Support Egypt
Egyptian people 'lesson' of democracy to his government, says envoy
The popular power is if spreading for the Middle East. In days,peace-loving demonstrators knocked down the dictatorship of 30 years of Tunisia.
Now the protests are if spreading for Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and
over there. That can become the falling of trees of the wall of Berlin of the world Arab. If the tyranny will be knocked down in Egypt, a democratic wave it will be able to spread for the whole region, INSHALLAH
The Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the largest segment of the opposition to President Mubarak. Reportedly, the Muslim Brotherhood dominates the protest movement.
Despite a constitutional prohibition of religious political parties, elected members of the Egyptian parliament as "independent" are the largest parliamentary bloc.
The Brotherhood, however, does not constitute a direct threat to economic and strategic interests in the Washington region."Dictators" does not dictate, they obey orders. This is true both in Tunisia and in Algeria and Egypt.
Dictators are always political puppets. Dictators do not decide.
President Hosni Mubarak was the faithful servant of Western economic interests and so was Ben Ali
The national government is the subject of the protest movement. The aim is to remove the puppet instead of the puppet master. Egypt are the slogans "Down with Mubarak, under the regime." .
Protesters brave Egyptians will determine what will prevail
Egypt and the region: the tyranny or democracy. They appealed to the
internacinonal solidarity - we will show a massive support and
ask for our governments to support them too:
Millions of brave Egyptians are facing a critical choice.
Thousands were arrested, injured and killed in recent days. But if they
persist in manifest peacefully, they could end up with
decades of tyranny.
The protesters called for international solidarity, but
dictatorship knows that unity is strength in a time like this,
so they are desperately trying to isolate the Egyptian
rest of the world and divide the population completely blocking the
Internet and cell phones.
Networks via satellite and radio still can circumvent the blackout of the scheme -
let's flood these channels of communication with a called
solidarity to show the Egyptians that we are with them, and that
we will require a positioning of our governments to support them
too. The situation is on edge - every hour counts - click below
to sign a solidarity message, then forward this
https: / / / po / democracy_for_egypt /? vl
People power is spreading through the Middle East. Within days,
peaceful demonstrators overthrew the dictatorship of 30 years in Tunisia.
Now the protests are spreading to Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and
beyond. This can become the downfall of the Berlin Wall in the world
Arabic. If the tyranny is overthrown in Egypt, a democratic wave
may spread throughout the region.
The Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak tried to crush the protests. But
protests continue, with an incredible courage and determination.
There are moments on earth in which history is written not by
powerful, but by the people. This is one of them. The actions of the Egyptians
next few hours will have a massive effect on your country, region and world.
Let's congratulate them with a manifesto of solidarity, showing that
stand by their side in this fight:
Call Egypt
Gentlemen of the Government and the Brazilian Press
The Egyptian people has been facing a very difficult time and
complicated. The whole world is following the protests that are being
made against the current government of President Hosni Mubarak and
as against the whole corrupt system that settled in Egypt in
last 30 years.
We know that Brazil has been highlighted by international media
their actions, foreign policy and position that supports human
that stands in front of civil rights.
It is with this thought that cry for help to the Egyptian people, which in
struggle to break with years and years of dictatorship and repression, has been
manifesting in daily protests against the current President.
As you already know the Egyptian people are without internet and for this
reason are not able to send thousands of videos and pictures
prove that the abuse of police forces that killed more than one hundred people
until now.
It is scheduled for tomorrow a new major protest and our
concern lies in the fact that Hosni Mubarak is preparing its
military force to KILL. Cops are allowed to shoot
indiscriminately and shooters can be strategically
positioned in Tahir Square.
Gentlemen, we are a peaceful people. We started the protests so
peaceful and believe that the right of free expression that reproduces the
best in a democracy. Therefore, I call for global aid.
Would really like the government and Brazilian media put pressure
about the actions of the dictator Hosni Mubarak. This dictator has already proven that
is against the Egyptian people, and an attempt to inhibit and suppress the
people has been making shows of force through war
F16 aircraft on protesters in the Plaza Tahir. In other conduct
undeniably cruel criminals released from prisons, paying them
to cause riots, theft, violence, a strategy for
incriminate the movement of society and give the image
controversy of the Egyptian people.
Again I call for help. Egypt needs help. The people
Egyptian needs help.
Amro Saad El Seoud
* Mubarak - FINISHED *
* *
* *
Laerte Braga
Mubarak was one of the Egyptian air force commanders in the War of the Six
Days in 1967. The radars were fixed and Egypt aimed at Israel. The
commanders, including Mubarak, were not able to understand the operation of
Israel's military. As the radar did not cover 360 degrees, aircraft
Israelis skirted us and destroyed the entire Egyptian air ashore.
In the plans of former President Gamal Abdel Nasser an air attack on Israel
balance the war and allow the forces of his country and Jordan
occupying part of enemy territory and above all the city
Everything went wrong. In six days the Israeli troops under the command of
Nazi / Zionist Moshe Dayan took including the Suez Canal.
Nasser was a key leader of what was known as the countries
Third World and developed strong political and economic collaboration with the
former Soviet Union. The monumental Aswan Dam was built with
financing and direct participation of Soviet technicians.
He tried to unite all forms of governments in the Middle East and even created
the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria) to face what sensed
from the first moment. Israeli expansionism.
Nasser who was leading a military coup - a colonel - overthrew
Mubarak became vice president, Anwar Sadat, Nasser's successor (the
president died in governance). Sadat was responsible for
resumption of the Suez Canal in the Yom Kyppur war and, in the euphoria of the first
win his generals made mistakes allowing the primary master
Israeli PM Ariel Sharon to surround the Egyptian forces and reach an agreement
peace. If the war would continue Suez lost again.
The entry into the U.S. scene took place after Sadat to negotiate the return of Sinai to
Egypt and accept a peace agreement with Israel. The president broke the agreements
with the Soviet Union, drove that nation and the technicians to get there
Egyptian history as a U.S. ally.
At another point in the late 50's, French and British tried to
opposing the nationalization of the Suez Canal and without U.S. support (from
eye on the prospect of future business that ended up materializing)
left Egypt. At that time British and French began to realize
that were no longer an empire and depended, as they depend of viscerally
USA (in the case of France, the rise of de Gaulle after the fall of René Coty
the escape of Prime Minister George Bidault right wing for Brazil
the Algerian war, this country has remained during the period that was
governed by General - Charles Andre Joseph Marie De Gaulle - away from
Sadat was assassinated by a Muslim during a military parade in
celebrate the recovery of Suez and the Sinai. Gen. Anwar El Sadat, shortly
after the agreement brokered by the U.S. visited Israel twice and met with
Prime Minister Begin Menaguem (Einstein and all those well
informed they considered terrorist, was responsible for the explosion of a
hotel before the creation of Israel, killing hundreds of people).
The win was actually one hell of defeat and Hosni Mubarak, then
vice president in 1971, takes office.
The prospect of general elections in Egypt and to scare
U.S., Israel and the holders of power in the post-Nasser. In elections
regional Islamist parties had won overwhelmingly. So
Mubarak made them outcasts.
The regime of Hosni Mubarak is barbarism, pure and absolute. Of subservience
total to U.S. interests and close cooperation with Israel
including against Palestinians (many were evicted from refugee camps
in the country, as in Jordan, another ally of Israel).
Popular discontent has a long history. The revolt served in Tunisia
to light the fuse of anger against a government of Egypt
totalitarian, corrupt, and that turned the country into a colony of interest
U.S. and Israel.
The Egyptian secret services work closely with the MOSSAD
- Terrorist organization that calls for Israel intelligence -.
Mubarak over. Is in power only if the military onslaught to promote a
it becomes possible.
What happens now in Cairo is an attempt to give the rings and
Save your fingers, all mediated and directed by the U.S. and Israel, for fear
losing the most important ally in the region. That could mean short
term changes in Jordan (there are protests in the country), Saudi
Arabia, other U.S. allies.
The search for a government that seems to restore democracy, he seems to be, but
keep intact the links with the terrorist government of Israel.
The big winners in this whole mess is Iran The Islamic revolution is
argues in free elections, direct and broad popular participation in
governance issues, despite the news media's rotten and otherwise
venal West.
The long period of alliance with the United States became the power in Egypt
military almost equivalent to Israel (not only has nuclear weapons as
Zionist state). The idea of a popular government to put an end to
subservience to the USA in terrorizing Washington. And leave Tel Aviv
ears up, fearful, both as a kind of domino effect changes the
correlation of forces in the Middle East.
No matter that does not happen now, sooner or later it will happen.
The fight against Mubarak concerns all Muslims and people of the East
East. The dictator is over. Millions of Egyptians are in the streets demanding an end
the oppressive regime and colonized.
And a detail symptomatic that the U.S. is looking for reliable alternatives
Mubarak to succeed. REDE GLOBO in Brazil until the 18 hours of
Monday and its news (in the case of Egypt which is authorized
State Department), referred to Mubarak as "president." The
From that time became a dictator. It's another symptom. He was thrown to the wolves.
Whatever solution they find the U.S. and Israel know that the revolt
Arab, Muslim people will continue. Until there is a decent solution for
issues that concern countries and peoples of the region and especially
for the Palestinians. Looted, tortured, violated his rights by
terrorist state of Israel, part of the conglomerate US / ISRAEL TERRORISM
S / A.
The largest and most dangerous cluster of violence and barbarism around the
Tony Blair appeared to speak on the matter and seek peace? Of course, it is
boy from the White House said it was essential that the war against Iraq
to destroy chemical and biological weapons that did not exist (Himself
admitted that several months ago.)
Hosni Mubarak over. Has no more usefulness to their employers. If it gets going
be due to the barbarism, the more logical, however, is to go live in
any paradise surrounded by a harem, like the brutal regime of
Saudi Arabia.
Military commander of infancy, medal for torture, murder blood
cold, betrayal, just like any military in any dictatorship, including the
we enslaved in Brazil from 1964 to 1984. Was not able to perceive
fragility of the radar system of its strength and even took flight.
Massacred his people for thirty years.
Western intelligence agencies have a long history of collaboration with the Society. The British support the Brotherhood instrumented by the British Secret Service goes back to the 1940s. From the 1950s, according to the former head of intelligence William Baer, "CIA [channeled] supporting the Muslim Brotherhood because of the commendable capability to overthrow Nasser the Brotherhood." 1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser. These links to covert CIA were kept in the post-Nasser.
Concluding remarks
The removal of Hosni Mubarak has been, for several years, the plans of U.S. foreign policy.
The replacement scheme is to ensure continuity, while providing the illusion that there was a significant policy shift.
The Washington agenda for Egypt has been "hijacking the protest movement" and replace President Hosni Mubarak for a new puppet compliant at the head of state.
Washington's goal is to sustain the interests of foreign powers to defend the neoliberal economic agenda that has served to impoverish the Egyptian population.
From the standpoint of Washington, the replacement regime no longer requires the installation of an authoritarian military regime like in the heyday of U.S. imperialism. It can be implemented by co-optation of political parties, including the left, the financing of civil society groups, infiltration of the protest movement and manipulation of national elections.
Regarding the protest movement in Egypt, President Obama stated in a video broadcast Jan. 28 on Youtube: "The government should not resort to violence."
The most fundamental question is what is the source of that violence?
Egypt is the largest recipient of U.S. military aid. The Egyptian military are considered to be the power base of Mubarak regime.
The U.S. policy imposed on Egypt and the Arab world for over 20 years, along with reforms "free market" and the militarization of the Middle East, are the root cause of state violence.
The intention is to use the American protest movement to install a new regime.
The People's Movement should redirect their energies: Identify the relationship between America and "dictator." Dethrone the political puppet of America but do not forget the target of "real dictators."
Derail the process of regime change.
Dismantle the neoliberal reforms.
End U.S. military bases in Egypt and the Arab world.
Establish a truly sovereign government.
* Michel Chossudowsky, friend and collaborator, is Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa, Canada.