Tuesday, November 2, 2010

freedom come from the true... and love trusty

freedom come from the true... and love trusty

 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. Thank HIM, HIM HE ask for help and ask for guidance. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, the One without associates. I pray to Allah cc to save this testimony for the day when neither the money nor the children have no value, but our acts done will be our testimony.

the true=Our duties with others.
who Allah CC gave to our live are our duty?

Ibn Masood reported that Prophet Muhammadsaws2.gif (304 bytes) (saw) said:
The''truth leads to goodness, and goodness leads Paradise, for sure that if a man says the truth always, Allah will enter like really truthful. Lying leads to fire, so if a man ever said lies, Allah cc will enter as hopelessly liar.'' (Bukhari and Muslim)

There are things, which heart speaks, in hight voice. but, anyway, have who are egoist, or have prejudice about others, and have those are not thinking is better .. it is true  or not. for the time being.
Some one, far from family, far from help, far from everything what need for to have a live, become afraid of ' not managing to assimilate '  to where to go, what to do... then  wait that the truth comes, of whom he must tell the truth.Others one, dont wait, and so, being far from the right way.
 The 'truth' is a liberator. Be sure, that it is in our hand, the life of other persons... a text to us from Allah CC. Their life depends on our choices. Are our test, in this dunya, continuum 

vindictive .. preferring to live for inside their own self ... and they do not want to know of the suffering of others .. do not  hear .. they do not want to be " disturbed ' with the reality of other ... (want hear only good sentences that are food to their NEFS). Nevertheless, AllahCC puts other lives human hands... But, they are so occupied, hearing their  prejudices .. and, they do not hear Allah CC, in their  hearts..
 There are others that play with the life of others.... And dont  remember, or dont  want to know that there are persons with real problems .. trying to survive... or " to have a life ', with honor. But, these " players ', they forget what to that life is more precious than their game, than their NEFS...but they insist to be selfishness, having courage of to say big lie.. and this lie destroy a family, destroy a live, destroy a hope... sending others to the wrong way...

Allah says in surat At The HIGHEST Taubah 119: "Believers, fear Allah and be with the truthful!" And testimony that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and messenger, the chosen among His creatures, made public the message, cared for what entrusted to him, advised the people to abolish injustice and tried his best for Allah cc's sake.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal The reported he had heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: 
"The believer can make any quality except treachery and lying." Dear brothers and dear to the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) know that it was true that by Allah, blessed be Allah cc created the heavens and the earth. AND Allah cc, praise, demanded that all people build their lives in absolute truth. If you say something, speak only the truth and act, act according to truth and good character.

There are many people what they deceive, which lie .... others, simply they are not sincere.   ohhh this is so sadden...
 And all these "characteristics" make heart  blinded. but some persons hear the voice of the NEFS, and of the wicked one .... preventing from hearing ALLAH CC. And so, it leads astray others ... stopping being necessary with their  missions in this planet, which is a " passage of text ".
Many  human being, a lot of , near of the 'animal' ,  still caring, only about their wishes.

But, Muslimimam... we have the obligation to live like 'real' brothers ' and ' sisters ' 
when says "dont care about others lifes, the mean is "dont do specualtion' .. AND this dont mean that 
is for to leave other alone.
when have a look in the histories of our prophet Mohammad (saw), we can see that " to care that one who Allah CC gave to our live, way, are out DUTY. But to say the true, to be trusty are the principal DUTY.

or it s different? maybe i am wrong. maybe have those like to be deceived.... so, bcs of this do so.. maybe

Abu Huraira reported the Prophet Muhammadsaws2.gif (304 bytes) (saw) said:
Take the initiative''doing good deeds, before the seven events that occur, and take heed to them, a poverty that is forget, causing a wealth despotism, a malignant disease, a senile old age, a sudden death, and the anti-Christ impostor because you have to reckon with the evil of that is absent, and the Hour of Judgement, because the Hour will be most calamitous and bitter.'' (Tirmizzi)

 i believe so... my true family , blessing from Allah CC, helped me to learn that, elhamdulillah, but this are from our soul: before we do any act, we must think so: 

-'if was my mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son or, even, i ?  i wold like that some one was it deceiving, was lying, playing, with his/her/mine lives?
- if was I, suffering these situations, how i would like what were acting with me??
for humans,  is very easy to "judge" to prejudge, to lie, to deceive, persons...
 But when it is for  himself ................... everybody  want, and have the right of, to be respected...

the counted lie is a prison of the soul: for the one who speaks the lie, and for the one who believes. we should have thought about this reflection.  
 Besides this, all of we live in environment of insecurity, continuum.
 So, the necessity of " love, fondness, when it took care " is big, for all to that whom they are not egoists.
 Imagine, then, for the one who has not a nearby family, for orphans, for persons who try to live in the certain way, which Allah CC fears, and who are in his/her hand to join this person with the family or to help for to go to the right way, do different, and try to do all for to separate!??

My self dont accept any badness. elhamdulillah
But, maybe , for some persons, i am wrong to think our believe so. ya?

BUT, not important what others think. Important are what i DO, MAKE to our Allah cc

Abu Huraira reported the Prophet Muhammadsaws2.gif (304 bytes) (saw) said that Allah Praise said:
''One who harass one of my servants more devotees, is at war with me, and when a servant My seek My good pleasure, that I will be as rewarding as fulfilled if it has been declared as required. My servant will continue to seek the good pleasure through my prayers optional until they run out like them. And when that happens, I'll convert them into their ears with which they hear in their views with which he sees in his hands with which operate, and their legs with which to walk. If you ask me something, I will give you, and in Me seeking refuge, I will grant it.'' (Bukhari)

About Muslims, this is knowledge received . a personal jihad:  THE LIE IS HARAM. DONE!

Humanity is in a situation of chaos and uncertainty due to the abandonment of the principles of truth due to the field because of the illusions and the dissemination of lies thus removing it from the straight path. Therefore it is necessary that the Muslim build your life on the foundations of truth, it is necessary that the truth is present in all aspects of your life to become the main feature of the Islamic nation. In Islam there is no room for illusions and assumptions and the Koran mocks those who follow their own conjectures.

Allah says in surat ANNAJIM: "Such (deities) are nothing more than names, with the
named, ye and your fathers, about what Allah cc has given you no authority whatsoever. They follow nothing but their own conjectures and the lusts of their souls, despite having come to them Guidance from their Lord! Nay, shall man have what he aspires to? Know that belongs only to Allah and this other life. "

Islam fought the lying and, in any shape or form, since those who practice it stain, cause harm to others and becomes a source of threat to society; about that A'isha reported that there was something more abhorrent to the Prophet Muhammad saw  than the lie.

The   "Right words" in dealings with others are becoming   more pure lies. 

For presenting the truth in small doses facilitates   life. The Americans call this "elaborate way" communication   of "white lies". Those who always tell the truth are   considered hopelessly naive. Moreover, they easily   earn enemies. It is estimated that a lie comes to our lips around   200 times per day on average one every five minutes. Beginning   by flattery ("You're great-looking!")   even outright lies ("Today I can not go to the office,   I have the flu ").

There   Some years are occupied with the mystery of lies not only philosophers,   but also political scientists and psychologists. The result   research on the lie:
-   Lies and deceit are in our genes, were and are the engine of   evolution. Biologists assume that the development of   human brain was only possible by having to deal with mistakes.
-   We cajoled, lured and smile on a daily basis to look innocent   maintain a good atmosphere or to present us with a more favorable light.   Especially spouses and family are so wrong   intense. They are victims of two thirds of all lies   severe - according to the analysis of daily American psychologist   Bella DePaulo of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
-   Talent to deceive is a sign of intelligence - a success factor,   as useful as insight, intuition or creativity.   "The success of a professional executive depends on 80% of your intelligence   social, "says Howard Gardner, a psychologist at the Harvard School of Education.   Also Stiegnitz Peter, a researcher of lying in Vienna (Austria)   thinks that the "careerists prefer to work with skill and charm instead   to do it with the application and perseverance. " = SO, THEY ARE THE BIG LIER corrupting the humanity

The   diplomatic goal of education from Occident European live style : children   already learn early on that it is better not to say   their unsympathetic aunt who find it disgusting smeared kiss. Joy   concealed from the mother to receive the Christmas present useless, candy   furtively hidden and the law of silence on family drawbacks   are role models and training for the day lies in the future.

However,   children only understand the need to lie between the second   and fourth years of life, and the sooner this happens the more intelligent   they are. Until then they can not distinguish between fantasy   and reality. When they discover, then, is how finely   possible to reach the other, they do so primarily for their own benefit   - To avoid punishment or to receive some reward. More or less   after eight years of age they learn to differentiate the genuine sympathy   the false.
In   during adolescence than kids learn to distinguish   certain accuracy whether someone is sincere or not ...   (Focus)

Big Shame:   It is,  today as it deals lightly with the concept of "lie" or   with his own lie. 
There are surveys and studies on the lie,   tries to explain it, looking to their origin, but in general it is   considered harmless, yes, even a necessity of life, and   Ultimately, as good.
However,   as in all matters of life, also on   lie to the Bible alone - not any "researchers   of lies "- can give us the best guidance. It shows us   that lying is not a mystery, as the article says   cited, but there is much revealed a sin. 

The lie consists in rejecting   Allah CC's truth. About the liars is written: "Because they   changed the truth of Allah CC into a lie . So the lie   spans the entire history of mankind. She is the culprit   by the fall of man and the cause of all suffering and many tears.

A lie not   has its origin in evolution, but in Satan it is   called "father of lies.

" The Hz Isa  showed this in a way   clear when he said: "You are as the Devil, who is   Your father and you want to satisfy yours and his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning   and abode not in truth, because there is no truth. When  you lies, you are  speaking from his (Devel) own, because it is   liar and the father of lies. 
But because I tell the truth, I do not believe "   . 

Thus, sin entered the world only through the lie,   because Satan has deceived the first humans through the lies: "It will not surely die ... but to be like Allah CC"   (Gen. 3.4-5). 

The reality of lies and sin itself speak against evolution, we are creating a   fallen.

With all the   sure the lie is not a measurement of intelligence,   but a typical sign of a life without Allah CC does not love   and the truth is the identification of a sinful nature.   
... No lie   proceeds from the truth. "
  Therefore, the increasing tendency to lie   today is also a clear sign of the end times: "Now   the expressly says that in recent times, some   depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing souls  and doctrines of demons, by the hypocrisy of those who speak lies and   have seared their conscience 

  To Lie   is the exact opposite of the truth of Allah CC and thus rejects the very   Allah CC the most blatant manner, it will also be judged .

 Muslims have the duty : BE TRUE
Because the  'knowledge' done elhamdulillah, from Alla CC The Mercifully

TO CARRY OUT ACTS, which WE CAN DO, even that it does not please our NEFS is our DUTY. But, with clarity, with the truth, with the love from Allah Cc inside us, with piety. 

 Clean his house: The majority, before receiving visits, they clean "more" the house.

Ibn Al Haris Al A'ssim Achari reported that Prophet Muhammadsaws2.gif (304 bytes) (Peace and Bênot score from God be upon him) said:
''Purification is half of faith. The praise the mos God makes it fill the balance of good deeds. And we praise and glorify the mos God cause things to fill that between heaven and earth. Prayer is light; and the clarity is evident. Patience is light, and the Qur'an is a proof pro or against us. Everyone starts the day as sellers of itself, freeing it or condemning it.'' (Muslim)

 So, it is important, we clean our hearts of this dirt, impunities: the prejudices and the selfishness. 
 with the CLEAN AND NO EGOIST dialog, AND WITHOUT gossip, without to share life from one tho others, respecting the privacy  and the SHAME OF OTHER, and WITHOUT HUMILIATING OTHERS, WE will be able TO FULFILL OUR OBLIGATION.

Ibn Al Nawwar Sam'an reports that the Prophet Muhammadsaws2.gif (304 bytes) (saw) said:
''When God wants to reveal something to man, speech clearly the words to be relatadas.Neste moment, the heavens tremble for fear of Him When God's words coming to the inhabitants of heaven, they collide and fall prostrados.O first one to raise his head will be the archangel Gabriel, then, will other Angels hair in different skies, and is asked in each:
What does our Lord say?
He will answer:
I told the truth: Allah CC is the Sublime, the Exalted.
All repeated the same phrase after him, Gabriel then where will you sort the Almighty.''

subhannAllah...  i love be mulim, elahmdulillha, thanks to Allah CC THE GENEROUS, THE MERCIFULLY, AL HADI, bcss of my family from you, Allah CC. thanks bcs we are muslims elhamdulillah.

must important: OUR MIND BE CLEAN FROM ALL BADNESS, ALWAYS, to hear our Lors.

So, we must be carefully for never do others do sin or lose the right way. The law is only one. Cannot to modify what our Allah CC said, did, made, created. so, respect!


The Prophet Muhammadsaws2.gif (304 bytes) (saw) said:
Allah (cc)  talks to you all, without the need for a translator. Look to the right and see what you did, look left and you will see what you did, to look ahead and you will see hell. Fear hell, or that is equivalent to the groove with a lump of date. Who can not, that you do with good words.''

Islam fought the lying and, in any shape or form, since those who practice it stain, cause harm to others and becomes a source of threat to society; about that A'isha reported that there was something more abhorrent to the Prophet Muhammad than the lie.

Islam taught the truth in trade relations. The Prophet said to that
respect: "It is not permissible to sell a product without leaving everything very clear about it, nor is it permissible for someone who knows this product defects, omitted to mention them."

Therefore, tamper with weights and measures, saying that a product has some features in order to facilitate the business transaction, changing the origin of products to enhance their commercial value, take advantage of the ignorance of others for profit, defame people, products and defraud documents, among other forms of lies are condemned by Islam ...


 Lying, no matter how small, or even if it is applied as a joke is considered abominable.
The Prophet said: "The believer will not achieve the highest degree of faith to abandon completely the same lie that is a joke, and in discussions even if the reason in its favor."

One day he was asked the Prophet (pbuh): "Verily, the believer can be a coward? He replied: Yes! Verily, the believer can be stingy? He replied: Yes! Verily, the believer can be a liar? He replied: No!

The higher the damages that the lie is the cause, the greater the sin, therefore the greater the punishment and the punishment from Allah cc come to who do this sin.

When the lie seeps into society the consequences can reach large dimensions causing injustice, moral and material losses, troubles and discord between individuals. 

So who convey a false and defamatory news and infuse it into society in order to take gigantic proportions, he is an ordinary member, agent, minister or even president in order to promote themselves be committing a sin equal proportion to the damage that your lie has caused.

"In this regard said the Prophet (pbuh):" he saw in the night that lit the skies a person put his fingers in his mouth and tear her cheeks repeatedly without stopping for the lie that he had done spread to reach the skyline. In another narration, the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Three types of people can not enter Heaven;
The old adulterer, liar and poor leader proud. "

The worst of the lies and slander that is committed against the religion of Allah and His Messenger against.  said Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "Lying about me is not like lie about anyone else, for those who lie about me has secured his seat in hell."

 Islam recommends that we be truthful with the children. In a narrative of Abd Allah Bin Amir (RAA) relates that his mother had called him when the Prophet was in his house. She said: Come here to give you something.
Then the Prophet (pbuh) asked him what this him? She replied: I gave him a date. He then said: Do not know who had given him something, he would have been computed as a lie? Look to the concern of the Prophet to tell the truth to children in household relations.

We need just remember the following saying of the Prophet:  
"The truth leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise, to some that if a man tells the truth constantly, Allah will enter as the really truthful. Lying leads to fire, so if a man says always lies, Allah will enter as the hopelessly liar. "Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.

then we must never forget what  will be "collected" of us: Allah (cc) will ask about our "acts".

We beseech Allah (SW), help us, give us a good guideline for the benefit of Islam and Muslims, correcting our work, our intentions and our actions.

Thanks to ALLAH (SW) which is the only Allah (SW) of the universe. 


''Ya Rabby, Our Lord, Allah (cc), I submit myself and of my family to Thee, in Thee we believe, have faith, and we commend to you. we turn to Thee in worship, and Thee disagree (the unbelievers)! My Allah (cc), we seek refuge in Thy sublime power, as no other master than thou You who make us astray (by merit). You are the Living who never dies, because both humans and jinn die.''

'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim

'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem bismillaharrahmanarrahim

Allah! There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?
He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter .
And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

Allahu laa ilaha illa huwa, Al -Haiy ul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatu wa la nawm lahu ma fis -samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'im min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem

In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 113:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of the Daybreak.”
“From the evil (deeds) of that (creation) which He (Allah) created.”
“And from the evil (deeds of other people) when night time comes (and I am asleep unable to protect myself).”
“And from the evil (deeds) of those (people) who blow on knots (and call on Satin .Shaitan) to help them to cause harm)."
“And from the evil (deeds) of the jealous person when they become envious (and they try to cause harm).”

Quran 114:0
In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Say, “I seek refuge in (Allah) the Lord of (all) humans.”
“The king of (all) humans.”
“The Allah of (all) humans.”
“From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satin.Shaitan) who whispers evil suggestions ,( but disappears when people remember Allah).”
‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humans.”
“(Promoting evil) from among (both) the jinn and humans.”

Oh our Sir, do not condemn us, we are forgotten or we make a mistake! Oh our Sir, do not impose on us load, like which you imposed on our ancestors! Oh our Sir, do not overload us with what we cannot support! Tolerate us! Forgive us! Have compassion of us! You are our Protector! Grant to us the victory on the incredulous ones!

"Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer (There is no god except Allaah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
Amin amin amin



Ao nascer, recebemos um jardim para cuidar, já com muitas sementes, que noscabe apenas regar, cuidando com carinho de cada canteiro.No canteiro do Amor, nascem os mais belos sentimentos, como a solidariedade,o afeto, a ternura e uma linda flor vermelha, chamada de solidariedade.No canteiro da esperança, nascem os sonhos, a perseverança, os desejos daalma, que bem regados, rendem muitos frutos, chamados de "realizações".No canteiro da alegria, flores lindas que sorriem para a vida, sãoconhecidas como "motivação", "boa vontade" e "persistência", sendofundamentais para a continuidade do nosso jardim.Mais ao fundo, um canteiro impressiona pela altura das flores, é o canteiroda fé, regado com orações e atitudes regeneradoras, sobem até o céu, emuitas das flores tocam os pés dos anjos, que tudo ouvem nas nossasplantações.Muitos cuidam do canteiro com trabalho incessante, vigiando os pensamentos,regando constantemente o amor, a alegria e a esperança, sempre com desejosincero de mudar para melhor.Assim, as flores crescem sempre fortes, lindas e mesmo diante dastempestades, próprias da vida, resistem ao tempo e as dificuldades,tornando-se cada vez mais belas.Outros, se perdem em lamentações, gastando o precioso tempo em divagações.Pensam nas plantas que poderiam ter e não tem, naquelas que já tiveram eperderam, nas belas plantas do vizinho, e vão se descuidando do jardim,deixando as ervas daninhas tomarem conta dos canteiros.Assim, plantas destruidoras como o ódio, a inveja, a calúnia, a preguiça, as paixões,
o desrespeito, entre outras pragas, vão tomando o lugar das flores, e vamos nos
tornando pessoas amargas, insensíveis, amarguradas, tristes e doentes.O jardim da vida são os seus pensamentos, o regador seus sentimentos e asemente, a fé.O jardineiro é você, a terra, a própria vida, a água é Allah (swt), fonte de toda avida, que está dentro de você, e em todos os lugares em forma de energia.Seja você, o próprio jardim de Deus, cuide dos seus canteiros, regue todosos dias com amor, esperança e fé.Eu acredito em você.
Cid Pimentel

adaptado por Suleyman

While being born, we receive the garden you it take care, already with much seeds, which noscabe it hardly will water, taking care affectionately of each flowerbed. In the flowerbed of the Love, the most beautiful feelings plows born, like the solidarity, the affection, the gentleness and the lovely red flower called of solidarity. In the flowerbed of the hope, there joy plows born the dreams, the perseverance, the wishes daalma, what watered well, bring many results called of " realizations in.No flowerbed of the, lovely flowers that smile will be the life, sãoconhecidas like "motivation", " good will " and "persistence", sendofundamentais will be the continuity of our garden. Live you it the bottom, the flowerbed impresses will be the height of the flowers, he is the canteiroda faith, watered with prayers and regenerative attitudes, they rise up you it the sky, emuitas of the flowers they touch the feet of the angels, who completely hear in the nossasplantações. Many people take care of the flowerbed with incessant work, watching the thoughts, always watering constantly the love, the joy and the hope, with desejosincero of changing will be better. Only, the flowers always grow strongly, lovely and even before dastempestades, own of the life, stand the test of team and the difficulties, becoming live and live beautiful.
Others, they plows lost in lamentations, spending the precious team in wanderings. They think about the plants that they might have and it is not, in that what they had already eperderam, in the beautiful plants of the neighbor, and they go if neglecting the garden, letting the weeds take care of the flowerbeds. Only, destructive plants like the hatred, the envy, the slander, the laziness, the passions, the disrespect, between other nuisances, plow taking the place of the flowers, and we go in making bitter, insensible, embittered, sad and ill persons. The garden of the life they plows his thoughts, watering can his feelings and asemente, the faith. The gardener is you, the land, the life itself, the water is Allah (swt), fountain of every live, which is inside you, and at all the places in the form of energy. Be you, the God's garden itself, take care of his flowerbeds, water todosos days with love, hope and faith.

by: Dr . Cid Pimentel F.M.J. adapted by Suleyman