Monday, November 11, 2013

O Profeta Mohamad (saw) said:
Should ask, because the question is the cure of ignorance !

>ignorance about some matter, is a place to sheythan make discordy , make misundrstandings
when need be closed, working together to Allahcc Delivery ease
our prophet Mohammad (saw) said:
Look for healing ....Allah did not put a disease without having given a remedy for it except old age ... Abu Daud, Chapter Al-Tib (medicine) (3855), Al-Tirmidhi (2038)
 GARLIC : is demonstrably a good natural remedy to the case . Crush a clove of garlic and boil for three minutes in a cup of water. Allow to warm , strain and drink . Should be drunk a cup every hour . better is aged garlic extractConducted by doctors at the University of Adelaide ( Australia ) , the study examined the conditions of participants in periods ranging from 12 to 23 weeks between 600mg and 900mg ingesting garlic capsules ( anywhere from 3.6 mg to 5.4 mg of alicinas , the active principle responsible for controlling blood ) . A clove of garlic contains allicin 5mg to 9mg .There was a decrease in both systolic ( the higher number ) and diastolic ( the lower , therefore) , which means about 20 % less chance of occurrence of some type of heart attack among these patients .Garlic is rich in vitamin C , which strengthens the circulation , immunity and also lowers bad cholesterolCrush a clove of garlic and swallow before lunch is a great antidote against colds and flu .consumption of garlic capsules have really long lasting effects in combating the problems heart.and pressureMELISSA OR lemongrass : besides soothing natural plant also helps to control blood pressure . Boil along with two cups of water 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves of lemongrass and 1 teaspoon of fresh leaves of passion fruit . Allow to warm and strain . Drink a cup three times a day .Lemon tea with passion :Boil for 10 minutes a teaspoon of chopped lemon balm leaves , a teaspoon of fresh leaves of passion fruit and two cups of water. Serve strained and drink 3 times a day .

= Teas to lower high blood pressure

Tea birdseed: Put a teaspoon of birdseed in a liter of water. Let it boils in a pot uncovered until the liquid amount to be reduced by referring to a glass. Take that only tea twice per week.

Mulberry Tea: The fresh leaves of the mulberry should go to a liter and a half of boiling water. Allow the liquid to cool, strain and drink the entire infusion into small cups during the day.

do not leave ... nor give up...Allah cc send help to u help ...then give victory ;;;so do not lost favors and blessing by Allah cc
A woman, the ummah, came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, I need you. He said: O, see which way I want to serve your needs. Then remained with her on the way she has met their need
  Muslim on the authority of Anas ibn Malik, chapter Al-Fada'il (2326), Ahmad (14,078) and Ibn Hibban (4527).

Our Jihad
There was twins born -A Saint (HZ) made the world be small for they be in same place for meeting each other the life... girl and boy , in the soul life, by Allah cc Mercy, for they can be support each other in this life.
A Saint (HZ) made the world be small for they be in same place for meeting each other the life.
One day the devil made a his soldier dressing as a good nursi make they separated, then the girl was very weak and dying. Both twins were separated and lying in two different incubators, however one day , a good Hz saint, was claimed  from the boy pure heart (boys souls are always more strongly) and with Allahcc Permition and dressing as a doctor of the souls, broke the protocol and put twins together, again, The moment a brother was laid by his sister's side  , as they need be.. the best  companion to get vicotry in the jihad to their lives. He, hurry,  Hugged her, with the HZ (Saint help) and within hours her heart beat stabilised and health improved. Eventually she was strong enough to live again. 
After this time, the sky opened to they take the , together, the rain of blessings what was waiting they in Allah cc hands, for cover they with the victory in their jihad.

They, walking on the garden , caring the flowers started to talk about that hard time.
he asked to she: What you was crying so much, i heared your voice, but , i was so small, that , what i did was to claim help to Allahcc Give Protector for save you.

Then she said:  ohhh my beloved family, i was thinking that you was leaved me, and without you, live to me was finished, because of, from soul life, my mission , here, is care You, and nothing more is important in this life... no matter is, more high than you, because of Our Ownner of our soul, sent to you the key , and to me the way to the door. Then my cry was to Allah cc Cover you, protect you, and inide of this cry, i was speaking to Your heart, where ALlahcc is:

" Oh dear brother , loved one , dear to all, one who did ALlahcc family, company , in this life ... do not know what made ​​me ALlahcc to be by your side and protect him , and defends them ? Do not know that Allahcc grants mission souls before they  exist as we ? See your heart , Allahcc is there, Helping  the truth can be found , for those who have real faith . beloved soul ....Oh , I cry for whom , by distance , by which you judge me without knowing my states ?My heart says illaha La illa Allah - but not hear tooAnd my soul says Muhammad Rasul Allah - and this thou hast not known , because they blind your ear for do not understand my wordsDo you not fear the response of our Lord , as me, we are one soul in two body.  

Because of this, The  Owner of my soul , like yours He Is, is WHO hears my supplications about You. And  is HE (Allah cc) Who sees my tears as tsunami in my heart when you do  not answer and my heart and soul , falls into the concerns about you . What can i do, if your soul is part of me, too?He (ALlahcc )  with His angels , and also yours , WHO knows what i face , for me take the way and you open the door for your victory be reality.... Allahcc made me be proud, honored, because of give me a family best as you are .... And , i asked to ALlahcc just so: please , answer his dua, accept his dua, is everything what i have in this live.. mady by Yours wills. Please, , Ownner of our heart and soul ,  say him that i am truste loyal, and show that what i say  is true and how many I'm ready every moment to fight and win his  battlse and help he have Victory...
Then , after this, i got that you was not caring about me, then i crying asking to you:Do not you remember to praise Him (Allahcc) as we promised in soul life, do goodness in all your actions and care me? ...yes you praise , because you  is pious soul , majestic , on  all others .. Therefore , Allahcc made ​​me side by you . Then why do not answer when i claim ? Why got prejudice about your soldier (me) , in this live ? Do you do not see, the enemies separated us, using others for grow fear inside of you? they said lies... why do you do not believe in me as before? if my acts prove to you that i am loyal to you?do you forgot from where you are ? Forgot the Mercy by our Ownner is , also,  You and the alll best are in front you ,easy to you get ?Please , lets not the enemies  care our soul , heart and mind , that is too many precious to  Allahcc then to my live and to those are real soul from Allahcc , will be helped from you, dear family unic.Get the cowrage is to continue our way, win this jihad and free us from their hands, ask Allahcc help to us, give me orientation , they key is with you, please, remember, then i will see the way , help us  to reach the victory what is wrote to you ... only so, my soul will can see our Ownner soul , again, in your eyes, where Allahcc made be the light to my way. Ya Rabib, Allah cc , Please, broke the wall what are blinding he to hear me and answer to me. even if is inside of  us. Help us to do our mission in this live for reach You Allahcc Al Jabbar... i have the map, the knowledge you sent to he, then pls help as You Promised. Give Saints, Angels Protector, and blind the enemies for they never hear and see nor blocke us in the path to u, together. As you saw, thisis the key to us, we grown together, one with way , other with the key, Allah cc Give the door amin

: ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´
ya Allah cc Al Muta'al... save who having shame without hve not did nothing wrong, but got in Jihad for helpp family. Help who have in hand the help , do their part, without make other be in humiliation. Show to who have blessings from You, waiting... the Favors and do not game with You , Al Hadi. Cut the force of the enemies, inside outside for the power from faith grown and cover as a big rain the lifes, in blesssings what will be a sample to the others how Biggest is Your Mercy and Abundance for those mantain firmily, by side closed , helping each other, to get victory in every matters, far or near.. show him , who is he and Your love about he and Protectors be by side of this important sou to all us, the example what , from he, come Your fvors , blessings to us , who care about he and are in this life as family real , bcs of are soul family. Ya ALlahcc is urgent and forgive us, clean the misunderstadings , open the doors of the hearts ,please, SAVE US ...   :´´´´´´Amin amin amin

Ya Allah cc, please, Al Wali , Jabbar, Al muta'al, please, make the words said by our Prophet Mohammand(saw) be true inside of the hearts and actions, please, help the commandant of this family , rememeber always who is he, from You, and make easy, please, heget win for come soon help us and we do not lost Yours FAvors...for we can live without be in humiliation. Allah'in please, forgive the pain when i cry to You, help this family soon, do each one our part without delay ..and when the others, what say are muslims , then make us in humiliation when we ask important matters to they, but their prejudice is so high from devil using they, theat they make us face shame and broke our hearts where You , ALlah'cc live...Then they making us be aways from the pathe, just bcs of ignore a opressed asking the help as need, not as they wish.... Ya ALlah'cc, this month of the Justice, please, make be done and back ,please, what is separated, the respect between us, the real care between us.
Allah'in , please, urgent pls, help our soul do acts goodnesss and help each one get the food on the table, the enought for pay all counts, expenses, as the companion of our Prophet beloved (saw), the family soul mantain joined, sapeaking the true waht are facing, caring each other, and donot lets a soul for to get the wishes from the life, bcs of a soul is more important than ownner wishes. Allah'in Al Aziz, i claim to You the help pls, accept my dua. and help we do not lost what u sent here, help for the envious donot reach he or me , nor our work, soul, heart, ear, budy amin

The Muslim is the brother/sister  of the other Muslim, so,  not injustice, not humiliate, do not disappoints, do not mind him nor despise. Pity lives here and pointed to his heart-three times, a person would have enough evil to despise his Muslim brother. Every Muslim is sacred to another Muslim: his blood, his property and his / her honor. "
* Obey Allah (swt) and His Messenger and do not disagree with each other as well fail and lose your value . And have patience , because Allah is with the patient * ( 8:46)
* And hold fast , all the rope of Allah and not divided among yourselves , remember the favors of
Allah ( swt) unto you , because ye were enemies with each other and He joined your hearts ... * ( 3:103 )

* O believers , incline you, prostrate yourselves , and worship your Lord do good , that you may prosper . * ( 22:77 ) .

* O you who believe, avoid most of suspicion, for some suspicions imply sin, neither backbite one another. Who of you would be able to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Such an attitude repulses you! Therefore, fear Allah, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful * (49:12)

 We heard the prophet of mercy , Muhammad ordered the union and tells us : " The example of the believers in love , mercy and compassion between them is an example of one body , when a body feels pain , the whole body suffers in sleeplessness and fever and esendemos nosa hand to help. never hmilhamos a brother or sister , as the fututo belongs to Allah ( swt ) and do not know whether , in the plans of Allah ( swt ) is the brother or sister who will host us on dry days and agony . " When we no longer feel the pain of our brothers / sisters.

taught us that we are all in the same boat saying, " The example of one that respects the limits of Allah ( swt ) and that which is beyond the example of a group that is on a ship , some in the attic , others at the top , and whenever who are at the bottom want to catch sea water need to go to the top . then some say : " to avoid disturbing those who are up there why not make a hole in the hull of the ship , on our part , and reap the water our part . " If those at the top allow all drown , and advise them and prohibit all be saved ." So , make your partee in aid of those who Allah ( swt ) did stand next in the journey of life . They are soul mates , that will for you to elp nomomento right , if you hold the responsibility to help her in todoso moments .Do not run away from their responsibilities . Should you not find omeio help , ask others what they can do together to help themselves. Not acovarde face of difficulties , because , by keeping faith and help, Allah ( swt ) keep open the paths , because Allah (SWT ) is Merciful and Knower of all things that we see and not see.
   "The advise you:  to fear , to listen and obey even if a slave to govern them, because those who live among you will see much discord. Should follow my sunnah (2) and the sunnah of the righteous and guided Khalifas, hang on to them with teeth, and beware invented matters (which does not originate in religion), for every invention (in religion) is an innovation and every innovation is a deviation and every deviation will lead to the fire (of hell). "This was one of the last advice of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) beloved, before leaving this life.

'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim

'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim

Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem

In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”

Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”

Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!

"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin



Ao nascer, recebemos um jardim para cuidar, já com muitas sementes, que noscabe apenas regar, cuidando com carinho de cada canteiro.No canteiro do Amor, nascem os mais belos sentimentos, como a solidariedade,o afeto, a ternura e uma linda flor vermelha, chamada de solidariedade.No canteiro da esperança, nascem os sonhos, a perseverança, os desejos daalma, que bem regados, rendem muitos frutos, chamados de "realizações".No canteiro da alegria, flores lindas que sorriem para a vida, sãoconhecidas como "motivação", "boa vontade" e "persistência", sendofundamentais para a continuidade do nosso jardim.Mais ao fundo, um canteiro impressiona pela altura das flores, é o canteiroda fé, regado com orações e atitudes regeneradoras, sobem até o céu, emuitas das flores tocam os pés dos anjos, que tudo ouvem nas nossasplantações.Muitos cuidam do canteiro com trabalho incessante, vigiando os pensamentos,regando constantemente o amor, a alegria e a esperança, sempre com desejosincero de mudar para melhor.Assim, as flores crescem sempre fortes, lindas e mesmo diante dastempestades, próprias da vida, resistem ao tempo e as dificuldades,tornando-se cada vez mais belas.Outros, se perdem em lamentações, gastando o precioso tempo em divagações.Pensam nas plantas que poderiam ter e não tem, naquelas que já tiveram eperderam, nas belas plantas do vizinho, e vão se descuidando do jardim,deixando as ervas daninhas tomarem conta dos canteiros.Assim, plantas destruidoras como o ódio, a inveja, a calúnia, a preguiça, as paixões,
o desrespeito, entre outras pragas, vão tomando o lugar das flores, e vamos nos
tornando pessoas amargas, insensíveis, amarguradas, tristes e doentes.O jardim da vida são os seus pensamentos, o regador seus sentimentos e asemente, a fé.O jardineiro é você, a terra, a própria vida, a água é Allah (swt), fonte de toda avida, que está dentro de você, e em todos os lugares em forma de energia.Seja você, o próprio jardim de Deus, cuide dos seus canteiros, regue todosos dias com amor, esperança e fé.Eu acredito em você.
Cid Pimentel

adaptado por Suleyman

While being born, we receive the garden you it take care, already with much seeds, which noscabe it hardly will water, taking care affectionately of each flowerbed. In the flowerbed of the Love, the most beautiful feelings plows born, like the solidarity, the affection, the gentleness and the lovely red flower called of solidarity. In the flowerbed of the hope, there joy plows born the dreams, the perseverance, the wishes daalma, what watered well, bring many results called of " realizations in.No flowerbed of the, lovely flowers that smile will be the life, sãoconhecidas like "motivation", " good will " and "persistence", sendofundamentais will be the continuity of our garden. Live you it the bottom, the flowerbed impresses will be the height of the flowers, he is the canteiroda faith, watered with prayers and regenerative attitudes, they rise up you it the sky, emuitas of the flowers they touch the feet of the angels, who completely hear in the nossasplantações. Many people take care of the flowerbed with incessant work, watching the thoughts, always watering constantly the love, the joy and the hope, with desejosincero of changing will be better. Only, the flowers always grow strongly, lovely and even before dastempestades, own of the life, stand the test of team and the difficulties, becoming live and live beautiful.
Others, they plows lost in lamentations, spending the precious team in wanderings. They think about the plants that they might have and it is not, in that what they had already eperderam, in the beautiful plants of the neighbor, and they go if neglecting the garden, letting the weeds take care of the flowerbeds. Only, destructive plants like the hatred, the envy, the slander, the laziness, the passions, the disrespect, between other nuisances, plow taking the place of the flowers, and we go in making bitter, insensible, embittered, sad and ill persons. The garden of the life they plows his thoughts, watering can his feelings and asemente, the faith. The gardener is you, the land, the life itself, the water is Allah (swt), fountain of every live, which is inside you, and at all the places in the form of energy. Be you, the God's garden itself, take care of his flowerbeds, water todosos days with love, hope and faith.

by: Dr . Cid Pimentel F.M.J. adapted by Suleyman