا نسقي حتى يصدر الرعاء وأبونا شيخ كبير (23) فسقى لهما ثم تولى إلى الظل فقال رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من فقير خير (24)
- And when it came to the watering of Midian, he found there a group of people who gave drinking (the flock), and saw two women who were keeping back their turn. He asked them: Who you? " They said: "We can not drink (Our flocks) until the shepherds have been removed, (and do we have to do this) because our father is too old.
- So he watered their flock, and then, retreating to the shade, said: 'My Lord, verily, I am in need of any gift to me skew!
" [Al-Qissa: 23-4]
These two ayat explained the need for their daughters to work because his elderly father was unable to accomplish their work. It was revealed in verse that women should avoid mixing with men and compromise with decency and dignity.
2. In Surat al-Baqara:
فلا جناح عليهما وإن أردتم أن تسترضعوا أولادكم فلا جناح عليكم إذا سلمتم ما آتيتم بالمعروف واتقوا الله واعلموا أن الله بما تعملون بصير
The mothers (divorced) suckle their children for two whole years, to which wish to complete the lactation, and the father to maintain them and clothe them equitably. Nobody is forced to do more than is within your reach. No mother will suffer because of his son, nor his father, by yours. The heir to the father has the same obligations, but if both the common mutual consultation and agreement, wish to weaning before the deadline, are will be blamed. If you prefer to take a nanny for your children, not reproach be where Repay, strictly, what ye promised. Fear Allah swt and know that Allah sees what you do.}. Ayah 233
It permissible for a woman to breastfeed another child in exchange for a salary. The guardian of the child can provide a salary for women breastfeed the baby, which can occur in any woman's home or the home child. This situation stems from the natural character of the maternal woman.
Evidence from the Sunnah:
1. It is narrated that Asmaa bint Abu Bakr (ra) said: Zubair married me and her wealth is in land and it has nothing prosperous. So I used to feed his horse, draw water ... and knead the dough. But I not improve the baking of bread, so my neighbors sincere Ansar used to bake bread for me. I carry the straw in the head Zubair land from a distance. I came across the Prophet saw me load. He brought his camel to lower himself to take me his camel. I was too shy to walk because there were men with him and I remembered Zubair jealousy because he was the most zealous of men. The Prophet sensed my shyness and left me. Later, Abu Bakr sent a servant to get rid of the burden of caring for horse Zubair.
2. As narrated by Jabir bin Abd-alqal: My maternal aunt and divorced wanted to reap the palm. A man banned it, so she went to the Prophet (SAW). He said, yes, the harvest of the palm trees hand, would you give charity or do a good deed.
3. As narrated by ra'iti, the wife of Abdullah bin Masoud was a woman that has a skill she used to sell their goods made hand to win support for her husband, son, and herself. Complained her husband that his job prevented her from doing good deeds or charity. Her husband answered: Why
Allah swt is what he loves. She was to the Prophet and explained his situation as the husband is unable to work so that it provides for your family and this work prevents you from doing charity. The Prophet told him to pass on their family and she will be rewarded by Allah SWT.
These hadiths confirm the legitimacy of a woman earns a salary or simply to help her husband. Moreover, for women to work outside your home, if the household head is absent, incapacitated or elderly. The Prophet agreed as Asmaa bint Abu Bakr (ra) used to take the straw and obtaining water. It also allowed the work to Aunt Jabir benefit herself and others through charity. Abdullah bin wife Masoud received the award in its financial support to her husband as sadaqa reward.
Allah swt created woman to one that encompasses both public and private role in life. The private sector as mentioned above being a mother and wife. The civil service, being a carrier dawah and seek knowledge appropriate, necessary for their family life and community. There is no specific prohibition against a woman, a job her no reason. This is due to import General's speech to the legislature and the absence of specific prohibitions for women. Again, it should be noted that their line work or profession within the parameters of halal and no prohibited action, as described in the Quran and Sunnah.
Before the Industrial Revolution, the role of men and women was clearly defined in society. Each had clear gender specific expectations that men and women were expected to defend and honor, resulting in a more cohesive society. Young women matured into the path of motherhood and being a wife the same way with the young males led to fatherhood as the family head. The men were expected to be the anchor at home to feed, clothe and shelter their families. However, this change in the structure during and after World War I produced devastating results.
Women's work in the West:
As a result of World War I, ten million men were killed. Thus, disrupting the delicate balance of family structure. Women, now a widow with orphaned children, had to bear the burden of providing for his family. Faced with new difficulties, women of all ages have been pushed to the laborforce trying to keep their homes broken. Clearly then, most women were not physically able to perform many jobs traditionally held by men met. Unfortunately, many were forced to get in the way that heavily exploited her femininity and sexuality in order to provide their children orphans with basic necessities to survive.
Moreover, Western society began to view the female as an important and vital contributor to the workers. On a more basic level, a father of an eighteen years is not legally responsible to provide for her because she is able to work and pay for their own needs. Capitalism led to falsely wives believe in the notion of a two-income family, where their income was crucial to the lives of his family. Often the husband or required his wife to work in order to lead a comfortable life according to western standards. Western women believed they were released when it works alongside the opposite sex to meet the salaries. The widespread belief in financial support for an able-bodied person if she can be his wife or daughter emphasized greed and misery in society. Again, with emphasis on the survival of the fittest present law in Western society. Please note that Western societies live according to their whims and desires trying to satisfy them by any means possible. The woman was led to believe the more she exhibited her sexuality, the best return for her if she could be more money, status, or attention of their clients or employers. As time passed, his presence has become increasingly prevalent in the labor market for a finer quality of life.
An important factor is missing from the equation: Where does the role of a woman and, more importantly, the mother fit into this picture? This is the theme that will be explored in detail about a series of articles: A discussion of the role of women in the workforce and of Western society and its enormous impact on the social structure.
So did Western women find true happiness? Now that she felt liberated and financially stable, did it bring happiness? According to several studies, many questions arise in their responses.
According to a French study, a whopping 70% of women live alone without a husband who works very early in life. Leading to another problem in society, when young adults leave from home to work and live alone, they neglect their elderly parents without any support or financial assistance. In fact 59% of seniors are women in France. Almost every year, three times the number of women workers than men, leaving the majority of unemployed men, as they struggle to balance work and home. Where is that happiness called from this bleak picture?
Now, turning to Western social scientists and researchers' opinions about women in the workforce:
Many sociologists modern Westerners do not want to address the issue from the angle of whether a woman who works is a productive workforce while destructive the social fabric of society. But that has not stopped from past thinkers to explore and discuss this important issue when we feel their disastrous results thousands of years later.
Auguste Comte, French philosopher considered the founder of sociology and the doctrine of positivism claimed, the same people who call for equality of women, claiming to defend these women do not realize that these women can not compete with their counterparts for equal work and pay. Instead, this force these women to enter a competitive daily struggle that will eventually devour them how much effort and time. This competition also destroys the natural relationship between men and women, of mutual love.
A former U.S. congressman said that since God gave women the ability to have children, should not be expected to leave them to work. Who will stay home for caring for these babies? Samuel Smilles, a pioneer of Renaissance thought, said that when governments tried to hire women, despite their contribution to the nation's wealth, has resulted in traumatic consequences as the input and dependence of women in the workforce increased. Attacking the structure of national life, depriving children of their mothers, husbands from their wives and children of his relatives, he robbed women of their right and duty to their families.
Dr. Ida Ellen claimed in the conclusions of his research is a high correlation between the number of working women and high rates of crime in society. She concluded that the root of family crisis in America and the high level of crime in the community are due to women leaving home to double the family income. As income levels increased so as to decrease the level of morality. Dr. Ellen asked the woman to return home to settle the company and their ethics to be the only way to save the new generation of degradation.
According to the Journal Mrs. Cook, the inter-mixing of men and women, led to the high rate of children born outside marriage. But the statistics would be even greater were it not for modern medicine to address the large number of unwanted pregnancies. Lord Byron, an English poet and nobleman, said that women should take care of their homes and teach religion to their children while cautioning against free mixing of men and women.
Hirkour lady, a champion of women's rights, wrote the socialist philosopher, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon asking their position on women in the workforce. He replied that a woman's work reveals a fault against her sex as this confirms the fact that women realize their potential and ability when it comes to their subjects.
Economic philosopher Jules Simon, told the newspaper magazines see 17 women have been introduced in different fields of sewing factories for institutions bank still many of these women were far superior to their employers just to gain a few pounds. The husband had the advantage of having a wife materialistic person; while threatening to take their place in the labor market. Secondly, he noted that employers have stripped women of their homes and families.
Auguste Comte said, in the case of an absent husband or father, the needs of each woman must be seen as the responsibility of social services. This is the basis of real or meaningful for the upliftment of humanity. Women's lives must be as domestic as possible, freeing themselves from public life working to ensure its natural role in life.
In v18 Magazines, Eujom Feraro wrote when women seek jobs typical male, they begin to overwork to the point where it no longer looking for a husband, forming a third gender, neither male nor female. Social scientists have realized the terrible impact on the natural relationship between the two sexes. She is the most qualified woman, who now competes for the same work as men, when these women are unemployed, then seen as a burden to society. Jules Simon believed women should remain as such in order to achieve happiness to extend it to others. We must solve the problems of women without changing the nature of women to be aware not to change them into men and then their positive traits can be reduced. We as a society, then the loss of great risk. Nature created the perfect balance between his creatures. We will study this nature to improve the situation. So let us not deviate from the laws of nature.
Annie Rørdam, a famous English writer, said in an interview, if our daughters work in other people's homes as maids or servants, it is better than jobs in the factory, not to be contaminated by the evils of society. I wish we were like the Muslim countries, where chastity, modesty and purity are the norm, where children play alongside servant house the children as equals. Yes, it's a shame for our country, the British expose their daughters to the vices of our society ... women should be held in dignity in their homes instead of mixing frequently among men. Why should not we allow women to remain in their natural traditional, leaving the men for men?
These are the 19th and early 20th century thinkers and philosophers' perspectives on the role of working women in society. Many believe that unanimously the origin of family breakdown is due to leave his wife home.
Western thinkers are now faced with the dillemma of a growing society where women disintegrating quickly abandoned their traditional life domesic to pursue a materialistic lifestyle, non-traditional, where she no longer seeks a husband for financial support. The reason for the dissolution of the family is due to his work in public places. Studies have shown that women rebelled against the common values of society. Moreover, women are less likely to remain faithful to one man when she is financially independent. Western women began to earn their own salaries, opening a new path for herself. She began to desire material wealth, status and freedom. Separating from her husband, she is not dependent on him for allowances of expenses and so front to buy what she wants. Also, be financially stable meant that she no longer was bound to find a husband, she was now free to find someone to meet your expectations and even then she is not bound to the institution of marriage. She can mix freely with men as many as she wanted. His work also earned him this release called animalistic.
The capitalist system, forced the woman out of her house, enslave and exploit their while afflicting humans, and without taking into account the traumatic consequences for society at all levels: the vices, the breakdown of unit the nuclear family, and the confusion of roles between men and women ...
What is our motivation as Muslims to follow this path?
The answer is clear: Follow the commands of Allah CC, in any context, living in accordance.
Why do so many Muslim women insist on working outside home when she has a husband or father proudly willing to support it?
To answer this question, the item number is a sufficient answer. But I'll talk about all Muslims,
and what is conveyed by the media ociedental / EU on issues in relation to that and become a controversy because they are from Islamic countries.
1) Women living in normal conditions, backed by legislation and islamca with free access to Islam: They are the minority to promote attitudes contratidórias values acquired. Those who do so shall evaluate by personal issues. What is natural in human beings seek other knowledge, experiences.
Islam does not forbid the education and employment of women, on the contrary, Islam encourages the evolution and development, but with clear rules, preparation and organization, so that the results are beneficial to all those involved directly or indirectly, and before all, that is concerning any command of Allah CC.
2nd-Immaturity and lack of structure: This is given to the fact that many women, whether born in non-Islamic, with rules and Western Europe have been "re-making" for Islam. But the basic cultural, educational, as well as the environment where they live, are not in any way, tailored to meet and respect Islam, not even the families, which causes "shock value" in themselves, causing them to seek alternatives that meet their EFN.
2.b-intervention in Islamic countries, by non-Muslims, "contaminating" the media, imposing rules contrary to the day-to-day. As in other countries with the regime of "secular democracy", with different laws and conflicting (eg Turkey that have implemented legislation banning the use of the hijab in unversidades and where there is large concentration of European firms, as well as migrants by opening all sorts of trade and doing business freely for non-existence of legislation to regulate these issues).
Thus, children grow up living in a country where the offer to compete with illegal values islamios day-to-day. And according to a pre-disposition of the individual, he chooses his own way (which is allowed in Islam).
But we see today, Muslim women fighting to stay within the Islamic state with Islamic rules, and fighting by "respect" towards the Islamic way of life. (Women are 'status' social and real Islamic education, living in Islamic countries in French social and human development).
2.c) The need to change their reality: Women who live in poor locations, with a low level of education, due to the interventions of non-Islamic countries, as well as some African countries.
Religions are mixed, social inequality is high (most of these countries have no governance or allied Islamic governments not Islamic), and not to offer real support for Islamic education, where the rules of Islam are distorted.
These women and families are mostly below the line of poverty, many are barely literate (their governments do not discriminate against the Islamic population and offer no support . The support of Islamic non-governmental entities are not accepted, and the few who "infiltrate" is not enough, not being Apoidea by those rulers.
Recalling that the rulers allow other organizations cultures act freely - because of agreements made-"earn their prolabores" and make institutional marketings sues, using the reality of these communities, but the real work is not performed).
There are a plethora of communities "refugees", that over time they acquire their own legislation, without
Within this realidadeencontra men are "rude", without access to education. They have knowledge of their tradition, but this tradition has suffered interference factor which added to the "ignorance as to the amplitude 'factor and the EFN, interpret Islamic law incorrectly, and use it in incorrectly.
These people, mostly from field
Anyway, these women are encouraged to 'promote' actions on behalf of the media and politics is not Islamic, to contribute to the "mistakes".
2.d) Islam is not sincere: The existence of people opposed to the Islam, which infiltrated in these communities that use and manipulate to obtain planning strategies "materials" in order to complete their journalistic goals. This occurs in countries where there are conflicts and interventions are not Muslim, hindering development. Many non-Muslims and indeed without understanding the true Islam.
These human beings make use of the commands of Allah CC, but interpret it according to your interests. So these women are in search of support.
Conclude this item, adding that many facts are common to all countries Islamic or not, as well as "family conflicts." However, it becomes polemic when it occurs in parents Islamic. Otherwise there were interventions in Islamic countries,
surely all these conflicts would be solved with regulatory legislation, according to Islamic Shary, as well as the development of social projects for sustainable human development.
For Islam abhor all violence.
.(By; Manal Bader-Almaqdes Bayt; Ummu Gulsun Suleyman)==============================
These two ayat explained the need for their daughters to work because his elderly father was unable to accomplish their work. It was revealed in verse that women should avoid mixing with men and compromise with decency and dignity.
2. In Surat al-Baqara:
فلا جناح عليهما وإن أردتم أن تسترضعوا أولادكم فلا جناح عليكم إذا سلمتم ما آتيتم بالمعروف واتقوا الله واعلموا أن الله بما تعملون بصير
The mothers (divorced) suckle their children for two whole years, to which wish to complete the lactation, and the father to maintain them and clothe them equitably. Nobody is forced to do more than is within your reach. No mother will suffer because of his son, nor his father, by yours. The heir to the father has the same obligations, but if both the common mutual consultation and agreement, wish to weaning before the deadline, are will be blamed. If you prefer to take a nanny for your children, not reproach be where Repay, strictly, what ye promised. Fear Allah swt and know that Allah sees what you do.}. Ayah 233
It permissible for a woman to breastfeed another child in exchange for a salary. The guardian of the child can provide a salary for women breastfeed the baby, which can occur in any woman's home or the home child. This situation stems from the natural character of the maternal woman.
Evidence from the Sunnah:
1. It is narrated that Asmaa bint Abu Bakr (ra) said: Zubair married me and her wealth is in land and it has nothing prosperous. So I used to feed his horse, draw water ... and knead the dough. But I not improve the baking of bread, so my neighbors sincere Ansar used to bake bread for me. I carry the straw in the head Zubair land from a distance. I came across the Prophet saw me load. He brought his camel to lower himself to take me his camel. I was too shy to walk because there were men with him and I remembered Zubair jealousy because he was the most zealous of men. The Prophet sensed my shyness and left me. Later, Abu Bakr sent a servant to get rid of the burden of caring for horse Zubair.
2. As narrated by Jabir bin Abd-alqal: My maternal aunt and divorced wanted to reap the palm. A man banned it, so she went to the Prophet (SAW). He said, yes, the harvest of the palm trees hand, would you give charity or do a good deed.
3. As narrated by ra'iti, the wife of Abdullah bin Masoud was a woman that has a skill she used to sell their goods made hand to win support for her husband, son, and herself. Complained her husband that his job prevented her from doing good deeds or charity. Her husband answered: Why
Allah swt is what he loves. She was to the Prophet and explained his situation as the husband is unable to work so that it provides for your family and this work prevents you from doing charity. The Prophet told him to pass on their family and she will be rewarded by Allah SWT.
These hadiths confirm the legitimacy of a woman earns a salary or simply to help her husband. Moreover, for women to work outside your home, if the household head is absent, incapacitated or elderly. The Prophet agreed as Asmaa bint Abu Bakr (ra) used to take the straw and obtaining water. It also allowed the work to Aunt Jabir benefit herself and others through charity. Abdullah bin wife Masoud received the award in its financial support to her husband as sadaqa reward.
Allah swt created woman to one that encompasses both public and private role in life. The private sector as mentioned above being a mother and wife. The civil service, being a carrier dawah and seek knowledge appropriate, necessary for their family life and community. There is no specific prohibition against a woman, a job her no reason. This is due to import General's speech to the legislature and the absence of specific prohibitions for women. Again, it should be noted that their line work or profession within the parameters of halal and no prohibited action, as described in the Quran and Sunnah.
Before the Industrial Revolution, the role of men and women was clearly defined in society. Each had clear gender specific expectations that men and women were expected to defend and honor, resulting in a more cohesive society. Young women matured into the path of motherhood and being a wife the same way with the young males led to fatherhood as the family head. The men were expected to be the anchor at home to feed, clothe and shelter their families. However, this change in the structure during and after World War I produced devastating results.
Women's work in the West:
As a result of World War I, ten million men were killed. Thus, disrupting the delicate balance of family structure. Women, now a widow with orphaned children, had to bear the burden of providing for his family. Faced with new difficulties, women of all ages have been pushed to the laborforce trying to keep their homes broken. Clearly then, most women were not physically able to perform many jobs traditionally held by men met. Unfortunately, many were forced to get in the way that heavily exploited her femininity and sexuality in order to provide their children orphans with basic necessities to survive.
Moreover, Western society began to view the female as an important and vital contributor to the workers. On a more basic level, a father of an eighteen years is not legally responsible to provide for her because she is able to work and pay for their own needs. Capitalism led to falsely wives believe in the notion of a two-income family, where their income was crucial to the lives of his family. Often the husband or required his wife to work in order to lead a comfortable life according to western standards. Western women believed they were released when it works alongside the opposite sex to meet the salaries. The widespread belief in financial support for an able-bodied person if she can be his wife or daughter emphasized greed and misery in society. Again, with emphasis on the survival of the fittest present law in Western society. Please note that Western societies live according to their whims and desires trying to satisfy them by any means possible. The woman was led to believe the more she exhibited her sexuality, the best return for her if she could be more money, status, or attention of their clients or employers. As time passed, his presence has become increasingly prevalent in the labor market for a finer quality of life.
An important factor is missing from the equation: Where does the role of a woman and, more importantly, the mother fit into this picture? This is the theme that will be explored in detail about a series of articles: A discussion of the role of women in the workforce and of Western society and its enormous impact on the social structure.
So did Western women find true happiness? Now that she felt liberated and financially stable, did it bring happiness? According to several studies, many questions arise in their responses.
According to a French study, a whopping 70% of women live alone without a husband who works very early in life. Leading to another problem in society, when young adults leave from home to work and live alone, they neglect their elderly parents without any support or financial assistance. In fact 59% of seniors are women in France. Almost every year, three times the number of women workers than men, leaving the majority of unemployed men, as they struggle to balance work and home. Where is that happiness called from this bleak picture?
Now, turning to Western social scientists and researchers' opinions about women in the workforce:
Many sociologists modern Westerners do not want to address the issue from the angle of whether a woman who works is a productive workforce while destructive the social fabric of society. But that has not stopped from past thinkers to explore and discuss this important issue when we feel their disastrous results thousands of years later.
Auguste Comte, French philosopher considered the founder of sociology and the doctrine of positivism claimed, the same people who call for equality of women, claiming to defend these women do not realize that these women can not compete with their counterparts for equal work and pay. Instead, this force these women to enter a competitive daily struggle that will eventually devour them how much effort and time. This competition also destroys the natural relationship between men and women, of mutual love.
A former U.S. congressman said that since God gave women the ability to have children, should not be expected to leave them to work. Who will stay home for caring for these babies? Samuel Smilles, a pioneer of Renaissance thought, said that when governments tried to hire women, despite their contribution to the nation's wealth, has resulted in traumatic consequences as the input and dependence of women in the workforce increased. Attacking the structure of national life, depriving children of their mothers, husbands from their wives and children of his relatives, he robbed women of their right and duty to their families.
Dr. Ida Ellen claimed in the conclusions of his research is a high correlation between the number of working women and high rates of crime in society. She concluded that the root of family crisis in America and the high level of crime in the community are due to women leaving home to double the family income. As income levels increased so as to decrease the level of morality. Dr. Ellen asked the woman to return home to settle the company and their ethics to be the only way to save the new generation of degradation.
According to the Journal Mrs. Cook, the inter-mixing of men and women, led to the high rate of children born outside marriage. But the statistics would be even greater were it not for modern medicine to address the large number of unwanted pregnancies. Lord Byron, an English poet and nobleman, said that women should take care of their homes and teach religion to their children while cautioning against free mixing of men and women.
Hirkour lady, a champion of women's rights, wrote the socialist philosopher, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon asking their position on women in the workforce. He replied that a woman's work reveals a fault against her sex as this confirms the fact that women realize their potential and ability when it comes to their subjects.
Economic philosopher Jules Simon, told the newspaper magazines see 17 women have been introduced in different fields of sewing factories for institutions bank still many of these women were far superior to their employers just to gain a few pounds. The husband had the advantage of having a wife materialistic person; while threatening to take their place in the labor market. Secondly, he noted that employers have stripped women of their homes and families.
Auguste Comte said, in the case of an absent husband or father, the needs of each woman must be seen as the responsibility of social services. This is the basis of real or meaningful for the upliftment of humanity. Women's lives must be as domestic as possible, freeing themselves from public life working to ensure its natural role in life.
In v18 Magazines, Eujom Feraro wrote when women seek jobs typical male, they begin to overwork to the point where it no longer looking for a husband, forming a third gender, neither male nor female. Social scientists have realized the terrible impact on the natural relationship between the two sexes. She is the most qualified woman, who now competes for the same work as men, when these women are unemployed, then seen as a burden to society. Jules Simon believed women should remain as such in order to achieve happiness to extend it to others. We must solve the problems of women without changing the nature of women to be aware not to change them into men and then their positive traits can be reduced. We as a society, then the loss of great risk. Nature created the perfect balance between his creatures. We will study this nature to improve the situation. So let us not deviate from the laws of nature.
Annie Rørdam, a famous English writer, said in an interview, if our daughters work in other people's homes as maids or servants, it is better than jobs in the factory, not to be contaminated by the evils of society. I wish we were like the Muslim countries, where chastity, modesty and purity are the norm, where children play alongside servant house the children as equals. Yes, it's a shame for our country, the British expose their daughters to the vices of our society ... women should be held in dignity in their homes instead of mixing frequently among men. Why should not we allow women to remain in their natural traditional, leaving the men for men?
These are the 19th and early 20th century thinkers and philosophers' perspectives on the role of working women in society. Many believe that unanimously the origin of family breakdown is due to leave his wife home.
Western thinkers are now faced with the dillemma of a growing society where women disintegrating quickly abandoned their traditional life domesic to pursue a materialistic lifestyle, non-traditional, where she no longer seeks a husband for financial support. The reason for the dissolution of the family is due to his work in public places. Studies have shown that women rebelled against the common values of society. Moreover, women are less likely to remain faithful to one man when she is financially independent. Western women began to earn their own salaries, opening a new path for herself. She began to desire material wealth, status and freedom. Separating from her husband, she is not dependent on him for allowances of expenses and so front to buy what she wants. Also, be financially stable meant that she no longer was bound to find a husband, she was now free to find someone to meet your expectations and even then she is not bound to the institution of marriage. She can mix freely with men as many as she wanted. His work also earned him this release called animalistic.
The capitalist system, forced the woman out of her house, enslave and exploit their while afflicting humans, and without taking into account the traumatic consequences for society at all levels: the vices, the breakdown of unit the nuclear family, and the confusion of roles between men and women ...
What is our motivation as Muslims to follow this path?
The answer is clear: Follow the commands of Allah CC, in any context, living in accordance.
Why do so many Muslim women insist on working outside home when she has a husband or father proudly willing to support it?
To answer this question, the item number is a sufficient answer. But I'll talk about all Muslims,
and what is conveyed by the media ociedental / EU on issues in relation to that and become a controversy because they are from Islamic countries.
1) Women living in normal conditions, backed by legislation and islamca with free access to Islam: They are the minority to promote attitudes contratidórias values acquired. Those who do so shall evaluate by personal issues. What is natural in human beings seek other knowledge, experiences.
Islam does not forbid the education and employment of women, on the contrary, Islam encourages the evolution and development, but with clear rules, preparation and organization, so that the results are beneficial to all those involved directly or indirectly, and before all, that is concerning any command of Allah CC.
2nd-Immaturity and lack of structure: This is given to the fact that many women, whether born in non-Islamic, with rules and Western Europe have been "re-making" for Islam. But the basic cultural, educational, as well as the environment where they live, are not in any way, tailored to meet and respect Islam, not even the families, which causes "shock value" in themselves, causing them to seek alternatives that meet their EFN.
2.b-intervention in Islamic countries, by non-Muslims, "contaminating" the media, imposing rules contrary to the day-to-day. As in other countries with the regime of "secular democracy", with different laws and conflicting (eg Turkey that have implemented legislation banning the use of the hijab in unversidades and where there is large concentration of European firms, as well as migrants by opening all sorts of trade and doing business freely for non-existence of legislation to regulate these issues).
Thus, children grow up living in a country where the offer to compete with illegal values islamios day-to-day. And according to a pre-disposition of the individual, he chooses his own way (which is allowed in Islam).
But we see today, Muslim women fighting to stay within the Islamic state with Islamic rules, and fighting by "respect" towards the Islamic way of life. (Women are 'status' social and real Islamic education, living in Islamic countries in French social and human development).
2.c) The need to change their reality: Women who live in poor locations, with a low level of education, due to the interventions of non-Islamic countries, as well as some African countries.
Religions are mixed, social inequality is high (most of these countries have no governance or allied Islamic governments not Islamic), and not to offer real support for Islamic education, where the rules of Islam are distorted.
These women and families are mostly below the line of poverty, many are barely literate (their governments do not discriminate against the Islamic population and offer no support . The support of Islamic non-governmental entities are not accepted, and the few who "infiltrate" is not enough, not being Apoidea by those rulers.
Recalling that the rulers allow other organizations cultures act freely - because of agreements made-"earn their prolabores" and make institutional marketings sues, using the reality of these communities, but the real work is not performed).
There are a plethora of communities "refugees", that over time they acquire their own legislation, without
Within this realidadeencontra men are "rude", without access to education. They have knowledge of their tradition, but this tradition has suffered interference factor which added to the "ignorance as to the amplitude 'factor and the EFN, interpret Islamic law incorrectly, and use it in incorrectly.
These people, mostly from field
Anyway, these women are encouraged to 'promote' actions on behalf of the media and politics is not Islamic, to contribute to the "mistakes".
2.d) Islam is not sincere: The existence of people opposed to the Islam, which infiltrated in these communities that use and manipulate to obtain planning strategies "materials" in order to complete their journalistic goals. This occurs in countries where there are conflicts and interventions are not Muslim, hindering development. Many non-Muslims and indeed without understanding the true Islam.
These human beings make use of the commands of Allah CC, but interpret it according to your interests. So these women are in search of support.
Conclude this item, adding that many facts are common to all countries Islamic or not, as well as "family conflicts." However, it becomes polemic when it occurs in parents Islamic. Otherwise there were interventions in Islamic countries,
surely all these conflicts would be solved with regulatory legislation, according to Islamic Shary, as well as the development of social projects for sustainable human development.
For Islam abhor all violence.
.(By; Manal Bader-Almaqdes Bayt; Ummu Gulsun Suleyman)==============================
today's world the role of displacement Muslim women in their homes
and the world of work provides a new market for financial
institutions. To exploit this growing segment of the financial
industry, banks need to understand the unique banking needs of this
customer segment and vital implement a training program to sell better
and sound their service. Through training, banks can build a team
experienced, professional and sensitive, which is prepared to meet
women throughout the Muslim world as this market continues to grow.
The recent growth in this market can be attributed to the increasing
role Muslim women in the workplace. Responsible for controlling
household finances and family for decades, women also had new
empowerment and freedom in how they spend their money. With new
opportunities for education on the rise and more and more women
entering the workforce, women have become crucial target customers for
the financial industry. The Banks can exploit this growing market,
providing services bank to its growing number of female customers and
through training of sales staff and customer to sell and better
service this important client segment.
many Muslim women have significant liquid assets, partly due to the
Islamic law of inheritance. Islamic law dictates that the wealth of a
married woman's own; spent with family is responsibility of the
husband. Muslim women are legally inherit and bequeath property,
holding their wealth in their own name, even after marriage, without
obligation to contribute to the wealth of her husband or his family.
Muslim women do not have to rely on their husbands as their sole
source of funds for domestic purchases and relative, traditionally
managed most aspects of family finances.
women across the Muslim world also play a role more active trading
income of their families, giving them more than a say in terms of
purchasing power and decision-making power and can, in social and family
environment, help them manage the challenges they face to make better
decisions financial families.
Sri Lanka
Young Muslim woman wins prestigious entrepreneur competition in Mexico City
thought it was Remarkable That She Was Able to start up her business
without HAVING to give up her religious and cultural identity.




we found in the Fathuma Courage to Overcome Tough Times, the
intelligence to Maintain the family her the main motivator, the vision
to grow and most of all, the happiness of building a successful
business. "
Sri Lankan woman entrepreneur, Nisreen Fathuma of Hambantota, was
selected as the Youth Business International (YBI) Women Entrepreneur of
the Year
Nisreen, owner of a bag and garment business in Sri Lanka has been
named the winner of an international competition for young
entrepreneurs, organized by Youth Business International (YBI).
Sri Lanka business woman, was announced as the Entrepreneur of the YBI Year last night at a prestigious awards ceremony in the city Mexico, after being interviewed by a panel of experts in business and entrepreneurship.
The award reflects the Fathuma overcame challenges and the enormous potential it has to act as a model for other Muslims in their community and inspire other women around the world.
In a joint statement, the panel said:
"We chose Fathuma because the prize will have the greatest impact on her, your family, your community and send a strong message to the world that women are able to start a business, staying true to their family values. We thought it was remarkable that she was able to start your business without having to give up their religious identity and cultural
Fathuma Nisreen (Souther of Hambantota Sri Lanka) and owner of a garment bag making business in Sri Lanka has Been named the winner of an international competition for young entrepreneurs, Organised by Youth Business International (YBI).
Fathuma Nisreen, who owns a clothing business network in Sri Lanka has been named the winner of an international competition for young entrepreneurs, organized by Youth Business International (YBI).
Sri Lanka business woman, was announced as the Entrepreneur of the YBI Year last night at a prestigious awards ceremony in the city Mexico, after being interviewed by a panel of experts in business and entrepreneurship.
The award reflects the Fathuma overcame challenges and the enormous potential it has to act as a model for other Muslims in their community and inspire other women around the world.
In a joint statement, said:
"We chose Fathuma because the prize will have the greatest impact on her, your family, your community and send a strong message to the world that women are able to start a business, staying true to their family values. We thought it was remarkable that she was able to start your business without having to give up their religious identity and cultural.
"Muslim women are striking out with the spiritual strength of their faith, with integrity '
Updated: February 25, 2011
One of the most influential female in Arab world of business has received a coveted international award for his dedication to promoting the economic progress of women.
DUBAI / / A feeling of inspiration filled the room yesterday during the launch of the eighth prize Women Emirates.
of us is extraordinary," said Raja Al Gurg, President Council of
Business Women in Dubai. "Each of us has ability to leverage our
knowledge and skills. If you have strength, you can overcome. "
award, which was founded in 2003 in collaboration with the Working
Quality of Dubai, aims to accuse the woman of his successes and
contributions to the community and encourage future generations of women
achieve their potential.
award is open to Emiratis and expatriates who have been residents for
at least three years. Selection criteria include leadership
performance, and financial achievements, future goals, the community
contribution and innovation.
According to Mrs. Al Gurg, there are 14,000 registrations MADE BY Muslim women business
with 4000 in Dubai, Abu Dhabi in 3800 and the remainder distributed
between Sharjah and Ajman. "Reaching the top spot on our work to
increase the value of the prize or in our roles as women in business is
not an easy task, "she said." [It] can not happen without sound
fundamentals and methods of action and evaluation, and a healthy
competition and honestly. "
Barton, the assistant chief of the award, said it was evident Muslim
women are fighting for excellence in general constantly, like ne of
Muslim women business as well More apply for the award each year to
self-assess without intention to compete because it would be food
features negative inside, which is not healthy nor in accordance with
Islamic concepts.
2004, the UAE Women's Award has attracted candidates from about five
percent of the population of sex workers female, "she said." This is
the highest percentage of worldwide According to anecdotal evidence. "
competition, even healthy, not promote progress, the Ms. Al Gurg said
it is very important not worried about comparisons, but focus on how
this opportunity could benefit women aspirants and the community.
not here to compare ourselves with those values - with men or with
other countries, "she said." We are here to benefit this opportunity
to cultivate the talent that exists within the country and use this
opportunity to create models to inspire others. "
Al Jaber, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Women's Business Council, said the
strong will and determination were the ingredients key to the success
of any business.
"Turkish Identity"Rights of women in entrepreneurship and ethno-religious
Turkeyyy: between Islam and secularism
Cannot and
there are no possible to adore two gods, principally when there is
This are clear in the Turkiye, the islamic country fantastic, with true islam knowledge,from the ottoman empire,, but where have a politic group in the parlament ( of course forbiden and no muslim) , selling their soul or small money, and doing the biggest mistake
is a country, its history and location, population, human character,
faith, and the large number of Muslim women working in various
professions, could be the model.
But the controversy generated by "politics" makes the country not to
go and become one of the largest current examples "of how" has
intervened, 'contamination' Western European and deters the social,
cultural, economic and human in a country.
Models present creations for Muslim women during a Fashion Fair Islamic Istanbul, Turkey, on April 11, 2010.
Photograph by: Murad Sezer, Reuters
Photograph by: Murad Sezer, Reuters
Zeynep Dereli | January 24, 2011
modern republic of Turkey was founded as a democracy secular. As we
are approaching the centennial of the founding of Republic, we can see
how far we've come and how far we still have to go.
Turkish regime is "secular state" (separating politics from religion).
And this is the biggest conflict in Turkish society, as they
traditional Muslims in their overall majority. One in seven Turkish women cover their heads, wearing Islamic dress.
secular and march toward a pious new collision, with unforeseeable
consequences for democracy and the chances of Turkey in Europe

Photo: Petates

student being arrested for trying
enter the classroom using hijab
Turkey and the banning of headscarves
a country colonized by various tribes and their geographical
location, Turkey has come since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, is a
democratic secular regime. With the continued attempt to enter and /
or remain with political relations with the commercial division of
Europe, have over the years
promoting actions that hurt the shary to suit comundade Europe, it is believed.
of the measures taken, it was banning the entry of students using
hijab in universities, the swguir, banned the entry of women wearing
hijab in public offices.
Turkish parliament has approved two constitutional amendments to lift
the ban on headscarves in universities in the second instance.
But the issue has been discussed yet.
This is a classic example of contamination in a western European country essentially Islamic.
The consequences are disastrous for the personal, human and social development.
Today , Presence in Turkey is a high percentage of domestic assault.
women took to the streets, and because of this internal conflict is
established and growing within a society that should be protecting
the state, to live according to shary, however, those men and women
are vulnerable consumerism European, Western, and all offers
corrupting, widely disseminated on network television.
Zeinep K.alem, PHD, doctor in ' study of the family ' and social and human behaviour, in one of her reports, declared: "the
reclamation are common and same of American problems and cause of the
familiar violence. The men watch in their home, TV programming,
where there is the provision of "girls industrialized, developing
what is common in Western Europe and 'disruptive behavior' acquired
by the inversion of values and a decline of morality."
In turn, the teenagers, eager to conquer their peers, they begin to behave according to what he learned on television.
the fact are: :
the fact are: :
who are sincere Muslim, on the other hand, suffer from checking
their husbands "hypnotized" by the television ilusion, also the
women seeing the family, breaking up the home, without being able to
count on any support from the government (read Parliament).
the other hand , women, minority, in non-Muslim place, and others
from families non-Muslim, faced with those using the veil, with
declared intention to humiliate the religious, says the lider of the
demonstration to the News
The correct is "to have" a new international familiar program , for those have not family, muslim, in the country where live, can be in her new islamic family (NOT IN "SOME OR ANY " BUT IN HER REAL FAMILIAR MIDLE , THAT FAMILY FROM ALLAH) , where can go to the mosque, to the pratice of the religion, inside of this family from Allah CC to her, the gift from Allah CC. ( ALL FAMILIAR MIDLE , WHEN HAVE RESPECT AND ARE IN SAME RELIGION, AND MANY OTHERS SINGULAR THINGS , ARE THE BIG GIFT FROM ALLAH CC)
But NEED TO TAKE CARE: change country or family IF she need really =
example: some , are from family froM islamic country, AND even in country non islamic, the education moral are same, of course have mistakes, because of the scholar education, etc, but, even so, they need more be inside a new amily muslim from ALlah than those have not origine familiar from islamic country or so... because if not, if stay in midle of unbeliever, can be mistake biggest... make to lost the sense, the all, because of the different habits.
Anyway, be with she feel protected is the essence, Big importance, because the human be loosed and with to many psicological and phisical problems and too with problems social, cultural , monetary , etc, when are far from their essence. And too, the conflit in do sin or not.
( because are not possible to live in a non islamic country without do sin: for example: WE HAVE NOT WHAT TO EAT. ALL FOOD ARE NOT HALAL / THE TALK WHAT HEAR ARE NOT HALAL, BECAUSE THE CULTURE, ETC, ETC.....
I can say with property: THIS IS STRONG JIHAD FOR A WOMAN, not for all, of course, but for those want be in sunna way, etc....
of course, start to suffer violence and be mixed , with fears, worries, etc... because are living inside of stressed times and with to many negatives information, without care, when far from family for share the all, to have care , to care to work together, do the duties to ALlah CC, etc. = AS ALL NORMAL HUMAN. same
And, the informations from media and the mix of image, showing that "have value" what have not, andspeaking lie about muslims ... make emotional-mental disturb .
why is so? Because the real intern hell is when the human are far from their real essence, and inside of a "fake" values.
muslims is essential, to have a live in real islamic state and
democratic, but must respecting the Islamic knowledge. Giving power for
to grown inside of the corrects conceptions. Far from this, the
"caos" what are installed n their mind because of the contamination
from no islamic culture.
Never forgetting that our prophet Mohammad (saw) and their family, the firstly Muslims, lived a hard live, for this be done.
The bigger example of this , are in Americans, europeun communities, where , not only the domestic violence, but all type of violence are continuum ,in all matters, starting in when are kid, because of the media teach only this.
Read the explanatory text:
Terrible increase in murders of women in Turkey highlights the secular liberal democracy is no model for a new Arab world

statistics from the Turkish Ministry of Justice, which show that the
murders of women in Turkey has risen 1,400% in seven years, from 2002
to 2009, more than 950 deaths in the first seven months in 2009 alone.
According to the government study, "Investigation of Domestic
Violence against Women in Turkey "nearly 42% of women are victims of
has been praised by many politicians and commentators West as a model
for the future political system in Egypt and a new Arab world,
praised by supposedly marrying a population mostly Muslim with a
secular liberal democratic system. This outrageous treatment of women
within the country should give serious reconsideration of whether this
system can actually announce a positive future for women in Turkey
or the Arab world.
Dr Nazreen Nawaz, the Center for Media Representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir, said: "Besides
the glossy exterior of economic growth in Turkey is the ugly social
consequences of secular liberalism where safety and dignity of women
are primary victims.
Some blamed the Islam's prescription of roles defined for the sexes in family life for this rising violence against women, as human as head and guardian of the family, suggesting that this "inequality" in races gender roles disrespect to women.
However, if this is the case, the that explains the level of an epidemic of violence against women in Western secular and liberal democratic states, where such rules Islam does not exist and where the accounts of gender equality are numerous enshrined in law?
In the UK, 1 in 4 women face domestic violence, two people die each week in the hands of his partner, and that police receive a call every minute of a victim of abuse according to the Ministry. In the U.S. a woman is beaten every 15 seconds by a partner according to statistics FBI. "
Some blamed the Islam's prescription of roles defined for the sexes in family life for this rising violence against women, as human as head and guardian of the family, suggesting that this "inequality" in races gender roles disrespect to women.
However, if this is the case, the that explains the level of an epidemic of violence against women in Western secular and liberal democratic states, where such rules Islam does not exist and where the accounts of gender equality are numerous enshrined in law?
In the UK, 1 in 4 women face domestic violence, two people die each week in the hands of his partner, and that police receive a call every minute of a victim of abuse according to the Ministry. In the U.S. a woman is beaten every 15 seconds by a partner according to statistics FBI. "
treatment of women depends on the prevailing attitudes in any
society and in the states there is a secular liberal contradiction
between the claim of respect for women and freedoms Liberals who want
to allow the exploitation of women's bodies in advertising or
entertainment that lowers women's point of view, or promote the
belief that men are "free" to treat women as their desires dictate.
such systems, or the West or Turkey, legal reforms to establish
equality between men and women are hollow, meaningless words that failed
miserably to ensure the safety and dignity of ordinary women. Women
in Turkey, therefore, suffered the detrimental impact of this system
and its values. Islam in contrast may define the roles of gender
specific in family life, but also prohibits the operation that
devalues women and vehemently rejected the "freedom" of men to see
women as they want are the two main contributors to domestic violence
systems under the liberal secular. "
in the Muslim world can not afford nor should tolerate what inspired
western foreign experience in the definition the form of its
political system. They should not settle for less worst policy option
in stability or levels of repression in the region. In so doing, they
will be keeping the commandments of Islam and protecting sues
husbands, their fathers, mothers, relatives, enfin society.
The situation is serious.
still, islamic country is a country with better qualidde of life than
other Europeans and Westerners, because of the Islamic foundation.
( maybe in all world are so. but less inside of the respectfully islamic comunity or even inside of a house, when the family are from ALlah CC ............... elhamdulillah.
( maybe in all world are so. but less inside of the respectfully islamic comunity or even inside of a house, when the family are from ALlah CC ............... elhamdulillah.
I believe the Turkish community will overcome all these
interventions and finally be what it is predestined to be: the best
example of Islamic community. InshAllah
However, MUSLIM women IN the Islamic community, can not afford questions "policy" of those who met together with unbelievers.

6.jun.2008/Osman Orsal / Reuters |
![]() |
Demonstrators protest in Istanbul against a court ruling that prohibits the use of veil in universities in Turkey |
Hundreds of women - all wearing Islamic veils - protested in several Turkish cities against the court decision.
About 99% of Turkey's population is Muslim - and there are women who use other than veiled.
About 99% of Turkey's population is Muslim - and there are women who use other than veiled.
demonstrator holds posters that read "This is my country, "
as she sings slogans during a protest against verdict
Constitutional Court poibiu the headscarf in universities
Istanbul, 15 June 2008.
Last week, the court overturned a government reform
that allowed students to wear the Islamic veil in University,
deeming it contrary to Turkey's secular system.


Turkish man protest in Ankara against ban on headscarves in cabs startingthe universities of Turkey :)))
"The right to higher education can not rely on what a girl uses. There is a problem in societies of this kind Westerners, but it is a problem in Turkey and I believe that the resolution this problem is the first duty of politicians, "said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in an interview

wife of Turkish Prime Minister, wear the Islamic level anywhere.
As the wife of Turkish President. Well, they are also contrary to the
constitution. (The Turkish constitution will undergo a makeover this
year, 2011)
The law then was suspended in part because of popular protests and the departure of many Girls universities.
these serious problems and controversy, interns, the Turkish
Constitution has on basic principles to ensure equal opportunity in
However, the number of successful businesswomen in Turkey is growing
constantly. ELHAMDULILLAH. The number of Turkish women entrepreneurs
reflect cultural values, religious in its full essence and values,
dictated by the noble Quran, Hadith and Sunna, instead of
institutionalized sexism and hypocrisy, the West found.
there is also a contradiction: while, on average, the girls leave
Turkish school 18 months earlier than boys, the percentage of women
executives in some industries are actually higher than in many other
countries. In the finance sector in Turkey, for example, there is a
higher proportion of women executives in Germany, Italy or France.
women should avoid wearing short skirts, stiletto heels, or any
clothing revealing their talents, not THE intellectual CAPACITY and
professional workplace. Even the non muslims.


Turkish students wearing a veil in front of the protest main campus of Istanbul University. The Turkish universities have banned the headscarf, and the government turn, Islamist-rooted tries to lift the ban. (AP Photo)
second Friday, February 8th, 2010
is situated in the Middle East, with Istanbul's European side and the
rest of the country belongs to the Asian side. This means that there
is great cultural diversity, but it is a country with full
traditional Islamic majority, living in harmony with the minority of
other religions, being an example in democracy. But we must
understand that on the European side, the customs are more liberal,
while the Asian part is maintained tradition.
However, this factor does not change the behavior of Muslim women.
However, this factor does not change the behavior of Muslim women.

Ka-Der party chairman KA, Çiğdem Aydın (C) talks in
a press conference. Photo DHA
a press conference. Photo DHA
ANKARA - Referans

'The Turkey should participate in discussions with the EU vision so the opinions daa womanizer
are crucial for the accession process of Turkey, "
Mrs. Ümit TUSIAD Boyne says. AA photo
are crucial for the accession process of Turkey, "
Mrs. Ümit TUSIAD Boyne says. AA photo
Since the establishment of Turkish Republic in 1920, women have equal status with men in Turkish society, including law.
But Turkish society has been governed by shari'a (Islamic religious law) and a body of medieval social custom for 500 years during the Ottoman Império elhamdulillahm the best country but, significant cultural change does not happen overnight.
The status of women in Turkey today is not "better" and not "worse" but different.
In some ways, women can look subservient to men, in the eyes of those who are ignorant of the Laws and Islamic culture, but Turkey has a Muslim woman in Supreme Court long before the U.S. did, and Turkey was a Muslim woman head of government, Something the U.S., for all its success in women's liberation, has not had.
Women had the right to vote (Long before women in Switzerland who was entitled), to have their political offices, bequeath and inherit wealth in their own right. )
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily NewsWith the country pledging to increase their number
of female representatives in Parliament
Turkish women have gone further,
establishing the First Female politician in Turkey.
of female representatives in Parliament
Turkish women have gone further,
establishing the First Female politician in Turkey.

Benal Yazgan, the chairman of the Party of Women initiative, says
party politician seeks gender parity in the full Parliament
and gives women a voice.
DAILY photos, news Emrah Gurel
party politician seeks gender parity in the full Parliament
and gives women a voice.
DAILY photos, news Emrah Gurel
Turkish women in a demonstration in Taksim in June after the attack on Israel in a flotilla of aid to Gaza
Thursday - Friday June 24, 2010
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Now, are solving this discussion and mistake in Turkey,elhamdulillah. But, there was the Discrimination against women workers who use the veil prevents million female workers to collaborate with skilled labor market. Are not accepted in multinationals, whose countries are not Islamic and hinders the economic advancement of women, according to a report recent on the subject.
according to the Turkish sociologist Dilek realtório Cindoğlu that focused on women with university degrees and titles professionals, including lawyers, doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, pharmaceutical, journalists and bankers. Women in these areas using a handkerchief the head are forbidden by the government sector and limited private, "she said. Thus his international career is arduous to be achieved.

Women's role in society of Saudi Arabia
The position of women in Islamic society in general and society of Saudi Arabia in particular is a complex and often misunderstood. It is certainly true that Muslim and Western views of the role of women show sharp cultural differences but the stereotype of Muslim women as ignorant, without rights and opportunities is not a caricature born of ignorance or wickedness.
The Quran gave women the economic and social rights long before such rights were attained by Western women. Since the beginning of Islam, women were legally inherit and bequeath property, holding their wealth in their own names even after marriage, without obligation to contribute to the richness of his husband or his family.
According to Islam, A woman is asked to behave in public with modesty.
Such expectations are quite different from the already widespread for women in the West, and the stability of family life and security of women in Islamic society differs markedly from the conditions that women now face in Western society.
Although women in Saudi Arabia has a leading role within the family, would be a mistake to think that the role of women in Saudi society is limited to home-making. The development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has brought increasing opportunities for women in both education and employment. In 1960 (AH 1379-1380), the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia undertook the introduction of a national education program for girls. In mid-1970 (1390 AH), about half of all Saudi girls were attending school. Five years later, education was available for all girls in Saudi Arabia.
Women's role in society of Saudi Arabia
The position of women in Islamic society in general and society of Saudi Arabia in particular is a complex and often misunderstood. It is certainly true that Muslim and Western views of the role of women show sharp cultural differences but the stereotype of Muslim women as ignorant, without rights and opportunities is not a caricature born of ignorance or wickedness.
The Quran gave women the economic and social rights long before such rights were attained by Western women. Since the beginning of Islam, women were legally inherit and bequeath property, holding their wealth in their own names even after marriage, without obligation to contribute to the richness of his husband or his family.
According to Islam, A woman is asked to behave in public with modesty.
Such expectations are quite different from the already widespread for women in the West, and the stability of family life and security of women in Islamic society differs markedly from the conditions that women now face in Western society.
Although women in Saudi Arabia has a leading role within the family, would be a mistake to think that the role of women in Saudi society is limited to home-making. The development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has brought increasing opportunities for women in both education and employment. In 1960 (AH 1379-1380), the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia undertook the introduction of a national education program for girls. In mid-1970 (1390 AH), about half of all Saudi girls were attending school. Five years later, education was available for all girls in Saudi Arabia.
The doors of opportunity in education and business, were opened to women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to an unprecedented degree, as part of effort to make Brazil a modern economy led by King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. However, as the increased opportunities, so the need for effective models for a new generation of women who are about to play a vital role in the nation's future. Since the gains of Saudi Arabia in its meaning.
Princess Lolwah Al-Faisal, 59 years

The most prominent princess in Saudi Arabia real
family, says this: if she can change one thing about
your country, it leaves women preside, manage.
member of the royal family of Saudi Arabia, His Highness the Princess
Haila bint Abdulrahman Al Saud attaches great importance to its role as
a mentor and a pioneer for women and girls from all walks of life as
they strive to set goals for themselves and pursue them fully. As
the president of the Arab Association for Human Resource Management
has the opportunity to defend this position.
Princess Haila stands out as an experienced entrepreneur with extensive experience in investment management and long-term financial planning, working with a wide range of business interests. She also plays a leading role in the business community as the Director of Women's Section of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Inside the Saudi society, Women's Section of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one of the leading finance institutions and business that is officially part of government and serves as a kind of ministry of commerce in their own right. The women's section includes global investment portfolios for many hundreds of millions of dollars and brings Princess Haila face to face on a daily basis with many of the largest funds of the Kingdom.

Princess Haila stands out as an experienced entrepreneur with extensive experience in investment management and long-term financial planning, working with a wide range of business interests. She also plays a leading role in the business community as the Director of Women's Section of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Inside the Saudi society, Women's Section of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one of the leading finance institutions and business that is officially part of government and serves as a kind of ministry of commerce in their own right. The women's section includes global investment portfolios for many hundreds of millions of dollars and brings Princess Haila face to face on a daily basis with many of the largest funds of the Kingdom.

leadership at the top since the incentive to appoint a woman as
minister. The private sector was not very far - opening the doors of
their premises for these women who have achievements that would been
unimaginable a few years ago. Not a day goes by
that you do not see talented Saudi women making important contributions
in almost all fields. Their faces, smiling with pride, grace the pages
and covers prestigious publications. Foreign journalists visiting the
Brazil, with preconceived notions about Saudi women, not hid his
appreciation and admiration of women in Saudi Arabia after know them
personally. Many described them as incomparable. E yes, they are
In the West, women in business are constantly struggling to be heard in the world of men. "But in our culture, women can start their business in an environment surrounded by women to support, understand and value the perspective of women and support each other. "His entrepreneurial model for Muslim women has great significance beyond our countries, culture and religion.
In the West, women in business are constantly struggling to be heard in the world of men. "But in our culture, women can start their business in an environment surrounded by women to support, understand and value the perspective of women and support each other. "His entrepreneurial model for Muslim women has great significance beyond our countries, culture and religion.

Widad Slah (Iraq), Amal Ketrandji (Algeria), Nadia Khoj (Saudi Arabia), Maali Siam (Palestine), and Lamia Lecheheb (Morocco).
![]() This report begins to document the journey of inspiration and multifaceted women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. This approach comes at a time when we are witnessing rapid investment and increase in human resources of our country and economic development. Fundamental to this investment has been the inclusion of rules that encourage greater participation of women in our workforce work. The impact of this support can be seen through the growth of productivity and innovation of businesses owned by women Saudi Arabia. Founded in Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry in November 2004 Al-Khadija Bint Sayedah Khuwailid Entrepreneur Center (AKBK) works in collaboration with the private sector and government officials to lobby for removal of barriers faced by women in order to enable them both economically and socially to become participants active in national development. Intended to reform legislation existing policies and to become conducive to the advancement of women. In addition, the Center is committed to raising awareness and providing networking and educational opportunities for women entrepreneurs women workers, job seekers and potential entrepreneurs. The Center was named (PBUH) first wife of Prophet Muhammad Al-Khadija Bint Sayedah Khawilid, a successful businesswoman who continues to be a model for Muslim women today. Known for his business skills, knowledge and values and ethics, it also was able to balance career and family. With a figure so prominent as an inspiration, the Center intends to follow in the footsteps of Khadijah Al-Sayedah to become a national and international resource for the advancement of women in Saudi Arabia. |
evidence that most women in Saudi Arabia does not want a radicall
change in any aspect regarding custumes, culture, social. "This
is us, our culture, our life, it is up to us to decide what we want
or not, we want respect for our custumes, faith, way of life.
Ptoblemas social and domestic violence, there is worldwide, but here
the projection is higher in western midi because I want to "spoil,
corrupt our lives and are used sporadically for alardiar facts." Maha
Akeel says journalist, international correspondent.
Even though many "pseudo-defenders of the West want to meddle in our country, know that we reject any tion to Western critics," not understand the uniqueness of the company Saudi ".
The journalist Maha Akeel is often criticized due to customs of his country. However, she agrees that Westerners criticize what they do not understand. "Look, we're not claims rights ... women according to western values or their lifestyles .... We want things according to Islam, says. Look at our history, our social role models, and let SNOs care for our lives.
Even though many "pseudo-defenders of the West want to meddle in our country, know that we reject any tion to Western critics," not understand the uniqueness of the company Saudi ".
The journalist Maha Akeel is often criticized due to customs of his country. However, she agrees that Westerners criticize what they do not understand. "Look, we're not claims rights ... women according to western values or their lifestyles .... We want things according to Islam, says. Look at our history, our social role models, and let SNOs care for our lives.
Urban women,
Especially the big cities are more independent, due to greater
exposure to education of its people and the impact of the media. Now
most women find their way to schools, colleges, universities or
scholarships abroad. Apart from medicine, which was already considered
as be the only profession where women joined, now even the most
technical fields such as engineering, architecture, communication and
computing. However, medicine remains the most favored area usually
performed by women. Women can now be seen to encourage cricket teams
and participating in all kinds of sports, marathon and cricket to
athletics until recently held in Lahore (although very to the chagrin
of a section of conservists).




Today, women in Pakistan remains high positions as CEOs and executives. Recently, the President appointed Dr Shamshad Akhtar as the
first female governor of the State Bank of Pakistan. Two physicians,
ladies of the Pakistan army, also rose to the rank of Major-General.
The female doctors joined hands with the male doctors in earthquake
struck the most inaccessible areas in the northern part of Pakistan,
to treat the sick and injured and do so constantly. with fellowship
honoring shary and commandments of respectability.
There are many names to be honored - Fatima Jinnah, Jinnah sister who was with his brother when he was struggling to an independent Muslim state from British India, Razia Bhatti, A brave journalist who faced men who dominated the media in Pakistan and won the Courage Journalism Award, paving the way for an innumerable list of other copetentes professional women in the media. Then there Anoushka,
Which became one of the first Pakistani women and, of course, have
gone to the frozen Arctic scientific expedition in the region. And finally, Raheela Gul, A young man who was a leader of the expedition,
fundamental character and history and would remain so. If the
earthquake had not sad to October 8, 2005, by the will of Allah and it
hit the DC to sucumbiudo tragedy, Raheela will be ready for dispatch
Amazon. Mehreen Jabbar, another woman is promising to make headlines cinema those
days. His work has appeared in many film festivals around the world
including Hong Kong International Film Festival Asian-American Film
Festival and Leeds Festival in the UK At home in Pakistan, her
unconventional style of "storyteller " earned him much acclaim and several awards. Nafis Sadiq, MD by professionWho
spent his life working in politics, in matters of "global population
control and women's health, and health issues that at first glance
some may consider irrelevant to their daily lives. But are highly
relevant to the Islamic world. Yasmeen Lari has the distinction of being Pakistan's first woman architect, with honors. After retiring from a career in architecture, which spanned over thirty-five years of activity, today it is spending its time the writing materials that have served as "a advisor to the UNESCO project ": Conservation and Preservation of Lahore Fort. She is also the executive director of the Heritage Foundation and the President's Karavan initiativesBoth are organizations dedicated to historic preservation.





From left to right: Fatima Jinnah - Jinnah with the delegation of women - Razia Bhatti - Women for their rights - Raheela Gul
Women as pilots: Presence
of women in aviation is not a new phenomenon, since there were a
number of women in the "national National carrier PIA "long.
PIA has some 548 pilots and six females and Miss Shukriya Khanum was the first female pilot of PIA, which was awarded a commercial pilot license (CPL) on July 12, 1959. However, women pilots were usually co-pilots to January 25 - 2006 when one, completely manned by female crew, PIA Fokker operated from Islamabad to Lahore and Multan.
team captained by Miss Ayesha Rabia (below left), co-pilot Sadia
Aziz, and designed to fly Shazia Kauser and Tauseef Ashraf flew a
Fokker Friendship F-27 flight PK 632 Islamabad via Lahore to Multan.
The passengers on board, unaware that the estvam First flight with full crew Islamic feminine History of Muslim Countries and the world, probably -
Until it landed at Lahore airport and the crew was honored to
welcome the team and accompanied them PIA Paté the venue for the land
mark. Captain Ayesha Rabia Naveed A, 48, already has experience 6000
hours' flying as a co-pilot with Pakistan International Airlines, now
wants to fly as a captain to fly larger aircraft - jet for the
national carrier.



women were a step forward. It was like making history in Pakistan,
where four women pilots formally joined the Pakistan Air Force on March
30, 2006. Saba Khan, Nadia Gul, Mariam and Saira Batool Halil (above
center) was among the 36 aviation cadets who received their wings
after three and a half years of intensive training, breaking "record"
of all the armed forces of Pakistan. The then Deputy Chief of Army
General Ahsan Saleem Hayat, the chief guest of the ceremony passing
out in PAF Academy Risalpur said: "The squad showed the spirit and
courage to rise above the ordinary and break new ground for Others
imitate. "When asked how they feel about being a fighter pilot, pilots
of the women remarked: "I want to fly fighter jets and prove that
girls can equally serve our country the best way possible, just as men
are doing. (
In the above picture (above right) are Bismah Fatima and packing
their parachutes after landing a successful exercise in the near
![]() |
![]() |

To improve the routes for financial status of women and encourage them to undertake micro-financing, the first Women's Bank was founded in 1989 by Pakistani Government funding as the first organization for women. The promotion of funding for women is linked to the foundation of small to midsize enterprises and the improvement of income and contributes to raising the status of women economically and socially. The First Women's Bank also conducts training for the management of small and medium companies for illiterate women. In addition, it implements financing programs in areas away from urban areas who collaborated with local NGOs. Furthermore, small scale funding programs for low-income women were started in rural areas, public banks, such as Regional Development Finance Corporation and the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan. The loan recovery rate is over 90% and reliability of funding for women has been substantiated, in honor its commitments, as evidenced by the numbers of returning to the Bank
There are a number of organizations, mainly managed and operated by women in Pakistan who are actively involved to raise the living standards of women, especially rural women, and addressing their most pressing problems. One is that narrates Jazba.Org life and achievements of some female celebrities of Pakistan. Woman Entrepreneur is a business information network, among other women entrepreneurs who educate for entrepreneurship, and also act in the business world. This Network is another organization that provides information about women entrepreneurs in Pakistan.



The Rural Women In the sense most of the female population are rural households, acting in the daily routine and join their husbands in the fields at harvest time. However, they generally do not participate in income, by economic issues in these areas where total income is subvensão to family and lack of adequate training for other areas is an element v ~ compbatido into being, with social programs and government-as well as most women in developing countries. Generally rural women is not only discriminated against financially in the world, but they are also victims of the situation. But now people are expressing concern with this class, including old age because of need adequalção laws and their punishments for those who flee to marry men of their choice and thus lose their rights to family property, according lde eat local laws, much still needs to be done. an adaptation and this is happening with the leadership of women active in specific NGOs that created the "Action Forum Woman, "which has a central role in the exposure of several controversies regarding interpretations of Islamic law and its role in a modern state, and dissemination of ways in which women can play a more active role in politics, professional, and getting technical training for women. This made possible the rise lately, from teacher training in nontraditional areas, such as technology, electrical, mechanical, computer, etc.. However, many training programs, the government still cling to traditional fields, such as sewing, cooking, handicrafts and embroidery, where wages are low and job opportunities are few and the opportunities for business management in this field have been a logic deployed.
merger of traditional social welfare activities for the women's
movement and its newly revised political activism appears to have
occurred. Miscellaneous groups, including Women's Action Forum, the
Association all -Pakistan Women's Association of Women Lawyers of
Pakistan, "and Business and Professional Women's Association, is
supporting projects small scale throughout the country focusing on
women's empowerment. They were involved in activities such as care
institution law for indigent women, opposing the segregation of gender
universities, and publicizing and condemning the growing incidents
violence against women. The Pakistan Women Lawyers Association "Launched
a series of films to educate women about their rights Legal, Business
and Professional Women's Association is supporting a comprehensive
project inside Yakko Gate, a poor area inside the walled city of Lahore,
and the Pilot Project in Karachi has promoted networks among women
who work at home, so they need not to be dependent on middlemen to
acquire raw materials and market the clothes they produce.
The women's movement began to react to government legislation to meet three main objectives: ensuring representation politics of women in the National Assembly, working to increase consciousness of women, especially about family planning and against the suppression of women's rights, defining and articulating positions on events as they occur in order to raise public opinion public. One unresolved issue concerns the perpetuation of a set number of seats for women in the National Assembly. Many women activists whose expectations were raised during the brief mandate of the first government of Benazir Bhutto (December 1988 and August 1990) believed, and with his return to power in October 1993, they took the initiative to bring a personal change for women and public access to power.
The women's movement began to react to government legislation to meet three main objectives: ensuring representation politics of women in the National Assembly, working to increase consciousness of women, especially about family planning and against the suppression of women's rights, defining and articulating positions on events as they occur in order to raise public opinion public. One unresolved issue concerns the perpetuation of a set number of seats for women in the National Assembly. Many women activists whose expectations were raised during the brief mandate of the first government of Benazir Bhutto (December 1988 and August 1990) believed, and with his return to power in October 1993, they took the initiative to bring a personal change for women and public access to power.
The founders of one of the largest
They are behind speaking ITLoW

Meeting lideres.Educadores social, sociologists, physicians, Executive, all Muslim women in the world in Punjab
League held the 3rd Annual Syeda Kainat (RA) Conference Al-hamráh
Hall, Lahore on September 26, 2007. Sheikh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad
Tahir-ul-Qadri presided over the magnificent Conference. The great Most
women of various segments of society, including deans and heads of
different departments and universities colleges were present to attend
the conference. Among the Maemoona notable ladies were Miss Shaheen,
Nasira Naseer, Syeda Musvi, the leader of the Central Organization
Imami, Dr. Farhana Sarfraz University of Karachi, the Jamia Naeema
Indaleeb Nabiha Siraj, Lahore, Misbah Tariq, president of the Aurat
Foundation, Ms. Rana Akram, the Director of the Center for Islamic
Research Baha ud din Zakri University, Dr. Fouzia Saleemi, chair person
of former Punjab Text Reserve Board, Miss Tahira Firdous, professor of
Islamic Studies, Dr. Samar Fatima, dean of Islamic University of
Punjab, Lady of Fatima Butt, Dr. Nawaz Rukhshanda Agricultural
University, Faisalabad, Dr. Khalida Usmani, Dr. Farida Yousaf, Shaista
Bukhari. Besides Miskeen Faiz ur Rehman Durrani, Amir-e-Tehreek
Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Nazim-e-aala Raheeq Dr. Ahmad Abbasi,
Syed Peer Chishti Khalil-ur-Rehman, Syed Ali Ghazznafar Kararvi, Miss
Farrah Naz Nazima ul Quran Minhaj Women League and other honorable
guests occupied the chairs on the stage.

Women given a warm and cordial welcome to Sheikh-ul-Islam on his arrival. All the women stood up in his seats and shouted slogans expressing their love for different by Shaykh-ul-Islam. It looked like they were waiting anxiously to catch a glimpse. Sheikh-ul-Islam sentiments and praised his passion for the noble cause of Islam. I remember the lines of Eliot's poem T.S.

She said in her speech that Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League has provided a solid foundation for women in these probabilities heavy. She said that they can learn the noble virtues of the daughter exalted the Holy Prophet (SAW). She said her sole purpose of holding this conference is to preach and communicate the virtues of Syeda Kainat (May Allah be pleased with her) for each daughter, mother and sister of our nation.
Dr. Syeda Farhana Karachi University, said in his speech that is very regrettable that ignore the importance of spiritual formation in everyday life. She said the mother plays a vital role in spiritual and intellectual growth of children. She said the Women should know that Hazrat Fatima (May Allah be with her for please), took all the moments of your life, promote the teachings of her father, she copied and followed his father with a true spirit of simplicity and humility. She always wore a simple dress and never showed their pride of being the daughter of the Prophet (SAW). If we compare the our life with her, it becomes quite vividly that we forget noble traditions and values of Islam. She said the media and teachers are responsible for this great loss, because they never insist about these wonderful values.

Miss Tahira Firdous University of Quetta, Dr. Samar Fatima da Punjab University and the University of Nawaz Rukhshanda Agriculture Faisal Abad said that Allah said all the duties and women's rights and Nur Sura Nisa. They emphasized that they must play an honorable lady and train our Muslim spring out well according to the teachings of Islam remarkable.
Butt and Dr. Rana Akram also shed light on the different aspects of
character and life of Hazrat Fatima (RA). They emphasized the Hazrat
Fatima ladies below (RA) as his model.
( i love Hz Fatima (ra) ))





: | Muslim woman brazing air-conditioning machinery, Malaysia |

(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) A Muslim woman crosses a street in a colorful light rain.
When Aida Othman, Malaysia, signed up for the program in the new law International Islamic University
Kuala Lumpur, she did not expect to become one of the few women with
hands on the levers of the industry in a world of Islamic finance
one million U.S. dollars.
trade, greater among the sane in Malaysia.
The Muslim girls walking to school in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Dr. Deny Susanti
Dr. Deny Susanti
Name: Dr. Deny Susanti
Post: Assist. Professor
Department: Biomedical Sciences
Date of Birth: July 30, 1972
Nationality: Indonesian


German Muslim student, university

There are reports in several publications (including this one) on their remarkable achievements. In a society in which there is relatively little innovation in business women stay at home, these courageous women make the standards and are true pioneers. But what are they thinking? Yemen is a privilege to be a long afternoon chat with three female executives in Transoceanic Projects and Development a global logistics company. al-Maisry, Transoceanic manager office and financial controller, is the most animated of the three. She a joke every minute, and when she laughs, her dimples flash. His good humor are contagious. Nadia al-Qubati is the marketing and sales executive. Lanky with long eyelashes and a hyper-articulate way of speaking, she exudes a charm. Bin-Azza Hazib is the executive Transoceanic account. Soft-spoken and small, it has a quiet humor, and a behavior extremely sweet. The girls were extraordinarily open about everything from competition in the job market the way how they interact with each other and their male peers male, for their future plans for their careers and families.
Yemeni women have shown a strong participation in political life through participation in ongoing demonstrations and rallies travel across the country.
This political participation reflects his attitude about the problems of country. The women are supportive and critical of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, some admire him, others want him to just leave the office.
The ruling party country, the General People's Congress (GPC), organized women's festivals and rallies in support of President Saleh.
This included a meeting last Thursday in Sana'a, which was attended by thousands of women lifting placards that read "No to violence and chaos. "
At this meeting, women also emphasized the desire that the coalition the opposition Joint Meeting Parties (JMP), to return to dialogue National to end the current deadlock dead.
These women want democracy through elections. They also requested that the JMP to withdraw outcry. Pro-E demonstrations against the government with the participation of women s> has been a crucial factor in demonstrating conflicting political forces and Voices in the Yemeni society.
Women have previously shown their different points of view on women> and political participation has been widely agreement on the importance of its political and social.
Muslim Women in Yemen in a military unit based in Sanaa. They lead home, family, and searches.
Sarah Topol

USAID provides educational opportunities for children in rural Yemen. Fashion at the Olympics

Yemeni women always come to the Olympics with impressive uniforms.

Here is a view of the way!
For the first time in Yemen, the "Best Blog Awards are conducted to Yemeni women
participating in the WIT program. SOUL Organization - WIT Program
held the awards ceremony in that the awards were given for the best
bloggers and trainer outstanding students and volunteers involved in
the WIT
women are emerging as an economic and political force unheard of elsewhere in the Arab world.
Muslim Women Lawyers for 70 percent of Algeria and 60 percent of its judges. Women dominate medicine. Each Increasingly, women contribute more to household income than men. Sixty percent of university students are women, university researchers say.
Although men still hold all the levers of formal power, they seem to be take over the state apparatus as well.
"If this trend continue, "said Daho Djerbal, editor and publisher of Naqd, a magazine of social criticism and analysis, "we will see a new phenomenon in our public administration will also be controlled by women in full majority. "
But for women, he added, university studies get them out the house and allow them to better position themselves in society. "The dividend may be social, not in terms of career, "he said.
This generation of Algerian women navigated a path between the State secular and the attraction of Islamic extremism, the two poles of the crisis national in recent years.
Women are more religious than previous generations and more modern, sociologists here said. The women cover their heads and drape their bodies with coatings traditional Islam. They pray. They go to the mosque - and work, often alongside men, once considered taboo.
Sociologists and many working women say that by adopting religion and the Islamic head covering called the hijab, women here are in force freed themselves from moral judgments and restrictions imposed by men. Uncovered women are rarely seen on the street late at night, but covered women can be seen strolling the city after attend the evening prayer at a mosque.
Khalida Rahman is a lawyer, explains how to reconcile the Islamic duty of women relative to married life and his professionalism. She is 33 years old is married to a night watchman for five months.
Her husband was a friend of her brothers and appeared one day with a marriage proposal.
She immediately said yes, she recalled.
She describes her life now this way: "Where I leave, it's like I am, a man going to work. But when I get home I I am a woman and try to be the best among them for my husband and my family. "
Oussedik Fatima, a sociologist, says: "We in the '60s, they were told year as" progressives "do not get what we're being done by this generation today. "
Ms. Oussedik, who works Center for Applied Economic Research and Development Algiers reports which have occurred: In the so-called "progressive" our country has had a negative influence of polítca not Muslim, and many Muslims have come to not wear the hijab and prefer to speak in French, rather than practicing their Islamic duties. Today's youth values plus the fact that they are Muslim, are proud to speak Arabic, not letting the French and English, and dress according to the precepts of Islamic law, respecting Allah swt and conditions with satisfaction.
This rescue inner essence is the fuel for sustainable human development.
To submit iraninanas, there is nothing to unmask the lies of the media, talking about
Iranian Muslim women and their advancement in sports prate and his day-to-day normal, or better than many
non-Muslim living in non-Islamic. Posseum normal life, as well as Turkish, Pakistani, Egyptian, and all others. The difference is that living in a country that is one of the cleanest in the world, ales and other factors. Of course with the "boycott" of imports, conducted by the UN to Iran, has left many people without work.
But even so, it is a country that can serve model in many other issues as well as Pakistan and Turkey, also Islamic.
So let's here, to show, first few photos which depict scenes from everyday life in Iran. and further, that,
you can find much more about the Iranians, in the sport.
PART SPORTS MUSLIM WOMEN: with a brief orientation and then photos and comments
this subject, starting

Yemeni women always come to the Olympics with impressive uniforms.

Here is a view of the way!
Women in Technology Program (WIT) in Yemen

in Technology (WIT) strives to empower women and expand their
participation in the labor market providing Partner Organizations, and
women who serve, with cutting edge opportunities and training curricula
in Business Planning, Professional Development and Information
Technology (IT).
Algerian Muslim women entrepreneurs are on the rise in international trade market.
The manager and deputy, Chetiteh,
said the number of women do business in Algeria 3% of the total
number of managers companies noting that 90% of other women in Algeria
operate in various sectors of activities.
She noted that women managers are able to penetrate and Algeria in the business world, national, across all sectors, especially economic. Entrepreneurs were present in the retail sector at a level of 45% and services by 30%.
Mrs Chetiteh urged Algerian women to participate in more aggressively in the labor market especially the Algerian graduates, because as she put it, one can not be beyond the right itself.
She noted that women managers are able to penetrate and Algeria in the business world, national, across all sectors, especially economic. Entrepreneurs were present in the retail sector at a level of 45% and services by 30%.
Mrs Chetiteh urged Algerian women to participate in more aggressively in the labor market especially the Algerian graduates, because as she put it, one can not be beyond the right itself.

Shawn Baldwin for The New York Times
Sixty percent of Algeria's university students are women, researchers say. This group was waiting for a bus Thursday at a university in Algierswomen are emerging as an economic and political force unheard of elsewhere in the Arab world.
Muslim Women Lawyers for 70 percent of Algeria and 60 percent of its judges. Women dominate medicine. Each Increasingly, women contribute more to household income than men. Sixty percent of university students are women, university researchers say.
a region where Women have a profile where definitely there is a
Western campaign to a public demeans women Algerians are visible
everywhere, which is visibly seen by anyone visiting the country. They are starting to lead buses and taxis. They take care of the petrol pump and are in negotiation.
Although men still hold all the levers of formal power, they seem to be take over the state apparatus as well.
"If this trend continue, "said Daho Djerbal, editor and publisher of Naqd, a magazine of social criticism and analysis, "we will see a new phenomenon in our public administration will also be controlled by women in full majority. "
But for women, he added, university studies get them out the house and allow them to better position themselves in society. "The dividend may be social, not in terms of career, "he said.
This generation of Algerian women navigated a path between the State secular and the attraction of Islamic extremism, the two poles of the crisis national in recent years.
Women are more religious than previous generations and more modern, sociologists here said. The women cover their heads and drape their bodies with coatings traditional Islam. They pray. They go to the mosque - and work, often alongside men, once considered taboo.
Sociologists and many working women say that by adopting religion and the Islamic head covering called the hijab, women here are in force freed themselves from moral judgments and restrictions imposed by men. Uncovered women are rarely seen on the street late at night, but covered women can be seen strolling the city after attend the evening prayer at a mosque.
Khalida Rahman is a lawyer, explains how to reconcile the Islamic duty of women relative to married life and his professionalism. She is 33 years old is married to a night watchman for five months.
Her husband was a friend of her brothers and appeared one day with a marriage proposal.
She immediately said yes, she recalled.
She describes her life now this way: "Where I leave, it's like I am, a man going to work. But when I get home I I am a woman and try to be the best among them for my husband and my family. "
Oussedik Fatima, a sociologist, says: "We in the '60s, they were told year as" progressives "do not get what we're being done by this generation today. "
Ms. Oussedik, who works Center for Applied Economic Research and Development Algiers reports which have occurred: In the so-called "progressive" our country has had a negative influence of polítca not Muslim, and many Muslims have come to not wear the hijab and prefer to speak in French, rather than practicing their Islamic duties. Today's youth values plus the fact that they are Muslim, are proud to speak Arabic, not letting the French and English, and dress according to the precepts of Islamic law, respecting Allah swt and conditions with satisfaction.
This rescue inner essence is the fuel for sustainable human development.
Afghan women get a taste of the Indian market for Fair Trade, which is in accordance with Islamic law (shary).
establishing themselves as entrepreneurs rule post-Taliban, a group
of exhibitors women of Afghanistan are make its presence felt in the
ongoing India International Trade Fair in Pragati Maidan here.
than selling their products, the five women - displaying
hand-stitched clothing, articles of exquisite jewelry, cosmetics and
other products - are eager to explore the vibrant Indian market. They
came with the samples for courting the business community here and
hope to return to Kabul with orders.
Yousafzai, director of the Association Business Women of Afghanistan,
says the Taliban government only women could study and work in their
homes. "But all That changed after the Afghan government Hamid Karzai
came to power. Due to good relations between Kabul and Delhi, I get
the opportunity to participate in several fairs in India. "
women are running their independent shops in Kabul, where they
provide training in sewing for women who want to become economically
make women and children's clothing. This year we are featuring sewn
hand clothes that highlight the culture of different villages back to
home. We are determined to do well at IITF and win gold in India Trade
Promotion Organization as last year, "says Nadia, who is Pashmina
presenting kurta, ponchos, for men and traditional topi kameez.
Women entrepreneurs come up with goods less this year because of transportation costs and heavy taxes.
To submit iraninanas, there is nothing to unmask the lies of the media, talking about
Iranian Muslim women and their advancement in sports prate and his day-to-day normal, or better than many
non-Muslim living in non-Islamic. Posseum normal life, as well as Turkish, Pakistani, Egyptian, and all others. The difference is that living in a country that is one of the cleanest in the world, ales and other factors. Of course with the "boycott" of imports, conducted by the UN to Iran, has left many people without work.
But even so, it is a country that can serve model in many other issues as well as Pakistan and Turkey, also Islamic.
So let's here, to show, first few photos which depict scenes from everyday life in Iran. and further, that,
you can find much more about the Iranians, in the sport.
PART SPORTS MUSLIM WOMEN: with a brief orientation and then photos and comments
this subject, starting
Tehran, Mega Capital of Iran
iraninas Muslim women in everyday life.Musical instrument store - Tehran







Photo Exhibition - Teeran, Iran | ||||
Due to a series of
American imposed sanctions on Iran, initiated 29 years ago and still
in effect, Iranian students and scholars in Iran have now suffering
from a severe shortage of certain textbooks related. |
Front Qods Cinema; Valiasr Square
Iranian girls in the rain
Metro Station
Again Subway Station
Azadi (Freedom) Square
Girl Motorcycle Units
Network of scientists believed the first Muslim women
approving the ministries of science in Islamic countries, the network
of women Muslim scientists "will be established in the Islamic world.

E He added, "all the ministers of Science and Research Islamic cities will participate in the meeting, "Arsalan Ghorbani, Iran's deputy for international scientific cooperation of the Ministry Science, Research and Technology.
"We expect the plan to win support at the meeting," he said Ghorbani.
"If the science ministers of all forms Islamic countries to approve the plan, the network will be created in Iran," the official said.
"This is a good opportunity for Muslim women to cooperate with each other," said Ghorbani.
October 10, 2010 - 17:34

Muslim front, empesquisas scientific,
in most countries Islamic
Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) Visit Club Peers MMU, Cyberjaya Campus
In August 7, 2010, 10:00 in the Boardroom, Level 1, MMU Cyberjaya Campus Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) Clyb Peers visited MMU Cyberjaya Campus. About 15 students came to our USIM campus. The purpose of the visit is to learn more of MMU students in organizing the fair for career.
Islam supports physical activity for everyone, including women.
Three main reasons why Islam supports athletics are: 1 - be healthy
2-time for leisure
3-ready for war, Fight, day by day
These mandates are given to all Muslims, then include the women.
However, there are also some examples in the Quran explicitly draws women. One such example is when the Prophet Muhammad promoted races with their wives. And his example was followed by the Ummah
In addition, women According to the Qur'an, which is involved in a war and other expeditions militares, or even day by day, social activities, must be physically prepared.
As in all aspects and sectors there is a great muçumanos intolerance and disrespect for those who are not Muslim, so is in sport. The vestimentimenta for female athletes is a serious matter and everyone in Muslim countries and should be the same in non-Muslim, they should place emphasis on Muslim ladies in sport, "said Hashemi, the daughter of a Former Iranian President and is now the vice chairman of Iran's national Olympic Committee.
She noted that many Muslim countries women athletes had no representatives on their teams at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and Atlanta 1996, due to existing disrespect to Islam. Since Muslim women are "obligations" to be with Allah and cumpridadas to DC, and some restrictions that are not being met in match any non-Islamic countries, and also in international events in sports.
She recommended that the IOC (International Olympic Committee) change the dress code to allow more women Muslim women to compete with more coverage in their bodies. "Women Muslims are ignored because of their moralities affirmed in their religion. And for what seems the Islamic world does not care about "morals" and "respect for differences' when it comes to Islam."
There are 500 million Muslim women in the world, a quarter of the female population of the world, they can not do sport in existing conditions. What is the problem of having competitions in accordance with our conditions? It's the biggest challenge of the athletes. all we need is to have our space and place to perform our prayers. Just as our food and respect for our garments, which are entirely suitable for export practices. Why should we view our bodies for sport? We do not want to change anything. Just to be respected!
And to drive the point home, the prophet also said: "The
two feet of the son of Adam will not pass the Day of Judgement until
he is Guest of five subjects: his life and how it is spent, of his youth the way it is used, Of his wealth to where he got it and how it went, and his knowledge and what he did to her. " (Tirmidhi)
" This leads me to question, to dress modestly during a match table tennis a handicap? Well, the twenty women who play for Egypt, Sara is ranked as the fifth player highest rated, then obviously their clothes and modesty has not dulled his talent.
She, when interviewed, spoke of their motivation, a very humorous, but serious:
"- "There are seven types of people whom God will protect with his shadow on the day when there will be no shade but that it (the Day of Judgement, and they are) a just ruler; a young man who grew up in the worship of God; A person whose heart is attached to mosques, two persons who love, meet and depart for the love of God, a man, a woman beautiful senior seduces him to unlawful dealings, but he rejected for fear of God, a person who gives charity, but hides this That people so that your right hand does not know what the left now, and one person who remembered God and your privacy eyes shed tears. " (Muslim).
Like everyone in the Ummah, we want
to be the best treatment for terms muçulmandos Special Our Creator
Allah SWT. Most of us will never have the chance to be a ruler, or just
not, after all is a vague and we are many, and I can not say that a
woman of high rank tried me lure, so that does not leave many reasons
that I may deserve this treatment especially on the Day that really
matters, by Allah SWT.
With that in mind, everyone should pay attention to the fact that you can still live religiously when you are young, when his EFN (desire) may seem more important, but still has its own legitimate hobbies you can get satisfaction. Not staying in front of televisions watching watching actors in false swearing, teaching bad habits like drinking, addictions and other negative characteristics to strengthen, not even fornicate on the big screen, which is not healthy in any way.
I suggest table tennis practice at all and ultimately have to be a positive example, in an attempt to receive a hip special Our Allah Swt adding the fact organize a weekly event at the local mosque that meets a few days off this week and several hours before the prayer. So I can tell you what I know to whom to learn.
the prophet, saw, also said: "The two feet of the son of Adam will not pass the Day of Judgement until he is asked Allah to give satisfaction to DC five subjects: his life and how he used it, his youth and how it is used, Of his wealth and how he got where he has spent, and his knowledge and what he did with it. " (Tirmidhi)
With that in mind, everyone should pay attention to the fact that you can still live religiously when you are young, when his EFN (desire) may seem more important, but still has its own legitimate hobbies you can get satisfaction. Not staying in front of televisions watching watching actors in false swearing, teaching bad habits like drinking, addictions and other negative characteristics to strengthen, not even fornicate on the big screen, which is not healthy in any way.
I suggest table tennis practice at all and ultimately have to be a positive example, in an attempt to receive a hip special Our Allah Swt adding the fact organize a weekly event at the local mosque that meets a few days off this week and several hours before the prayer. So I can tell you what I know to whom to learn.
the prophet, saw, also said: "The two feet of the son of Adam will not pass the Day of Judgement until he is asked Allah to give satisfaction to DC five subjects: his life and how he used it, his youth and how it is used, Of his wealth and how he got where he has spent, and his knowledge and what he did with it. " (Tirmidhi)
Youth Olympic Games

A Iranian girls soccer team has reason to celebrate after global regulatory body of the sport has changed its previous headscarf ban, What would have prevented from competing in the first Youth Olympic Games
in Singapore this summer decision of the Federation Internationale
de Football Association., Known as FIFA, has inspired team of Iran,
the deputy head of the federation football in the country, Farideh
Shojaei, told Associated Press.
"They are determined to practice more and more." The decision of the
new agreement says that while girls can not play the headscarf, or hijab,
Will be allowed to use "a cap that covers the head to the hairline,
but does not extend below the ears to cover the neck, "according a
statement issued by FIFA. 5/17/10
Yet prejudice is clear.
the decision in early April that the girls would not be allowed to
compete in August at the Youth Olympic Games if they used "head
scarves," the head of Iran's Football Federation, Ali Kaffashian, flew to the headquarters of FIFA Switzerland, to reach an agreement.
sent FIFA a sample of our new Islamic dress and, fortunately, they
accept, "Abbas said Torabian, director Relations Committee
International Football Federation of Iran told the Times that Tehran. "They announced that there was no objection if the players covered their hair with hats."
new agreement, announced Monday, appeared to appease the Iranian
authorities. For satisfy the rights of women is mandatory for Muslims.

Iranian athlete swimming
Gave Muslim women living in a refugee camp in Kenya to Somalia, new uniforms volleyball

Iranian Olympic volleyball team

Photo by Jeroen Kramer-Iranian boxer
And some Muslim countries have already begun preparations for the London Games.
In Iran, women's training team will begin immediately
"Veiled Jocks")
most Muslim women in Iran, Lida Fariman prays five times a day and
keeps the head and body covered with a hood and a long dress wherever
she goes, even for the Olympic shooting range.
Iranian women's Olympic teams 
among Muslim women, unlike what the media is not Islamic states, the Iranian are the biggest advance in sports
January 1
Muslim Iranian women's national team practice Judo at the Sports
Complex in Tehran, Iran, on June 10, 2007. document IRAN / Nikoo Harf
very happy to be here, not only for me but may be an incentive very
good for women in Iran, "she said through a translator. "I want them
to know if they want, they can. I want them know what is possible. "
It can be a complicated matter, opportunities for women at home. Marjan is not
accustomed to the dangers of the media. So it is interviewed in a
crowded room, with the translator and a bunch of adults, including the
brother of Rustam, who is also her coach.
This is not the slalom course. She'll face any issue alone.
was so excited and proud that I was the woman who would carry the
flag, "she says." Everyone could see that a Muslim woman can carry the
flag because everybody is looking for standard-bearers. So it was very
important to me that was me. "
up in the country, which possesses the practice of skiing, she took
the sport at age 4 and won in 11 contests. She started thinking about
the Olympics.

Athlete of the slopes: Iran
Youth Olympic Games-TEAM IRAN

Girls soccer team of Iran pose for photographers during Primary
Youth Olympic Girls' Group A match football between Turkey and Iran
on Thursday, August 12, 2010, in Singapore. (AP Photo / Wong Maye-E)

Moradloo of Iran, left, and Eda Duran Turkey, right, run
Preliminaries for the ball during the Youth Olympic Girls 'Group A
soccer match between Turkey and Iran on Thursday, December August 2010
in Singapore. (AP Photo / Wong Maye-E)

Vivek Prakash-12.ago.2010/Reuters |
![]() |
Iran Fatemeh Ardestani (white) carries the ball in the clash against Turkey by the Youth Games |

Iranian sportsman Tennis and jet skiing
Olympics 2010: Cetinkaya Kelim

Turkey Cetinkaya competes in Cross Country Women's Nordic qualifying
individual sprint at Whistler Olympic Park during the Winter
Olympics in Vancouver on February 17, 2010. AFP PHOTO / DON Emmert (Photo credit should read Don Emmert / AFP / Getty Images)

October 26, the women's team, 2009-A
Palestinians and Jordan played in his first start at
home. The game was held in the Faisal Husseini International Stadium
in the West Bank.
Persepolis: ach team coach with Team Futsal Iran


Wushu Rahman Aqeel instructs students during the practice of Chinese
martial arts wushu St. Maaz high school in the Indian city of
Hyderabad, July 8, 2008. Girls 10 to 16 years participate in weekly
sessions during school.


Women race in rare track meet in Gaza ruled by Hamas
40 women in training and scarves have competed in a rare track find
in Gaza ruled by Hamas. The athletes ran 100 meters, 400 and 1500 in
the championship on Saturday. Some ran barefoot and waved for others
cheering spectators during their races. Runner Ghada al-Zamt came third
in the 1,500 meters. She says the athletic women are not encouraged in
Gaza. Participants in Saturday's meeting, including college students
and athletes amateurs. Muslim rulers of Gaza - and most residents -
disapprove of women's sports because it can reveal the shape of the
body. It is also difficult for athletes to compete internationally
because Gaza's borders have been virtually sealed by Israel and Egypt,
since Hamas took power in 2007.


cheer Palestinian girls to women athletes, not seen, during a track meet in Palestine Stadium in Gaza City, Saturday, 8 May 2010. The sporting event was co-sponsored by Olympic Committee Palestine and the United Nations to encourage women in Gaza to do more sports. (AP Photo / Hatem Moussa)

Palestinian girl participates in the long jump during a meeting of
track in Palestine Stadium in Gaza City, Saturday, May 8, 2010. The
sporting event was co-sponsored by the Palestine Olympic Committee and
the United Nations to encourage women to do more in Gaza sports. (AP
Photo / Hatem Moussa)

boxers Muslim women wearing the hijab in the 2012 Olympics
The Muslim fighters who wear the burqa are coming. Young women are training in Afghanistan to fight with their costumes in Islamic Games London 2012 Olympics.
Wearing hijabs to keep and fulfill their duties Islamic clothes that cover their bodies, 25 female boxers are preparing for their fights on strenuous training sessions at the Olympic stadium in Kabul.

Women in Dubais, watching a soccer match

Samar Bennis, Morocco, working with the New Company Communities
(PCN) - a national network of over 70 organizations conducted by
ethnic minority based in Dublin, Texts and Humorous Poem. Samar is
particularly interested in issues of women and would work as a
employee development for women with immigrant women on women general
and particularly Muslims. Many Muslim women from various
profissõesatuando effectively, cooks, engineers, or teachers, but
there are also those that migratory doctors, etc in Ireland who are
not muslims at home and not can work or use their potential in
Ireland. The highlights Samar difficulties and barriers faced by these
women and what can be done to create opportunities for socialization,
networking, emerging, having fun, sharing and learning new skills,
work, and study to build an inclusive Irish society between Muslim and
Djamila Bouacid, NOUR
The Bouacid Djamila, Algeria, helped merge NOUR, a group multicultural in 2002. The NOUR has members from several countries including Libya, Morocco, Algeria and India. The NOUR aims to facilitate the full participation of Muslim women in Irish society and social, economic, and cultural needs of Muslim communities Ireland. The NOUR encourages all Muslim women to conserve and express their social identity and cultural heritage, promote cooperation between bodies concerned with ethnic issues and encourages better understanding of Muslim women within the wider society Irish. Meaning 'light' in Arabic, NOUR aspires to bring to light the Muslim women, letting them know their rights and providing them information to fulfill their aspirations in Ireland.
The Bouacid Djamila, Algeria, helped merge NOUR, a group multicultural in 2002. The NOUR has members from several countries including Libya, Morocco, Algeria and India. The NOUR aims to facilitate the full participation of Muslim women in Irish society and social, economic, and cultural needs of Muslim communities Ireland. The NOUR encourages all Muslim women to conserve and express their social identity and cultural heritage, promote cooperation between bodies concerned with ethnic issues and encourages better understanding of Muslim women within the wider society Irish. Meaning 'light' in Arabic, NOUR aspires to bring to light the Muslim women, letting them know their rights and providing them information to fulfill their aspirations in Ireland.
Dr. Soraya Orady - President
Dr. Soraya Orady has a Ph.D. in Engineering Electrical and Computer. Dr. Orady held several teachers, research, and consulting positions. Since 1988, she was manager of its own business internationally.
Dr. Orady has a long history of working volunteer with the Muslim Community of Ann Arbor, Michigan, having been member of the Board of full-time Islamic school and Sunday school director and a committee member awareness community.
Dr. Orady gave numerous presentations and speeches public about Islam and Muslim culture in the last 12 years. Your public have included teachers, social workers, doctors and hospital workers, university students, school students public, members of the mosque, the elderly and members of centers community.
Nabila Ahmed Mezran Vice President
Mezran Nabila, who received his degree in Education University of Tripoli, Libya, taught in bi-lingual program (English / Arabic) school system in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she is currently a substitute teacher. She is the author of several articles published in newspapers and magazines in Arabic and a book Arab cuisine. Ms. Mezran was a founder of Al Bayan School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she teaches Arabic, the Koran, and Studies Islamists.
Always active in social activities and Community, Mrs. Mezran received numerous honors for his participation in activities of social and cultural development in the two Libya and the United States and has a demonstrated ability to working with the community. In 1973, she created the Study Commission Social Libya. She has been a member of Women's Union in Libya since 1986, serving as secretary of the organization in 1988.
activities in their community, focused mainly in women and children, have included the organization of many youth activities, establishing the adult education classes for women in their local mosque, and advice providing family services, counseling services Islamic Islamic Services preparation of the funeral. She is the vice president of her local PTO and in the last 15 years, has coordinated program of a woman swimming pools conducted at local public schools. She is a frequent guest lecturer at schools Local
Aisha H.L. AL Adawiya
Aisha al-Adawiya is the founder of Women in Islam, Inc., an organization Muslim women that focuses on human rights and justice social. Ms. al-Adawiya organizes and participates in conferences, symposia and other forums on Islam, Gender Equity, Conflict Resolution, Cross-cultural understanding and peace building. She also represents the Non-Governmental Organizations of Muslim women in the forums United Nations. Ms. Al-Adawiya input coordinates for the Islamic Preservation of Black Religious Heritage Documentation Project Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. She also serves as consultant for interfaith organizations and numerous projects documentary about the American Muslim experience. In addition, she serves on the boards of several organizations related to the interests the global Islamic community. Ms. al-Adawiya is a presenter guest and producer Tahrir, WBAI Pacifica Radio in New York.
Ms. al-Adawiya is also current president of Karamah:. Women Lawyers Muslim Human Rights Karamah is a charitable organization education that focuses on domestic problems and global rights human rights of Muslim women, and is dedicated to promoting the dignity human beings for all through legal education and outreach.
Magda SalehMagda Saleh, MPH was an administrator in Islamic schools since 1992. Since 2004, it has been the director of American Youth Academy (AYA) Tampa, FL. Mrs. Saleh is the mother of four adult children and has two grandchildren. She grew up in the United States in communities with populations very young Muslims was through strong systems of their parents value that Islam was instilled her and her sisters, her parents -.. Dr. Ahmed & Mrs. Iman Elkader - were pioneers in Islamic education, and she strives to continue the path they forged ..
Asmaa Mostafa
Ms. Mostafa holds a BS in Accounting from Ein Shams University in Cairo, Egypt and worked as director of accounting and budgeting for four years. Today is teacher in a Montessori school. She was also professor of Studies Arab and Islamic.
Ms. Mostafa always been a social activist and a bridge builder, active in social and welfare activities community service in their community in Toledo, Ohio, including Girl Scouts, leadership training, violence reduction and the use of drugs, multicultural education, and other programs to promote peace social
Fadia Abaza, MD
Dr. Abaza completed his medical degree at the Medical University of Damascus. She received certificates / diplomas in childhood diseases, the University Dublin, UK and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dublin, UK. She is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. Dr. Abaza is a Member of the American Academy of Pediatrics.Besides his full time practice in pediatrics, Dr. Abaza is very active in community service. She is the president of the Toledo chapter Islamic Medical Association of North America and the Treasurer of Toledo chapter of the Arab-American Medical Association.

Tayyibah Taylor

In 2009, Tayyibah Taylor was named as one of the 500 most influential Muslims the world by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies. She has visited 30 countries, Sometimes, the ability of a public diplomacy envoy. She presented lectures on Islam and Muslim women in national and international conferences, including the University International Islamic Islam and Muslims in Malaysia 21 Conference century, the series of lectures at the Women's College Shari `ah and Law at the International Islamic University of Islamabad, Pakistan, and the Fulbright Symposium in Perth, Australia.
She attended the University of Toronto, King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah, 2008 Leadership Institute for Women Journalists and Leadership Atlanta, Class 2005. Tayyibah Taylor is the mother of five children.
Reveta to Islam, which gained prominence in the media
Tony Blair's sister-in-law announced his conversion to Islam last week. Journalist Lauren Booth has embraced the faith after she describes as a "holy experiment" in Iran
She is just one of a growing number of women Modern British career to do so. Here, the writer Eve Ahmed, who was created as a Muslim before rejecting faith, explores the reasons why.
Much of my childhood was spent trying to escape Islam.
Born in London to an English mother and a Pakistani Muslim father, was raised to follow the faith of my father without question.
But privately, I hated it. The minute I left home for college at the age of 18 years, totally abandoned.
As far as I was concerned, being a Muslim means to hear the word 'no' several times.
The girls in my training were barred from many of the things that My English friends took for granted. In fact, it seemed that almost everything fun was haram, or forbidden, for girls like me.

Do not eat on the street or putting hands in his pockets. Do not cut your hair or paint your nails. Not asking questions or responding. No creation of dogs as pets, (they were unclean).
And of course, not sitting next to men, shaking hands or even make eye contact with them.
These rules have been imposed by my father and I therefore assumed it must be part and parcel of being a good Muslim.
No wonder, then, that once I was old enough to exert my independence, I rejected the entire package and turned back to Islam. After all, the modern, liberated woman would British choose to live a life?
Well, well, it seems, including the latest surprise Islam convert, Sister, Tony Blair, Lauren Booth. And after break my own with my past, I have followed with fascination increasing trend of Western women choose to convert to Islam.
Broadcaster and journalist Booth, 43, says he now wears a hijab on the head whenever she leaves home, he prays five times a day and visits of their local mosque "when I can."
Amendments to the Civil Service Law was approved members of
parliament on Wednesday granting rights employment of women in Kuwait
further after a second round of debates on the subject.
Moreover, as a preliminary agreement, the parliament approved the move General Investigations Department of the Interior Ministry for the Prosecutors.
Speaker of Parliament Jassem Al-Khoráfia, opened the session, refusing a new vote on a request to discuss a report about civil rights and social rights of stateless persons (Bedoun) residents.
He explained that the meeting on Wednesday is a continuation in order to debate on all matters already on the agenda first. Therefore, discussions on the rights Bedoun are now expected to proceed during the parliamentary session of March 22.
Taking a stance on the issue, a group calling themselves "The Free Bedoun youth say they have issued a statement calling for a protest Friday longtime after prayers in the area of Jahra, Taima, Sulaibiya and Ahmadi. They said they do not belong to any entity indoors or outdoors and only seek to acquire their civil rights and social.
As for women's rights, a quorum of 35 members 53 members passed amendments to Civil and he was sent to the government. New changes include the issuance of a social allowance for women Married employees in Kuwait if their husbands are unemployed or not receive a subsidy from the public treasury.
The grant was also awarded to women who work with children Kuwait, women and children with Kuwait Kuwait Kuwaiti women with non-Kuwaiti, since she is divorced or the father of their children are deceased or can not provide support for your family.
Muslim women, whose husbands have died, may also receive a period of four months and 10 days of leave starting from the date of death. Non-Muslim women with the same condition can receive a license for 21 days.
In addition, an employee of the pregnant woman can now receive a license 70 days with full pay, provided that she gives birth during this period. Kuwaiti women can also receive a four- Native months, two months with full pay and two months, with half the salary. The working hours of women in nursing can also be reduced to two hours per day.
Another amendment also stipulated that the men and women can receive a license with full pay to care of an ailing parent or relative accompany abroad for treatment, provided they are fully responsible for the costs. The relationship must be a spouse, a child or a parent of the employee.
Meanwhile, the voting session of the release of an official on behalf of Parliament on the events taking place in Libya. The declaration states that the Parliament commends the revolt in Libya and Libyans "Exercise of freedom.
In addition, recommendations on combating unemployment in Kuwait that were discussed on Tuesday were referred to the government. The quorum gave the government a period of two months to prepare a Report solutions to the problem.
Meanwhile, parliament has approved moving the Department of General Investigations of the Interior Ministry is under the authority of Public Prosecutor (PP) during a preliminary vote on the law. Thirty-four deputies voted for the law which stipulates that the PP has sole authority to investigate and prosecute criminal cases.
The new law also orders the cancellation of the research department the Ministry of Interior and moving all of its employees to work in equivalent positions within the PP, since remain in their positions without moving in judicial positions. A number of Members against the transfer of female researchers for PP, citing constitutional and religious grounds to disapprove women who occupy the courts.
In addition, a brief discussion also ensued between the Minister of Interior, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Humoud and anti-government MP, Ahmed Al-Saadoun, who spoke against the Interior Ministry.
An amendment gives the civil servant in Kuwait unpaid vacation special for a period not less than six months and not more than three years during the period of his service, since it contributed five years of service.
The amendment allows workers, men and women, to request a period of paid leave to accompany his wife (or husband) if sent abroad for education, scientific assignments, stock study, an official mission in the long or short term, provided that the duration not exceeding six consecutive months. An employee, under test, not can be taken for vacation, unless he (or she) worked for six months.
Meanwhile, the National Assembly, in its follow-up session in Wednesday, provided recommendations on the fight against unemployment to the government after the adoption of the proposed solutions to the major problem. After this stage constitutional executives refers a report about it to the Legislature, in two months before submission to the specialized parliamentary committees.
Vote on these recommendations did not take place as planned during the first session, on Tuesday, due to the lack of QUOROM Abdullah Al-Salem Hall.
They call the intersection and harmony among the mega projects project (2010-2014) and the demands of employment, whereby proportions for the recruitment of nationals of the private sector should be analyzed in order to toughen penalties against companies that Kuwaitis did not hire, in violation of the proportions of work together.
They call for replacing up to 60,000 non-Kuwaitis - holders certificates and skills available among the citizens - who working in the public sector with citizens, observing programs rehabilitation and training run by the Civil Service Commission.
Moreover, the recommendations urge for early retirement civil servants, especially among women and mothers, to allow parents to devote enough attention to their families and create new job opportunities for young people.
Among other problems that must be faced with media legislative and executive is the illegal trade of households with tarnished the image of Kuwait abroad, exacerbated the problems work and caused more social problems. An efficient and aspirant should be working to help the release of small domestic firms and increase the chances of work for the national youth, instead of being restricted to the public sector.
In addition, counseling will to implement EU privatization, with arbitrary restrictions redundancies and national staff, increasing attention to the activities tourist and cultural and accelerate the pace of the transformation process of Kuwait on a commercial and financial center.
However, the government should immediately reach an agreement with the Parliament on granting privileges of employment of women certain, says official spokesman of the National Development and Reform Bloc MP Faisal Al-Muslim.
Al-Muslim was speaking after parliament approved the privileges of employment for women on Wednesday. He also announced his plan to enlist the support of a parliamentary majority if the government returns the bill to the legislative authority.
Affirming the bloc will continue to support women, Al-Muslim said: "We will not stop fighting for the rights of women. We will also drive the adoption of a bill to allow women to retire earlier and the payment of salaries for housewives to enable them to concentrate on his duties family. "
Al-Muslim stressed the Parliament's approval of the bill on the employment rights of women on Wednesday was a step in towards ensuring gender equality. He expects strong coordination between women and panels of Finance to approve proposed the block.
Urging the government to approve the project, said Al-Muslim disagreement between the legislative and executive powers on the license Motherhood should not be an impediment to the approval of the project.
Moreover, Chairman of Women's Affairs Dr Maasouma Al-Mubarak congratulated the women of Kuwait for adoption their rights at its meeting on Wednesday. She believes this will eliminate discrimination that have been suffering for decades.
After expressing his gratitude to those who have the approval of bill possible, Al-Mubarak, admitted there were differences between the two authorities on the benefits and children. Some are of the opinion that women should be given benefits and children if her husband is not entitled to it, while others called for the granting of allowances to be married to a woman Kuwait, a foreigner with a lower salary
KD300 and widows or divorcees.
Al-Mubarak revealed another point of contention was license motherhood because the suggested allowing two months salary full and two months with half salary, but the government strongly opposed. He appealed to government to approve this clause to end the suffering of women in Kuwait.
=========================================================================Moreover, as a preliminary agreement, the parliament approved the move General Investigations Department of the Interior Ministry for the Prosecutors.
Speaker of Parliament Jassem Al-Khoráfia, opened the session, refusing a new vote on a request to discuss a report about civil rights and social rights of stateless persons (Bedoun) residents.
He explained that the meeting on Wednesday is a continuation in order to debate on all matters already on the agenda first. Therefore, discussions on the rights Bedoun are now expected to proceed during the parliamentary session of March 22.
Taking a stance on the issue, a group calling themselves "The Free Bedoun youth say they have issued a statement calling for a protest Friday longtime after prayers in the area of Jahra, Taima, Sulaibiya and Ahmadi. They said they do not belong to any entity indoors or outdoors and only seek to acquire their civil rights and social.
As for women's rights, a quorum of 35 members 53 members passed amendments to Civil and he was sent to the government. New changes include the issuance of a social allowance for women Married employees in Kuwait if their husbands are unemployed or not receive a subsidy from the public treasury.
The grant was also awarded to women who work with children Kuwait, women and children with Kuwait Kuwait Kuwaiti women with non-Kuwaiti, since she is divorced or the father of their children are deceased or can not provide support for your family.
Muslim women, whose husbands have died, may also receive a period of four months and 10 days of leave starting from the date of death. Non-Muslim women with the same condition can receive a license for 21 days.
In addition, an employee of the pregnant woman can now receive a license 70 days with full pay, provided that she gives birth during this period. Kuwaiti women can also receive a four- Native months, two months with full pay and two months, with half the salary. The working hours of women in nursing can also be reduced to two hours per day.
Another amendment also stipulated that the men and women can receive a license with full pay to care of an ailing parent or relative accompany abroad for treatment, provided they are fully responsible for the costs. The relationship must be a spouse, a child or a parent of the employee.
Meanwhile, the voting session of the release of an official on behalf of Parliament on the events taking place in Libya. The declaration states that the Parliament commends the revolt in Libya and Libyans "Exercise of freedom.
In addition, recommendations on combating unemployment in Kuwait that were discussed on Tuesday were referred to the government. The quorum gave the government a period of two months to prepare a Report solutions to the problem.
Meanwhile, parliament has approved moving the Department of General Investigations of the Interior Ministry is under the authority of Public Prosecutor (PP) during a preliminary vote on the law. Thirty-four deputies voted for the law which stipulates that the PP has sole authority to investigate and prosecute criminal cases.
The new law also orders the cancellation of the research department the Ministry of Interior and moving all of its employees to work in equivalent positions within the PP, since remain in their positions without moving in judicial positions. A number of Members against the transfer of female researchers for PP, citing constitutional and religious grounds to disapprove women who occupy the courts.
In addition, a brief discussion also ensued between the Minister of Interior, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Humoud and anti-government MP, Ahmed Al-Saadoun, who spoke against the Interior Ministry.
An amendment gives the civil servant in Kuwait unpaid vacation special for a period not less than six months and not more than three years during the period of his service, since it contributed five years of service.
The amendment allows workers, men and women, to request a period of paid leave to accompany his wife (or husband) if sent abroad for education, scientific assignments, stock study, an official mission in the long or short term, provided that the duration not exceeding six consecutive months. An employee, under test, not can be taken for vacation, unless he (or she) worked for six months.
Meanwhile, the National Assembly, in its follow-up session in Wednesday, provided recommendations on the fight against unemployment to the government after the adoption of the proposed solutions to the major problem. After this stage constitutional executives refers a report about it to the Legislature, in two months before submission to the specialized parliamentary committees.
Vote on these recommendations did not take place as planned during the first session, on Tuesday, due to the lack of QUOROM Abdullah Al-Salem Hall.
They call the intersection and harmony among the mega projects project (2010-2014) and the demands of employment, whereby proportions for the recruitment of nationals of the private sector should be analyzed in order to toughen penalties against companies that Kuwaitis did not hire, in violation of the proportions of work together.
They call for replacing up to 60,000 non-Kuwaitis - holders certificates and skills available among the citizens - who working in the public sector with citizens, observing programs rehabilitation and training run by the Civil Service Commission.
Moreover, the recommendations urge for early retirement civil servants, especially among women and mothers, to allow parents to devote enough attention to their families and create new job opportunities for young people.
Among other problems that must be faced with media legislative and executive is the illegal trade of households with tarnished the image of Kuwait abroad, exacerbated the problems work and caused more social problems. An efficient and aspirant should be working to help the release of small domestic firms and increase the chances of work for the national youth, instead of being restricted to the public sector.
In addition, counseling will to implement EU privatization, with arbitrary restrictions redundancies and national staff, increasing attention to the activities tourist and cultural and accelerate the pace of the transformation process of Kuwait on a commercial and financial center.
However, the government should immediately reach an agreement with the Parliament on granting privileges of employment of women certain, says official spokesman of the National Development and Reform Bloc MP Faisal Al-Muslim.
Al-Muslim was speaking after parliament approved the privileges of employment for women on Wednesday. He also announced his plan to enlist the support of a parliamentary majority if the government returns the bill to the legislative authority.
Affirming the bloc will continue to support women, Al-Muslim said: "We will not stop fighting for the rights of women. We will also drive the adoption of a bill to allow women to retire earlier and the payment of salaries for housewives to enable them to concentrate on his duties family. "
Al-Muslim stressed the Parliament's approval of the bill on the employment rights of women on Wednesday was a step in towards ensuring gender equality. He expects strong coordination between women and panels of Finance to approve proposed the block.
Urging the government to approve the project, said Al-Muslim disagreement between the legislative and executive powers on the license Motherhood should not be an impediment to the approval of the project.
Moreover, Chairman of Women's Affairs Dr Maasouma Al-Mubarak congratulated the women of Kuwait for adoption their rights at its meeting on Wednesday. She believes this will eliminate discrimination that have been suffering for decades.
After expressing his gratitude to those who have the approval of bill possible, Al-Mubarak, admitted there were differences between the two authorities on the benefits and children. Some are of the opinion that women should be given benefits and children if her husband is not entitled to it, while others called for the granting of allowances to be married to a woman Kuwait, a foreigner with a lower salary
KD300 and widows or divorcees.
Al-Mubarak revealed another point of contention was license motherhood because the suggested allowing two months salary full and two months with half salary, but the government strongly opposed. He appealed to government to approve this clause to end the suffering of women in Kuwait.
comparative aspects
Libya: Looking for a post-Lockerbie
from Middle East Affairs, March 2001, page 66
Rights of Women Affairs and Social Programs Vital for Progress in Libya
For a decade before his election to the General People's Congress, Dr. Salma Sh. Abd Al-Jabar was a professor of philosophy and comparative religion at his alma mater, the University of Al Fatah. Not only was she elected to a national entity, but its Congressoeleito his assistant secretary for social affairs, created a new position by replacing and expanding the previous position of women's issues.
Dr. Abd Al-Jabar described the Libyan system as "an experiment in direct democracy." According to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi of Fatah Revolution, which overthrew the king of Libya in September 1, 1969, Libya in 1977 became a "state of the masses" or Jamahiriya. The system is designed to work "from the bottom up," she explained, and to "involve as many people as possible." Each of the 27 municipalities, or shabiyat, Congress chooses a site, which in turn elects a woman for the post of Secretary for Social Affairs (Dr. Abd Al-Jabar was elected in the district of Tripoli). These 27 representatives then elect one of them to the General People's Congress, which is responsible for monitoring the recommendations of local authorities.
In 1992, the Libyan government has decided to move toward decentralization, abolishing national ministries with the exception of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Interior, Information and African Unity. Between 1998 and 2000, ministries were also divided between the 27 shabiyat, maisfacilmente to respond to the needs and local problems.
Before the revolution of 1969, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said, most Libyan women do not even have the opportunity to attend school in part because of the shortage of schools outside the cities. Now a nine-year basic education is compulsory and free for both sexes, and 99 percent of children in Libya to take advantage of these opportunities. Most of the Libyan cities of today have local colleges.
While many village primary schools to educate girls and boys separately, depending on the wishes of the community in most cities, and especially in universities, classrooms are mixed. Women do not enfrentamrestrições universities, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said, and can be found in every career: there women judges, lawyers, politicians and entrepreneurs such as women in more traditional areas of medicine and education.
Dr. Abd Al-Jabar noted that it is easy and normal for women to mix with men in political life. Colonel Gaddafi "Third Universal Theory" in its Green Paper was very liberating for women in traditional society of Libya, "she said. The Libyan leader is a staunch supporter of women's rights. He believes strongly in women and their role in society as mothers, sisters and as human beings who deserve freedom and not thinking about the career should be off limits to women. He makes this point when he travels abroad accompanied by female guards.
Regarding equal rights are concerned, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said that with the help of colonel, "We jump. We have done a good job moving forward and now outnumber men in education schools education. We are welcomed into the police force and army. "
The Ministry of Social Affairs is particularly concerned about the situation of women and needy children, widows and divorcees, and the poor and elderly, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said, and strives to provide security for those in need and help eliminate poverty.
Among its goals for women in Libya, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said she hoped more women would be elected to the General People's Congress. While Colonel Qaddafi constantly calls for greater participation by women in the political process, it is still very difficult for women to win election to parliament, she said.
Asked whether Libya has a family planning policy, Dr. Abdeljuljabar replied that so far Libya has no fear of overpopulation. Also, as women grew older Libya confined to their homes, their modern counterparts, after attending college and establish careers, are marrying later and having fewer children. Thus, Libya has the luxury of addressing the issue of population growth, a personal level.
Regarding the effect of sanctions against Libya, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar noted that it is women who traditionally suffer the most. Health programs for mothers and children were wounded by a shortage of equipment, spare parts and medicines. During the years of air embargo, she said, some sources were unusable by the time they had been imported by land or sea.
Dr. Abd Al-Jabar described taking a peace delegation visit USA shopping in a market in Tripoli. They met with children who urged Americans: "Why did you bomb us?"
"It was not enough to bomb Libya?" Dr. Abd Al-Jabar asked politely. "Why do you continue with these cruel sanctions?"
from Middle East Affairs, March 2001, page 66
Rights of Women Affairs and Social Programs Vital for Progress in Libya
For a decade before his election to the General People's Congress, Dr. Salma Sh. Abd Al-Jabar was a professor of philosophy and comparative religion at his alma mater, the University of Al Fatah. Not only was she elected to a national entity, but its Congressoeleito his assistant secretary for social affairs, created a new position by replacing and expanding the previous position of women's issues.
Dr. Abd Al-Jabar described the Libyan system as "an experiment in direct democracy." According to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi of Fatah Revolution, which overthrew the king of Libya in September 1, 1969, Libya in 1977 became a "state of the masses" or Jamahiriya. The system is designed to work "from the bottom up," she explained, and to "involve as many people as possible." Each of the 27 municipalities, or shabiyat, Congress chooses a site, which in turn elects a woman for the post of Secretary for Social Affairs (Dr. Abd Al-Jabar was elected in the district of Tripoli). These 27 representatives then elect one of them to the General People's Congress, which is responsible for monitoring the recommendations of local authorities.
In 1992, the Libyan government has decided to move toward decentralization, abolishing national ministries with the exception of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Interior, Information and African Unity. Between 1998 and 2000, ministries were also divided between the 27 shabiyat, maisfacilmente to respond to the needs and local problems.
Before the revolution of 1969, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said, most Libyan women do not even have the opportunity to attend school in part because of the shortage of schools outside the cities. Now a nine-year basic education is compulsory and free for both sexes, and 99 percent of children in Libya to take advantage of these opportunities. Most of the Libyan cities of today have local colleges.
While many village primary schools to educate girls and boys separately, depending on the wishes of the community in most cities, and especially in universities, classrooms are mixed. Women do not enfrentamrestrições universities, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said, and can be found in every career: there women judges, lawyers, politicians and entrepreneurs such as women in more traditional areas of medicine and education.
Dr. Abd Al-Jabar noted that it is easy and normal for women to mix with men in political life. Colonel Gaddafi "Third Universal Theory" in its Green Paper was very liberating for women in traditional society of Libya, "she said. The Libyan leader is a staunch supporter of women's rights. He believes strongly in women and their role in society as mothers, sisters and as human beings who deserve freedom and not thinking about the career should be off limits to women. He makes this point when he travels abroad accompanied by female guards.
Regarding equal rights are concerned, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said that with the help of colonel, "We jump. We have done a good job moving forward and now outnumber men in education schools education. We are welcomed into the police force and army. "
The Ministry of Social Affairs is particularly concerned about the situation of women and needy children, widows and divorcees, and the poor and elderly, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said, and strives to provide security for those in need and help eliminate poverty.
Among its goals for women in Libya, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar said she hoped more women would be elected to the General People's Congress. While Colonel Qaddafi constantly calls for greater participation by women in the political process, it is still very difficult for women to win election to parliament, she said.
Asked whether Libya has a family planning policy, Dr. Abdeljuljabar replied that so far Libya has no fear of overpopulation. Also, as women grew older Libya confined to their homes, their modern counterparts, after attending college and establish careers, are marrying later and having fewer children. Thus, Libya has the luxury of addressing the issue of population growth, a personal level.
Regarding the effect of sanctions against Libya, Dr. Abd Al-Jabar noted that it is women who traditionally suffer the most. Health programs for mothers and children were wounded by a shortage of equipment, spare parts and medicines. During the years of air embargo, she said, some sources were unusable by the time they had been imported by land or sea.
Dr. Abd Al-Jabar described taking a peace delegation visit USA shopping in a market in Tripoli. They met with children who urged Americans: "Why did you bomb us?"
"It was not enough to bomb Libya?" Dr. Abd Al-Jabar asked politely. "Why do you continue with these cruel sanctions?"