

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Bediuzzaman viveu durante as décadas finais do Califado e do Império Otomano, o colapso e a divisão deste império após a primeira Guerra Mundial, e depois de sua proclamação em 1923, os primeiros trinta e sete anos da República da Turquia, a qual é famosa pelas políticas repressivas contra o Islam e qualquer outra religião.
Até os anos que se seguem à primeira Guerra Mundial, as lutas de Bediuzzaman para a causa do Islam foram ativas no domínio público. Ele não somente ensinou a muitos alunos e se envolveu em debates e discussões com os eruditos mais importantes do mundo islâmico, mas também comandou e liderou pessoalmente um regimento de voluntários contra os exércitos de invasão dos russos no leste da Turquia em 1914 por quase dois anos, até que foi feito prisioneiro. Além do mais, até aquele tempo, ele procurou defender os interesses do Islam envolvendo-se ativamente na vida pública. Contudo, os anos que viram a transição do império para a república também viram a transformação do “Velho Said” para o “Novo Said”. O “Novo Said” era caracterizado por seu afastamento da vida pública e concentração em estudos, preces e reflexões, pois o que era então preciso era uma luta diferente.
Após um período de quase dois anos, em 1925, Bediuzzaman foi exilado para o oeste da Anatólia 1 e, pelos próximos vinte e cinco anos, apesar de ser de menor intensidade nos últimos dez anos da sua vida, ele não sofreu nada além de exílio, prisão, assédio e perseguição das autoridades. Estes anos de exílio e isolamento, porém, viram os Risâle-i Nur 2 serem escritos, e a disseminação destes na Turquia toda. Citando Bediuzzaman com as suas palavras, “Agora posso ver claramente que a maioria da minha vida foi encaminhada de tal forma, sem a minha própria vontade, habilidades, compreensão e previsão, de forma que ela pudesse produzir estes livretes para servir às causas do Alcorão. É como se minha vida toda como um estudioso fosse dedicada às preliminares destas escrituras que demonstram a miraculosidade do Alcorão”.
Bediuzzaman entendeu que uma das causas essenciais do declínio do mundo islâmico é o enfraquecimento das fundações da fé. Este enfraquecimento, junto com os ataques sem precedentes à estas fundações nos séculos 19 e 20 pelos materialistas, ateus e outros, em nome da ciência e progresso, levaram-no a perceber que a necessidade urgente e prioritária era fortalecer, e até salvar a fé. O necessário era fazer todo esforço possível para reconstruir o edifício do Islam desde suas fundações com a fé e responder aqueles fortes ataques com uma jihad 3 da palavra.
Por esta razão, Bediuzzaman escreveu uma série de livretes, os Risâle-i Nur, durante seu exílio, para que pudesse explicar os princípios básicos da fé e as verdades do Alcorão para o homem moderno. Seu método era analisar a fé e a falta de fé, demonstrando através de argumentos claramente lógicos que não somente é possível provar logicamente todas as verdades da fé, como a existência e unicidade de Deus, a profecia e ressurreição corporal através dos métodos do Alcorão, como também provar que estas verdades são as únicas explicações lógicas da existência do homem e do universo.
Assim, Bediuzzaman demonstrou através de estórias que podem ser entendidas facilmente, comparações, explicações e comprovações, que não são as verdades da religião que são incompatíveis com as descobertas da ciência moderna, mas que a interpretação materialista destas descobertas são irracionais e absurdas. Bediuzzaman provou nos Risâle-i Nur que as descobertas da ciência de tirar o fôlego sobre o funcionamento do universo de fato corroboram e reforçam as verdades da religião.
A importância dos Risâle-i Nur não deve ser superestimada, mas mesmo assim, através destes livretes Bediuzzaman Said Nursi teve um papel importante em preservar e revitalizar a fé islâmica na Turquia, nos dias mais escuros de sua história. E de fato este papel continua aumentando sua importância até os dias de hoje. Além disso, os Risâle-i Nur não são somente sob medida para todos os muçulmanos, mas para toda humanidade por várias razões. Em primeiro lugar, estes livros são escritos de acordo com a mentalidade do homem moderno, uma mentalidade que, sendo de muçulmanos ou não, foi profundamente impregnada com filosofia materialista. Estes livretes respondem específicamente a todas as questões, dúvidas e confusões que esta filosofia materialista causa. Eles trazem a resposta para todos os porquês que marcam a mente questionadora do homem moderno.
Mais ainda, estes livretes explicam os assuntos mais profundos da fé, que antigamente somente os estudiosos mais avançados tão detalhadamente estudavam, de tal maneira que todos, mesmo aqueles para quem este assunto é novo, podem entender facilmente e ganhar algo sem causar dificuldade ou dano algum.
Uma outra razão é que explicando a verdadeira natureza e propósito do homem e do universo, os Risâle-i Nur mostram que a felicidade verdadeira somente pode ser encontrada na fé e no conhecimento de Deus, neste mundo e no Além. Eles também mostram a grave dor e a infelicidade que a falta de fé, que geralmente é originada da tentativa sem rumo de bloquear a mente por escapismo e falta de discernimento, causa no espírito e na consciência do homem, para que qualquer pessoa, com algum sentimento, possa procurar abrigo na fé.
Tefsir iki kısımdır:
Birisi: Malûm tefsirlerdir ki, Kur'ân'ın ibâresini ve kelime ve cümlelerinin mânâlarını beyân ve izah ve ispat ederler. Ikinci kısım tefsir ise, Kur'ân'ın îmânî olan hakîkatlerini kuvvetli hüccetlerle beyân ve ispat ve izah etmektir. Bu kısmın çok ehemmiyeti var. Zâhir mâlûm tefsirler, bu kısmı bâzan mücmel bir tarzda derc ediyorlar; fakat, Risâle-i Nur, doğrudan doğruya bu ikinci kısmı esas tutmuş, emsâlsiz bir tarzda muannid feylesofları da susturan bir mânevî tefsirdir.
Risâle-i Nur sübjektif nazariye ve mütâlâalardan uzak bir şekilde, her asırda milyonlarca insana rehberlik yapan mukaddes kitabımız olan Kur'ân'ın hakîkatlerini rasyonel ve objektif bir şekilde izah edip, insâniyetin istifadesine arz edilen bir külliyattır.
Risâle-i Nur, Kur'ân âyetlerinin nurlu bir tefsiri: Baştan başa îman ve Tevhid hakîkatleriyle müberhen. Her sınıf halkın anlayışına göre hazırlanmış. Müsbet ilimlerle mücehhez. Vesveseli şüphecileri iknâ ediyor. En avâmdan en havassa kadar herkese hitap edip, en muannid feylesofları dahi teslime mecbur ediyor.
Risâle-i Nur, nurlu bir külliyat Yüz otuz eser; büyüklü küçüklü risâleler halinde. Asrın ihtiyaçlarına tam cevap verir. Aklı ve kalbi tatmin eder. Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'in yirminci asırdaki lâfzî değil, mânevî tefsiri. İspat ediyor akla gelen bütün istifhamları, zerreden güneşe kadar îman mertebelerini, vahdâniyet-i İlahîyeyi, nübüvvetin hakîkatini...
İspat ediyor arz ve semâvâtın tabakatından, melâike ve ruh bahsinden, zamanın hakîkatinden, haşir ve âhiretin vukuundan, Cennet ve Cehennemin varlığından, ölümün mâhiyet-i asliyesinden ebedî saadet ve şekâvetin menbâına kadar. Akla gelen ve gelmeyen bütün îmânî meseleleri, en katî delillerle aklen, mantıken, ilmen ispat ediyor. Pozitif ilimlerin müşevviki. Riyâzî meselelerden daha katî delillerle aklı ve kalbi iknâ edip, merakları izâle eden bir şâheser...
Az miktarda bastırılabilen, hiçbir ticarî gaye ve zihniyetle çalışılmayarak bâyilere dahi verilmeyen bu eserlerin geliri, mütebâki eserlerin tâb'ına hasredilecektir.
Büyük bir titizlik ve hassâsiyetle üzerinde durduğumuz mühim bir husus da, Risâle-i Nur'un lâyık ellere geçmesi ve onun hakîki fiyatı olarak en az yirmi beş kişinin istifade etmesinin temin edilmesidir.
Bu mânevî tefsir, Sözler, Mektûbât, Lem'alar, Şuâlar diye dört büyük kısımdan müteşekkil olup, yekûnu yüz otuz risâledir.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was born in the east of Turkey in 1877 and died in 1960, after 83 years of sacrifice and exemplary struggle shear it causes it of the Islam. He was a scholar of the most elevated degree because of having studied not only all the theological sciences of the traditional religions, but also modern sciences. So he deserved the name Bediuzzaman, Incomparable Wonder of the Times, when he was still a young student, like resulted from his extraordinary skill and apprenticeship, finishing the religious studies that normally take years in only three months.
Bediuzzaman lived during the final decades of the Caliphate and of the Turkish Empire, the collapse and the division of this empire after the first World war, and after his proclamation in 1923, the first thirty seven years of the Republic of Turkey, what it is famous for the repressive politics against the Islam and any other religion.
Up to the years that follow to the first World war, the struggles of Bediuzzaman for the cause of the Islam were active in the public power. He not only taught to many pupils and became involved in discussions and discussions with the most important scholars of the Islamic world, but also it commanded and led personally a regiment of volunteers against the armies of invasion of the Russians in the east of Turkey in 1914 for almost two years, up to which he was made a prisoner. Besides more, up to that time, he tried to defend the interests of the Islam becoming involved actively in the public life. Nevertheless, the years that saw the transition of the empire for the republic also become the transformation of the “ Old man Said ” for the “ New Said ”. The “ New Said ” was characterized by his removal of the public life and concentration in studies, prayers and reflections, since what was necessary then it was a different struggle.
After a period of almost two years, in 1925, Bediuzzaman was exiled for the west of the Anatólia 1 and, for the near twenty five years, in spite of being of less intensity in the last ten years of his life, he did not suffer anything besides exile, prison, siege and pursuit of the authorities. These years of exile and, however, they saw isolation the Risâle-i Nur 2 being written, and you gave the dissemination in Turkey all. Quoting Bediuzzaman with his words, “ Now I can see clearly that most of my life were directed in such a form, without my will itself, skills, understanding and foresight, in such a way that she could produce these booklets to serve to the causes of the Koran. It is how if my life completely as a scholar was dedicating to the introductions of these scriptures that demonstrate the miraculosidade of the Koran ”.
Bediuzzaman understood that one of the essential causes of the decline of the Islamic world is the weakening of the foundations of the faith. This weakening, together with the unprecedented attacks to these foundations in the centuries 19 and 20 for the materialists, atheists and others, in the name of the science and progress, took it realizing that the urgent necessity and priority era to strengthen, and up to saving the faith. The necessary one was to do any possible effort to rebuild the building of the Islam from his foundations with the faith and in order that 3 of the word to answer those strong attacks with a jihad.
For this reason, Bediuzzaman wrote a series of booklets, the Risâle-i Nur, during his exile, so that it could explain the basic beginnings of the faith and the truths of the Koran for the modern man. His method was to analyse the faith and the lack of faith, demonstrating through clearly logical arguments that it not only is possible to prove logically all the truths of the faith, like the existence and God's unicity, the prophecy and physical resurrection through the methods of the Koran, I eat also to prove that these truths are the only logical explanations of the existence of the man and of the universe.
So, Bediuzzaman demonstrated through stories that can be understood easily, comparisons, explanations and proofs, which are not the truths of the religion that are incompatible with the discoveries of the modern science, but that the materialistic interpretation of these discoveries are irrational and absurd. Bediuzzaman proved in the Risâle-i Nur that the discoveries of the science of taking away the breath on the functioning of the universe in fact corroborate and reinforce the truths of the religion.
The importance of the Risâle-i Nur must not be overestimated, but even so, through these booklets Bediuzzaman Said Nursi it had an important paper in preserving and revitalizing the Islamic faith in Turkey, in the most dark days of his history. And in fact this paper keeps on increasing his importance up to the days of today. Besides, the Risâle-i Nur is not only under measure for all the Muslims, but for all humanity for several reasons. First of all, these books are written in accordance with the mentality of the modern man, a mentality that, belonging of Muslims or not, was deeply impregnated by materialistic philosophy. These booklets respond específicamente to all the questions, doubts and confusions what this materialistic philosophy causes. They bring the answer to all the porquês that mark the questioning mind of the modern man.
More still, these booklets explain the most deep subjects of the faith, which formerly only the scholars most advanced so in detail were studying, so that all, even those for whom this subject is new, can understand easily and gain something without not causing difficulty or any damage.
Another reason is that explaining the true nature and purpose of the man and of the universe, the Risâle-i Nur shows that the true happiness can be found only in the faith and in the knowledge of God, in this world and in Over there. They also show the serious pain and the unhappiness that the lack of faith, which generally is given rise of the attempt adrift of blockading the mind for escapism and it is lacking of discernment, it causes in the spirit and in the conscience of the man, so that anyone, with some feeling, can look for shelter in the faith.
The Sacred Koran speaks with the intellect as well as with other internal faculties of the man. The Koran takes the man to consider the universe and his functioning so that he can apprehend his true nature and his purposes like creation and through that Only one understands the Attributes of his Creator and his tasks themselves as creature. East, then, is the method what Bediuzzaman used in the Risâle-i Nur. He explained the true nature of the universe like signs of his Creator and demonstrated through clear arguments that when these books are read by this objective, all the bases of the faith can be rational and logically proven.
Following this method, a person reaches the true faith, which will be quite strong and firm in order that resist anyone doubts that could appear during the sudden attacks of the materialism 4, naturalism 5 and atheism 6, or to materialistic interpretation of the scientific advancements. All the technological and scientific advancements do not do anything besides solving the works of the universe. When the universe is seen as a vast one and infinitamente complex and significant unified book, which describes his Only one Creator, all these discoveries and advancements, instead of causing doubts and confusions, they reinforce, deepen and expand the faith.
The most basic necessity of the man is the necessity of religion, the necessity of recognizing and revering Almighty God with all his Most beautiful Names and Attributes and His laws obey; those laws that are shown in the universe and that what were revealed through His prophets. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, explaining the message of the Koran, which is the last Revealed Book of Almighty God and which is brought and perfectly exposed for His last prophet, Mohammed (that the peace of God is with him), and the Islam, which is the complete and perfected religion for the humanity, demonstrated in the Risâle-i Nur that do not exist contradiction or dichotomy 7 between science and religion, but on the contrary, that the true progress and happiness for the humanity can be and it will be reached following only this way, the way of the Koran.
1 natólia: The peninsula where Turkey is situated.
2 Risâle-i Nur: The Booklets of Luz.
3 Jihad: The combat against the obstacles to the Muslim faith, or against the unfaithful ones and the enemies of the Islamic order, thought by the Koran and by the Islamic tradition as religious obligation. The doctrine mentions four forms of jihad: for heart, avoiding the bad feelings; for the word, spreading the message of the Islam; for the hands, practicing good actions; and for the sword, fighting against the unfaithful ones.
4 materialism: Tendency, attitude or doctrine what it admits, what the matter conceived according to the parallel development of the sciences, or what the called concrete material conditions, they are sufficient to explain all the phenomena that should show up to the investigation, including the mental, social or historical phenomena. The materialism affirms especially before the problem of the origin of the world (that it dispenses the divine creation and one explains in evolutive terms), the ethical problem (of him when there is resulting moral hedonística), the psychological problem (orientating the inquiry in the sense of establishing the straight relations between the psychological phenomena and the reactions of the organism to the environmental stimuli), and the problem of the knowledge (in which it affirms the adaptation of the reason to the knowledge of the world, adaptation that shows up for the incessant progress of the scientific knowledge).
5 naturalism: It writes dogmas according to which completely joint of phenomena it can be reduced, for a mechanical chain, to facts of the concrete material world without the intervention of any transcendent cause.
6 atheism: Attitude or doctrine that dispenses the idea or the intuition of the divinity, wants of the theoretical angle (not resorting to the divinity to be justified or to substantiate), he wants of the practical angle (denying that the divine existence has any influence in the human conduct).
7 logical division of a concept in two other concepts, in general opposite, what exhaust the extension.