Qunut Nazilah: Special Collective Supplication at the time of extreme need

The Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) offered supplication (du’aa’) at times of calamity on a number of occasions.
Qunut Nazilah:
What it is not!
Qunut Nazilah is different to Dua (Qunut) which is recited in Wit'r Salah daily.Why?
In his noble lifetime Sayyidina
Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) offered supplication (du’aa’) at
times of calamity on a number of occasions in the time of extreme
distress and need thus beseeching Allah (SWT) for His Mercy and
benevolence. Sayyidina Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) made the
following Qunut Nazilah for the salvation of the weak and oppressed in
قتيبة حدثنا مغيرة بن عبد الرحمن عن أبي الزناد عن الأعرج عن أبي هريرة أن
النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا رفع رأسه من الركعة الآخرة يقول اللهم
أنج عياش بن أبي ربيعة اللهم أنج سلمة بن هشام اللهم أنج الوليد بن الوليد
اللهم أنج المستضعفين من المؤمنين اللهم اشدد وطأتك على مضر اللهم اجعلها
سنين كسني يوسف وأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: غفار غفر الله لها وأسلم
سالمها الله قال ابن أبي الزناد عن أبيه هذا كله في الصبح
Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that Whenever the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe
Wassallam) lifted his head from the bowing in the last Raka he used to
say: "O Allah! Save 'Aiyash bin Abi Rabi'a. O Allah! Save Salama bin
Hisham. O Allah! Save Walid bin Walid. O Allah! Save the weak faithful
believers. O Allah! Be hard on the tribes of Mudar and send (famine)
years on them like the famine years of (Prophet) Joseph ." The Prophet
further said, "Allah forgive the tribes of Ghifar and save the tribes of
Aslam." Abu Az-Zinad (a sub-narrator) said, "The Qunut used to be
recited by the Prophet in the Fajr prayer." [Bukhari]
Sayyidina Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) also made curses in Qunoot:
أحمد بن محمد أخبرنا عبد الله أخبرنا معمر عن الزهري عن سالم عن ابن عمر
أنه سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول في صلاة الفجر ورفع رأسه من الركوع
قال اللهم ربنا ولك الحمد في الأخيرة ثم قال اللهم العن فلانا وفلانا فأنزل
الله عز وجل ليس لك من الأمر شيء أو يتوب عليهم أو يعذبهم فإنهم ظالمون
Ibn 'Umar (RA) narrated that he heard the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe
Wassallam), after raising his head from the bowing in morning prayer,
saying, "O Allah, our Lord! All the praises are for you." And in the
last (Rak'a) he said, "O Allah! Curse so-and-so and so--and-so." And
then Allah revealed: [3:128] You have no authority in the matter, unless
Allah forgives them or punishes them, as they are unjust. [Bukhari]
In the Hanafi Madhab, Qunoot is only recited after Fajar Salah after the second Ruku as indicated in the Ahadeeth, above.What to recite?
Any duas which are applicable to the
needs of the Muslims can be recited although the duas mentioned in the
Sunnah are obviously considered superior such as:

Allahummahdini fi man hadayta, wa Afini fi man Afayta, wa tawallani fi
man tawallayta, wa barik li fi man A'a tait, wa qini sharra ma qadayta,
fa innaka taqdi wala yuqda alayka, wa innahu la yadhillu man wa layta,
tabarakta rabbana wata alayt.
O Allah! Guide me along with those who have been guided aright and
grant me safety along with those who have been granted safety and
patronise me along with those who have been patronised and add your
blessing to what You have given me and save me from the injurious
effects to what you have ordained. You alone dispose and no other can
dispose against you. One who is under Your Protection cannot be lowered.
You are full of blessing and Most High.

Allâhummaghfir lilmu’minina wal mu’minât, wal muslimina wal muslimât,
wa allif bayna qulübihim, wa aslih dhâta baynihim, wansurhum alâ
aduwwika wa ala aduwwihim Allâhummal an kafarata ahlil kitâbil-ladhina
yukadh-dhibüna rusulak, wa yuqâtiluna awliyâ-’ak. Allâhumma khâlif bayna
kalimati-him, wazaizil aqdãmahum wa anzil bihim ba’sakal ladhi lâ
tarudduhu anil qawmil mujrimin.
O Allah forgive all the Mu ‘min men and women and all Muslim men and
women. Unite their hearts with mutual love and set aright their mutual
affairs and help them against Your and their enemies. 0 Allah let Your
curse be on those disbelievers from among the people of the book who
belie the Prophets and who fight Your chosen ones. 0 Allah disunite them
and shake their feet and send upon them your punishment, which you do
not turn away from sinning people.
How to recite?
1 Since there is no explicit evidence of raising his hands in the Sunnah during Qunut so in the Hanafi Madhab the Imam and the Muqatadi is supposed to keep their hands on their side during Qunut.
2 Since there is no explicit evidence of the followers uttering Ameen loudly behind Sayyiduna Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) in the Hanafi Madhab Ameen is uttered silently.
Detailed Account of Qunut Nazilah:
Shaykh (Mufti) Ebrahim Desai (HA)
We in Long Island, NY, USA are a multiethnic Muslim community who runs a
mosque. It is one of the largest mosque in Long Island (Alhamdolillah).
Our Imam has started adding Qanoot-e-Naazilah in every salat including
Zuhr and Asr prayers where recitation is not done loudly but he makes
du'a in the last rak'at loudly, and he does the same thing in other
three prayers too. He is also reciting many other du'as in addition to
Qanoot-e Naazilah. Majority of the people behind him are Hanafi although
Shafii and Maliki are also there. My question is what is the fiqh
position of this act according to all school of thoughts? Is it allowed
in the Sunnah of Muhammed, peace be upon him? How much and what is
allowed to make dua during this act?
A.) According to the Hanafi Madhab, Qunoot-e-Naazila will only be recited at times of hardship, difficulties and when the Ummah has been affected by calamities. This Qunoot Naazila can only be recited by the Imaam in the Fajr Salat after Ruku before going down for Sajdah in the second Rakaat. It cannot be recited in any other Salat besides Fajr Salat.
A.) According to the Hanafi Madhab, Qunoot-e-Naazila will only be recited at times of hardship, difficulties and when the Ummah has been affected by calamities. This Qunoot Naazila can only be recited by the Imaam in the Fajr Salat after Ruku before going down for Sajdah in the second Rakaat. It cannot be recited in any other Salat besides Fajr Salat.
According to the Shaafi'ee Madhab, the general Qunoot has to be recited
in the daily Fajr Salat. When in times of difficulty and need, then the
Qunoot-e-Naazila may be recited in all prayers. The Imaam and also one
who is performing Salat individually both may recite it audibly even
though it is Dhuhr or Asr Salat
According to the Maaliki Madhab, the general Qunoot can be recited in
Fajr Salat only. However, there is no obligation to recite it (as in the
Shaafi'ee Madhab). It may be recited softly in the Fajr Salat only and
not in any of the other prayers, even though the need arises because of
difficult and severe conditions
According to the Hanbali Madhab, Qunoot Naazila can be recited during
difficult situations with the exception of plague. If people are
affected by plague, then Qunoot-e-Naazila cannot be recited for them.
The Qunoot-e-Naazila may be recited in all prayers besides Jummu'ah. The
Imaam will recite it after the Ruku and it is Sunnat for the followers
to follow by stretching out their hands in front of their chest (as in
du'a). When the Qunoot is over, they should wipe their hands over their
As for the actual du'a, then according
to all the schools of thought, it is preferable to recite the du'as that
have been narrated in the Ahaadith. However, other du'as are permitted.
The du'as must be in Arabic and must not resemble Kalaamun-Naas (talk
of people).
We are not fully aware of the situation, however, outwardly it seems as though the Imaam in your Masjid is a follower of the Shaafii Madhab.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
We are not fully aware of the situation, however, outwardly it seems as though the Imaam in your Masjid is a follower of the Shaafii Madhab.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best