Allahümme salli ala seyyidina muhammed. Sen'i seven her ruh uludur ya ResûlallâhDiğer Bir Salâvat
"Allahumme salli ala seyyidina Muhammedi-ninnebiyyi ümmiyyi ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ve sellim."
"Allah'ım! Ümmi Peygamber Muhammed (sav)'e onun aline ve ashabına salat ve selam eyle."
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
The Faza'il (Excellence and Benefit) of the names "Ahmed" and "Mohammed" is
mentioned in many Ahadith.
1. The Holy Prophet said, "Keep the names (of
your children) on my name and not on my Kunniyat (Title)."
2. Rasoolullah said, "If a son is born to you
and out of love and respect for me and to obtain the blessings of my name,
you keep the child's name 'Mohammed', then the father and
child will both enter Jannah." (Ibne Askar and Hussein bin Ahmed)
3. Rasoolullahsaid, "On the day of Qiyaamah
two persons will be summoned to the Court of Allah. The verdict would be -
'take them both to Jannah!' They would say, 'O Almighty Allah! We have
performed no good deed to entitle us to enter Jannah!' Allah will command
again, 'Take them to jannah because I have taken an oath that I will not put
any person in Jahannam (Hell) whose name is Ahmed or Mohammed.'" (Hafiz Abu
Tahir Salfi and Ibne Bakeer)
Elaborating on the above Hadith, A'la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khanstates: "That person is a Mu'min (Believer) and according to the
Quran, the Hadith and the Sahaba, a Mu'min is he who has sound
and correct beliefs of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah, that is, 'Sunni
Sahe-ul-Aqida'. On the contrary, as for those who are misled and possess
incorrect Aqaid are, according to Hadith Shareef, dogs of Jahannam
whose deeds are rejected, and even if they are innocently murdered between
Hajre Aswad and Makaame Ibraheem and have Sabr and hopes for reward from
Allah, then too Allah will not show any mercy towards them but sentence them
to Hell." (Dara Qutni, Ibne Maja, Baihaqi, etc.)
4. Rasoolullahstates: "My Lord has mentioned
to me, 'I swear by My Sight and greatness that whosoever is named after you
shall never be destroyed by the Fire of Hell.'" (Hulyaeh Abu Naeem)
5. Ameerul Mu'mineen Sayyiduna Alinarrates that
Rasullulahstates: "Those who sit in a
company and eat food, and if there is a person amongst them by the name of
Ahmed or Mohammed, then that entire group would receive the blessing of
Allah twice daily." (Hafiz Abne Bakeer, Walami, Musnad Abee Saeed Naqqaash,
Ibne Adi Kamil)
Shortly, in homes where persons with these sacred names live, Allah Ta'Aala blesses
that home twice daily.
6. Rasoolullahstates: "What would you lose
if in your homes there is one, two or three Mohammed's." (Tabkaat ibne Saad)
7. Rasoolullahstates: "When a group sit in
consultation and if a person by the name of Mohammed is amongst them, but is
not included in such a meeting, Allah Ta'Aala does not bestow Barakah in such a
meeting." (Taraifi, Ibne Jozi)
8. The Glorious Prophet of Allahsaid: "He
who is blessed with three sons and does not name one Mohammed is indeed a
Jaahil (Ignorant)." (Tibraani, Kabeer)
9. The Holy Prophetsaid: "When you name the
child Mohammed, respect him, make place and accommodate him in a gathering
and do not accuse or curse him." (hakim, Musnadul Firdous, etc.)
10. Rasoolullahsaid: "When you name your son
Mohammed, do not him, deprive him or rob him." (Musnad, Bazaar)
It is preferable to keep the child's name "Mohammed" alone and not to add
any name to it because the excellence of the sacred name alone has been
mentioned in the Ahadith. (An Nooru Wad Diya, pages 18 to 24)
Diğer Bir Salâvat "Allahumme salli ala seyyidina Muhammedi-ninnebiyyi ümmiyyi ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ve sellim." "Allah'ım! Ümmi Peygamber Muhammed (sav)'e onun aline ve ashabına salat ve selam eyle."Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Protection against evil..
surah falaq
surah ikhlas
surah nas
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Whosoever recites this 7 times in the morning and evening the following
Dua' Hasbiyallahu lailaha illahuwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul arshil azeem.
Allah Ta'Aala will suffice for him by removing his grief of this world and the hereafter.
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
Protection against leprosy,blindess,madness and paralysis.
Recite 3 times in the morning and evening.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
One who desires to take up a great under taking which is beyond his capacities must recite this name
Ya-Muktadiru 1000times after Fajr salaah.Allah willing this great undertaking will be accomplished with ease,but practise should be followed for 11 days.
O My Lord,
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
Gunahlarim buyuk daglar gibi
My good deeds
Are very few
They’re like a small pebble
I turn to You
My heart full of shame
Sevaplarim az cakıl tası gibi
Sana donuyorum
Kalbim utanc dolu
My eyes full of tears
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me
Gozlerim yash dolu,
Afini ve merhametini bana sun
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him
Baris ve hayrini gonder,
En son peygamberimiz ve ailesi ve arkadaslari ve onu takip edenlere
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
Gunahlarim buyuk daglar gibi
My good deeds
Are very few
They’re like a small pebble
I turn to You
My heart full of shame
Sevaplarim az cakıl tası gibi
Sana donuyorum
Kalbim utanc dolu
My eyes full of tears
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me
Gozlerim yash dolu,
Afini ve merhametini bana sun
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him
Baris ve hayrini gonder,
En son peygamberimiz ve ailesi ve arkadaslari ve onu takip edenlere
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim