Friday, October 22, 2010

Educating to change

Educating to change
 We need, firstly, to change our concepts of which " the human being, in certain age, cannot change.
 We are creatures of Allah (cc), changeable, in all our characteristics.
 Only, the essence is not managed to "change" " of the evil "

To transform, inside for To change is the capacity of training. For example, the Prophet. Umar (RA), the period of ignorance before Islam gömerdi daughters buried alive. After accepting Islam as Umar (RA), the caliph, although installing the sack on his back, the poor need the items moved to their homes. Both of Omar (RA) is the same. Adjectives, vision, values,  have changed, with knowledge. In essence the same. Who have good soul , good heart, will to change. Who have no... may Allah to protect us from them.

Care , be careful with what come from out side to your heart, nafs and Satan use your eyes, for  General suggestions to our heart, for the wastage of our heart , right way. Things from dunnya are the food for Nefs ve Satan.
Heart zikr find the force. Food supply, to the heart,  dhikr of Allah. The soul food to eat, drink, wear .

To "transform" our self, it is necessary to think about some general concepts, as well as:


    * Education

People today are lost and confused wondering: Why is this happening? What should we do? But we are nimble, 'solved', and if we understand the problem, we will perform what are necessary to solve it. Persons who have personal weak values, are inclined giving up, but , why?

More and more personal positive values, the ' noble character ' are losing the real value (that is the correct ), and giving space for ' stereotypes ' that are '', today ' the example of ' beautiful, well, correctly. This is the valuable inversion, which causes ' social phobia ' 'stress' ' depression ' and the dismissal of the family, of homes, of the worthy, correct character.

We are the result of our existences,religion, culture,  relationships, influence relatives, it influences of the media, of the group, of the Internet (and his disposable, frivolous, impersonal relations)also,  past influences and sufferings. The technology influence: The same technology what it took from us of the caverns and what launched on the moon was able to show whole populations in fraction of seconds. The same conquests that provide us a more comfortable life, steal from us the opportunities of familiarity and dialog. And in these technological personal items in which the modernity introduced us, the family, especially, lost his most intimate dimensions and was turned into a mere aggregation of bodies that share the same ceiling, though in different hours.
Values are you pound what we build. What it does not mean that we will be so forever - we can today begin a new being, look more and other values and discard our vices. Values can be cultivated, of many people I quote those who are more relevant to drive a run: faith; ethics and respect; compassion and gratitude.

The human values are more investment profitable What can we do for the present but also for the future, because factor that determines success, happiness and truth are the values that believe in and apply. When we bring back the human values our professional relationships, social and ourselves, rights human automatically will become the laws upheld and followed by all, and their duty to Allah(cc) will be easy.

If everyone take care of their own personal values, the world where we live would be much better. Each individual and all collectively determine the future of humanity. The more we accept this personal challenge and responsibility, more safe and secure is the future. The choice is ours.


Brotherhood/sisterhood is an approximation of equals, where they shared joys, triumphs, difficulties and failures. Brotherhood/sisterhood  is one under which the individual generosity never feel abandoned or deprived of something evil, but is nourished by sense of belonging.

Brotherhood/sisterhood  diversity are the hands that come together to create and share a task. Creates trust, which is the foundation of success in any endeavor cooperative. When we trust in others, fear, intolerance and discrimination dissolve.

The distrust destroys the proximity and therefore faith in another. Interactions between people and nations are often based on suspicion, with the result that we become inclined to believe the worst instead of better.

The trust is created by the awareness of the inherent value of each individual and simultaneously by the appreciation of diversity. The difference of each individual sum, not subtract, to the dignity and worth of the human race.

Often talked of having an "open mind", but now, the crisis of the Century XXI also need to have an open heart ". An open heart separates all the blame and complaint, forgive the past and is enthusiastic and brave enough to seize the opportunities offered by this. The opening of the heart removes any inclination to not understanding, because is willing to believe in the benevolence of another.

Brotherhood/sisterhood always share the two most precious gifts: your time and attention, also, to understand that, need , together to promove actions for to protect the world, to help the society , to help each to others, how is the command from Allah(cc), also, the  Sunna. These are the alpha and omega of a clear channel of communication in the way see things, the positions and differences may or may not be in agreement, but certainly will always to respect the differences.


Knowledge is understanding. The individual and society can move forward while maintaining an open at different levels and deeper knowledge.

Knowledge removes ignorance and its consequences, ie bias and stagnation.

Knowledge means change. When a new aspect of knowledge enters the mind human resembles a renaissance of consciousness: the birth of a new vision that broadens the horizons of understanding, empathy, and ultimately be.

A education system works for the development of the individual and society, when it is flexible and perceptive enough to accommodate and encourage such novelty and renewal. True education opens the human intellect to investigate, not inhibits, or censorship by the learning habits and dogmas to promote vested interests or biases.

The education (ie, learning for personal development) works at four levels:

1. Information (listen)

Listen and gather ideas, perspectives, techniques that can improve life and conference.

2. Knowledge (understanding)

Think deeply and clearly about these ideas and perspectives as a preparation to customize them and use them.

3. Wisdom (do)

When do we put into practice the knowledge absorbed, it is called virtue or value. These values are the basis for personal and collective dignity.

4. Truth (be)

the that the person puts into practice is what it becomes. Thus the values of peace, freedom, respect,

tolerance are the person and personal empowerment through that there is an increase genuine and the other positive.

We need all four levels, a true education, that is, to a full development of personality.

However, the problem is that people and systems tend to stay at the level of listening and thinking, acting without wisdom. For effecting change, we need pay equal attention to be wise and act wisely.

Wisdom is the art of living with quality through to see that any initiative to develop the individual or company must be accompanied by an updated interior, ie, a reconnection with the spiritual values innate and conscience.

This wisdom in action, gradually establishing a true person, a being who is totally in tune with their needs, rights and responsibilities and As with the other, a natural harmony, respectful, peaceful and benevolent.


Dignity is closely related to consciousness and self-respect. Dignity means to consciously choose to live according to values universal spiritual and moral. Without values, our character, not on the basis needed to be able to weather the storms of greed, individualism and fragmentation. Without values, personality type is influenced and formed by short-term gains, which create conditions to establish themselves insecurity, fear and aggression.

Dignity is the ability to align my mental attitudes, my words and my actions with my true values and authentic. It is the ability to express these characteristics through my behavior, which will enrich my relationships and increase the quality of my interactions while at the same time, gives me a feeling of inner satisfaction and fulfillment.

If no self-respecting true, will make sure that our words and actions contribute to the daily emotional and spiritual development of us ourselves and all around us. This feeling of success and progress so the basis for respecting the values of all people.

There a multitude of principles and concrete rules, and a person who respects himself it learns to respect them and follow them, living according to them. A person with dignity does not compromise the values that you believe, because recognizes that this would reduce their quality of life and violate personal rights of others. We all have the right to peace, the internal happy relationships and a harmonious coexistence. However, these fundamental rights can be protected only when we have the courage to live according to moral values in which we believe firmly.

A person has dignity, to the extent that they are not selling for ephemeral comforts, for lust, positions and promises.

That that is worthy can sacrifice personal advantage to gain collective name - this is an honorable person.

the world needs such people - individuals who are able to heroically address the problems rather than away from them - people who are ready to do everything to ensure that standards of peace, respect and love of all people are kept.


Fraternity is the relationship that unites everyone in one big global family. Fraternity is the consciousness with which we can transcend all differences outside that separate us and divide us in black and white, rich and poor, Christians and Muslims. The list of differences can be infinite even between two persons of the same religion and same nationality.

With the attitude of brotherhood, all conflicts, all the fights and all the wars are replaced by understanding, tolerance and solidarity. This attitude comes easily when we understand that we are all interconnected and that the differences are not a threat. It is these differences that make world more beautiful, like a garden filled with a variety of flowers. However, if there is no tolerance, these same differences are the reason for conflict and fragmentation.

Fraternity is the message and the need for our era, because fraternal feelings automatically produce an atmosphere of mutual cooperation. Nothing great can be achieved without the element of cooperation. regardless of what the religion they belong, regardless of our citizenship, our color skin or our social status, we are all in the same boat. We are all citizens the same planet. We're all souls, children of the same God.

The fraternity can do wonders because it focuses our attention on the goodness inherent in each. To realize the goodness in ourselves and in others, we are able to build bridges that cross all boundaries, all limitations, discrimination and are able to join our hands and hearts together transform this world into a place a harmonious and happy.



equal between people assumes that everyone has the same rights and also the same responsibilities. People know very well how to claim their rights, but how many are willing to commit to their responsibilities in same extent?

Mahatma Gandhi said that our rights are nothing more than the result of responsibilities properly fulfilled. While we are at the gates of the Century XXI, in many places around the world the conditions of injustice and inequality still exist, either between men and women, between social classes, among religious groups or between nations. 0 individual has been identified with situations limited and social positions that give a sense of superiority. Thus, people have lost respect for his fellow men and with this, also lost his consciousness. People can explore and stifle the and still others may justify his actions with arguments intelligent. However, everything has its inevitable consequences.

The arrogance that comes from the feeling of superiority causes damage, or destroy completely the individuality of others and violates their rights fundamental.

The attitude of equality in a group or a society nurtures spirituality. The genuine spirituality creates a sense of belonging, of being a great family. In one family there are different personalities, but all feel to be the members of a group. All people have essentially the same needs, the same desires for peace of mind, of unselfish love, respect and happiness.

The equality is naturally created when we are inwardly happy with us same with our lives and when we need no external approval for our own values.

The individual freedom also forms the basis of equality. Freedom of what? The greater freedom is the freedom of our own ego. It is necessary in get rid of wrong perceptions and beliefs limited. It is necessary reorder our values and our principles because they determine the quality of our lives.


Justice is the name given to the universal law or power that maintains the rights and safeguard nature of the individual against exploitation, abuse and violence. Justice in taught to respect individual rights and freedoms: when we do not respect the rights of others in their personal expression and happiness, is simply a matter of time before we lose our own too right. Also, participate or be indifferent to any kind of violence with others, robs us of our dignity and rights.

justice maintains a balance of rights and dutyes ( responsabilities) , not only the human species, but also of nature, is equality for all. Very often forget the rights of Mother Nature, whose presence sustains us. So that their right to peace and harmony has been often trampled by humanity in the name of progress.

Justice is naturally maintained when rights are balanced with the responsibilities, otherwise there is an insistence on personal rights without reference to the rights of others.

The Violence destroys the purity of justice. Sometimes, revolutions against oppression take an escalation of violence in full the moment, while climbing to power, the oppressed abuse their positions and revenge is camouflaged falsely by the name of justice. This underlying motives of justice with revenge, hatred or greed is a contradiction. The blind justice created by the people is destructive and preferred, whereas the true justice, as an inherent principle of life, keep peace and order, is universal. No human being has the right to take justice into their own hands.

The True justice can be maintained only when all cooperate on mutual respect for the welfare of the individual, community and nature.


A of the highest aspirations of people in the world today is being free, but with carefull ,  having like ' principal value ' ' the moral aspects. Freedom are not Licentiousness.   The People want the freedom to lead a life with purpose, to be healthy and prosperous. Freedom is a precious gift that enables a experience a feeling of release and there is no limit, as if we were all one. Freedom allows us to choose, at any time about the direction of our lives and our own development.

The Freedom can be understood wrongly as a gimmick that allows me to do 'What I like, when I want, with whom I like. " True freedom is exercised and experienced when everyone has the same rights equally. Violate the rights of one or more, under any pretext, is a violation of freedom. Only when there is full freedom rights are balanced with choices and responsibilities are balanced with conscience attending the religious beginnings.

Th world will not be free of wars and injustices to people becoming freed from their egoism. The 'iron chains' that stifle people and nations, will only be broken when the 'current' anger, selfishness, greed and violence break. Freedom means to conquer our own feelings of hostility, revenge and morbid desire. Such freedom has a effect of liberation for all. Freedom to provide individual freedom in our relationships and interactions.

That who is RESPONSABILE is also free, because it will make good use of everything that is available to him. the responsible use of natural resources, weather, relationships, wealth etc.. depends on the level of response we have to breast- with them. 0 ensures compliance and protects an enduring freedom. When we lose our respect for something, then we went to his slave mentally emotionally, economically or physically.


The challenge to peace appears regularly on the question: "Humans are, by nature, violent or nonviolent? "If the answer is: they are violent, so the concept of peace becomes nonexistent. Experiencing peace mind has become a popular cliche. But what does this mean? People say who want peace in the world, but what kind of peace you want? Can to have peace, who don't respect law from Allah (cc)? Who will to have peace, without to respect their family and others that need of them?

Peace is the foundation, the main block on which a company raises functional and healthy. Peace is the prominent feature of what we call a civilized society 'and the character of a society can be seen by consciousness conference members. A civilization may be for paradise or demonic, depending on the state of consciousness of its members and their actions for to be in the right way. Consciousness creates their cultural norms, values, systems and consciousness can also turn culture.

Bring back peace to the social sectors, economic, political as well as others in society would require notice it at two levels: external and the procedure.

Educate for peace, resolve conflicts, as well as all peace initiatives that have take seriously a critical engagement between the individual peace and world peace.

Through creative insight, the individual can find within itself a vast potential for peace and tranquility. With this experience, the process of internal disarmament starts automatically: the release of anger, fear and hatred. Inner peace is then reflected in the behavior, actions and personal relationships and thereby creates new social patterns. The experience of Personal Peace makes the idea of world peace a reality as possible.


Respect is the natural consequence of self-respect. A good way to win Respect is knowing our own worth and be considerate towards the value of others. Respect is based on the understanding that each individual is a unique being, a spiritual being, a soul. Respect comes from understanding the their innate worth and rights that every individual and society possess.

A Since the individual has reached a state of dependence on external factors, instead of relying on their own inner powers, shall require the respect based on external references, such as social status, nationality, religion or popularity. The more respect is given by some external factor, plus the desire for recognition by others, too increases. And the greater the desire, the more we get this sense of 'victim' and thus lose self-respect and respect for others.

The power of discrimination establishes a respectful environment in which there is attention the quality of intentions, attitudes and behaviors. To the extent where there is the power of humility in respect to itself - and the wisdom provides that to be fair to others - there will be success in the form of enhance the individuality, appreciate diversity and lead to complete task consideration.

The  balance between humility and selfless service in autorespeito Results and protects the arrogance and narrow-minded mind. The arrogance damages or destroys the uniqueness of others and violates their fundamental rights. Such temperament also hurts the person who violates the respect of others.


The world, our great human family can be described as a large tree with many branches, twigs and buds. Every nation represented by a branch is a brother or sister who has her own family. When the historical origins are seen through the family members in a family tree, is possible to realize the complementarity between all people, which demonstrates that that coexistence is possible.

The tolerance is the goal of peaceful coexistence. Due to tolerance, recognize the individuality and diversity, removes disguises and disables tension created by ignorance. Provides the opportunity to discover and remove stereotypes and stigmas associated with people regarded as different because of their nationality, religion or origin.

By have an open mind and genuine understanding, a tolerant person attracts someone different and to accept and adjust to living with that person, demonstrates tolerance in a practical way. As a result, relationships thrive. Tolerance is an inner strength that enables the individual to confront and transform misunderstandings and difficulties. It's like a shield that allows us to stay full, happy and not be threatened by people or circumstances.

A tolerant person is like a tree with fruit abundance. Even when playing or hitting rocks with a stick, the tree bears its fruit in return. "Tolerance is not concession, not indifference. Tolerance knowledge is another. It is mutual respect through mutual understanding. Let's throw out the old myths and understand what is happening. 0 man not is violent by nature. The intolerance is not in 'our genes'. 0 fear and ignorance are the root cause of intolerance, and its standards can be found early in the psyche human. "

May Allah (cc) to have compassion and piety of our, and to guide us, always for the straight path. inshAllah. amin

reflexions about What is a woman muslim

Women   Powerful  x Women of Faith VS Powerful

the Muslim woman are not so different.
the difference are in her intention about their acts.
the values.


The  powerful woman works out every day to keep your body in shape,
but  woman of strong faith prostrate in prayer to keep her soul in   way.

The powerful woman have not afraid of anything,
 but a woman of strong faith  shows courage in the midst of your fears.

The  powerful woman does not let you take the best,
but a woman of faith Powerful gives his best for everyone.

The powerful woman makes mistakes and are happy, sepaking "i am human",
but   powerful woman of faith realize that mistakes, without to want, and when know about her wrong acts, have big afraid for to do the right,  also blessings of life         of  Allah , because she learning, and ask for refuge in Allah (cc)  for dont to have wrongs , in the future .

The  powerful woman is definitely moving, without to think in others, or to ask ,
but a woman of strong faith,  ask to her husband, before, and ask to Allah(cc), the refuge, and   when she falls, has sabr(Have faith in Allah (cc)  that everything will improve or change), and do what is right to her husband and she to stay in right way.

The  powerful woman brings the picture of confidence on her face and body, but the woman   of powerful faith in her face carries the picture of  the strong power from her faith in Allah, and the sweet eyes with modesty, bashfulness, also , pleasure in her actions,  trying to learning and  to have good characther.

The powerful woman, has in his work, and social way, a way to attend his wishes of "lust",
but, the woman with the strength of the faith, works in order that his husband helps, in his conquests, paw the good to be of the family, to collaborate with the Ummah , also her duty in the islam.

The   powerful woman strives to look beautiful and perfect, but the woman  of strong faith know that nothing is more attractive than the ornament of faith   and the beauty of taqwa (Religiosity, righteousness) eloquence and kindness, shame, her honor ,  dignity, obedience to the laws from Allah(cc) , obedience to her husband, and to help the ummah to grown is , too, her beautiful.

The powerful woman has heart of the persons distributes the "lust" in, looking for " goods " for her own,  
 but, the woman with strength in the faith, search sows " the faith ' and the "rectitude" between brothers and sisters.

The powerful woman has learned that faith is strong enough to face the  her  journey alone;  but of mighty faith has faith enough to know what is  on her journey she will become strong, with the protection of Allah (cc) and with the support from  her husband.

Source: NOOR     

The powerful woman, the  woman of strong faith, THEY WILL  BE OLD AND TO DIE.
the two will have to answer for Allah (cc) for her acts in the life.


OH Allah,  we are your slaves.. all the time you send
blessin to us, to enjoy in  ... ohhh Allah , please, protect my true family from this .. what have and we cannot to see... please .. protect us.. leave us from enemies. show to us the true way, from you, to you... please   Allah... now again . no... please Allah... give all protectors,  for  to  leave us from the  others negative forces
that, all the time make us to do mistakes. inside us and out side.. leave us from this fear.. what we have inside us and make us  toleave the right ways, to leave yours blessing, and to leave alone who love us so much, with the love from you..... Allah, please... know what happen again.. please help us.. amin  ... a

'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim

'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim

Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem

In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”

Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”

Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!

"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin



Ao nascer, recebemos um jardim para cuidar, já com muitas sementes, que noscabe apenas regar, cuidando com carinho de cada canteiro.No canteiro do Amor, nascem os mais belos sentimentos, como a solidariedade,o afeto, a ternura e uma linda flor vermelha, chamada de solidariedade.No canteiro da esperança, nascem os sonhos, a perseverança, os desejos daalma, que bem regados, rendem muitos frutos, chamados de "realizações".No canteiro da alegria, flores lindas que sorriem para a vida, sãoconhecidas como "motivação", "boa vontade" e "persistência", sendofundamentais para a continuidade do nosso jardim.Mais ao fundo, um canteiro impressiona pela altura das flores, é o canteiroda fé, regado com orações e atitudes regeneradoras, sobem até o céu, emuitas das flores tocam os pés dos anjos, que tudo ouvem nas nossasplantações.Muitos cuidam do canteiro com trabalho incessante, vigiando os pensamentos,regando constantemente o amor, a alegria e a esperança, sempre com desejosincero de mudar para melhor.Assim, as flores crescem sempre fortes, lindas e mesmo diante dastempestades, próprias da vida, resistem ao tempo e as dificuldades,tornando-se cada vez mais belas.Outros, se perdem em lamentações, gastando o precioso tempo em divagações.Pensam nas plantas que poderiam ter e não tem, naquelas que já tiveram eperderam, nas belas plantas do vizinho, e vão se descuidando do jardim,deixando as ervas daninhas tomarem conta dos canteiros.Assim, plantas destruidoras como o ódio, a inveja, a calúnia, a preguiça, as paixões,
o desrespeito, entre outras pragas, vão tomando o lugar das flores, e vamos nos
tornando pessoas amargas, insensíveis, amarguradas, tristes e doentes.O jardim da vida são os seus pensamentos, o regador seus sentimentos e asemente, a fé.O jardineiro é você, a terra, a própria vida, a água é Allah (swt), fonte de toda avida, que está dentro de você, e em todos os lugares em forma de energia.Seja você, o próprio jardim de Deus, cuide dos seus canteiros, regue todosos dias com amor, esperança e fé.Eu acredito em você.
Cid Pimentel

adaptado por Suleyman

While being born, we receive the garden you it take care, already with much seeds, which noscabe it hardly will water, taking care affectionately of each flowerbed. In the flowerbed of the Love, the most beautiful feelings plows born, like the solidarity, the affection, the gentleness and the lovely red flower called of solidarity. In the flowerbed of the hope, there joy plows born the dreams, the perseverance, the wishes daalma, what watered well, bring many results called of " realizations in.No flowerbed of the, lovely flowers that smile will be the life, sãoconhecidas like "motivation", " good will " and "persistence", sendofundamentais will be the continuity of our garden. Live you it the bottom, the flowerbed impresses will be the height of the flowers, he is the canteiroda faith, watered with prayers and regenerative attitudes, they rise up you it the sky, emuitas of the flowers they touch the feet of the angels, who completely hear in the nossasplantações. Many people take care of the flowerbed with incessant work, watching the thoughts, always watering constantly the love, the joy and the hope, with desejosincero of changing will be better. Only, the flowers always grow strongly, lovely and even before dastempestades, own of the life, stand the test of team and the difficulties, becoming live and live beautiful.
Others, they plows lost in lamentations, spending the precious team in wanderings. They think about the plants that they might have and it is not, in that what they had already eperderam, in the beautiful plants of the neighbor, and they go if neglecting the garden, letting the weeds take care of the flowerbeds. Only, destructive plants like the hatred, the envy, the slander, the laziness, the passions, the disrespect, between other nuisances, plow taking the place of the flowers, and we go in making bitter, insensible, embittered, sad and ill persons. The garden of the life they plows his thoughts, watering can his feelings and asemente, the faith. The gardener is you, the land, the life itself, the water is Allah (swt), fountain of every live, which is inside you, and at all the places in the form of energy. Be you, the God's garden itself, take care of his flowerbeds, water todosos days with love, hope and faith.

by: Dr . Cid Pimentel F.M.J. adapted by Suleyman