Laerte Braga
Britain is a pathetic American colony with governments dominated and directed from Washington, filled with spices Nazi / Fascists. A semblance of an empire that used to say that "the British Empire the sun never sets." Experience the sunset, walking to become a major U.S. military base and nothing more.
Arrogance, however, remains. The presumption that Elizabeth II reigns over COMMONWEALTH, a community of nations of the former empire.
The Prime Minister's speech on multiculturalism David Cameron made last week in Germany, European Security Conference is a resurrection of the xenophobic concepts of Adolf Hitler - was inspired by the British MEIN KAMPF - and soon, for sure, concentration camps like Auschwitz -Birkenau for Muslims, Africans, Latinos and Asians.
Or as the U.S. courses (which the media ignores) that confined citizens of Japanese or German during the Second World War. THE CRYSTAL CITY, Texas, where thousands of people uprooted from their homes were confined to the end of the conflict.
There was some difference between the Nazi camps and the Americans, I mean the treatment of prisoners. Were Jews, Christians, descendants of Japanese, or German, or mere suspects.
The Chilean dictatorship seized on this type of prison and the U.S. reactivated the fields from Guantanamo Bay (Cuba occupied by U.S.), where you hold prisoners without charge and without any kind of rights, subjected to torture during interrogation based on the Patriot Act George Bush's and remains vigindo under Obama.
Even in Brazil, between 1915 and 1932 the government created the state of Ceara concentration camps to confine migrants from fleeing the drought. They were called "corrals the government." The practice was revived in 1942 when the country declared war on Germany. Twelve fields to the descendants of Germans, Italians and Japanese were created in multiple states.
The military dictatorship in Argentina, Franco in Spain and Salazar in Portugal resorted to this "expedient" to control opponents.
Davidd Camerom in his speech, denies the possibility of peaceful and harmonious coexistence among people of different religions and cultures as much as said that this policy has failed in Europe. Was supported by the right-wing governments of Germany and France.
Then warned of "terrorism." For the first time a European government leader in the block subject to the U.S., expanded the concept of "terrorist" as well as Muslims. Latinos, Africans, Asians are in the same basket, ie, Brazil.
Murders like that of Jean Charles will be commonplace in the ethnic cleansing that was foretold in Europe colonized by the United States.
In view of the Nazi leader peoples' free, democratic, Christian and Western world "have the right, for example, to occupy the Suez Canal into Egypt and by extension, if events in that country put at risk the interests of his majesty the queen.
A trinket saved for occasions when you need to kiss the hands.
It is the thinking that maintain the occupation of the Falkland Islands, Argentine territory looted by Britain.
Cameron took to the European Security Conference in view of major North American leaders who have used Britain to enunciate concepts Nazis, while talk of peace or war, as they did with Tony Blair in the invasion, occupation and plunder of Iraq .
The domination is political, economic and sell your rotten world through the media of countries like Brazil. Rotten media, bought and whose role is to create the being dead / alive.
The cult of brand name sneakers. The "live life to Mary," the pimping BBB disguised as a pimp by Pedro Bial.
If there are more serious problems, send their "boys" armed to the teeth and capable of spreading terror through the death and barbarism, as they do in Afghanistan, Colombia and silence now facing the Egyptian people's struggle to get rid of a tyrant no guts and purchased by U.S. imperial power.
All this context of terrorism from that Nazi view, full color image was defined and announced by David Cameron.
In the specific case of Latin America signals the need to deepen integration between the countries of the region and establish clear mechanisms for responding to this new order brutal and shameful of the owners of the world.
Having won the first decade of this century we can perceive is that the tentacles of empire, worried about the prospect of economic collapse, decline, threatened by China's growth, a kind of amoral power, a counterpoint diverse than was the Soviet Union , tourniquets tighten their oppressors and create pathways in transforming the capitalist lie sacred truth.
It is exactly what the Brazilian geographer Milton Santos recognized worldwide called "globalitarização. Globalization by force of arms, terror explicit in the speech of Prime Minister David Cameron.
Muslims, Latinos, Asians, Africans are the targets of that empire and its power sick sick.
Two recent events show this. The documents revealed by Wikileaks (Julian Assange want to execute death row in the U.S.) and the anger of Arab peoples. In Tunisia and now in Egypt.
One, WIKELEAKS shows the decay of the empire. Another, the reaction of Tunisians and Egyptians, that this struggle, which is threatening the survival of Nazi / fascist, you will not win or the omission, in turn aside or bury our heads in the ground (as he is doing the new Brazilian foreign minister) nor fear.
But on the streets.
Laerte Braga
It is gagging to give the news of the major media outlets in Brazil and the world about what happens in Egypt. A popular revolution in all cities of the country is marching and networks such as Globo in Brazil (and matter of NATIONAL JOURNAL FANTASTIC (February 6) speak in protest against the government of Mubarak.
In the network itself is confusion around how to define Mubarak. At certain times, called the President, other dictator.
The number of participants of the demonstrations is growing as you reach across the country. To undo this movement that has revolutionary character dictator common criminals freed on the condition of fighting against the people. Alongside military and police are the protesters Mubarak.
Claiming that there are difficulties in obtaining full stories about what happens in Egypt is a way of not wanting to report the truth. If the government has suppressed national and foreign journalists (two Brazilians were victims of the coarseness of the dictatorship), Al Jazeera has broadcast all the events with plenty of material, which does not prevent networks from other countries do the same, playing the news in LA Jazeera for the truth.
When the private media and under U.S. control or news facts, whatever, does so from networks like CNN and FOX (extreme right).
The army that had expressed neutrality before the events began to prevent the entry of food and first aid materials in Liberation Square, in Cairo, where the major events occur.
There is no possibility of agreement with the government of Mubarak. The Egyptian people in the streets, wants an end to the scheme, including the removal of ministers and dissolution of the legislature. An interim government and elections with free and direct participation of Islamic parties (placed outside the law by Mubarak), among them the Muslim Brotherhood.
The largest and strongest opposition group to Mubarak, in an apparent gesture to attempt a peaceful settlement, agreed to join a meeting with government figures to negotiate a transition. The constitutional reforms proposed by Mubarak and his cronies are not sufficient for democracy in Egypt and the wider sense ISLAMIC BROTHERHOOD sees no sense in being present in an action sponsored by the U.S. government and European nations that, in practice, seek only to gain time, to ensure the power Mubarak and allow your group to elect the next president in September.
Mubarak, as a rule, has been reelected with more than 90% of votes in systematic fraud denounced by human rights organizations worldwide and UN observers.
The Egyptian population is comprised of 90% Muslim and 10% of citizens of other faiths. Christians (despite the fascist control of the Catholic Church) and Muslims are together in the Liberation Square and on Sunday held prayers for the joint change in the country.
The Mubarak government begins to enforce the terrorism, the destruction of religious temples and public buildings, attributing blame to fighting for his downfall in an attempt to justify his stay in power to avoid what he called "chaos."
Chaos is Mubarak.
The death toll surpasses 500 and at least three thousand Egyptians are wounded by the brutal military repression, and police from criminals freed on the condition of fighting for Mubarak.
One of the most important aspects of this situation is that the terrorist government of Israel has detected among the country's citizens tired with all this fascist order that is imposed on Arabs and started coming to the streets to demand immediate negotiations for peace, recognition of a Palestinian state. Israeli citizens realize that those who rule the country that are no longer members of a conglomerate. US / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A.
None of this is reported by the media in countries like Brazil, much of European media and unthinkable when it comes to American media. There, the concern is how to keep Egypt under control to prevent new governments hostile to Washington, to the interests of the conglomerate. And eliminate opponents from the campaigns of terrorist leaders like Sarah Palin, in case of attack on a Democratic congresswoman, less than a month.
The only action Obama different from Bush's style, in the words spoken out. Inside is barbarism, violence is, is terrorism. The president supposedly represents black and guarantee the interests of the Aryans.
As the U.S. has control of European countries like Britain, Italy, Sweden and other minors, now mere colonies surrounded by military bases of NATO - NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION - on all sides, ministers and spokespersons of these governments does support the action from Washington. Berlusconi, Italy, Mubarak called "wise" and the British prime minister, chief U.S. official in Europe, made speech last week against multiculturalism in the International Security Conference in Germany. According to him the doctrine contributes to terrorism. Multiculturalism seeks the harmonious coexistence of peoples of different religions and cultures.
For those who think David Cameron was referring only to Muslims, it is worth a careful reading of the pronouncement of the U.S. official. The concept extends to the Roman people, including Brazilians. The black people of Africa and Asia. The racial purity back to the agenda in Europe.
Surely extracted excerpts of his speech to Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler's. France and Germany have spoken in favor of Cameron's speech.
Is the new axis.
In the specific case of Brazil the government, Roussef, is showing signs of coming back to the status of international support in the political process, allied to the U.S., a movement slow and gradual to avoid internal criticism. Dilma begins to stop being to turn Dilma Roussef Serra.
Is playing the past and the campaign commitments in the trash.
The Egyptian people are being subjected to an unprecedented crackdown by size, the Mubarak government to arrest foreign journalists is just acting in absolute harmony with the governments that sponsor, mainly Israel and the U.S..
Mubarak, before the move, preparing his son Gamal to replace him in September and calculations performed by independent publications show that the family must have at least $ 500 million in tax havens in Europe. It is the country that receives the bulk of U.S. aid (money to buy government) after Israel in the Middle East.
The popular organizations of all stripes do not want a civil war, a bloodbath would be amazing, but do not rule out other ways to react if the world continues to ignore the pain and suffering of the Egyptian people for the interests of great powers, especially the United States.
It is a fallacy to believe in the neutrality of the Egyptian army. As any armed force in almost all parts of the world, the vast majority of the officers obey the command of Washington. This talk of patriotism is villainy, disguises the true meaning of these segments. They are fascists.
They are instruments of oppression and domination of their people. They have no guts.
The private media European, American, Brazilian, in several countries of Latin America, Asia, Africa, distorts the facts, omits the massacres, is an arm of the most brutal imperialism and your posture is cynical about human rights. Has no autonomy to denounce anything because it's paid for it. Lie, omit and distort.
The paths that the Egyptian revolution will take is unpredictable, but there is an ongoing process and will not be stopped unless the cost of much blood. What to terrorist governments like the U.S. means nothing. Survive as a vampire of wealth and blood of other people.
What's in Egypt is a peaceful revolution and spontaneous. Are not merely protests against a bloody dictator, corrupt and supported by so-called Western world, democratic, civilized and Christian said.
This formatting (Western, democratic, civilized and Christian said) is bullshit, the character of these forces is criminal.
Laerte Braga
Prime Minister François Fillon of France acknowledged on Tuesday that he used the plane of President Hosni Mubarak for his Christmas vacation. François Fillon is on the right in his country and was chosen by President Nicolas Sarkozy. The complaint was made by LE CANNARD Enchaîné newspaper, which for many analysts, was the inspiration for the creators of The Quibbler, frontline in the alternative media as a whole and against the military dictatorship in Brazil.
The complicity of so-called big nations with the dictatorship of General Egyptian is obvious and is in the nature of the policies of these countries, which little by little, we are turning into conglomerates grouping companies, banks, landlords and speculators. The people in this new lives around the Middle Ages and the concept of sovereignty is going to space.
In the major European powers (all on the verge of bankruptcy), this characteristic conglomerate is already a reality. Integrate the US / ISRAEL TERRORISM S / A. Governments such as France, Britain, Germany, Sweden, Italy and other colonies are surrounded by bases on all sides.
Mubarak is the product of that model and remain in power despite mass demonstrations throughout Egypt calling for his departure is due solely to the action of U.S. conglomerate and its European affiliates.
Governments of Latin American countries should be alert to the speech that the British prime minister spoke at the European Conference on Security, last week. David Cameron buried multiculturalism, revived the practice of racial purity and replaced on the newsstands, bookstores and in major magazines Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler's. Revised and updated edition in Washington and Wall Street.
Europe is white and there is no room for integration with other peoples, immigrants, mainly Muslims, blacks and Latinos, in that order.
Anti-Semitism is present in the speech of Cameron, is disguised in the North American colonies in the old world and support for Israel is really just support the business and securing control of oil reserves in the Middle East.
Just as Washington buying governments such as Mubarak, David Cameron, French, Swedish, Buy Israel. The Israelis seem to be awakening to this reality.
Egyptian, British, French, Swedish and Israelis as well as Muslims are props. Latinos are "pigs" in the view of most Europeans, accustomed to the worship of such figures as Elizabeth II, King Juan Carlos, mummies that survive in the contemporary world.
The crisis in Egypt brings this lesson to the Latin American countries, the target of Barack Obama (disguised as white black) and Brazil is the main goal. Being a country of continental dimensions, the largest economic power in the region is strategic for the conglomerate. The characteristics of the neoliberal government Roussef and a chancellor with no expression, yielding to U.S. interests, should serve to light up orange between the popular forces in the country
Policies and national security strategy will be formulated by Moreira Franco, the public coffers robber who replaced Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes (respected thinker in the world), due to pressure from Washington.
One of the champions of political reform is Jose Sarney. It has its own pyramid in his home state of Maranhao, the victim of constant looting by his family.
The mask fell neoliberal terrorism. Cameron (USA systematically using the British as a spokesperson, if Blair in the Iraq war) gave the watchword.
Political action conglomerate US / ISRAEL TERRORISM SA in Latin America, a short-term (23 days mockery of the Brazilian foreign minister meets with Hillary Clinton) is to get concrete and effective actions to destabilize independent governments like Venezuela's Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina itself, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Cuba.
Brazil's dilemma is simple in the eyes of Washington. Either he accepts the rules, or is considered an enemy and stay out of the UN Security Council (the dictatorship of the big powers in the Organization).
If we do not have dictatorships like that of Mubarak, have governments willing and break resistance is essential, before the white European is contaminated by Latino immigrants. That, said that Cameron, or OMO or any stain remover and cleaner. Say that the Brazilian Jean Charles.
It's a matter of taste. Some prefer to take baths every day, others prefer French perfumes.
The discovery of new oil reserves in Venezuela that make the largest oil deposit in the world transform Brazil into bridge necessary for the conglomerate to take account of these reserves and the reserves of the Brazilian pre-salt.
The base is insufficient Colombia and the fear that Brazil will continue moving forward and being the protagonist of contemporary history (Lula, Celso Amorim and Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães), will result in an attempt to tame the government Dilma taking into account its economic pragmatism (neoliberal policies) and its search for affirmation that make it something more than the product of Lula.
Latin America is the target of international terrorism U.S. (new forest code, terminator seeds, etc., all based on designs from the government) and Brazil is that the diamond target.
There is no other reason that the main TV network in the country, GLOBE, Roussef begins to treat as a kind of Dilma Serra. With pats and treats.
The GLOBE is the most important information channel conglomerate ISRAEL / TERRORISM S / A, now including dedicated to the practice of pimping from BBB-11.
It is part of the divestiture process.
If it continues like that, soon, a Mcdonalds store on every corner and English becomes the native language.
Incidentally, the Latin American countries ruled by allies of Washington, the military is part of the conglomerate in its overwhelming majority. In exchange for good behavior (as in 1964), receive toys of war for use in bathtubs. Ships and paper airplanes do not fly.
These signs need to be noticed and would have been understood by figures such as Amorim.